Dong-Hoon Kim and Jong-Hee Park
E10-506, Electronics Dept, Kyungpook Nat’l Univ., Sankyuk-dong, Pukgu, Daegu, South Korea
Keywords: Knowledge structure, Schema integration, Object selection mechanism.
Abstract: Similar to human knowledge, the knowledge of agents should be able to express various and vast
information in the virtual reality. In order to represent the numerous information we should construct the
lots of schemas. For such a reason, the schemas are represented redundantly bringing about the problems
such as update and insertion anomalies. In order to solve these problems we should consider the method of
schema integration. In this paper, we propose the methods of selecting object which are suitable for the
schema integration.
An ontology is an explicit specification of a
conceptualization (
Gruber, T. R., 1993). Everything
that can compose a situation is abstracted in an
ontology. The concepts, the topmost elements of our
ontology, encompass the entities and the logical
concepts (
Park, J, 2004). Based on the ontology, a
schema that is the abstraction of the real world
symbolizes all objects, and is organized by their
A schema captures the skeletal semantics of a
domain in terms of concepts. Thus the knowledge of
the agents should be structured in advance so that
agents in the virtual real world are able to act as in
the reality. The knowledge structure of an agent
consists of three abstraction layers, schema layer,
instance layer, and situation layer (
Ji, S.J., 2007).
There could be many partial according to specific
situation in reality. Those partial schemas need to be
integrated into a global schema to simulate the
reality as a whole or the cosmos. Since those
schemas have many discrepancies and redundancies
causing such problems as systematic management,
update anomalies, and insertion anomalies
Ramakrishnan and Gehrke, 2003), their integration
requires selection of appropriate grafting points
before diverse resolution associated with those
discrepancies and redundancies. The methodologies
for database schema integration have much common
with the knowledge schema integration we are
pursuing. Schema integration is considered in two
contexts such as database integration (
Carlo Batini.
1986., Parent, C., Spaccapietra, S. 1998) and view
integration (
Navathe,s.b., Gadgil,s.g, 1982). Those
studies are performed on targets of integration
namely, object types and connector types, and focus
only on partial schemas.
In this paper, we introduce methods of selecting
suitable object for schema integration, to expand
into a global schema. The comparison methods are
conducted in three factors: names, properties and
hierarchy structure.
An entity class is characterized by its definitional
and characteristic properties. Definitional property is
used to express specialization of entity in class
hierarchy (
Sun Mi NOH, 2005). A class is defined by
its definitional properties. Classes may have
common properties and those classes organize into
class hierarchy.
Definitional attributes of a class are specified on its
associated specialization link in the class hierarchy.
For example in Figure.1 as its specialization link (i.e.
+life, mobility, +intelligence), the Living thing class
has action as characteristic properties such as
Kim D. and Park J. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 411-415
DOI: 10.5220/0001680004110415
‘reproduce()’ & ‘breathe()’ and the Animal class has
a characteristic property, i.e. ‘perceive()’. And the
Human class has a characteristic property, i.e.
‘beget()’. Because the class hierarchy structures are
complicatedly constructed with many entities,
activities, and attributes, it is important for each
instance and class to build on characteristic identity
in itself for an organization of linking formation.
Identity of an object class is recognized by its
characteristic properties uniquely.
The characteristic attributes which are connected
with subclasses may be omitted on link, because
subclasses inherit the characteristic attributes of the
ancestor class. Still those properties represent
characteristic of each entity, those properties are
important to select suitable object in order to
integrate schema.
Figure 1: Structure of knowledge.
In this chapter, we introduce the three comparison
methods which can select the suitable entities for
integration. That is, we describe the comparison
method by the name of entity, the comparison of the
property and the comparison method based on
hierarchy structure.
3.1 Comparison by Name
This method finds identical nodes by comparing
their names. The lexical difference in the names of
two semantically identical nodes would be resolved
by considering their synonymy (
Miller, George A.,
Richard Beckwith, Christiane Fellbaum, Derek Gross and
Katherine J. Miller, 1990
). We start the comparison of
the two schemas at the root node of the schema with
the lower depth. Two nodes are judged to be
identical if their synsets overlap by more than fifty
This is the algorithm for object selection through the
comparison of names.
/* Name compare*/
Function Same_name(Schema1, Schema2)
while(Schema2_node !=NULL)
// Starting the root node of schema1
Point the root node of Schema1
// Searching every node of schema1
while(Schema1_node !=NULL)
// if node name is same, then select the node
if same the nodename
then choose the node and break
// compare to the node synset
else CompareString(
// if the node synset has similar name
if similarity of the
nodeSynsetname is found then
choose the node and break
else next the Schema1_node
end while
next the Schema2_node
end while
end Function
We present an example on the basis of this algorithm.
As shown in Figure.3, Woman entity in Figure.2(b)
is selected as the start node for comparison with the
entities in Figure.2(a). The Woman entity and Being
entity are compared to each other in terms of their
names and synsets. If the name does not match, then
comparing continues with the next entity. In
Figure.2(a), the Woman entity is chosen a suitable
entity for schema integration by comparing with the
synset of Female entity.
Figure 2: Comparison of Object name.
3.2 Comparison by Properties and
An entity class is characterized by the attributes and
activities connected to it. We can judge the similar
nodes by comparing their characteristic properties
from the two schemas being evaluated. The
characteristic properties are represented in terms of
their associated attributes and activities which in
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
turn are represented by their associated attributes.
Each of these attributes is compared pair-wisely to
find similar entities. Although they don’t have the
same characteristic attribute, if their property sets
overlap by more than seventy percent then two
nodes would be judged to be identical. This is the
algorithm for object selection through comparison
by attributes.
/* Attribute compare*/
Function Same_attribute(Schema1,Schema2)
// Searching every node of schema2
while(Schema2_node !=NULL)
// Starting the root node of schema1
Point the root node of Schema1
while(Schema1_node !=NULL)
if same the characteristic attribute
then choose the node and break
// if property set of the node has similar objects
else if similarity of the property
set is found
then choose the node and break
// compare to the next node of schema1
else next the Schema1_node
end while
next the Schema2_node
end while
end Function
We will give an example based on this algorithm. In
Figure.3(b), the schema of the Woman entity has an
attribute set, i.e. attribute = {size, shape}, and
characteristic attribute, i.e. {bear()}. Comparison of
this entity starts from the root entity of the target
schema Figure.3(a), in terms of the actions and
attributes. If any attribute does not match for an
entity, then comparison continues with its child
entity’s attributes. In the Figure.3, for example we
may judge the Animal entity is similar to Woman
entity because both entities include the same
attributes such as ‘size’& ‘shape’. Since their
characteristic attributes do not match however,
further comparison with a child entity of Animal
entity is attempted. Since Lady entity inherits all the
other ancestor entities including Human entity, the
system would estimate that the two entities have the
same characteristic attribute i.e., ‘bear()’. Therefore
the two entities, Lady and Woman entities are
selected as suitable entity pair for integration.
3.3 Comparison by Similar
Construction and Hierarchy
We also can select the similar entity by means of
comparing their hierarchical similarity such as class
hierarchy. Figure.4 is the example of integrating the
Figure 3: Comparison of Property.
two schemas. The knowledge structure of
Figure.4(a) and Figure.4(b) encompasses concept
and links of objects with their own information.
However, Figure.4(a) depicts the hierarchy from
‘Physical Object’ with relations, on the other hand,
Figure.4(b) shows the hierarchy of move() of animal.
The comparison of hierarchical similarity of the two
schemas starts from the root node based on their
names and characteristic properties. If not similar,
the comparison moves to the next entities until either
reaching the end node or finding the similarity in the
top-down fashion. We in particular consider links
which have a meaning, i.e. ‘+life’, ‘mobility’.
The algorithm for object selection through the
comparison by structure is following.
/* Structure compare*/
Function Same_construction(Schema1,
Check the depth the two schemas
//if Schema1 has long depth
while(Schema1_node !=NULL)
// Starting the root node of schema1,schema2
Point the root node of Schema1,
// part of structure compare
If same the number of Link the
two schemas
//use the attribute algorithm
then call Same_attribute(Schema1,
If same the definitional attribute
then select the node and break
else next to Schema1_node
next to Schema2_node
else asking the comparison
process continue
if approval then next to
next to Schema2_node
else return abort
end while
end Function
We present the example on the basis of this
algorithm. In Figure.4, Living thing and Animal
entities are intuitively not the similar entity because
of different characteristic attribute despite of both
having similar structure, that is, they are in the
middle of the hierarchy and are connected by the
same information of the link. There is special
information for the comparison, link information.
Animal entity, in Figure.4(b) has a characteristic
attribute, i.e., move() and it can infer that Animal
entity inherits ‘mobility’ property because ‘mobility’
should be in the upper class as the condition of the
existence of ‘move()’. Therefore, we can directly
search the link of ‘+mobility’ in Living thing entity,
then follow the link. At the end of the link, there is
Animal entity, as a result, the two entities are
selected as suitable entity pair for integration.
Figure 4: Comparison of similar construction and
3.4 Overall Flow of the Mechanism
The Figure.5 shows the flowchart of the overall
mechanism by comparing their names and
characteristic properties studied so far. In order to
select a suitable node for integration, two schemas
are selected, and then, estimated to the possibility of
the integration by comparing their hierarchy
structure. The algorithm in the following is based on
three algorithms above. If a suitable selection of a
node is not completed, another schema will be an
The Figure.6 shows the example about choosing the
suitable nodes for integration. The Figure.6(a) and
6(b) are satisfactory to the condition of integration
which has similarity class hierarchy structure. We
can estimate the sequence of entities which are
constructed by the two schemas through the
comparison of names and links of upper and lower
nodes and connection with characteristic attributes.
The Animal entity is selected as the same entity by
comparing their names. Then it is integrated like
shown in Figure.6(c). The properties which are
linked by the entities must operate the addition and
Figure 5: The flowchart of object selection.
deletion in order to avoid representing redundancy
or omission. The Figure.6 indicates the problem of
sequence of the entities which are generated when
Figure.6(a) and Figure.6(b) are integrated. In
Figure.6(c), the Human entity has the Baby entity as
child entity because Human entity has a
characteristic attribute such as ‘beget()’ and Baby
entity has actions such as ‘beget() & crawl()’. We
can understand that child entities do not represent
the properties which are inherited from ancestor
Figure 6: Example of object selection.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In this paper, we introduced the knowledge structure
of agent which is constructed with class hierarchy
and the methods of selecting suitable entities. We
also proposed the methods for selecting suitable
object by comparing their characteristic properties,
similar names, and similar structure hierarchy. These
methods of selecting entities for schema integration
can solve the problems such as update anomalies,
insertion anomalies.
In our further studies, we will delve constraints of
diverse links and develop a schema integration tool.
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