Marco Fernandes, Pedro Almeida, Joaquim A. Martins and Joaquim S. Pinto
Universidade de Aveiro, Campus Universitário de Santiago, Aveiro, Portugal
Keywords: Peer-to-peer, SOA, Digital Libraries.
Abstract: P2P and SOA paradigms provide new opportunities for the development of new digital libraries and the
redesign of existing ones. This paper describes the work being conducted to create a framework for the
creation of digital libraries, which relies on a P2P network and service-enabled peers to achieve high
modularity, reusability and performance in dynamic environments. While this framework supports data and
metadata storage and management, this paper focuses on its service oriented approach.
Current digital libraries face new challenges and
demands. With the opportunities given by the
Internet, these information systems must be able to
deliver very high amounts of data to a growing
number of users. Also, digital libraries must not act
only as repositories – they should provide services
for both humans and machines.
The centralized model, in which a server not
only hosts the web site but is also responsible for all
the underlying tasks required by the digital library,
therefore lacks the necessary scalability and
flexibility. A distributed approach, which promotes
interoperability and cooperation, is a key element for
success. The peer-to-peer (P2P) paradigm, in which
a number of connected nodes (peers) act as both
clients and servers in a decentralized and
autonomous manner, offers an opportunity to create
truly dynamic and scalable systems.
On the other hand, the Service Oriented
Architecture model provides applications with well-
defined interfaces to execute different (remote)
functional units in a modular manner. The
combination of SOA, Web Services and service
composition has several advantages, such as
increased automation, deeper process integration,
higher reusability, and standardization of systems
(Zimmerman, 2005).
There is a lack of frameworks to enable the
development of new digital libraries which can take
advantage of both service oriented architectures and
a dynamic network infrastructure such as P2P. Also,
most digital libraries are built as isolated systems,
which respond only to the needs of a particular
institution or community. Also, if new and more
complex requirements are set, it is difficult to extend
existing digital libraries. This has led us to develop
SOPPA – a framework for a Service Oriented Peer-
to-Peer Architecture.
This work aims the creation of a digital library
framework which can integrate a service oriented
layer and P2P layer in order to achieve high
decentralization, reusability and interoperability.
Namely, the framework should allow the rapid
development of new information systems and meet
the requirements elaborated by the DELOS (Agosti,
2006) work group, from which we outline some of
the most important:
- Availability of specialized services, such as
search, indexing, annotation, and management
of resources and metadata.
- Management of distributed, heterogeneous and
autonomous services.
- Composition of complex processes based on
existing services.
- High degree of availability: access needs to be
guaranteed at all times.
- High degree of dependability/reliability.
Fernandes M., Almeida P., A. Martins J. and S. Pinto J. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 215-220
DOI: 10.5220/0001681902150220
In this section we overview some of the tools and
applications currently available which facilitate the
creation of digital libraries and repositories.
The dLibra (Mazurek, 2005) digital library
framework is a set of tools that allow the storage,
management and access to collections of
heterogeneous digital documents. It also supports
users’ rights management. Interoperability with
other systems can be achieved by using the OAI-
PMH and RSS mechanisms. DLibra is decentralized
into six services, which together give dLibra
Edutella (Nedjl, 2002) is a P2P network
infrastructure based on RDF aimed at the exchange
of educational resources (metadata) between
academic institutions. It is built on the JXTA
framework and implements three different services:
Query, which uses a query exchange language;
Replication, to achieve metadata persistence and
availability; and Mapping, Mediation, and
Clustering, which perform mapping between
schemas, mediate access between services and set up
semantic routing and clustering. Edutella does not
handle the data itself and is only responsible for the
P2P-4-DL (Walkerdine, 2004) aims to build a
system for digital libraries which operates in a P2P
network. It uses a brokered approach, by storing in a
single node the global resource index. There is no
replication or load balancing mechanism, as
documents always remain only in the owner node.
Greenstone (Bainbridge, 2001) is a suite of open-
source software for building and distributing digital
library collections. It has an agent based
architecture, in which agents have, or have access to,
certain functionality. Although resources can be
stored in a distributed manner by deploying more
“sites”, there are no built-in mechanisms for
discovery, replication or orchestration.
Communication between agents in different
computers takes place using SOAP messages and
latest versions support OAI-PMH.
Finally, some tools and frameworks currently
allow the creation of digital repositories. DSpace
(Tansley, 2003), ePrints (EPrints, 2007) and Fedora
(Lagoze, 2005) are some examples of such systems.
Besides empowering institutions with free
applications which ease the creation of institutional
repositories, they offer advantages such as
facilitating digital preservation, employing standards
conformance and supporting interoperability
protocols such as OAI-PMH. Also, being open
source and widely adopted in the academic world,
they benefit from the collaboration of large
communities. They are not, however, designed for a
distributed scenario. Such platforms rely on a
centralized architecture, in which data and services
are made available in a server.
The objective of the first part of this work is to
define a P2P network layer which will support data
storage and management in the framework. In this
preliminary phase, it is required to analyze and
select the best P2P topologies, data structures and
tools. Also, a suited indexing engine must be
selected and integrated in the layer.
4.1 Topology
Regarding the network topology P2P systems can be
classified with one of four main categories:
centralized, decentralized, hierarchical, or hybrid
(Taylor, 2005).
In centralized or brokered P2P systems (such as
Napster) nodes connect to the network by registering
themselves in a central server. This server must
maintain an index of all resources in the network and
respond to search queries from all other peers.
Although bandwidth efficient and easier to
administer, centralized topologies are not scalable
and, in case of a server failure, the system ceases to
function properly.
Completely decentralized or pure P2P, such as
Gnutella 0.4 (Ripeanu, 2001), do not rely on any
centralized element. Peers connect to the network
through any already connected node and searches
are limited to a number of message hops (TTL).
Pure P2P can grow to millions of connected nodes
and is generally self adaptable, but it cannot provide
deterministic query mechanisms and guarantee
Hierarchical topologies usually follow
underlying structures (social, geographical, etc.) and
thus may make it easier to locate information based
on locality. It may be difficult, however, to use it in
very dynamic scenarios.
Most modern P2P applications use some sort of
hybrid topology (Ma, 2005)(Mastroiani, 2005),
which aims to achieve robustness and efficiency in
dynamic scenarios by combining centralized and
decentralized topologies. In a hybrid scenario, peers
are clustered into groups which behave as small
centralized P2P environments. The central nodes in
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
each group (the super-peers) communicate between
them in a decentralized manner. This allows for a
greater scalability and higher performance.
4.2 Data Structure
Regardless of the topology chosen, which defines
how nodes connect themselves, one must decide
how to actually populate peers with data. P2P
systems usually take one of two basic approaches:
structured or unstructured. Mischke and Stiller
(Mischke, 2004) analyzed the problem of distributed
searches in different structural data space designs.
In structured networks such as Chord
(Ratnasamy, 2001) or CAN (Stoica, 2001) the data
placement results of the execution of a predefined
function or lookup in a hash table. By having a
metric for the quick retrieval of data, structured
networks are highly scalable. However, searching by
metadata is a complex task which may require
broadcasting of queries.
Unstructured networks, on the other hand, have
no predefined rules for data storage. These are ideal
in dynamic networks, where constantly updating a
distributed hash table can be troublesome. While
they may generate more traffic network in some
situations, its flexibility makes them more attractive
for digital libraries. Queries can be as complex as
desired, and each peer will respond with its best
possible answer.
4.3 Search Engines
Indexing and search services play a critical role in a
digital library, as they allow to quickly and
efficiently find resources based on previously
indexed metadata. In a P2P based digital library,
some aspects are relevant in the choice of search
engines. Assuming a hybrid topology is used, each
peer will have a local index which must be
periodically sent to the super-peer where they are
Ideally, the search/indexing engine should have
the following features:
- Generated indexes should be transparent to the
API/language used. If the P2P is to support
different operative systems, indexes must be
- Decoupling of indexing and searching
mechanisms. This allows applications to use
super-peers without also replicating data.
- Indexes should be incremental and able to be
- XML and XML namespaces support, either
natively or by using plug-ins.
With these factors in consideration, we conducted a
benchmark with six of the major free or open-source
search engines: Indri, Lucene, MS Indexing Service,
Swish-e, Terrier, and Zebra. The benchmark
revealed that Swish-e and Lucene provide the best
performance results and respond to most of the
desired features for our digital library framework.
Since Lucene is more actively supported by the
community and is ported into a larger number of
APIs, it is the chosen indexing engine. Some add-
ons, such as proper support for XML indexing, were
The framework is designed to take advantage of
hybrid network topologies. In each peer group
(small institutions, departments, I&D units, etc.) a
super-peer maintains an updated index of the group
resources (documents and services). Other peers
periodically send their local indexes to be merged at
the super-peer. When requesting a file or service
provider, peers start by inspecting their local cache
and, if no match is found, a query is made to the
corresponding super-peer. Each super-peer may also
forward queries to other super-peers.
The framework is built on top of the JXTA
framework (Gong, 2001), which provides the basic
P2P communication mechanisms. In JXTA, super-
peers are named rendezvous peers and others are
edge peers. In order to achieve communication with
peer groups from other networks, at least one must
have outside communication (relay peer).
As discussed in section 4.3, it is desirable to
make use of index/search engines in order to achieve
high performance queries. Lucene was therefore
integrated with JXTA, so that it can index metadata
from both files and services. Each super-peer
maintains a merged index of the group’s resources.
Figure 1 depicts the adopted architecture. Two
interfaces are available at the peer - P2P
Figure 1: The adopted architecture for the framework.
communication or SOAP -, and both use XML as
the message format. At the right end side, there are
Web Services (developed using the framework or
not) which can act as independent and standalone
services. However, by registering the Web Services
with the framework, applications can be developed
to be more dynamic and autonomous.
5.1 Peer Services
Several services are required for the proper
functioning of a digital library. For instance, a
common submission of a thesis in the PDF format
into a University’s digital library may require
invoking services such as: generation of a globally
unique identifier for the thesis, converting the PDF
into per-page image files, processing these images
(resize, create thumbnails, etc.), extracting or
recognizing (OCR) the text from the PDF, and
indexing and storing the file. Some of these services
are CPU-intensive and time consuming, and if
deployed on the web server they will eventually
degrade the overall responsiveness and decrease the
system’s throughput.
By using service oriented architectures, the
workload of digital libraries can be distributed by
many – eventually idle – machines. On the other
hand, complex services can be designed as an
orchestration of simpler, existing ones. With this
framework, by using an overlay which seemingly
integrates SOA and P2P layers, a service can be
dynamically dispatched to any available peer who
runs it.
5.1.1 Service Proxy
To automate the process of searching, choosing, and
invoking remote (and local) services, a service proxy
is included in each service-enabled peer. When a
service call is made through the framework, the
proxy is instantiated with the method URI:
ServiceProxy proxy = new
proxy.arguments = new
object[]{image, width, format};
If the provided URI is an URL with the HTTP
protocol, the proxy will simply execute the Web
Service using SOAP. Otherwise, if it uses the special
framework’s srv protocol, when the proxy is
invoked it will start by inspecting if the local peer
has this service. If not, it continues by looking into
the cache, and finally it sends a query to the group’s
super-peer. Each of these queries is delivered to the
respective Lucene engine, which indexes the
services signature and description. If successful, the
query is replied with the peer/service address.
While on a common SOA scenario knowing the
location of a given Web Service would suffice to
invoke a service, P2P places a new challenge. Since
it allows us to connect to otherwise unreachable
nodes (firewalled, no public IP address), it is likely
that two nodes on distinct local networks cannot
invoke each other’s Web Services.
The Service Proxy eliminates this barrier: if no
“direct” connectivity is available between the calling
peer and the service peer, the remote method is
invoked through the P2P network between the two
proxies. Locally, the proxy either calls a Web
Service or the method’s library or executable, if it is
one of the core services.
5.1.2 Core Services
There are several basic built-in methods provided by
the framework, such as the Get, Store, and Search
operations, which are present in every peer. Apart
from these, we have identified a number of core
services required by most digital libraries developed
at our laboratories, from document processing tasks
to logging.
While it is not mandatory for peers to have all
these services available, a common interface library
is delivered as part of the peer logic. For the first
release of the framework, this will include six main
blocks: Imaging (which contains methods for image
conversion, resizing, OCR, etc.), Text (along with
some utilities there is a submodule for PDF
handling), Security (users and groups management,
cryptography), File (common I/O tasks, file
compression), Logging (track operations, errors),
and MetaInterop (methods for mapping between
metadata formats, built-in OAI provider). When
these services are called, the proxy is invoked under
the hood to transparently find and execute the
service in an available peer. The following code is
therefore equivalent to the one on the previous
SOPPA.Imaging.Resize(image, width,
5.1.3 Replication and Load Balancing
As mentioned in the previous section, while every
peer is “aware” of the interface for available core
services, peers may only provide a subset of those
services. In order to achieve a load balancing,
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
services (from the framework core or otherwise)
may be replicated as long as they meet some
requirements – for the libraries/executables to be
portable and the destination peer to have the
necessary operating system and platforms. These
requirements are stored in peers as XML documents.
Core services already make use of open-source
portable libraries, and can therefore be replicated on
request. Also, the SOA/P2P decoupling allows for
the same functionality to be provided by different
libraries in various programming languages, as long
as they have the same signature and URI. With
every instance of a digital library, a common XML
configuration file resides in every peer, where
automatic replication may be set on or off. When set
to on, peer services whose clients are being queued
can broadcast a replication request to other nodes
and copy the necessary libraries to the first peer to
5.1.4 Other Services
Interoperability is a key factor in digital libraries,
and OAI-PHM protocol is being widely adopted to
promote a simple consumption (harvest) of metadata
from institutional repositories. The SOPPA
framework makes available a simple OAI provider
service, which dynamically queries a peer group and
delivers OAI-PHM responses with the data
resources available. While it is more efficient to
have this provider at the super-peer, it can be placed
(and replicated) in edge peers.
To simplify the development of more complex
services, one can also build composite services,
which make use of existing, simpler ones. While this
can be achieved with a simple sequence of proxy
calls in the code, it is sometimes convenient to
provide a declarative, XML based, composite
service description. It is being considered the
support for business process languages such as
BPEL in the future.
Unlike existing digital library solutions, the
proposed framework takes advantage of the benefits
from both P2P networks and SOA architectures, by
adopting an architecture which integrates the two
paradigms. Although some features are still under
development, it can already simplify the job of
creating a new digital library from scratch.
As a future work, we expect to perform stress
tests and performance measurements, and compare it
to the existing digital library and archive from our
institution, which holds thousands of heterogeneous
documents and already takes advantage of some
services distributed in other information systems.
Future versions of the framework should include
more services and solve issues such as declarative
style business process execution. Also, support for
REST-style web services should be added.
This work was funded in part by FCT – Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology – grant
number SFRH/BD/23976/2005.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems