activities and relationships.
A new concept and a model of Cybernization
have also developed and discussed. Some general
propositions are presented and some synergy effects
of utilizing the e.TRM are highlighted. The paper
suggests how these approaches can add impetus to
successful management issues.
A Total Relationship Management (TRM) approach
and philosophy was created and developed by
Zineldin (1998, 2000). TRM is viewed as a strategy
and a philosophy. It is ´total´, because it considers
and coordinates ‘all’ activities- including internal
and external relationships, networks, interactions
and co-operation as well as all activities involved in
getting, keeping, enhancing and satisfying customers
throughout quality. It is a strategy because it
emphasizes maintaining high products/services,
internal and external relationships quality, and trying
to keep customers in the long run.
Holm (2006) verified that TRM is a Philosophy
by quoting the following:
Zineldin (2000) argues that total relationship
management, is a philosophy that emphasizes the
communication of the organization’s overall
thinking, as well as specific messages about its
products, services or corporate identity.
It is very obvious that nowadays organizations
and people will find it difficult to separate a
relationship from information technology and other
technological advances. Therefore, Zineldin (2000)
has invented the terminology and management
paradigm shift approach, called Technologicalship
relationship”, emphasizes the inseparability of
modern technologies and all kinds of behaviour,
attitudes and relationships.
A technologicalship partnership is a type of
relationship which offers a natural linkage between
the internal environment and the interaction process
because it emphasizes how ICT, people and
organizations are a function of win-win interaction
(Zineldin 2000).
@total relationship management (@TRM)
highlights the interrelationship between the
efficiency and effectiveness, the productivity as well
as the profitability of the organization’s operations
and activities. @TRM philosophy, if it results in
greater people satisfaction (partners, employees,
customers, investors and other stakeholders), is seen
as a way of improving the profitability of the
organization’s operations.
A key way to build a strong competitive position is
through @ TRM management (we refer to @ TRM
as total relationship management which is based on
IT and the Internet), IT and “product/service quality
and differentiation” which creates a clear image of
the an organization and its products/services in the
eyes and minds of people and can lead to distinctive
positioning in the global environment. Building
barriers to competitive action can develop strong
competitive positions by various means (Zineldin
Yet information technology (IT) and without
information partnership and information sharing
(relationship based on information), Tom Peters
emphasizes,”… all other aspects of partnership
remain stuck at the stage of lip service or less”
(Konsynski and McFarlan, 1990). Venktraman
(1997) states the following:
”How to best extract value from
information technology (IT) resources is a
major challenge facing both business and IT
managers, particularly as they turn their
focus from searching for the competitive
benefits of strategic information systems and
striving for benefits beyond process
Computer-based technology (CBT) including
ICT is fundamentally concerned with digital
approaches to representing and processing
knowledge of various types and in various
gradations. For descriptive knowledge the
gradations – raw data to structured information
to problem solutions for decisions – mirror the
evolution of CBT from data processing systems
to management information systems to decision
support systems. All of these systems have
dramatically changed the way knowledge work
is done in organizations, releasing tremendous
human resources, enabling organizational growth
(and necessitating organizational restructuring),
and facilitating improved performance
The Intranet serves as an easily accessible
repository for corporate information; anything from
strategic targets to health plans (Frost and Strauss,
A CYBER ORGANIZATION IN THE CYBER WORLD - ICT and e.Total Relationship Management (e.TRM)