Witold Abramowicz and Andrzej Bassara
Department of Information Systems, Poznan University of Economics, ul. Niepodleglosci 10, Poznan, Poland
Information Retrieval, Temoral Information Retrieval, Temporal Expressions, Indexing, Temporal Indexing.
Modern information retrieval models are not capable of resolving queries containing temporal criteria. One is
not able to search for documents which content relates to certain time (for instance ,,find all documents related
to the third quarter of the last year“). This limitation is mainly due to syntactic nature of modern information
retrieval models, which perform query-document matching based on syntactic or simplified semantic similarity
measures. In this article, we are focusing on the problem of creating document indexes, which represent time
to which document contents relate, and which in turn allow for searching documents using temporal criteria.
Modern information retrieval (IR) systems are not ca-
pable of searching for documents which contain in-
formation related to a specified time. It is relatively
easy to find documents based on their publication
date. Nevertheless, the publication date may be sig-
nificantly different from the time to which the article
relates. Similarly to the bi-temporal databases (Jensen
and Snodgrass, 2006), two orthogonal dimensions of
time exists: the transaction time and the valid time.
The transaction time is specific for a publication pro-
cess and may include: creation, approval, publication
or modification dates. The valid time is the time to
which information presented in the article relates.
This limitation is mainly caused by simplification
of indexing. Documents are usually indexed automat-
ically with uncontrolled vocabulary. In such case, in-
dexing terms are usually words extracted from doc-
ument content. Computation of relevance is than
based purely on syntactic features. Sometimes words
are stemmed or lemmatized. The comparison of
query/document terms may by also supported by the-
sauruses or performed on ontological level. both ap-
proaches brings the process closer to semantic level.
Table 1: Sample query with temporal criteria.
Document: The board of the Globe Trade in-
forms that during 16 August 2006
all documents that relate to the
third quarter of the last year
Query: the third quarter of the last year
This approach is, however, not appropriate for
queries with temporal criteria. The table 1 presents
a sample scenario. It appears that the query and the
document are not syntactically similar. The semantic
comparison based on concepts comparison will also
yield no similarity. The document seems however to
be partially relevant. Limiting our consideration only
to calendar expressions, the computation of relevance
1. extraction of temporal features from the document
and the query ,,16 August 2006“, ,,the third
quarter of the last year (2006)”,
2. encoding their value using a formal time model
3. comparing the values by means of arithmetic spe-
cific for selected time model
4. computing the relevance the references are ex-
pressed on different granularity levels (days and
quarters), and although one reference contains an-
other, it is not clear how to compute relevance, as
it may be dependent on information need.
Successful application of this approach requires,
however, addressing following issues:
Time Models Multiplicity. Temporal expressions
may be formalized in various time models (point-
based, interval-based, point-interval based).
These models are also often extended to support
multiple time units and imprecise expressions.
Moreover, it is not be possible to compare two
temporal expressions, unless they are expressed
in comparable and known time models.
Abramowicz W. and Bassara A. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 387-390
DOI: 10.5220/0001670403870390
Multiplicity of Temporal Features. The most
straightforward way of expressing temporal
information is to relate it to calendar expressions.
There are, however, other approaches that may
be followed. For instance, some events my be
related to some other events by means of temporal
relations (,,A happens during B“).
Polymorphism of Time Expressions. Semantically
equivalent temporal expression may be expressed
in many different ways: ,,18 January 2007“, ,,18
I 2007” ,,18-01-2007“ ,,yesterday” (if reference
date is 2007-01-18), relates to the same date.
Ambiguity/Imprecision. In many cases, there is no
way to precisely qualify the value of temporal ex-
pressions, for instance, in fuzzy expressions, like
,,the beginning of May“.
The highlighted above issues are not fully addressed
in the literature. The most well known system
that deals with temporal IR is TOODOR (Tempo-
ral Object-Oriented Document Organization and Re-
trieval) (Llavori et al., 1998). Each article stored
in TOODOR system is qualified by two attributes:
publication date and temporal horizon (valid time),
what makes it de facto bi-temporal database. Unfor-
tunately, the temporal horizon is not defined. The au-
thors state that its semantic is specific for particular
application and its value should be set manually. In
later publications (Llido; et al., 2001), it is suggested
that its value should be based on calendar expressions
extracted from document content. The indexing pro-
cess consists of the following steps: extraction and
normalization of all calendar expressions, determina-
tion of the most important date, definition of tempo-
ral horizon as an interval which covers all expressions
that are within certain range from the most important
There is also a TDRM (Temporal Document Re-
trieval Model) (Kalczynski and Chou, 2005) which
focuses mainly on fuzzy expressions, i.e. expressions
whose value may not be determined precisely (e.g.
,,at the beginning of May“). The authors suggest us-
ing fuzzy set theory to encode their value. TDRM also
accommodates Vector Space Model for weighting in-
dexing terms. In this case each temporal reference is
decomposed to a set of days. Each day is regarded
as a single indexing term, whose weight is dependent
on its frequency within the document and within the
whole collection.
The major problems with the presented ap-
proaches are related mainly to the lack of: precise
Figure 1: Metamodel of Temporal Information Indexing.
definition of temporal features, documentation of fea-
ture extraction and normalization process, explana-
tion of rationale for undertaking certain design de-
cisions (especially related to granularities conversion
or terms weighting). Moreover, both approaches are
constrained to a very limited set of temporal features.
Document index serves as a surrogate, which repre-
sents document important features in a compact and a
machine processable form. The content of an index is
dependent on the potential information needs. In most
cases indexes cover: topics, words, or named entities
important for an indexed document. Temporal index,
on the other hand, should reflect time to which facts
presented in the document relate.
Many potential and usable temporal indexing
models exist. These models differ mainly in terms
of: time model, definition of temporal features, their
normalization and extraction procedures, definition
of indexing terms, and definition of index structure.
All these approaches may be described by one meta-
model, which defines: necessary components, data
they process, their interrelationships, and recommen-
dations for certain design decisions (see figure 1). The
presented meta-model is a result of generalization of
existing approaches for temporal indexing and mod-
els that have been created during our experiments.
3.1 Static Model
The static model defines necessary resources re-
quired during indexing process, which include: a time
model, a definition of temporal features along with
extraction rules, and temporal features normalization
A time model is the most fundamental component.
It provides a definition of indexing terms, which may
include: time points, intervals or granules. We sug-
gest using a calendar-based time model. The decision
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
is motivated by its:
Popularity – calendar-based temporal expressions
occur relatively frequently, especially in news sto-
Simplicity – one of the most common way of ex-
pressing temporal constraints by users is to use
calendar expressions, using the same time model
for queries and index simplifies the model,
Expressiveness model should allow to express
semantics of temporal expressions as precisely as
possible; each expression should be encoded at
the granularity level at which it was expressed in
a document.
A document may be then indexed with pairs
(I, G), where I is a granule index within granularity
G (see (Bettini et al., 1998) for calendar arithmetic).
We suggest using following granularities: a day of the
week, a day of the month, a week of the year, a month
of the year, a quarter of the of year, a half of the year,
a season of the year, a year, a decade, and a century
G {DOW . . . MTH, YER. . . CTR}. The choice is
dictated by the relative frequency of expressions ex-
pressed at these granularity levels. The list obviously
does not cover all potential granularities, for exam-
ple: a day of the year and a fiscal year are missing,
but they appeared relatively rarely in analyzed docu-
ments. The index I of granule within granularity G is
computed as a number of granules between analyzed
granule and reference granule. The reference gran-
ule for granularity days is the first day of this era. For
other granularities, this is the granule that contains the
day with index 1 (DAY(1)).
This construction has two advantages. Firstly,
we do not lose semantics, whenautomatically shifting
granularity levels (during ,,a week” is not the same as
during six consecutive days that constitute this week).
Secondly, it is easy to compare expressions on differ-
ent granularity levels. For instance, in order to test
if MTH(i) YER( j)
0, the process is trivial, while
according to a definition of the calendar (Bettini et al.,
1998) both MTH and YER are defined as a derivative
granularities of granularity DAY.
The calendar is usedto encode values of document
temporal features. Following features have been de-
Temporal Expressions. Temporal expressions relate
directly to a model of time. All necessary infor-
mation required to qualify their values is embod-
ied in: the expression itself, the surrounding con-
text, and the time model. No external knowledge
is required. For instance ,,2007-01-02“, ,,tomor-
row“ or ,,before” are temporal expressions, but
,,during Great Depression“ is not one. Although,
the last expression points to some time period, it
requires knowledge at the beginning and ending
dates of this event, in order to precisely set the
time period.
Objects and Events. Objects and events posses tem-
poral features. They themselves do not have a
value specified by a time model but they exist in
time. For instance, an event may have an occur-
rence date and an object exists during some time
Concepts. Concepts themselves, usually do not have
a meaning allowing to relate them to certain time
periods. We may assume, however, that conceptu-
alization layer is dynamic. The new concepts are
being created and some concepts lose popularity.
Moreover, the popularity of the concepts appear-
ing in documents change over time.
The last component used to characterize the in-
dexing model is a normalization process. The normal-
ization process sets values of temporal features in se-
lected time model. In case of calendar model, for each
temporal expression indices of granules and granular-
ity level need to be specified. The normalization pro-
cedure is partially independent from the other compo-
nents. It appears that more than one common normal-
ization approach for different temporal features often
exists, furthermore temporal feature may be normal-
ized using different approaches. We can distinguish
following normalization approaches:
Rules. For some categories of temporal fea-
tures, it is possible to define normalization
mechanism in terms of conditional statements
(IF.. .THEN...rules). This approach is espe-
cially useful in case of calendar expressions. For
example, if a reference date is ,,2000-01-01
and a date to be normalized is ,,February and
from thenarrative context it appears that we speak
about future, then the year of the normalized date
should be set to the year of the reference date, i.e.
DB of States/Events. Above, we have used an ex-
ample of ,,Great Depression”. The normaliza-
tion of such an expression requires information at
the beginning and ending dates of this event. It
is possible to create a database of events/states,
which may be in turn used for indexing purposes.
The indexing model is certainly limited only to
events/states it has knowledge on.
Distribution of Concepts in Time. We have as-
sumed, that concepts used in text, or at least
their subset, including concepts used to describe
events and states are related to time. It is pos-
sible to build probabilistic model which defines
probability of occurrence of particular concept in
documents related to different time points. One
may use a joint probability to assess probability
that a document containing certain concepts
relates to a certain period.
3.2 Behavioral Model
The behavioral model defines which resources of the
static model and in which order are to be used at each
stage of the indexing process.
Generalizing investigated approaches, the index-
ing process consist of the following steps:
1. The processing unit is a single document. For
each document a list of temporal features is ex-
tracted (according to the definition of temporal
features). At this stage partial transformation or
normalization of temporal features is possible.
For instance, temporal expressions may be en-
coded using some formal notation. Therefore, the
extraction process may be indirectly dependent on
a time model.
2. Each of extracted features is normalized based on
defined normalization process. The result of nor-
malization is a list of temporal features values for-
malized with respect to the chosen time model.
3. Based on the normalized features temporal index
is created. At this stage terms may be weighted or
The metamodel denes the indexing process and re-
sources that are necessary to accomplish it. Charac-
teristic of a particular model are dependent on: a time
model, a denition of temporal features and a normal-
ization process. Having decided on calendar-based
time model, we may look for promising models modi-
fying denition of temporal features and normalization
procedure. The following models were implemented
with satisfactory results:
Temporal references – We assume that an appear-
ance of a temporal expression in text causes that
the article is related to that date. We do not ana-
lyze, however, this relationship.
Events We assume that if an event occurs in a
document, then the document itself is related to a
date/dates specific for that event. Again, the se-
mantic of this relationship is not analyzed. In this
case a database of events and their specific dates
is needed.
Concepts a probability of a concept occurring
in a document depends on the period to which
the document relates. In other words, documents
that relate to different time periods may use di-
verse concept set. For instance, a concept ,,col-
lective farming“ may occur with relative higher
frequency in documents related to the rst half of
he last century, then for example, in documents
related to this century. Of course, one concept
does not allow deriving any conclusions, but com-
bining probability of occurrence of each concept
contained in the document may give some clue on
the document valid time.
Semantic Similarity In traditional IR systems
indexing is sometimes based on the similarity of
documents. In this approach, it is assumed that
syntactically similar documents are also seman-
tically similar and that semantically similar doc-
uments should have similar indexes. Therefore,
syntactically similar documents should also have
similar indexes.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems