Désiré Kompaoré, Josiane Mothe
Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse, Université de Toulouse, France
Ludovic Tanguy
ERSS, Université de Toulouse, France
Keywords: Information retrieval, data fusion, indexing, information retrieval in French.
Abstract: This paper analyses three type of different indexing methods applied on French test collections (CLEF from
2000 to 2005): lemmas, truncated terms and single words. The same search engine and the same
characteristics are used independently to the indexing method to avoid variability in the analysis. When
evaluated on French CLEF collections, indexing by lemmas is the best method compared to single words
and truncated term methods. We also analyse the impact of combining indexing methods by using the
CombMNZ function. As CLEF topics are composed of different parts, we also examine the influence of
these topic parts by comparing the results when topic parts are considered individually, and when they are
combined. Finally, we combine both indexing methods and query parts. We show that MAP can be
improved up to 8% compared to the best individual methods.
Information retrieval is composed of various
processes which distinguish systems from each other.
Indexing aims at building a reduced representation of
the contents of the documents and queries. The
majority of indexing techniques analyzes the contents
of texts, and eliminates stop words to keep only
representative descriptors. Depending on the method
used, these descriptors can be represented in many
forms: original terms in documents, stems or lemmas.
When considering documents, these descriptors are
generally weighted in order to depict how a term
represents the document content and how they can
separate relevant and non-relevant documents when a
query contains this term. The weighting function also
helps in comparing systems performances. The
searching function (or model) is used to match query
and document representations resulting from
indexing, in order to decide which documents to
retrieve. This function calculates the document scores
and characterizes systems. These scores indicate the
degree of possible relevance of the retrieved
Specific studies focus on the influence of such or
such parameter on the efficiency of the search, by
choosing a parameter which varies while trying to
keep the other parameters identical. Other works
study the combination of various searches for a
given query: different representation of queries (Fox
and Shaw, 1994), various search models (McCabe et
al., 1999), various search systems (Hubert et al.,
2006) to improve the results.
Such studies are made possible by the existence
of test collections, such as those of TREC, CLEF, or
INEX, and of criteria to measure the efficiency of
search engines. A collection of evaluation is
composed of a set of documents, a set of topics and
the set of documents judged as relevant for each
topic. Evaluation is usually based on various criteria
that are calculated using the trec_eval tool
( Basically, evaluation is based on
recall, which measures if the relevant documents are
retrieved, and on precision, which measures if the
retrieved documents are relevant.
Our study focuses on monolingual information
retrieval in French and analyses three indexing
techniques where indexes are terms (documents or
queries terms), truncated terms, or lemmas. We
analyse in a first step the various indexing modes
Kompaoré D., Mothe J. and Tanguy L. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 149-154
DOI: 10.5220/0001674401490154
considered individually, and in a second step we
combine them with the CombMNZ function (Fox and
Shaw, 1994). We also studied the influence of the size
of queries on the results. In this study, the query size
is based on the structure of topics from evaluation
campaigns. The evaluation is carried out on 6
collections of French ad-hoc collection of CLEF.
This paper is organized as follows: section 2
presents some related works. Section 3 presents the
various modes of indexing we analyse. Section 3
presents the collections as well as the criteria of
evaluation. Section 4 reports the results obtained and
discuss these results. We then conclude this paper
and indicate some directions for future works.
Some studies consider the various parts of a topic
when analysing system results. (Savoy, 2003)
indicates that, on the French collection of CLEF
2000 (34 queries), the majority of the ten studied
systems improve the average precision (MAP) when
the title and the description are taken into account.
The improvement compared to title only is on
average of 5%. Improvement when considering the
complete query compared to title only is 10.21%.
Within the framework of the TREC TetraByte track,
(Metzler et al., 2005) show that the average
precision is improved on average by 5% when one
adds the description to the title, and by 10,4% when
one adds the narrative to the title and description.
(Ahlgren and Kekäläinen, 2006) study the Swedish
collection of CLEF 2003 and various strategies of
indexing. 4 combinations out of 7 based on a
morphological analyser; one is based on a truncation
and one on a stemming-based approach. Truncation
gives the best results.
Text indexing consists in two principal steps:
extracting the terms that characterize the document
contents and assigning a weight to each of these
indexing terms. This weight reflects the capacity of
characterization of the document by the term.
The three indexing approaches we study vary
according to the unit of indexing. The weighting
function remains the same and is based on the BM25
function (Roberston et al., 1995). We use in these
experiments the Mercure system (Boughanem et al,
1998). Search is based on matching queries and
documents indexed by the same method.
3.1 Single Words Indexing
According to this indexing method, stop words are
eliminated but accents are preserved. The remaining
single terms correspond to indexes. Indexes thus
correspond exactly to terms in documents and
queries. This mode of indexing, called SW indexing
in the paper, is supposed to increase precision as the
documents that will be retrieved contains the terms
exactly as they appear in the query.
3.2 Indexing by Truncated Terms
Truncated terms (TT) are used to conflate the
different forms of a term into a single one. This
should improve recall due to the use of various
forms of terms in the documents and queries. Using
TT is a simple method to reduce morphological
variation of words. Several methods for generating
truncated terms exist and are based on statistical
considerations: deletion of the most frequent word
endings, application of rules such as in Porter-like
algorithms. In our approach, we use a truncation at 7
characters as (Denjean, 1989) suggested. Stop words
and accents are also removed.
3.3 Indexing by Lemmas
Indexing by lemmas (L) has the same objective than
stem indexing: to limit the risks of not retrieving
documents containing various forms of query terms.
However, lemmas extracting is more efficient than
word truncation. For example, “computers” and
“compute” could be associated to the same radical
“compute” by truncation at 7 characters.
Lemmatization will not make this type of association
and will lead to two indexing terms (“computer” as a
noun in singular form and “compute” as a verb).
In the experimentation that we report here,
lemmas are extracted using TreeTagger
(TreeTagger, H. Schmidt; www.ims.uni-, stop
words are removed, but accents are preserved since
it is consistent with the fact to retrieve lemmas.
4.1 Collections of Evaluation
The evaluation is based on 5 years of the French
monolingual ad-hoc CLEF collection. We chose this
collection because this is the main used when
considering French.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The collection contains documents from ATS
(SDA) 1994 and 1995, and articles from Le Monde
newspaper 1994. It also includes about 50 topics per
year. Table 1 indicates various characteristics of the
collections and the number of indexing terms
resulting from the various indexing methods. CLEF
2001 and CLEF 2002 use the same document
collection, for that reason, we consider a set of
(49+50) topics on this collection.
Topics are composed of three parts (see figure 1): a
title (notes T) which is limited to a few words, a
descriptive (noted D) which explains in one or two
sentences the title, and a narrative (noted N) which
indicates what a relevant document is and eventually
what will not be relevant. In our study, 9 queries can
be built from one topic that result from the three
types of indexes (SW, TT, L) and the use of T only,
T+D, or T+D+N.
<num> C001
<title> Architecture à Berlin
<desc> Trouver des documents au sujet de
l'architecture à Berlin.
<narr> Les documents pertinents parlent, en général,
des caractéristiques architecturales de Berlin ou, en
particulier, de la reconstruction de certaines parties de
cette ville après la chute du mur.
Figure 1: Example of CLEF topic.
4.2 Evaluation and Methodology
Trec_eval ( is a program which is used
to evaluate systems performances according to a
certain number of measures. In this study, we choose
the following measures:
MAP Mean Average Precision. Average
precision for a topic is the average of the
precision obtained after a new relevant
document is retrieved. MAP is the average of
the average precision over a topic set.
Average precision at 5 documents. Precision
at 5 documents corresponds to the proportion
of relevant documents in the first 5 retrieved
documents. It is averaged over the topics.
MAP is used for global comparisons (Voorhees,
2007). On the other hand, precision at 5 is a good
indicator of users’ satisfaction since users generally
have a look to the top retrieved documents.
In a first step, we want to analyze the impact of
the indexing methods on systems performances.
These indexing methods are applied successively on
the T, T+D, and T+D+N topic fields ; results are
then compared. In a second stage, we combine the
different type of indexing (SW, TT, L). We use
CombMNZ function to combine the results.
The CombMNZ function (Fox and Shaw, 1994)
is widely used in data fusion studies (Beitzel et al.,
2004). Formula (1) indicates how the CombMNZ
function calculates the score of a document J after
fusion. Function (1) takes into account two
the score of the document in each fused result,
the number of systems which retrieved a
CountScoreNZScoreCombM =
where Score
is the score calculated by system I
for document J, and Count
is the number of
fused systems which retrieve document J.
5.1 Results without Combinations
Table 2 indicates the mean average precision (MAP)
and precision at 5 documents (P5) on the sets of
topics. In this table, T+D sections of the topics are
considered and the three methods of indexing are
used independently on these sections. We chose to
present first these results since using T+D is the
most used method in CLEF by participants. Values
in bold font indicate the best results for a measure
for a given year. The line entitled “average”
indicates the MAP and P5 value for each method,
averaged over years. The line entitled “Var. in %”
indicates the variation in percentage of performance.
The baseline is the SW indexing method.
Table 1: Characteristics of the test collections used.
CLEF 2000 CLEF 2001/2002 CLEF 2003 CLEF 2004 CLEF 2005
Nber of topics 34 49+50 52 49 50
Nber of documents 44 13 87 191 129 806 90 261 177 452
Nber of SW 295 156 339 879 390 742 387 386 563 199
Nber of TT 195 47 228 354 270 281 290 646 410 155
Nber of Lemmas 246 400 290 037 340 887 340 811 509 475
Table 2: Results of each indexing method– Title and descriptive.
2000 0.3946 0.4118 0.4067 0.4000
0.4333 0.4588
2001/2002 0.3916 0.4524
0.4401 0.5168
0.4326 0.4786
2003 0.4888 0.4654
0.4615 0.4831
2004 0.4174 0.4612 0.4311 0.4408
0.4479 0.4612
2005 0.2827 0.4400 0.3125 0.4840
0.3241 0.4840
Average 0.3950 0.4462 0.4190 0.4606
0.4242 0.4711
Var. in % - - +6.06 +3.24 +7.39 +5.60
Table 3: Results of each indexing method – Title only.
2000 0.4002 0.4059 0.3963 0.3941
0.4107 0.4235
2001/2002 0.335 0.3859 0.3933 0.4324
0.3939 0.4346
2003 0.4212 0.4000
0.4567 0.4192
2004 0.3644 0.3918
0.3995 0.4286
0.3962 0.4245
2005 0.2158 0.4160 0.2867 0.4760
0.2948 0.4920
Average 0.3473 0.3999 0.3865 0.4301 0.3868 0.4388
Var. in % - - +11.28 +7.54 +11.36 +9.71
Var. in % TD -12.08 -10.36 -7.74 -6.63 -8.83 -6.87
For four collections, lemma-based indexing
outperforms the others methods. For example, when
one considers the CLEF 2000 collection, the MAP is
improved by approximately 7% compared to the SW
indexing. Lemmas are the most effective indexes for
all CLEF, except 2001/02. None of the collections
should use SW indexing. TT and L lead to
improvement of both MAP and P5. To be more
precise, on average MAP is improved by 6.06%
(resp. 7.39%) compared to SW and P5 by 3.24%
(resp. 5.6%). Considering statistical significance, we
use the wilcoxon test with a p-value < 0.05 to
consider the results significant. TT is better than SW
(statistically significant); however, the difference
between L and TT indexing is not statistically
Table 3 shows the results obtained by the
indexing method on the title section of the topic. The
additional line (Var. in % TD) indicates the average
variations observed compared to the T+D section of
Table 2 (same measure and same indexing units).
When titles only are considered, the performances
are overall lower than those obtained when the
descriptive section is also considered. This result is
not surprising since the title is enriched by the
descriptive section and thus potentially makes it
possible to better meet the user’s needs. On average,
the best method is the one that uses L indexing.
Using SW remains the worth method. L or TT
indexing is on average better than using SW. In
average, when considering all collections, L
indexing improves by 11.36% the MAP compared to
the technique of the SW when titles are considered
whereas this improvement is of 7.39% when T+D
are considered. This means that the indexing method
has a greater impact when considering short queries.
Again, considering statistical significance, TT is
better than SW; however, L and TT are not different.
When complete topics are considered, there is no
notable improvement on the best results compared to
search when queries are built considering title and
descriptive sections. Lemma-based indexing is still
the best method and gets about the same results than
using T+D whatever the measure (MAP or P5) when
averaged over the years. However, SW indexing
benefits from the enrichment of the query by the N
section (+3.40% for MAP and +5.14% for P5)
compared to T+D. Detailed results using T+D+N
are not presented here.
The comparative results obtained when the
various sections of the queries are used tend to
indicate that taking into account a more semantic
indexing (by lemmas) is especially effective on short
queries (title only). Indeed, it is within this
framework that we obtain the greatest variations
between the techniques of indexing, with a
superiority of the L indexing.
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Table 4: Results of each method of indexing – Combining the sizes of the queries.
2000 0.4320 0.4529 0.4354 0.4294
0.4568 0.4765
2001/2002 0.4352
0.4516 0.4972
2003 0.5041
0.4962 0.5392
2004 0.4331 0.4612
0.4472 0.4735
0.4442 0.4531
2005 0.2914 0.4800 0.3386
0.5360 0.3454
Average 0.4192 0.4826 0.4407
0.4865 0.4519
Var % vs TD +6.13 +8.16 +5.18 +5.62 +6.53 -0.25
Table 5: MAP and P5 - Results obtained from indexing methods and query size.
L Comb. %
L Comb. %
2000 0.4333 0.4647 +7.25% 2000 0.4588 0.4464 -2.70%
2001/2002 0.4326 0.5336 +23.35% 2001/2002 0.4786 0.4635 -3.16%
2003 0.4831 0.5115 +5.88% 2003 0.4731 0.5355 +13.19%
2004 0.4479 0.4497 +0.40% 2004 0.4612 0.4571 -0.89%
2005 0.3241 0.3477 +7.28% 2005 0.4840 0.5280 +9.09%
Average. 0.4242 0.4614 +8.78% Average. 0.4711 0.4861 +3.18%
5.2 Combination of Indexing Methods
In this section, we study the combination of the
indexing methods and the influence of these
combinations on the performances. The variability
of MAP according to the indexing method used
suggested it was relevant to combine them.
Depending on the topic, this variation can be up to
For this reason, we apply CombMNZ on pairs of
methods and also to combine the three indexing
methods. Surprisingly, the results we obtained
slowed that one unique method (without fusion)
obtains comparable or higher MAP than any of the
combinations. The only exception occurs for the
collection of CLEF 2003 for which a combination
(SW + TT + L) improves the results compared to the
best of the simple techniques. When one considers
the average over the years, the combination of the
three methods of indexing does not improve MAP
compared to the best indexing, by lemmas.
If we analyse the results of the precision at 5
documents, we can also select a unique indexing
method that obtains performance equal or better than
any of the combinations. Even if this best simple
indexing method is not the same one on each
collection, on average, the non-fused indexing
method based on L remains the best. The details of
these results are not displayed in this paper.
5.3 Combination of the Sizes of Queries
The combination of the query sizes consists in
fusing results obtained using a single method to
extract indexes but considering the three versions of
the topic: T, T+D, T+D+N. That means that for
example, when considering SW, we fuse the three
results obtained by three runs: the one that uses T
only, the one that uses T+D and the one that uses the
three parts of the topic. Table 4 presents the results
of this combination. On average, the best results are
obtained using L indexing.
In addition, whatever the collection and
whatever the indexing method, system performance
is improved. This performance is compared to
unique systems or fused systems that consider T+D
only (cf table 2 and last line of table 4). Combining
queries size also improves the results compared to
those obtained with titles section only (cf table 3,
average line) and compared to those obtained with
the T+D+N, except for P5 when indexing by
lemmas. Apart from a few cases, the results are
statistically significant.
5.4 Combination of the Size of Queries
and the Methods of Indexing
We have investigated in this section the effect of
combining both indexing methods and queries size
(3 sizes of query and 3 methods of indexing), see
table 5. This method improves a bit more the high
precision (P5). The baseline for the analysis is L
indexing which is the best non-combined method on
average. MAP is improved of more than 8%. Results
are improved compared to each of the three
preceding combinations. Apart from a few cases, the
results are statistically significant.
In this study, we consider French mono-lingual
information retrieval and analyze the influence of
different indexing methods considering different
types of indexing methods and query size. We
analyzed three different indexing methods
respectively single words, truncated terms and
lemmatization. Our experiments are done on the
French collections of CLEF from 2000 to 2005 and
we have shown in an experimental way that the use
of the lemmas-based indexing was the most effective
unique method when one is interested in mean
average precision and high precision. The difference
is of more than 7% for MAP and about 6% for P5
(statistically significant). We have also shown that it
was relevant to combine the results obtained using
different query size (use of various sections of the
topics). Therefore, combining the various methods
of indexing does not make a significant
improvement in the results.
Future work will focus on the contextual
combination of the indexing methods and variation
in the sizes of the queries. Indeed, one can think that
a query for which the terms used have many
alternatives but come from various concepts should
be rather indexed by lemmas. On the other hand, a
query for which few documents are retrieved would
gain in being indexed by truncated terms in order to
expand it. Recent works in the literature have
studied how to predict query difficulty in terms of
recall and precision. Others were interested in
predicting the possibility of finding relevant
documents in the collection. Our future work will
consider these aspects: system fusion will be based
on some knowledge on the difficulty of the query
and on other elements of the context of the query in
order to decide which sections of the query to
consider (query size) and what indexes should be
used (either a single type or a combination).
This work has partially been supported by the
French ANR through the TCAN program (ARIEL
Project) and by the European Commission through
the project WS-Talk under the 6th FP (COOP-
006026). However views expressed herein are ours.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems