enables and accelerates the development of new
conceptual models for services (e.g. tracking
applications) (Schiller and Voisard, 2004).
In many circumstances, information and
knowledge are socially constructed. The IT mediated
communication has permitted complex social
networks to become a dominant form of social
organization (Wellman, 1999). That is why
emerging communities of users will play an
important role in construction of our evolving
Information and Knowledge Society.
We present here ePH, a framework for building
of a dynamic user community that share public
interest information and knowledge, which is
accessible through always-on context-aware services
(location-based included). The main objectives of
this project are to build a user-centred Digital
Library (DL) that stores regional information or
knowledge and to boost a self-developing
community of transnational users around it. The
DL's content will be accessible through contextual
services that are always available. In the first stage,
the digital library will contain public interest
information (drugstores, hospitals, general stores,
gas stations, entertainment places, restaurants, travel
and accommodation, weather, routes etc.), historical
or cultural knowledge, and touristic information
about a particular county. The ePH services will be
personalized and context-aware (geo-location,
around a situation, an idea or an entity etc.).
The core digital libray will be user-centred. The
users will be allowed to manipulate freely the
content for their personal interest. They can get
(access) it or enhance (contribute to) it, according to
their location: at home or office by using a
computer, on road by using a specific GPS-based
(Global Positioning System) device in the car, or
off-line/off-road via mobile phone.
The users can make additions, comments, or
updates to the DL’s content. The user-generated
content will be personalized, as users can upload
their personal "war stories" (tracks, touristic tours,
impressions, geo-tagged photos, short videos/audios,
impressions etc.). More, the whole ePH system will
subscribe to the users’ needs, goals and abilities.
Our challenging goal is to ensure the continuity
of the service after the project work will be finished.
This is feasible by creating a vivant community that
will “survive” to project development ending time.
Moreover, the developers aim to start their own
community, as they will provide both a quick how-to
recipe for building similar “alive” frameworks and
all related software as open source.
The existent wireless devices (mobile phone, GPS,
PDA etc.) give their users access to some public
interest information, but that information is static
and sparse, and the updates to it are rare, if any.
The commercial off-the-shelf navigation systems
(GARMIN GPS Navigator or similar) allow the
browsing of some public interest information that is
uploaded prior to the selling. Therefore the user is
by no means always connected to a comprehensive,
evolving repository of such information. On the
contrast, the ePH digital library will be continuously
growing with content from both developers and
users. Therefore the content will be far richer and
dynamic than in commercial wireless devices.
Moreover, those systems keep their user isolated
from other users that utilize the same kind of device,
and there is no communication thread between them
whatsoever. With ePH, the users will be always able
to communicate with others connected to the system,
and to exchange general or private information with
each other, so they will have a sense of being part of
something alive. Further, the information and
knowledge that ePH offer to its users can also be
gathered and seamlessly provided from other
publicly available sources. With ePH, the user can
be continuously on- (in car, office, home, mobile
phone), so the service will be always available.
As for other folksonomic undertakings, like
Flickr or YouTube, they have as their main goal the
users’ entertainment, ePH aims to more than that, as
the content of the core DL intends to be useful to its
users in various directions: access to general or
particular information and knowledge, instruction,
education, traffic safety, entertainment, selection of
the best service in several domains (e.g. in tourism,
hospitals and clinics, schools, restaurants, flights and
so on), etc. Compared to other websites that use
folksonomic tagging, such as del.icio.us, which is a
social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing,
and discovering web bookmarks, ePH has the
advantage of being supported by a digital library.
This is a focused collection of digital objects, along
with methods for manipulation of the collection. The
ePH’s digital library accords equal weight to user,
for access, retrieval and modification, and to
developer, playing a librarian role, for organization,
selection, and maintenance of the collection.
Metadata management will play an important role on
increasing the searching and browsing facilities
offered by the ePH’s core digital library.
As it has been shown in The Strategic Agenda
for Research in the Area of ICT for Mobility within
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems