The client application installed on PDA devices uses
the previous web services and produces results to the
Public Class frmClientiLista
Private Sub btnListaCustomers_Click(……) Handles
Dim serviciu As New WebReference.Service()
Dim dsClienti As Data.DataSet
dsCustomers = serviciu.getCustomers()
’—and from here the application uses the data set
End Sub
End Class
Figure 3: The final result.
From now, it is very simple for managers to have
access to their company’s data wherever they are. It
is also important to mention that data are available
as they are inserted, deleted or updated by the
“normal” users (the users that populate the database
through the NAVISION desktop applications).
Mobile device improvements, combined with
increasing local and wide area wireless bandwidth,
have opened a new door to additional productivity
enhancements, cost reductions, and user’s
satisfaction increases. Microsoft, one of the most
important players on the mobile ERP market,
powered mobile devices, such as Pocket PCs and
Handheld PCs, offering them at a quarter of the cost
of custom ruggedized mobile devices from just a
few years ago. Utilizing the same development tools
and technologies as the PC, these mobile devices
make it easier and quicker to get ERP solutions into
the hands of the mobile workforce.
The research in the present article does not propose
to present the effective implementation of the portal
functionality, but we consider that it could be
achieved on a web-services type structure on a Java
or .NET platform.
The way companies acquire ERP services in the
future will change radically. Application mobility
surpasses the technology borders, becoming a
paradigm that provides the enterprise with a clear
strategic business advantage: the ability to do
business in real time, in an event driven
environment, and with reduced latency.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems