ap p ly ( _ev ol ve d_ be ha vi ou r )
// NO Ev ol u ti on R e qu ir ed
if _t he n_ el se ( // a t est ,
// t h e orc he st ra ti on go e s on wi th o ut
mo di fi ca ti on
te rm in a te )) ]) ]) ) ,
The π-Diapason expression of the behaviour that
is containing modifications (for example new orches-
tration process, adding, removing services and/or op-
erations) is dynamically received and applied (see the
bottom part of the figure 2). It is up to the user to
express and on the fly provide to the π-Diapason vir-
tual machine, the definition of such behaviour. This
evolution mechanism at π-Diapason code level deals
with unpredicatble situations that may occur at run-
time, without having to suspend or to stop the execu-
π-Diapason is a formal and layered language for ex-
pressing processes at the second layer level by the
way of patterns (strongly related to business pro-
cesses/workflows); the third layer offers a high level
language that allows the user to formalize evolvable
information system service-based architectures (i.e.
service orchestration) without being in touch with π-
calculus. Such approach aims at providing means for
supporting agile business processes and flexible and
open information systems service-based architectures
through service orchestration: services orchestration
may be internally modified by receiving a new be-
haviour and the current execution may be deeply and
consistently modified. Our approach is non-intrusive
as the service orchestration is encapsulated in the de-
ployed web service that is the services choreographer
without to modify any other part of the information
system architecture.
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