the workflow structures and the user behaviour forms
the basis for the models. These extended workflow
models are after the system usage customised work-
flow models.
The ERP customising objects are modified by us-
ing the extended ERP workflow models at the imple-
mentation phase.
The post-customising process can be seen as a re-
curring process which customises the business pro-
cess of an enterprise dynamically at any given time.
The degree of customisation of an ERP system de-
pends on the flexibility potential of the system. Here
the flexibility of an ERP system means how cus-
tomisable the ERP system is to the business process
changes of an enterprise and how effectively the busi-
ness process activities can be processed by the users
or user groups depending on their roles and knowl-
The concept of a self-adaptive ERP system is an idea
for an automatic implementation and a permanent
customisation of an ERP system to the changes of
business processes and user behaviours within the en-
terprise. To implement this idea, we have shown a
structure of a system infrastructure, where the en-
terprise and the ERP-system layer are separated by
an adaptive middleware. The adaptive middleware
should be the interface between both layers. The
function of the adaptive middleware SACMS is to en-
sure the adaption of the system to the requirements of
the enterprise and users through intelligent methods
like data mining methods.
A condition for the successful implementation of
this concept is to have ERP-repository-data from the
ERP system with customised objects like business-
objects, transactions, screens screen-elements. Stan-
dardisation problems of workflow models, refer-
ence models and ERP-tracedata-formats inhibit gen-
eral rules for handling ERP-systems of different
providers. One possible solutions of this standardi-
sation problem can be a layer specific interface be-
tween the SAC-layers which enables the data transfer
between the different layers depending on the layer
standards. Therefore it is necessary to solve the stan-
dardisation problems of workflow models and ERP-
tracedata formats in the future.
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an ERP System with Data Mining Methods