the active load balancer fails. These load balancers
are responsible for assuring readiness, at any
moment, of web services (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP,
SMTP and other proprietary applications). Different
load assignment policies can be set up in the
balancer. Thus, the balancer device decides which
available server will pay attention to an incoming
user request based on one of the following selection
criteria: random criterion, sequential criterion, the
least-loaded-server criterion, or the smallest-
response-time-server criterion. In order to check if a
concrete server is operative, the load balancer carries
out regular tests on the servers. This monitoring
process can also be configured with different
optional parameters, such as elapsed time between
two consecutive tests.
When a user opens a web browser and types the
University URL, the user request is balanced among
several portal servers and a portal page is loaded into
the user browser. To complete that process, the
client request has already passed through the frontier
routers, crossed the firewalls, and arrived to the load
balancers, where a new session has been settled
down with an available portal server.
Once the user has introduced her login and
password and they have been validated in the
database, she gets access to the Virtual Campus.
This means that her request has been balanced and it
has finally arrived to an available front-end server.
There are about 25 front-ends servers in the
Castelldefels system. Between the load balancers
and the front-ends there are also two more hardware
devices: a web accelerator and two application
There are several discrete-event simulation programs
specially designed for network simulation. One of
these programs is the open-source OMNeT++
(Varga, 2001). After some preliminary studies,
though, we decided to use the proprietary software
OPNET for three reasons: (i) it seemed to be the
most widely tested, used and documented software
in the network simulation area (Chang, 1999)
(Aboelela, 2003) (Brown and Christianson, 2004)
(Qadan and Guizani, 2005), (ii) it offers an
outstanding library of network devices, and (iii) a
free license for academic and research use was
available from the software developer.
OPNET is a complete package composed by
several modules. It can be scaled from Local Area
Networks (LANs) to Wide Area Networks (WANs)
formed up by thousands of workstations.
For advanced research, OPNET Modeler offers
advanced tools for model design, simulation, data
mining and analysis. Using this software, it is
possible to edit the source code of any hardware
device included in the OPNET library of
components, which is provided by hardware
manufacturers such as Cisco or 3Com. OPNET
Modeler is based in a three-level design hierarchy:
(1) a network model, where networks and sub-
networks are defined; (2) a node model, where
node’s (hardware devices) internal structure is
defined; and (3) a processes model, where internal
node states and functioning can be defined by using
C/C++ programming (Svensson and Popescu, 2003).
At this stage of our project, we have focused on the
partial modelling of the Castelldefels architecture,
focusing ourselves on the Campus network, which is
the infrastructure mainly used by students and
professors. Additionally, we have reduced somewhat
the model size of the Campus network, assuming
that it has fewer servers and devices than the real
system has (25 front-ends, 3 mail servers, one
backup load balancer and up to 5,000 concurrent
users requesting HTTP, FTP and email services).
We have distributed our model in three levels.
The first level represents the WAN, which is
modelled by a set of geographical nodes. All these
nodes are connected to one special node, the
Castelldefels node, using an IP (Internet) cloud. At a
second level, we found the details of each node,
including the Castelldefels one (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Second Level - The Castelldefels node.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems