Economic Technical Social Political Environmental
Nice finish
(6.2,8.8,10) (3.8,6.8,9.2) (5,8,10) (1.2,3.8,6.8) (4.1,7.1,9.4)
(2.9,5.9,8.6) (2.6,5.3,7.9) (0.6,2.9,5.9) (5.9,8.6,10) (0.1.4,4.1)
(2.3,5,7.7) (7.1,9.4,10) (0.6,1.5,3.8) (4.1,7.1,9.4) (0,2,5)
(3.8,6.8,9.2) (2.9,5.9,8.6) (0.6,2.9,5.9) (6.2,8.8,10) (0,1.2,3.8)
(1.2,3.8,6.8) (5,8,10) (1.2,3.8,6.8) (5.9,8.6,10) (0.6,2.9,5.9)
(52.3,177.8,348.2) (21.2,101,6,258.2) (11.1,79.2,211.8)
(73.1,209.2,373.9) (69.8,211.6,377.7)
Figure 4: Completed fuzzy-HOQ.
Table 1: Calculation of the FSI index.
Isfahan 187.2 324.2 440.3
Tabriz 109.8 248.9 392.2
Yazd 187.2 322.2 437.2
Table 2: Defuzzification.
Alternative Score Ranking
Isfahan 319 1
Tabriz 250 3
Yazd 317 2
Step 9: In this step, the impact of each potential
location on the attributes considered. By using Eq.
(6), location ratings are calculated.
Step 10: The FSI index is calculated by using Eq.
(8). Table 1 illustrates the related results.
Step 11: Triangular fuzzy numbers are defuzzified
by Eq. (9). Now, the alternatives can be ranked.
Ultimate ranking and scores are given in Table 2.
According to this table, Isfahan is the best
alternative for establishing a new factory.
Facility location selection in any industry is a multi
criteria decision-making process. Expertise,
experience, authority, and the responsibilities of
different decision makers (DMs) influence on the
results. The fuzzy logic can overcome the vagueness
of human opinion. In this paper, a decision support
system was proposed based on total quality
management (TQM) tools, such as house of quality
(HOQ) adopting an analysis to the fuzzy logic and
triangular fuzzy numbers. The linguistic variables
were used to quantify variables. The problem can be
solved by our proposed algorithm very quickly. We
conclude that this algorithm can be useful for
practitioners. Further research may be investigated
to determine the DMs’
weights by another method,
such as a fuzzy data envelopment analysis (DEA).
Besides, our proposed algorithm can be applied
effectively to various issues, such as performance
assessment, business strategies, policy making, and
other selection problems.
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