Junia Anacleto, Eliane Pereira, Alexandre Ferreira, Ap. Fabiano P. de Carvalho
LIA - Advanced Interaction Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil
João Fabro
Department of Computing, State University of West Parana, Brazil
Keywords: Common sense, culture sensitive learning, contextualized learning, educational game, sexual education,
pedagogical issues.
Abstract: When an 8th grade science teacher discusses the subject “contraceptive methods”, s/he has to consider
situations and facts that are known by teenagers to better understand their behavior and define his/her
approach. Suppose that the teacher says “the rhythm method is not one of the most efficient contraceptive
methods”. But does the teacher really know which contraceptive methods are considered by that group of
students? It is proposed here a framework to instance web game supported by common sense knowledge to
approach the called “transversal themes” of the school curriculum in our country, like sexual education,
ethic and healthcare. The quiz game framework called “What is it?” is presented as a support for teachers in
contextualizing the content to the students’ local culture, promoting a more effective and significant
To prepare citizens who are cultural and social
committed is one of the goals to be reached during
the children’s school life. In developing countries
like Brazil, many of the social and economical issues
would be better faced if the education system were
improved and more effective. In such situation, it is
being considered that the information technologies
(IT) adoption by schools is necessary. However,
adopting IT to support formal education is still a
challenge in the new era of knowledge for Brazil and
for other developing countries.
The developing countries’ effort for digital
including their citizens has to start in classroom.
Adopting IT solutions, it can be possible for teachers
to promote new ways of building students’
knowledge, and provide them pleasant tasks during
their learning process, what can facilitate digital
So, it is urgent to distribute computers for
teachers and students, but it is more than urgent to
prepare teachers and provide them with software
tools to support the IT technology adoption inside
classroom. Furthermore such software tools have to
be a solution developed considering the reality, the
context and the culture of that country.
To promote the use of educational games,
considering the children’s excitement about
computer games, it is presented here an educational
computer game framework to support teachers in
teaching the transversal themes defined on the
Brazilian curriculum. Educational games are able to
promote activities that combine fun (playful activity)
and seriousness (well defined rules), once they are
very popular among children and teenagers.
Nevertheless there are pedagogical issues that
should be considered for stimulating the learning
process, even and especially when IT is adopted.
Culture sensitive and contextualized learning
considering the student’s reality is the pedagogical
issue focused in this paper. It is proposed to consider
the apprentices’ common sense knowledge to
promote the learning aiming at: adopting a
vocabulary that is familiar to the students;
instantiating content and clarifying myths, beliefs
and taboos that are cultural heritage. Some examples
of this kind of knowledge related to sexual
education, one of the transversal themes, are:
teenagers believe that girls do not get pregnant
during their first sexual relation, that pill has to be
taken on the day she is going to have sexual relation,
and that AIDS is a homosexual disease. This kind of
knowledge can be mapped from the commonsense
Anacleto J., Pereira E., Ferreira A., Fabiano P. de Carvalho A. and Fabro J. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 136-141
DOI: 10.5220/0001675501360141
knowledge and can be clarified by teachers during
The game framework called “What is it?” (“O
que é, O que é?” in Portuguese) aims to produce
instances of a certain type of game that help players
to infer a certain secret word related to a certain
transversal theme (explained on the next section)
considering a set of clues presented one at a time.
There is a commonsense knowledge base used by
the game framework to help on reaching such goal.
This paper is structured as follow: section 2
explains the relation between commonsense
knowledge and education; section 3 presents some
games which collecting commonsense knowledge is
the main goal; the “What is it?” game framework
prototype is presented on section 4 and some
conclusions are presented on section 5 as well as
some future works.
Common sense is defined here as the knowledge that
most people agree with in a certain community at a
certain period of time related to human experiences,
knowledge about social, physical, space, time and
psychological aspects of our daily life (Liu and
Singh, 2004). Recent researches (Anacleto et al.,
2006a; Anacleto et al., 2006b) have shown that
automatically collected common sense knowledge
can be used to map a certain group of people.
The importance of the common sense and
cultural knowledge to support the learning process is
referred by a number of researchers from pedagogy.
For instance, Vygotsky (1987) believes that the
individual’s mind model can be understood only if
the social and cultural processes are considered in
his/her context. Paulo Freire (1996) cites that it is
necessary to respect the knowledge that students
acquired by the social relations. Such knowledge can
help in contextualizing the learning process to the
student’s reality. Papert (1985) says that the
education system should consider what students
learned with their family or community, the
knowledge acquired before they start at school, and
understand how it can influence their learning
process, i.e. he is referring to the common sense
In a convergent view, these educators highlight
the relevance of the knowledge on culture and
common sense as a factor that interferes in student’s
learning process. Teachers should consider and use
the common sense knowledge in their pedagogical
activities aiming to help learners to associate the
content being taught to their personal experiences
and knowledge. Such approach allows to bring into
the classroom the discussions about what was
previously described, like myths, believes,
misunderstandings, so they wouldn’t take as correct
facts. Besides that, the use of common sense
knowledge provides to teachers an adequate
vocabulary to contextualize and discuss subjects
with learners from a certain community (Carvalho et
al. 2007).
Common sense knowledge also can be found
when it is intended to teach the called transversal
themes from the official school curriculum, defined
by the Brazilian Education Ministry. These themes
are defined considering that “the commitment on
constructing the feeling of citizenship demands a
pedagogical approach to reach the comprehension
on the social reality and the rights and
responsibilities related to the personal and collective
life, what leads to the political engagement” (SEF,
1998). Transversal themes are not new disciplines,
but subjects that have to be taught inside the other
disciplines in the curriculum. Six themes are
defined: sexual education, ethics, healthcare,
environment, cultural plurality, market and
consumers (SEF, 1998).
Sexual education, for example, intends to discuss
with children and teenagers what the messages from
media are, what they learn from family and society,
intending to complete and clarify the information
that they already have and, mainly, creating the
possibility for students to form an opinion about the
topics that were presented to them. Considering the
definition presented here, it can be understood that
the topics are related to the students’ knowledge
acquired from their group and social experiences,
corresponding to the common sense knowledge. In
this research, it is discussed the transversal themes
through a common sense based game approach.
In an effort to facilitate the process of collecting
common sense knowledge some online computer
games have been developed. One of these games is
Verbosity (von Ahn, Kedia and Blum, 2006), which
is designed for two players, one of them plays the
role of “Narrator”, who gets a secret word and gives
clues to the other player, the “Guesser”, who tries to
guess the word. The common sense fact collection is
done when the guesser suggests an answer based on
the clues already presented to her/him.
The game LEARNER 2 (Chklovski, 2005)
consists of a web system with what they called
proactive knowledge acquisition, which collects
information about the everyday life, focusing on the
parts that compose the things and the use of those
things. The system asks the users about specific
topics and compares the answers with the common
sense statements stored in its knowledge base. The
bigger is the number of similarities found, the more
is the number of points granted to the user
FACTory (Cycorp, 2007) game presents a
statement to the player who might say whether it
makes sense or not. When a number of users agree
with one of the two possible classifications, the
statement is validated as true or false and it is not
presented to the users anymore.
Common Consensus is an online game that asks
some questions to the player, who is encouraged to
supply as many answers as possible in a certain
period of time. When time is finished a score is
shown to the player (the number of times that the
same answer was given previously for different
users) (Lieberman, Smith and Teeters, 2007).
In the next section it is presented “What is it?”
(, an online common
sense-based game framework developed in the
context of the Brazilian Open Mind Common Sense
(OMCS-Br) Project (
Although “What is it?” also collects common sense
knowledge, it has some issues that are being
considered, as it is explained the following.
This research aims to make possible the use of
common sense knowledge in web-based educational
games, aiming at stimulating the learning
contextualization and the knowledge construction in
the learning process. Furthermore, it intends to
collect common sense knowledge from teachers and
learners who use the generated games. It is being
developed a common sense-based quiz game
framework called “What is it?” which brings
common sense clues up the players’ mind, aiming at
working on a specific subject. The main purpose is
that the game is to be used by teachers to work on
subjects which have been approached in classroom.
The game framework is part of the OMCS-Br
project that uses a collaborative approach in order to
construct a common sense knowledgebase to be used
by computer applications supporting human-human
interaction and human-computer interaction. It
provides a web site where volunteers can contribute
with common sense statements in natural language,
according to the approach presented in (Liu and
Singh, 2004). In Brazil, the project is developed at
LIA - Advanced Interaction Laboratory, from the
Federal University of São Carlos - and focuses on
supporting teachers to contextualize their learning
activities, aiming at promoting meaningful learning,
in a culture sensitive process (Anacleto et al.,
It is worth pointing out that “What is it?” has the
differential in considering the players’ profile,
concerning the games presented in the previous
section. Since the players have to subscribe
themselves in the system before starting to use it, the
new statements collected during the interaction can
be related to their profile. In the registration the
users provide information such as their age, gender,
geographical location and school degree.
To take into account the players’ profile during
the collection is especially important because of the
culture sensitive approach, which makes necessary
to develop applications for specific groups of people
in a certain region and age, considering their
context. In this case, the common sense knowledge
can be filtered and the designer of the application
can consider only the knowledge collected from the
desired profile in order to contextualize the design to
the target group. This is what happens in “What is
it?”. It allows their users to configure instances of
the game, as it is explained in the next sub-sections.
Table 1 compares the common sense-based
games previously mentioned, concerning the
collection and the use of common sense knowledge,
as well as the consideration of the player’s profile.
Table 1: Common sense-based games comparison.
Verbosity - X -
FACTory X X -
Comon Consensus X X -
What is it? X X X
As it can be noticed, Verbosity and LEARNER 2
work only on collecting new common sense
statements’, not making use of the statements
already gathered and stored in their knowledge base.
Factory, “Common Consensus” and “What is it?” go
beyond, also making use in some way of the
statement previously obtained – FACTory and
ACSK: Apply Common Sense Knowledge
CCSK: Collect Common Sense Knowledge
TPP: Take into account Players’ Profile
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
“Common consensus” use the knowledge stored
with the purpose of validating it by the users and
“What is it?” uses the knowledge to generate the
clues which are presented in the game. Those clues
are related to the players’ answers and stored in the
OMCS-Br knowledgebase. Finally, “What is it?”
takes into account the players’ profile.
Besides the fact of considering the players’
profile, the game “What is it?” was designed
considering pedagogical issues with the purpose of
using it as a tool to the learning process.
As it was presented before, the use of common
sense in the learning process is suggested by several
educators who defend that by contextualizing the
learning it is possible to promote meaningful
learning in those ones involved with it (Freire, 1996;
Vygotsky, 1987; Papert, 1985).
In addition to that, the use of games in education
has been defended by several researchers. According
to Jacquin (1963) the game is one of the most
important things to children. In this way, it is an
excellent tool for educators to reach their duty.
Jacquin defends that the relation between children
and games has the same level and intensity that the
relation between adults and jobs. Huizinga (1980)
and Chateu (1987) are other researchers who agree
with Jacquin proposal.
Therefore, it is possible to note the importance of
games in the human being’s development and in the
support of the educational process. Considering that
games are more and more common in the
information society in which people live nowadays,
to design games focused on the educational process
is very relevant.
The game framework is divided in two modules:
(1) the player’s module, a quiz game in which the
players must guess a secret word, considering a set
of common sense-based clues and (2) the game’s
editor a seven-step wizard which guides teachers to
create game contextualized instances. Details of
each module are presented in the following.
4.1 The Player’s Module
Figure 1 presents the “What is it?” player’s module
main interface. To illustrate the game use, it was
developed a game instance considering the theme
“Sexual Education”. To start the game the player
should, first of all, click on the dice, represented in
Figure 1 by the yellow letter “S”, whose faces
represent topics related to the transversal theme on
which the teacher intents to work. In Figure 1, the
letter “S” corresponds to the topic “Sexually
transmitted diseases”. Other topics which can
potentially compose the “Sexual Education” theme
Figure 1: Player’s Module Main Interface.
dice, according to the teachers’ necessities, are
“anatomy and physiology”, “behaviour” and
“contraceptives methods”. The letters, which
represent the topics, are presented to the player fast
and randomly. When the player clicks on the dice it
stops and say about which topic the secret word,
which should be guessed, is.
The use of a dice to organize the game according
to topics complies with Conati and Zhao (1987)
proposal, who say that it should be clear to learners
which knowledge area is approached in the game,
avoiding that they get lost with the presented
concepts. Each topic has a set of cards associated,
which are related to different secret words. These
cards are defined by teachers in the game’s editor
module, using the support of a common sense
knowledge base. In addition to that, it is possible to
relate a list of synonyms to each secret word. These
synonyms are also accepted as expected answers.
The clues play the role of supporting the player
to guess which the secret word is. Each card can
have a maximum of ten clues which can be selected
by the learners by clicking on a number into the “Set
of clues” area, which can be seen in Figure 1. After
having the topic defined by the dice, a card with
clues is presented to the player and, as s/he selects a
clue, it is displayed on the blue balloon. The players
can select as many clues as they consider necessary
before trying to guess the word.
As the players try to find out the secret word, the
system collects common sense knowledge, storing
the relation between the word they suggested and
clues that were already displayed. This collecting
process is interesting (1) for teachers, who can
identify possible misunderstanding by analyzing the
answers that learners with the profile of their target
group give to a specific set of clues, and, therefore,
approach those misunderstandings in classroom to
clarify them; and (2) for the OMCS-Br
knowledgebase, which will increase the number of
stored common sense statements. It is important to
point out that the answers provided by the learners,
which do not correspond either to the secret word or
to a synonym defined by the teacher, are not
considered incorrect by the system. Those answers
just tell to the system that the answer provided make
sense to the player considering the set of clues
already displayed.
The strategy used in the game to promote the
reinforcement and meaningful learning are based on
the Minsky’s Theory (Minsky, 1986) about the way
which the mind works. In this theory Minsky
proposes that the mind has several agents who are in
charge of the many processes which can happen in
it. Some of those agents are responsible for the
learning process and, according to Minsky, each
knowledge fragment learned is kept near to the agent
which made possible that learning. These agents are
called knowledge lines (k-lines) and are activated
every time someone tries to solve a task. In this way,
when someone tries to solve a task, the mind
reactivates the agents which were activated when a
similar task was solved, linking the knowledge
fragments which are near to those agents. At the end
of the task, the new and old knowledge are linked by
a k-line. Each time a k-line is activated the
knowledge which it uses to solve a task becomes
more and more connected to it, what configures the
learning reinforcement.
In the game, the clues represent the knowledge
fragments which are supposed to be in the learner’s
mind, since it is part of the common sense
knowledge gotten from people which share the same
profile. Through these fragments the learners’ mind
will try recovery what was presented by the
professor in classroom and to perform the learning
reinforcement. If new knowledge is presented in a
clue, the student will associate that knowledge with
the knowledge they have already learned,
performing a meaningful learning, according to the
Learning Theory proposed by Ausubel (1963).
4.2 The Game’s Editor Module
The game editor is a seven-step wizard which guides
the teacher to create game instances, which fit to
their pedagogical goals.
During the card definition, teachers receive the
support of common sense knowledge. For that
purpose, in the framework editor Step 1 teachers
have to define the population profile which should
be considered in the search for common sense
statements in the knowledgebase. In this way, the
system guarantee that the statements which are
going to be presented to the teacher were gathered
from people who have the desired profile to the
game instance, i.e. the statements are contextualized
to the target group. This process is called common
sense filter definition. Once the filter is set up, the
teacher can choose the secret words for each card. In
the following, the teacher can define a list of
synonyms for each one of the secret words.
In the two next steps the teacher must define
three items: (1) the game main theme, which should
be chosen from the six transversal themes available
and (2) the topics, which are specifics subjects
related to the transversal theme chosen, compose the
game dice faces.
The next steps consist of defining the secret
words, their synonyms and the set of clues for each
secret word. For each secret word defined, it is
performed a search on the OMCS-Br semantic
network, called ConceptNet-Br, that increasing the
number of words associated with the secret work.
The concepts associated with the secret word and
their synonyms are presented to teachers as natural
language statements and, based on these statements,
teachers can compose the card clues. For example,
the relation (IsA “aids”, “sexually transmitted
disease”), found in the ConceptNet-Br, is presented
to teachers as “Aids is a(n) sexually transmitted
Then the teacher can (a) select a common sense
statements as clues, adding them to the card set of
clue; (b) edit a statement to make it suitable to the
game purpose; or (c) just ignore the suggestions and
compose others clues. It is worth pointing out that
the sentences edited or composed by the teachers are
also stored in the OMCS-Br knowledge base as new
common sense statement collected from that teacher.
Figure 2 presents in the box “List of clues suggested
from common sense knowledge base” some
statements retrieved from the OMCS-Br knowledge
base which can be used as clues, as it was explained
Figure 2: Game’s Editor Module.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
before. Those statements are related to the secret
word “aids”. The box “List of clues already chosen”
shows the clues which were already chosen to
compose the card.
It is also important to point out the fail-soft
approach adopted in the framework. This means that
the statements suggested to teachers can be valid or
not and the teachers will decide for accepting or not
the suggestion. However, the suggestion does not
bring any problem to the teachers’ task performance.
On the contrary, it helps the teachers to finish their
task faster and more efficiently (Lieberman et al.,
This paper shows “What is it?”, an educational game
framework whose purpose is to help teachers to
work on the transversal themes proposed by the
Brazilian Secretary/Minister of Education: sexual
education, ethics, healthcare, environment, cultural
plurality, market and consumers. The intention is to
give teachers some support for teaching these
themes concerning their students’ context and
culture through common sense knowledge usage,
and at the same time promoting a way of learning
with fun. As it was discussed in section 2, the
adoption of common sense based approaches for
education is defended by respected educators like
Papert (1985), Freire (1996) e Freinet (1993).
Preliminary results of using the game point out that
this approach is useful from both points of view –
teacher’s and students’ once it is considered helpful
for teachers to have a previous knowledge of their
students’ habits, believes, myths, and as their
common sense knowledge is represented in that
specific game instance, they feel like that game is
specially developed for them, for their reality.
As future works it is intended to improve
interfaces, after that, it is being planned to perform a
case study with teachers and students from the
Brazilian public education system, in different cities,
in order to assess the game usefulness and to gather
new requirement to fit it to the teachers and learners
partially supporting this research.
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