Results of a Data Mining Case Study
Mieke Jans, Nadine Lybaert
KIZOK Research Institute, Hasselt University Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan Building D, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium
Koen Vanhoof
Research Group Data Analysis and Modeling, Hasselt University Campus Diepenbeek, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Internal Fraud, Data Mining, Risk Reduction.
Corporate fraud these days represents a huge cost to our economy. Academic literature already concentrated
on how data mining techniques can be of value in the fight against fraud. All this research focusses on fraud
detection, mostly in a context of external fraud. In this paper we discuss the use of a data mining technique
to reduce the risk of internal fraud. Reducing fraud risk comprehends both detection and prevention, and
therefore we apply a descriptive data mining technique as opposed to the widely used prediction data mining
techniques in the literature. The results of using a latent class clustering algorithm to a case company’s
procurement data suggest that applying this technique of descriptive data mining is useful in assessing the
current risk of internal fraud.
Saying that fraud is an important (however not loved)
part of business, is nothing new. Fraud is a mil-
lion dollar business, as several research studies reveal.
Among them are an important survey of PriceWater-
house&Coopers (PwC, 2007) and of the Association
of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE, 2006). The
study conducted in the United States by the ACFE
in 2004-2005 and the worldwide study, held by PwC
in 2006-2007 yield the following insights. 43% of
companies worldwide have fallen victim to economic
crime in the years 2006 and 2007. The average fi-
nancial damage to companies subjected to the PwC
survey was US$ 2.42 million per company over two
years. Participants of the ACFE study estimate a loss
of 5% of a company’sannual revenues to fraud. These
numbers all address corporate fraud.
Academic literature is currently investigating the
use of data mining for the purpose of fraud detec-
tion. (Brockett et al., 2002), (Cortes et al., 2002),
(Est´evez et al., 2006), (Fanning and Cogger, 1998),
(Kim and Kwon, 2006) and (Kirkos et al., 2007) are
just a few examples of a more elaborated list of ar-
ticles concerning the hot topic of fighting fraud. Al-
though a lot of this research may be framed in differ-
ent settings -going from different techniques to differ-
ent fraud domains-, there are two characteristics that
stand for all executed research up till now: the fo-
cus is on external fraud and a predictive data mining
approach is applied for fraud detection. We however
are interested in internal fraud, since this represents
mainly these large costs in the PwC and ACFE sur-
veys. Further, we are convinced that not fraud detec-
tion alone, but detection in combination with preven-
tion, is of priceless value for organizations. We will
use the term fraud risk reduction for encompassing
both fraud detection and prevention.
We continue this study on the positive results of
academic literature concerning the use of a data min-
ing approach for the purpose of fraud detection. Since
our aim is fraud risk reduction, we apply however an-
other category of techniques than applied up till now.
We believe in the value of descriptive data mining for
the purpose of fraud risk reduction. In contrast to the
explored predictive data mining techniques in current
academic literature, descriptive data mining provides
us with insights of the complete data set and can be of
value for assessing the fraud risk in selected business
In the following sections we explain the followed
methodology of this study, the data set, the used latent
Jans M., Lybaert N. and Vanhoof K. (2008).
INTERNAL FRAUD RISK REDUCTION - Results of a Data Mining Case Study.
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 161-166
DOI: 10.5220/0001679201610166
class clustering algorithm, and the results of investi-
gating a business process of the case company. We
end with a conclusion.
The applied methodology can be summarized by Fig-
ure 1. As a first step, an organization should select a
business process which it thinks is worthwhileinvesti-
gating. Further is the implementation of advanced IT
a breeding ground for employee fraud (Lynch and Go-
maa, 2003). For this reason and because data needs to
be electronically stored in order to mine it by means of
a data mining approach, the selected business process
needs to be one with an advanced IT integration. In a
second step the stored data will be collected, manipu-
lated and enriched. These are mainly technical trans-
actions. During the third step, the technical data will
be translated into behavioral data. This translation
builds upon domain knowledge and is not just a tech-
nical transformation. The core of the methodology
is then to apply descriptive data mining for getting
more insights in this behavioral data. The descrip-
tives should provide the researchers a recognizable
pattern of procedures of the selected business process.
In addition some other patterns of minor groups of ob-
servations in the data can arise, interesting to have a
closer look at. By auditing observations part of such a
subgroup, the domain expert can categorize the obser-
vations in four groups. The fraudulent observations
(a first category) are part of fraud detection, while
the observations that circumvent procedures or are
created by mistake (two other categories) are part of
fraud prevention. Fraud prevention is in this method-
ology primarily based on checking or taking away the
fraud opportunity. The importance of opportunity is
stressed by Cressey’s fraud triangle with opportunity
being the only element of fraud risk that an employer
can influence. The other two elements, rationaliza-
tion and incentive, are personal characteristics. The
fourth category of audited observations, the ones with
extreme values, can also occur, but are of no interest
for internal fraud risk reduction.
The data set is established by performing the first
three steps of our methodology. For this study, the
corporation of a case company was acquired. This
company, which chooses to stay anonymous in this
study, is an international financial services provider,
ranked in the top 20 of Europeanfinancial institutions.
with advanced IT integration
1. Select business process
2. Data collection, manipulation
and enrichment
3. Transformation of data
5. Audit by domain experts:
4. Descriptive Data Mining
− extreme values
− fraud
− circumventing procedures
− errors/mistakes
FRAUD DETECTION Predictive Data Mining
Rationalisation Incentive/Pressure
Figure 1: Methodology for internal fraud risk reduction.
The business process selected for internal fraud risk
reduction is procurement, so data from the case com-
pany’s procurement cycle is the input of our study.
More specifically, the creation of purchasing orders
(PO’s) was adopted as process under investigation.
As a start, a txt-dumpis made out of SAP. All PO’s
that in 2006 resulted in an invoice are the subject of
our investigation. This raw data is then reorganized
into appropriate tables to support meaningful analy-
sis. After the creation of these new formats, additional
attributes were created as enrichment and resulted in
a data set of 36.595 observations. Based on domain
knowledge, supported by descriptive statistics, a pre-
clustering step is made. PO’s are split in two groups:
old PO’s and new PO’s. Old PO’s are the ones cre-
ated before July 2005. The fact that they are included
in our data is because an invoice of the year 2006 can
be linked to a PO created in 2005 or even before 2005.
However, if a PO is from before July 2005 (there are
PO’s even from 2000), this PO shows a different life
cycle than if it were younger (there are for example
much more changes on such PO’s). The subset of old
PO’s contains 2.781 observations while the subset of
new PO’s counts 33.814 observations. Both subsets
of PO’s were subjected to the proposed methodology.
Since the latter group is the most prominent in as-
sessing internal fraud risk (most recent) and given its
magnitude, this paper gives detailed test results of the
new PO’s. The other side of the picture is that this
large data set poses more problems in the fifth step of
our methodology, namely the auditing of interesting
observations. We restrict this study to provide recom-
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
mendations on this matter for the new PO’s. For the
subset of old PO’s however, the audit step is effec-
tively executed and these results will be reported after
the discussion of the new PO’s. In what follows, the
term data set refers to the subset of new PO’s (33.814
The most important attributes to describe a PO
and its life cycle are the following: the name of the
creator, the supplier, the purchasing group, the type
of purchasing document, the number of changes, the
number of changes after the last release and the num-
ber of price related changes after the last release. Con-
cerning the numerical attributes, there are 91 creators
recurring in the data set, 3.708 suppliers, 13 purchas-
ing groups and 6 document types. (see Table 1)
Table 1: Categorical attributes.
Categorical Recurrence in data set
Creator 91
Supplier 3.708
Purchasing Group 13
Document Type 6
Of the 91 creators, not all of them introduce
equally as much PO’s in the ERP system, because of
the individual characteristics of each purchase. Some
creators, responsible for a particular type of purchase,
need to enter lots of PO’s, while other creators, re-
sponsible for other types of purchase, only enter a
few PO’s. Also the turnover in terms of personnel has
its reflection on the number of PO’s per employee.
Like creators, the frequency of suppliers in the data
set is liable to the specific characteristics of the prod-
uct or service supplied. There will be for example
more PO’s concerning monthly leasing contracts for
cars than there will be for supplying desks. Hence the
former supplier will be more frequently present in the
data set than the latter. Concerning the 13 purchasing
groups, there is no difference in expected fraud risk
between the different groups. Some groups are more
present than others in the data set, but this can all be
explained by domain knowledge. The same goes for
the six differentpurchasing documenttypes. All types
have their specific characteristics, but there is no ex-
pected difference concerning fraud risk.
The numerical attributes are described in Table 2.
For each attribute, three intervals were created, based
on their mean and standard deviation. For the first
attribute, the intervals were [2-4], [5-8] and [9-...], for
the second attribute [0-0], [1-2] and [3-...] and for the
last attribute [0-0], [1-1] and [2-...]. In Table 2 we
see that there is a highly skewed distribution for the
three attributes, which is to be expected for variables
that count these types of changes. The changes are
supposed to be small in numbers.
After creating these attributes and providing de-
scriptives, we turn to the third step of our method-
ology. For the specification of our model, we take
into account the particular type of fraud risk we wish
to reduce. The fraud risk linked with entering PO’s
into the ERP-system is connected with the number
of changes one makes to this PO, and more specifi-
cally, the changes made after the last release. There
is namely a built-in flexibility in the ERP system to
modify released PO’s without triggering a newrelease
procedure. For assessing the related risk, we selected
four attributes to mine the data. A first attribute is the
number of changes a PO is subjected to in total. A
second attribute presents the number of changes that
is executed on a PO after it was released for the last
time. The third attribute we created is the percent-
age of this last count that is price related. So what
percentage of changes made after the last release is
related to price issues? This is our third attribute. The
last attribute concerns the magnitude of these price
changes. Considering the price related changes, we
calculate the mean of all price changes per PO and its
standard deviation. On itself, no added value was be-
lieved to be in it. Every purchaser has its own field of
purchases, so cross sectional analysis is not really an
option. However, we combine the mean (µ) and stan-
dard deviation (σ) to create a theoretical upper limit
per PO of µ + 2σ. Next, we count for each PO how
often this theoretical limit was exceeded. This new
attribute is also taken into account in our model. In
this core model, no categorical attributes were added.
As a robustness check however, attributes like docu-
ment type and purchasing group were included in the
model. The results did not significantly change by
these inclusions.
For a descriptive data mining approach, we have cho-
sen for a clustering algorithm, more specifically a la-
tent class (LC) clustering algorithm. We prefer LC
clustering to the more traditional K-means clustering
for several reasons. The most important reason is that
this algorithm allows for overlapping clusters. An ob-
servation is provided a probability to belong to each
cluster, for example .80 for cluster 1, .20 for cluster 2
and .00 for cluster 3. This gives us the extra opportu-
nity to look at outliers in the sense that an observation
does not belong to any cluster at all. This is for exam-
ple the case with probabilities like .35, .35 and .30.
Other considerations to apply the LC clustering algo-
rithm are the ability to handle attributesof mixed scale
INTERNAL FRAUD RISK REDUCTION - Results of a Data Mining Case Study
Table 2: Descriptives of numerical attributes.
Attribute Minimum Maximum Mean Standard 1st interval 2nd interval 3rd interval
deviation frequency (%) frequency (%) frequency (%)
Number of changes 1 152 4.37 3.846 71.3 21.5 7.2
Number of changes 0 91 .37 1.343 80.9 11.9 7.2
after last release
Price related number of 0 46 .15 .882 91.1 6.7 2.2
changes after last release
types and the presence of information criteria statis-
tics to determine the number of clusters. For a more
detailed comparison of LC clustering with K-means
we refer to (Magidson and Vermunt, 2002). For more
and detailed information about LC analysis, we refer
to (Kaplan, 2004) and (Hagenaars and McCutcheon,
5.1 Model Specifications
Using the four attributes described in Section 3,
we executed the LC clustering algorithm with the
number of clusters (K) set equal to 1 till 6. This
yielded the information criteria (IC) values plotted
in Figure 2. As you can see, the IC values drop
heavily until the 3-cluster model. Beyond the 3-
cluster model, the decreases are more modest. Based
on these values, we decide to use this 3-cluster model.
Figure 2: Information criteria values.
5.2 Results
The profile of the 3-cluster model is presented in Ta-
ble 3. It gives the mean value of each attribute in each
cluster. To compare with the data set as a whole, the
mean values of the population are also provided.
Looking at the profile of the 3-cluster model, there
is an interesting cluster to notice, the third cluster, if
it was even only for its size. Cluster 1 comprehends
76.6% of the total data set, cluster 2 22.1% and cluster
3 only 1.3%. Why is there 1.3% of all PO’s behaving
Table 3: Profile of data set and 3-cluster model.
Population Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3
Cluster size 100 0.7663 0.2212 0.0125
Number of changes 4.37 3.3378 6.7608 25.459
Changes after release 0.37 0.0193 1.2376 6.1257
Percentage price related 0.0756 0 0.3185 0.4094
Count over limit 0.01 0.0072 0.0194 0.2725
differently than the remaining PO’s? Regarding the
mean attribute values of this small cluster, this clus-
ter is, besides from its size, also interesting in terms
of fraud risk. The mean number of changes per PO
in this cluster, is 25, as opposed to a mean number
of changes of 4 in the data set. Why are these PO’s
modified so often? Not only are these PO’s changed
so much in their entire life cycle, they are also mod-
ified significantly more after they were last released
(6 times) in comparison with the mean PO in the data
set (0.37 times). These are odd characteristics. The
mean percentage in cluster 3 of changes after the last
release that is price related is also the highest per-
centage of the three clusters (40.9%). All together
this means that the average PO in cluster 3 is changed
25 times in total, of which 6 changes occur after the
last release and 2.4 of those 6 changes are price re-
lated. Concerning the magnitude of the price related
changes, we can conclude that these changes of PO’s
in cluster 3 are more often much larger than the aver-
age price change in that PO if we compare this with
price related changes of PO’s in the other clusters. In
cluster 3, there are on average 0.2725 price related
changes larger than µ + 2σ per PO, in comparison
with 0.0072 and 0.00194 per PO in cluster 1 and 2
and 0.01 changes in the entire data set.
Taking these numerical characteristics into ac-
count, one can conclude that cluster 3 has a profile
with a higher fraud risk than the other two clusters.
Also categorical attributes behave in a different fash-
ion than they behave in the data set as a whole. So
there are the creators of the PO. One person for ex-
ample created 39 out of the 408 PO’s from cluster 3
(hereby representing 9.56% of cluster 3), while the
same person only created 131 out of the 33.814 PO’s,
which counts only for 0.39% of the entire data set.
For calculating the probability of taking this per-
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
son (called xxx) by chance 39 times of 408, given the
prior distribution, we use the hypergeometric distri-
bution. This looks as follows.
The hypergeometric distribution is a discrete
probability distribution that describes the number of
successes m in a sequence of n draws without replace-
ment, givena finite population N with M successes. In
our situation concerning person xxx this leads to:
< 1
So if we select 408 cases at random out of the pop-
ulation of 33.814 observations, there is a probability
less than 1
that we pick 39 cases with user-id xxx,
given the prior distribution of 131 successes in the
population. This event is very unlikely to happen by
Not only creators made such significant increases
in representation, but also some suppliers are signif-
icantly more represented in cluster 3 than they are in
the full data set. We screened all creators and suppli-
ers on significant increases in representation between
the data set and cluster 3 with a significance level of
h < 1
. 14 suppliers and 12 creators met this cri-
terium. Not all of them are however equally important
since an increase of 0.03% representation to 0.98% is
not as impressive as an increase of 1.47% to 7.6%.
Table 4 gives us more insights into the importance of
the 14 suppliers and 12 creators.
Table 4: Descriptives of creators and suppliers with a sig-
nificant higher representation in cluster 3.
Representation (r) in cluster 3 Number of suppliers Number of creators
r < 1% 4
1% < r < 2% 4
2.2% < r < 4.5% 3
6% < r < 7.5% 3
Total 14
r < 2% 3
2.9% < r < 3.5% 3
5% < r < 10% 6
Total 12
Since it is more than likely that auditing all 408
PO’s of cluster 3 is too time consuming, it would be
interesting to take a sample of PO’s that are made by
one of the creators described above or involve one of
those suppliers (or both). The smallest sample to ex-
tract from this cluster is to take only those PO’s of the
six creators and three suppliers that are most repre-
sented in the cluster. This yields a sample of 38 PO’s.
Why is it that they merely induce PO’s in this small
cluster than in the other two clusters. What makes
these purchases this risky? Also the recurrence of a
particular purchasing group and purchasing document
type can shed an interesting light on deciding which
PO’s to audit. Auditing this kind of PO’s can learn
the company a lot about the opportunities that exist to
commit fraud, in view of the fraud risky profile that
the numerical attributes describe.
The possibility LC clustering provides to audit ob-
servations that do not belong to any cluster is also ex-
plored. 42 PO’s were identified and audited in-depth.
There was no uniform profile for these cases. The au-
dit resulted in a few questions with regard to the use
of the ERP-system. Nothing however showed misuse
of procedures or any other fraud risk.
5.3 Audit by Domain Experts of Old
As already mentioned, the audit step is not (yet) exe-
cuted for the subset of new PO’s. The entire method-
ology, provided in Figure 1, is however also applied
on the subset of old PO’s, including the fifth step. The
results of the descriptive data mining step are similar
to the discussed results. The small interesting cluster
(in perspective of a fraud risky profile) of old PO’s
only contained 10 observations, with nine of them
stemming from the same purchasing group and six of
them created by the same employee. These 10 obser-
vations were audited by domain experts. The results
of their investigation are summarized in Table 5.
Table 5: Summary of investigation by domain experts.
Category Number of cases
Extreme values 0
Fraud 0
Circumventing procedures 9
Errors/Mistakes 1
These are very good results in the light of inter-
nal fraud risk reduction. Nine PO’s, the ones in the
particular purchasing group, are created and modified
all over and over again. This is against procedures
and makes investigating these PO’s very difficult. By
creating such complex histories of a PO, the opportu-
nity of committing fraud increases. Only insiders can
unravel what really happened with these PO’s, since
they are such a mess. This off course increases the
opportunity and risk of internal fraud. Also, the in-
vestigation of this practice has put things in another
perspective concerning the separation of functionali-
ties. A follow-up investigation by the audit and in-
vestigations department of the case company for this
matter is approved.
INTERNAL FRAUD RISK REDUCTION - Results of a Data Mining Case Study
In the tenth PO a mistake is made. As explained
before, a mistake that stays unnoticed creates a win-
dow of opportunity for internal fraud. The employee
that first makes a mistake by accident, can afterwards
consider how to turn this opportunity to one’s advan-
By investigating the 10 selected observations, ad-
ditional odd practices came to light, which also in-
duced extra investigations. On top of this, the case
company gave priority on auditing the procurement
cycle in depth.
5.4 Comparing Results with Reporting
The results of using a descriptive data mining tech-
nique, provides us with interesting results. In the
smaller subset we encounter PO’s that are changed
over and over again. Also in the larger subset, chang-
ing the PO a lot of times is a primal characteristic of
the selected observations. However, one could won-
der if this outcome was not much easier to obtain,
simply by applying some form of reporting. For ex-
ample, maybe we get the same results when we just
take the observations with lots of changes? We do not
go into the discussion about one method being gener-
ally better than another. What we can and want to say
however, is that in our case, we did not find the same
results by using basis reporting as we found by ap-
plying the LC clustering algorithm. The multivariate
analysis was indispensable to come to the presented
results. Another remark to consider about reporting,
is that you do not know in advance which attribute
to go on. Also analyzing the influence of categorical
variables is not easy with reporting tools.
In this paper, a methodology for reducing internal
fraud risk is presented. This is a contribution to the
literature in that it concerns internal fraud whereas
the literature focusses on external fraud. Further we
broaden our scope from fraud detection to fraud risk
reduction, which encompasses both fraud detection
as prevention. We were able to apply our suggested
methodology in a top 20 ranked European financial
institution. The results of the case study suggest that
the use of a descriptive data mining approach and the
latent class clustering technique, can be of additional
value to reduce the risk of internal fraud in a com-
pany. Using simple reporting tools did not yield the
same results, nor would be able to provide similar in-
sights in current use of procedures. The application of
the suggested methodology at the case company pro-
duced a tone of more concern about the topic of inter-
nal fraud along with concern about the opportunity of
committing this crime.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems