“Programming by Example” of Weakly-Structured Process Models
Todor Stoitsev, Stefan Scheidl
SAP Research, SAP AG, Bleichstr. 8, Darmstadt, Germany
Felix Flentge, Max Mühlhäuser
Telecooperation Group, Darmstadt University of Technology, Darmstadt, Germany
Keywords: End user development, computer supported cooperative work, ad-hoc workflow, knowledge management,
human computer interaction.
Abstract: Enterprises face the challenge of managing underspecified, human-centric business processes, which are
executed in distributed teams in a rather informal, ad-hoc manner. This gave hibernating CSCW and ad-hoc
workflow research a new push recently. However, there is still the need to clearly perceive end users as the
actual drivers of business processes and to enable them to proactively tailor these processes according to
their actual expertise and problem solving strategies. This paper presents the design and evaluation of a
prototype for end-user development of weakly-structured process models through email-integrated task
management. The presented CTM (Collaborative Task Manager) prototype uses “programming by
example” to leverage user experience with standard email and task management applications and to extend
user skills towards the definition of reusable process structures. By closely correlating to the actual user
work practices and software environment, the tool provides a “gentle slope of complexity” for end users
engaging in process tailoring activities.
Up until recently, workflow systems were too formal
and restrictive to be useful for knowledge-intensive
and rather informal processes (Schwarz et al., 2001).
The importance of such processes and the increase
of distributed team work led to further research on
enterprise efficiency, which clearly presents how
“individual actions lead to overall enterprise
performance” (Wiig, 2004). It becomes apparent that
the traditional enterprise process modelling
perspective is being replaced by tailoring of business
processes according to the individual point of view
and connecting them towards the achievement of
common enterprise goals. This novel view on
business processes emerges in analyst reports as the
“Process of Me” (Gartner, 2006) and is recognized
as one of the major challenges for the next
generation Business Process Management (BPM). It
states the fundamental need to provide end users
with adequate techniques to proactively express
process knowledge and to participate in business
process management and design.
End User Development (EUD) is defined as “a
set of methods, techniques, and tools that allow
users of software systems, who are acting as non-
professional software developers, at some point to
create, modify, or extend a software artefact”
(Lieberman et al., 2006). Within the presented paper
a process model is considered as a software artefact,
which can be adapted and enacted to support
underspecified, human-centric processes. The
presented study is motivated through the possibility
to “render” appropriation of process models to end
users and to “exploit the potential of opportunity-
based and emergent changes” from the introduction
of groupware in enterprises (Wulf & Jarke, 2004).
Riss et al. (2005) discuss the challenges for the
next generation BPM by suggesting the recognition
and reuse of “task patterns” and “process patterns”
as alternative to static workflows. However,
concrete examples for engaging business users in
task pattern definition and modelling towards
Stoitsev T., Scheidl S., Flentge F. and Mühlhäuser M. (2008).
of Weakly-Structured Process Models.
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 38-46
DOI: 10.5220/0001681300380046
generic enterprise process models are still missing as
well as techniques for achieving that. This issue is in
the focus of the presented paper. The described
approach ensures a “gentle slope of complexity”
(MacLean et al., 1990) for process tailoring
activities by leveraging user experience with
standard tools for collaboration (email) and task
management (to-do lists) and extending user skills
towards definition of weakly-structured process
models through “programming by example”
(Lieberman, 2001). This EUD technique enables
unobtrusive support by embedding the process
definition in the existing end user working
environment and inferring process models from the
captured executed activities. The described approach
presents a valuable extension to “evolutionary”
workflows (Hermann, 2000) and “interactive
process models” (Jorgensen, 2004) by allowing
“seeding, evolutionary growth, and reseeding”
(Fisher et al., 2004) of weakly structured process
models in shared enterprise repositories and task
instance-based evolution tracking. The iterative,
evolutionary transitions from execution to design
(and vice versa) of adaptable, weakly-structured
process models exceed the capabilities of known
email-based workflows (Agostini et al., 1997).
In section 2 we present basic problems regarding
current practices in ad-hoc processes, which are used
to introduce process tailoring by end users. Section 3
presents a prototype for end user driven process
definition. Section 4 describes results from prototype
evaluation at a partner company. In section 5 we
give conclusions and future research directions.
The presented study builds up on state of the art
research in the areas of task management, flexible
workflows, CSCW and EUD. It is based on intra-
organizational knowledge sources accumulating
customer requirements as well as on dedicated site
visits and interviews at three companies from
various industries: textile (120 employees), software
(ca. 500 employees), automotive (ca.
employees). Based on the preliminary studies we
identified five generic problem areas concerning
user work practices in ad-hoc processes that can be
used to introduce user-driven process composition:
Lacking Transparency. Email is the main tool for
exchange of tasks and task-related information in
informal processes (Bellotti et al., 2005). Users
further organize tasks in to-do lists (Bellotti et al.,
2004). These tools do not provide end-to-end
overview of running collaborative activities.
No Structured Storage and Retrieval of Process
Knowledge. Users spent considerable effort to
search for task-related data in email folders (Bellotti
et al., 2004). While having individual strategies for
storing data in email and file folders, users are not
able to predict how their “sorting” practice will scale
over time. Increasing data amount increases search
effort and user efficiency degrades.
Lacking Exchange of Process Knowledge. As
process knowledge often remains implicit, stuck in
personal email and file folders, people “know” what
to do but cannot share it efficiently with their
colleagues. This leads to problems when domain
experts are not available and cannot provide support
on time critical activities.
Disjunction between Best-practices and Running
Processes. A common way to store process
guidelines is in text documents (e.g. Microsoft
Word). Text representations do not provide the
possibility to follow evolving user tasks with respect
to the provided guidelines and to observe to what
extent the described (best) practice is being
followed, or why deviations have occurred.
Inability to Trace Evolving Best-practices. Best-
practices for informal processes may often change
due to the changing business conditions. Having
previous process information in email and file
folders and guidelines in text-based documents does
not allow structured comparison and reasonable
evaluation to what extent best-practices need to be
adapted or if different variations have to be managed
for different application contexts.
The Collaborative Task Manager (CTM) is an email-
integrated task management tool, with extensive
support for definition, adaptation and reuse of
weakly-structured process models. All industry
partner companies involved in our preliminary
studies were using Microsoft Outlook (OL) as a
standard email client. To ensure an integrated
support within the common working environment,
CTM is delivered as an OL Add-In, additionally
exploiting the fact that tasks and email are provided
in the same office application. The CTM Add-In
provides extensions of the OL mail and task items
and enables “programming by example”
(Lieberman, 2001) by using web services to track
user actions, executed on CTM tasks and replicating
PROCESSES - “Programming by Example” of Weakly-Structured Process Models
Figure 1: CTM To-Do List (TDL).
data on a central server. The data is held in a
Database (DB) that provides a central tracking
repository for all CTM users. Tracking of email
communication for task delegation integrates the
individual task hierarchies of different users to
overall enterprise process structures, emerging on
the server. The CTM Add-In application provides
“Process Info” links on tasks and task-related email
messages, which open a web-based client, providing
overview and navigation in the generated process
structures by retrieving data from the server.
3.1 CTM To-Do List (TDL)
The TDL is shown in Figure 1. CTM extends OL
tasks with functionality for displaying a hierarchical
tree structure. The Add-In provides additional
toolbars for direct access to the main CTM
functionalities. CTM enables insertion and removal
of tasks and sub tasks in a task hierarchy in a light-
weight manner. Task insertion opens a new OL task
dialog where the user works with the familiar OL
task fields. Files can be added to CTM tasks as
common OL task attachments. An email can be
saved as CTM task, whereby the mail subject, body
and attachments are accordingly applied to the task.
3.2 Transfer of Tasks and Deliverables
A CTM task is delegated through a preformatted
“Request” message. Recipients can “Accept”,
“Decline” or “Negotiate” the request. While
request/accept/decline are standard actions known
also from the exchange of meeting requests in OL,
iterative negotiations allow additional clarifications
Figure 2: Detailed task dialog overview.
on tasks. The actual discourse takes place in the
email text, which is independent from the given
message type. This allows open-ended collaboration
on tasks and prevents from submitting user
behaviour to strict speech-act rules, which is a
known limitation in speech-acts adoption (Button,
1994). When a request is accepted, and later on
completed by a recipient, the latter issues a “Declare
Complete” message. Hereupon the requester can
respond with “Approve Completion” or “Decline
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Completion” message. These additional actions
allow negotiation of deliverables, before the final
completion of a delegated task. To avoid flooding of
the OL inbox with task-related messages, a “Move
CTMs” button is provided which moves all task
related emails to a special CTM mail folder.
All email exchange related to a task is associated
to a task dialog and stored on the server. Dialogs can
be inspected through a hierarchical process tree-
view, where the nodes provide links, opening the
exact task and email descriptions, including text and
attachments (Figure 2).
The collaborative functionality in CTM is further
supported through a notifications framework, which
issues notifications throughout the task delegation
hierarchies to inform participants in collaborative
processes if a related task of another process
participant is changed. Stakeholders can accordingly
adapt “in-situ” to the occurred changes.
3.3 Process Overview & Navigation
In CTM, process models emerge as examples for the
actual process execution and comprise the individual
to-do lists of all process participants. These lists are
integrated through the tracked task-related email
exchange. Thereby overall process models emerge
as Task Delegation Graphs (TDG) (Stoitsev et al.,
2008), where the personal task trees of different
users are shown in different user containers (Figure
3). We suggest that this overview provides a highly
intuitive process representation and enables end
users to more adequately recognize their position
and role in overall enterprise processes at a glance,
to identify potential bottlenecks and to evaluate
work distribution. Currently, due date, status and
percent complete indications are provided. The
description link within a task node opens a dialog
with full task (text) description. Tasks attachments,
added in OL tasks, are replicated in a central, DB-
based Artefacts Repository (AR) on the CTM server,
and are accessible in the task instances. Through the
“Show Roottasks” button the user can open a list
view with all initial process tasks (root tasks)
generated on the server throughout the whole
enterprise. Within this view the user can navigate
through the root tasks list and open a TDG (process
execution example) for a given root task.
3.4 Process Model Adaptation & Reuse
Within the presented paper a Task Pattern (TP) (Riss
et al., 2005; Stoitsev et al., 2008) is considered as a
reusable task structure, comprising one task with its
sub task hierarchy and the complete context
information of the contained task instances, like e.g.
description, used resources, involved persons etc.
CTM enables export of a local task from the
personal TDL to a single TP, and export of complete
TDG from the server to multiple TPs, which are
interlinked through suggestions according to the
delegation flow. A TP can be saved in a local or
remote Task Pattern Repository (TPR). A local TPR
is a XML-based document (Stoitsev et al., 2008),
whereas remote TPRs reside in a DB on the CTM
server. The exported task structures are managed in
the Task Patterns Explorer/ Editor (TPE) which is
shown in Figure 4. The TPE provides rich editing
and search functionality: cut, copy, paste, insert,
remove operations are enabled on task trees and on
Figure 3: Detailed process overview – Task Delegation Graph (TDG).
PROCESSES - “Programming by Example” of Weakly-Structured Process Models
data in context fields (on the right hand side). TPE
enables also search and extraction of TPs from the
tracking repository. When editing the provided
process execution examples (interlinked TPs) in the
TPE “the user is not required to interact in the
interface domain of computational abstraction, but
works directly with the data that interests him or
her” (Lieberman et al., 2006). In this sense CTM
enables programming by direct manipulation of the
TP fields. The “Name”, ”Description” and
“Suggested Execution Time” fields hold simple task
context information in text format and are self-
explanatory. The “Owner” field recommends
expertise, i.e. when a TP is extracted from an
executed process, the owner is the person in whose
TDL a task was residing. The field “Suggested
Delegates” contains information about the persons,
who have the expertise to execute a given task.
When a TP is extracted from a collaborative process,
task recipients are set in this field. The “Suggested
Pattern” field holds a reference to a TP, which can
be used for the further processing of a task. In case
of TDG extraction, such references in requester
tasks point at recipient tasks, used for the further
task processing. The recipient tasks are themselves
extracted as separate TPs. Attachments to tasks are
represented as “Artefacts”. Custom adding of
artefacts to a task replicates these to the AR.
Studies on ad-hoc processes report that
“Employees often do not accept a strict sequencing
of those tasks which they have to execute
themselves, because this causes a limitation of their
flexibility” (Hermann, 2000). Our preliminary
studies confirm that statement and the necessity to
minimize sequencing of activities where possible.
Therefore we avoid the declaration of explicit
temporal relationships known from formal task
modelling approaches (Paterno et al., 1996; Veer et
al., 1996; John & Kieras, 1996) and formal
workflow modelling notations (OMG, 2006). TPs
provide structured process execution examples,
where the default assumption is to execute tasks
along the provided task hierarchy in a top-down
manner. Actual temporal relationships between tasks
can be observed only through the task statuses, e.g.
“Waiting for someone else”, “In Progress” provided
in the TDG in the web client during the concrete
process execution (see Figure 3). Automated
detection and export of temporal relationships to
design-time (TPE) is not provided currently,
although this may be useful for optimization of
rigidly recurring processes.
Figure 4: Task Pattern Explorer/Editor (TPE).
TPs can be reused through an “Apply Pattern”
operation, available on tasks in the TDL. It opens the
TPE, where the user can browse through different
TPRs and search for tasks on the server, based on
different criteria (owner, subject, description etc.).
Tasks from remote TPRs can be opened in the TPE,
whereas tasks from TDGs can be additionally
viewed in the web client so that users can estimate
the task applicability to their current situation. No
advanced proactive information delivery on tasks
(Holz et al., 2006) is currently provided. We have
considered that many users approach their
colleagues for help prior to looking for solution in
the available software infrastructure (see also Ribak
et al., 2002). Therefore TPs can be exchanged
through a “Send To” function in the TPE and as
attachments in task requests.
The application of a TP reactivates the process
example by generating the complete task hierarchy
and filling all pre-modelled structure and content
information in the TDL. If during execution a user
initiates a delegation, available delegates are
automatically suggested. A user can change the
anticipated (example) flow by entering different
recipients. Suggested TP references are also
available on tasks. A suggestion, stored as a
reference to a recipient task in the original process
execution, may be used by the person, activating the
TP, to accomplish the task themselves without
further delegations. If on the other hand a delegation
is issued, the recipient task contains the reference
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and the recipient(s) can still refer to the suggested
TP to possibly adapt and reuse it. To allow this,
application of a TP from a local TPR enables
iterative replication of all referenced TPs from the
local TPR to a default remote, user-specific
repository, where these are accessible by all users.
3.5 Task Pattern Evolution
Best-practice deviations may occur due to changing
business conditions and different problem solving
strategies of end users. CTM provides functionality
to trace such deviations through task instance-based
ancestor/descendant relationships (Stoitsev et al.,
2008). Such are set e.g. on copy/paste of (sub) task
hierarchy in the TPE - iteratively each task in the
resulting hierarchy receives an ancestor reference to
the corresponding task in the original hierarchy.
When a TP is exported from an executed process
and saved to a remote TPR, all resulting tasks
receive ancestor references to the corresponding
original tasks in the tracking repository. If a remote
TP is applied, the resulting tracked tasks receive
ancestor references to the corresponding tasks of the
remote TP. If a TP is exported from an executed
process to a local TPR, the resulting tasks preserve
the information (id’s) of the tracked tasks. When a
local TP is applied, the resulting tasks receive
ancestor references to the originating tasks in the
tracking repository. Evolutions can be viewed in the
Task Pattern Evolution Explorer (TPEE) shown on
Figure 5. The “introduce consignment” task of user
Y (selected node) originates from a tracked ancestor
task with the same name, which was executed by
user X (root node). The latter task has also another
descendant, resulting from its reuse by user W (task
in the bottom). User Y has saved a global TP from
his execution to a remote TPR (expanded node with
black descendant icon under selected node), which
Figure 5: Task Evolution Explorer (TEE).
was reused in two further executions, the one of
which resulted in a second global TP version. The
TDG and dialogs of tracked ancestor/descendant
tasks can be shown through the “View in
Repository” button for case analysis.
The CTM evaluation was conducted at the textile
production company (cf. 2) and involved 6 users,
selected for having related, collaborative tasks:
Chief Officer Assistant (COA). serves as a single
point of contact to the chief officer (forwards
accept/reject) of contract proposals; coordinates all
departments (sales, IT etc.);
Chief Sales Officer (CSO). coordinates activities in
sales department, responsible e.g. for: internal
processing of special customer sales applications
(consignment, credits), credits approval, budget
Sales Employees (SL1 & SL2). process sales
orders, make credibility checks, participate in price
definition processes, assist CSO;
IT Department Lead (ITL). coordinates activities
of IT department, decides about acquisition of new
software and hardware; manages adaptations and
extensions to existing systems;
IT Employee (ITE). installs soft-and hardware;
executes business process-related transactions in
internal systems; maintains documentation about
executed transactions; provides guidelines for
transactions execution.
4.1 Setting & Extent of Use
The evaluation was initiated with a workshop in
which we gave a 1 hour presentation on CTM,
followed by 30 minutes individual training of each
user in the basic functionalities. Detailed CTM user
guides were provided to all participants. After
several days we visited the users individually to
check how they are working with the tool and to
provide further instructions. The evaluation
concluded with a short video recording and
transcription of the tool use, followed by a structured
debriefing interview, in which we asked each
participant to assess the basic features and to rate to
what extent CTM improved their ability to manage
tasks in ad-hoc processes using Likert scales and
freeform explanations.
The CTM trial was planned initially for 4 weeks.
However, the installation of the tool required
network adaptations as well as OL configuration
changes. Therefore only a 2 weeks trial was
possible. Problems with character encoding schemes
PROCESSES - “Programming by Example” of Weakly-Structured Process Models
suspended the CTM usage by the COA for a further
4.2 Findings
Despite the initial technical difficulties and usability
issues, mentioned in the following, end users found
the concepts behind CTM compelling and clearly
identified the high potential to structure and
optimize their activities with the tool - the average
overall approval rating for CTM was 4.29 (on a
Likert scale of 1: Hate it, to 5: Love it). A summary
of the observations follows:
Missing Initial Process Context. Some users
suggested that root tasks should be created by senior
employees, who actually trigger processes.
ITE: “I do not initiate processes, I actually execute
on them. […] I always expected to get a task request
from somebody [COA, CSO] who would create a
root task and distribute the sub tasks. I then would
receive a task, break it down and distribute the
resulting tasks to the others [Sales].”
Due to the encoding problems in the TDL of the
COA, the latter did not send requests for a week
after ITE had started using CTM. This affected also
the amount of tasks ITE acted on. Similarly, SL1
had created a root task for a task description, which
was sent by CSO per email some time ago but was
not acted upon before the CTM installation. No root
tasks were created for ongoing activities in which
users were engaged before CTM installation. This
reveals that process modelling can be triggered
along the organizational hierarchy, where senior
employees can drive a top-down implementation of
the “Process of Me” (Gartner, 2006).
Transparency. The ability to represent artefacts in
process steps was considered crucial. We
encountered that different artefact versions were
attached to consequent tasks in a process flow,
which revealed how artefacts are elaborated within a
process. For example an empty, preformatted MS
Excel table was attached in a request issued from
CSO to SL2, and a filled MS Excel table was
available in the resulting SL2 recipient task, which
was elaborated to 75%. Further, users highly
approved status information and notifications on
task changes as they saw in them the potential to
reduce overload for calling colleagues and writing
emails with task status enquires.
SL1: “Such processes [price definition] draw like a
red thread through the whole company. I certainly
want to know how far things have gone. […] It is
annoying when you do not get feedback on
requested actions. This [CTM process overview]
will save me the effort to constantly call people or
write mails to ask about the status of things.”
Generally, employees with managerial functions
had greater interest in the overview functionality
than others. SL2 for example surprisingly stated that
seeing what others do might not be of interest to him
as it might concern activities outside of his expertise
scope. COA, CSO, SL1 (who had more senior
functions) and ITL clearly wanted an overview.
As CTM was used only by a small group of
people, privacy issues were not raised during the
trial. However ITL stated that authorization has to be
considered for extended CTM use in the enterprise
by providing the possibility to hide certain process
fragments in black-box containers in the web
process overview. SL1 further demanded extensions
in the notifications handling and suggested e.g.
having notifications on each change in a delegated
task and its sub tasks – structural or context change.
Notifications for overdue of delegated tasks were
also requested. As a further extension, users
suggested summing up percent complete of sub tasks
and increasing the percentage of a parent task.
Structured Storage and Retrieval of Process
Knowledge. Users generally reported that creating a
task in the TDL does not impede their current work
practice compared e.g. to dealing with email.
SL2: “A task is a task - I clearly know that I should
act on it. […] Putting it in the CTM task list does not
bother me. I need to think how it should be handled
anyway. If I can explicitly write that down, this only
helps me to clearly structure my thoughts before
executing and reduces the chance to miss
ITE further reported, that sometimes CSO asks
him to execute transactions, which he is normally
not allowed to. Before the CTM installation, ITL
would preserve the emails, requesting those
transactions, for responsibility tracking. Receiving a
CTM task for such transactions reflected this
“opportunistic” behaviour in the generated process
example (TDG) on the server and hence in the
emerging process model. Despite the clear benefits
from CTM usage for visibility on time-critical
activities, users stated that email cannot be replaced
fully by CTM tasks. Informal enquiries outside of a
concrete process would still be done over email.
Although only several TP were extracted – 2 in
IT department (1 in a remote TPR and 1 in a local
TPR) and 3 in sales (1 in a remote TPR and 2 in
local TPR), the benefit from structuring process
knowledge in a way that it could be reused was
stated as a clear benefit. However, we clearly
perceived that users were uncertain about the reuse
potential of TP and the way these should be
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
distributed to others. The overall attitude was that
global TP should be delivered by a (senior) domain
expert, who can handle also the responsibility for
providing them. CSO e.g. experimented and
developed a TP on a remote TPR instead of writing
a text-based guideline. SL2 on the other hand
refrained from submitting a TP on a remote TPR
while stating that he could send the local TP to a
colleague personally upon request and furthermore,
that he “silently agrees” for other colleagues to take
and adapt his implicitly generated task example from
the tracking repository on their own responsibility.
Some of the users proposed that the collaborative
flow on tasks should be structured better to facilitate
the handling of CTM emails for task delegation. The
“Move CTM’s” functionality (cf. 3.2) was not
accepted well - users preferred to get CTM request
messages in a dedicated “CTM Mail/Requests”
email folder and responses in a “Responses” folder.
Exchange of Process Knowledge. Having an
example of how a problem should be approached
was appreciated by all users.
SL2: “Basically I have to achieve certain output for
the tasks I receive [from CSO]. I really appreciate to
know how she would break down the task and what
the different facets in the task are. This helps me to
stay on the right track and to know what is expected
of me.”
However, we actually observed that CSO would
send a single task with generic description e.g.
“prepare contracts for customers C1, C2, and C3”
and SL2 would then break it down, creating a task
for each customer. Therewith tasks disperse and
refine by falling through the organizational
hierarchy. This reveals that “seeding, evolutionary
growth, and reseeding (SER)” (Fisher et al., 2004)
towards complementing abstract process
descriptions can happen during task execution and
iterative reuse of process examples in organizations.
Domain experts, e.g. ITL, on the other hand did
not think that they would benefit much from external
knowledge. ITL however appreciated being able to
distribute knowledge himself i.e. as TP on a remote
TPR, to avoid repeated inquiries from other
employees on same topics.
Connecting Best-practices and Running
Processes. The users considered that comparison of
TP and running tasks, resulting from their
application, might not scale for large processes.
Best-practices were generally desired as higher-level
process descriptions, while running processes could
produce multiple fine-grained tasks.
CSO: “As far as I am concerned a TP will contain
only top-level tasks as my employees always do
things differently. This doesn’t bother me if the
results are delivered on time. […] It is good to have
a guideline, even if you do not care how the
described tasks are accomplished concretely.”
The overview provided in the TEE was not
considered intuitive. Differences in task structures
could be identified through additional effort, which
would bring benefit only to managerial employees.
Users suggested enabling task comparison in
“swimming lane” overview, where the
corresponding top-level tasks can be put against
each other. This would enable users to better see the
corresponding and missing process facets, by
possibly discarding the low level tasks. For the
latter, filtering techniques based on different criteria
like e.g. “Task Level” and “Owner” were suggested.
Tracing of Evolving Best-practices. Despite of the
deficiencies in the TEE usability, the functionality it
provided was considered necessary by senior
employees due to the frequent changes in informal
process recommendations. Tracing of such changes
could help to at least undo wrong strategies.
SL1: “We often change processes to check if we can
achieve better results. We check e.g. for the
processing of these contracts we needed that much
time, while we have planned that much. […] If we
see that a change does not deliver better results, we
switch back to our previous practice. […] An
overview and comparison of the tasks for both
practices in CTM is nice to have.”
With this respect the provided structural
overview was still insufficient as users cared also
about certain performance indicators.
Users proposed that the comparison of task
hierarchies in TEE should be enabled based on
specific criteria like e.g. execution time, persons
involved. It was further suggested that in addition to
the ancestor/descendant relationships also versioning
of TP should be supported.
The presented paper describes an integrated
approach for leveraging user experience with email
and to-do lists and ensuring a “gentle slope of
complexity” for process tailoring by end users. It
delivers a valuable extension to known evolutionary
workflow approaches by enabling “programming by
example” of decentralized-emerging, weakly-
structured process models by both: users - executing
processes, and domain experts - explicitly adapting
captured process examples. Thereby SER of weakly-
structured process models is enabled through the
top-down implementation of the “Process of Me”,
PROCESSES - “Programming by Example” of Weakly-Structured Process Models
where: (i) generic tasks refine during execution; (ii)
users can adapt reusable process fragments (TPs)
through direct manipulation of the execution data
(delegations, artefacts, suggested TPs). Thereby
opportunistic and emergent changes are supported
during runtime and design time. CTM captures
conversational (email) and control (task) flows.
Unlike known email-based workflows, CTM
provides the ability to decouple process fragments
(interlinked TP) with different granularity from
process runtime representations and to make them
available for SER by managing task instance-based
ancestor/descendant relationships, allowing
navigation to the original or to similar execution
contexts and inspection of task-related dialog flows.
The CTM evaluation delivered user-proposed
extensions which will be addressed in further
prototype implementations. Long term evaluation in
the partner companies is under negotiation and will
allow the generation of larger tracking and TP
repositories and their quantitative evaluation as well
as scalability assessments. Further research will aim
at the translation of user-defined process fragments
to known formal process modelling notations
towards automation of rigidly recurring processes.
The work, this paper is based on, was supported
financially by the German Federal Ministry of
Education and Research (project EUDISMES,
number 01 IS E03 C). We thank to all participants in
the user studies for their time and cooperation.
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