Fabiano K. T. Tiba, Shuying Wang and Miriam A. M. Capretz
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, N6A 5B, Canada
Keywords: Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), SOA transition.
Abstract: Service-Oriented Architecture is an emerging paradigm to build applications as a collection of services that
can be coordinated to provide flexible applications. At its full potential, the development of services is
considered from the perspective of the enterprise to deliver services that can be reused across applications
and provide flexible solutions. However, the achievement of an enterprise-wide SOA is challenging, as it
remains unclear how organizations should evolve towards the SOA paradigm. This paper discusses issues
related to transition to SOA and provides an overview of OSTRA - a framework which provides a realistic
approach for the transition to SOA, by considering short-term and long-term goals and balancing planning
and management with practical experimentation.
Organizations have always been under constant
pressure to adjust quickly to the changing demands
of their businesses. Service-Oriented Architecture
(SOA) technology promises unmatched flexibility
and seamless integration at relatively low costs.
SOA is comprised of a set of design principles that
promotes the development of applications as a
composition of loosely coupled Web services (Erl,
2005). The emphasis of web services on industry-
wide standards has enabled the vision of the agile
enterprise that flexibly adapts its technology to its
business needs.
In general, the transition to an SOA requires
changes to company’s existing applications, and
there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding the
challenges involved in the implementation of an
SOA. Although many researchers have worked on
the individual difficulties of the transition, there is
still a lack of frameworks to guide the entire
transition to SOA. Academic literature is focused on
providing solutions for technical challenges rather
than in the overall transition itself, and while the
industry has provided a fair amount of research on
management issues, a complete solution for the
transition to SOA has not been yet published as it
probably composes their portfolio of consulting
services. The main reason for the shortage of
frameworks though, is that the concepts and
technology that have enabled the SOA vision are
recent and still evolving, and therefore, the need for
a framework describing the transition to SOA has
only recently become a priority issue.
In this paper, we discuss the transition
approaches to SOA and their adoption challenges.
Moreover, it presents an overview of the OSTRA
(Opportunity-driven Service-oriented TRAnsition)
framework to guide enterprises in the evolution to
SOA, followed by a discussion of the initial
implementation of OSTRA in a real organization.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents the OSTRA framework. Section 3
overviews the implementation of OSTRA in a real
company while Section 4 discusses the lessons
learned from the real case and presents its
In contrast to other transition approaches
(Bieberstein, 2005) (Sprott, 2003), which
recommends the development of a precise long-term
plan, OSTRA aims to provide a more adaptive
approach to managing the iterative and incremental
K. T. Tiba F., Wang S. and A. M. Capretz M. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 195-198
DOI: 10.5220/0001678101950198
transition to SOA. OSTRA achieves this by
balancing a continuous analysis of the transition
process with the development of opportunities into
projects, which enable organizations to obtain and
evaluate short-term goals while still laying the
foundation for the achievement of its long-term
2.1 OSTRA Streams
OSTRA defines three streams as its key foundations
for the successful transition to the enterprise SOA:
SOA Roadmap, SOA Development and SOA
Governance, which are represented in Figure 1.
Figure 1: OSTRA streams.
SOA Roadmap defines topic areas focused on the
planning of the transition. It organizes the planning
in four topic areas: the identification of goals
(Actional, 2005); the assessment of the current state
of the organization; the identification of
opportunities; and the subsequent elaboration of a
plan to achieve that vision.
SOA Development contains topics for effectively
constructing the conceptual SOA (Krafzig, 2004).
These topics are categorized as service development,
service composition, service management and
infrastructure development.
SOA Governance is composed of four topic areas
that are concerned with controlling the transition and
enforcing consistence of the resultant SOA:
communication and education; policies and
procedures; governance model; and SOA group and
concepts. (Windley, 2006)
2.2 OSTRA Phases
These three streams of OSTRA are gradually
investigated in the course of three phases, and can be
executed simultaneously: Inception, Elaboration and
Implementation as depicted in Figure 2.
Inception is the initial phase, where the
enterprise establishes the foundations for the
transition, defining goals and identifying the group
that will be responsible for the transition process.
Elaboration is an ongoing phase where the transition
is planned by continually identifying opportunities,
managing the transition, and governing the SOA.
The identification of opportunities triggers the onset
of the Implementation phase, where identified
opportunities are developed as projects, with the
evaluation of the benefits and practical challenges.
The results are consolidated into processes, services
and infrastructure, which are continuously improved
until the goals are achieved. These results also
provide feedback for the Elaboration phase to adjust
and investigate other issues regarding the
governance of the SOA and the transition.
Figure 2: Overview of OSTRA phases.
OSTRA enables a dual positioning strategy with
respect to goals, focusing not only on short-term
results in the Implementation phase, but also
ensuring that they are part of longer-term goals,
which are continuously evaluated during the
Elaboration phase. By utilizing a dual positioning
strategy focused on opportunities, OSTRA aims to
continuously align the business goals of the
organization with its underlying technology while
still supporting its immediate needs through the
investigation of opportunities. This approach is
evolutionary as it aims to gradually incorporate SOA
values into the existing assets of the enterprise
through the successive exploration of opportunities
while minimizing risks and disruption.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
We have been working with a large corporation to
employ OSTRA to develop their SOA initiative.
This industrial partner is interested in using SOA
technology to improve their business flexibility and
to enable better integration between its divisions and
products (Bloomberg, 2003). However, the company
size is a challenge for the implementation of
enterprise-wide initiatives, as there are many
conflicting interests and a myriad of existing
applications and competing technologies. Therefore
we have started the work in one of their division
Plant-Wide Systems (PWS) and have been preparing
to deliver it at other divisions.
3.1 Inception
The first step in the application of the OSTRA
framework involves the definition of the SOA group
and SOA concepts. The SOA Group contains a
business leader, the manager, to provide a view of
the customer needs and enterprise directions; a
technical leader, the systems architect, to provide an
overall perspective of the applications; product
architects, to contribute with their detailed
knowledge on each application; and external
consultants, to provide an understanding of SOA
technology. Moreover, in order to discuss
information pertaining to SOA concepts, regular
meetings were organized with core members of the
SOA group. The results of these discussions were
consolidated into a presentation to the entire SOA
group and were compiled in a document that served
as the basis for a conceptual whitepaper.
3.2 Elaboration
Although several opportunities were identified, it
was decided that the initial focus would be on
improving application integration, since this can
produce more visible and immediate results than
decomposing existing applications into services. A
new application named InfoLite has been selected as
the pilot project to illustrate the benefits of an SOA-
approach in practice and to establish initial standards
for SOA development. Furthermore, an overall plan
for the transition has been established, which is
depicted in Figure 3. The plan involved using the
results of the development of the opportunities to
demonstrate the value of an SOA to their
applications and to obtain approval at the current
business division, securing a budget and eventually
triggering the SOA adoption for the entire system.
In the current organization of the enterprise, each
division has a certain degree of autonomy to take
their own decisions, and therefore it provides a
natural structure for the Governance Model.
Furthermore, initial investigation has started on
policies and procedures, especially in terms of
naming conventions and optimal services
granularity; this investigation is being assisted
through collaboration with the other information
team. In order to facilitate reuse by different teams,
specific industry standards have been adapted to
build a vocabulary of valid verbs to use as service
operation names, and to provide recommendations
on the names and scope of the services.
Figure 3: High-level plan for the transition.
3.3 Implementation
In the implementation phase, the pilot project
InfoLite was developed. Figure 4 displays an overall
view of the initial situation. Three applications from
a plant control division are represented: Limit
Control, Incident Intelligence, and Operator
Assistance. Also depicted is the Plant Information
application, which is used by managers to control
the production of the plant at the next higher level.
PWS platform and PWS database provide
information models such as equipment structures for
the Limit Control and Plant Information applications
at enterprise level. The Limit Control (LC) database
is depicted separately to assist in conceptualizing the
models at domain level. Incident Intelligence
retrieves their equipment structure, as well as other
data, from the Limit Control database. However,
these applications retrieve data directly from the
Limit Control database and need to deal with
problems such as synchronization and dependency
on the Limit Control data structure. If designed
Figure 4: Initial situation. Figure 5: Improving integration between applications.
properly, the services developed for InfoLite could
provide a more loosely-coupled solution for
integrating applications that depend on Limit
Control data. In fact, this potential solution was the
main motivation for InfoLite’s SOA, since retrieving
data from Limit Control has been a recurring
problem. After analysing the requirements of
InfoLite and other PWS business units needs, the
Infolite service was divided into four granular
services. As depicted in Figure 5, instead of
providing a specific service, this architecture
provides four generic services that are useful for
other applications. The Tag service will provide tag
data to other applications, such as Plant Information
Application and Incident Intelligence, making them
independent of Limit Control data structure. The
Equipment Structure services will provide the
Equipment Structure that is required by other
Two versions of the Equipment
Structure service are planned, one for Limit Control
data and one for PWS Platform. Moreover, by
defining the standard Equipment Structure service, it
will be possible to switch from one version to
another seamlessly.
The implementation of the SOA initiative in an
actual company has provided invaluable feedback
for certain areas in the transition process. These
lessons have influenced the refinement of OSTRA
and have provided insights on future improvements.
The pragmatic approach of OSTRA has been
considered successful since the development of the
identified opportunity has indeed provided the basis
for the achievement of the vision and has clarified
the challenges and issues of an SOA. Additionally,
the development of the pilot project has provided
valuable feedback from industry, as the practical
results further illustrated the challenges, the
importance of the SOA governance and the
investigation of standards and recommendations.
During the implementation we have observed that
technology vendors have a major influence on the
practical implementation of the SOA, as the
existence of tools and platforms to support the
solution, as well as the alignment with industry
trends, is crucial issue for enterprises. In the case of
our industrial partner, the existence of supporting
and reliable tools, as well as being aligned with their
emerging industry SOA standards were important
arguments for supporting the transition to SOA.
Finally, OSTRA is an open-ended framework that
enables the transition to SOA become harmonized
with other initiatives like CMM or 6-Sigma.
Actional Corporation, 2005. Implementing a Successful
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Pilot Program,
Retrieved Oct. 2006 at
Bieberstein, N., Bose,S., Fiammante, M., Jones, K., Shah,
R., 2005. Service-Oriented Architecture Compass:
Business Value, Planning, and Enterprise Roadmap,
IBM Press.
Bloomberg, J., 2003. Growing an Agile Service-Oriented
Architecture White Paper - Achieving Reuse & Loose
Coupling through Web Services Delivery Contracts,
Erl, T., 2005. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA):
Concepts, Technology, and Design, Prentice Hall
Krafzig, D., Banke, K., Slama, D., 2004. Enterprise SOA:
Service-Oriented Architecture Best Practices, Prentice
Hall PTR.
Sprott, D., 2003. Web Services Roadmap Planning
Framework, CBDI Forum Ltd.
Windley, P. J., 2006. Governing SOA, InfoWorld.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems