completing the editing task, participants started an
active search. This result emphasizes the importance
of developing appropriate search profiles and filters
as described above. Finally, the quality of the editing
tasks was also significantly better when proactive
relevant information was presented showing once
more, that active search initiated by a user is less
4.3 An External Long-Term Memory
Virtually all writing research has been conducted in
settings in which the LTM from which participants
could ‘get information’ was limited to their own
brain. However, the advent of Internet is already
affecting the way people consider and use LTM and
now is becoming more important to know how to
find information than to memorize information in
the first place. However, accessing information in
the Internet is not without problems. Knowing less,
while searching more makes more difficult to assess
the importance of found information and to integrate
it in a coherent framework. A PRS could be able to
support the decisions about the relevance of the
results returned from a query and be used as an
addition to the writer’s neural LTM. Furthermore,
we think it is neccesary to develop a new model of
cognitive writing processes in which the external
LTM that the WWW and other databases conforms,
needs to be included as an important part of the
physical environment.
In this paper we presented the PRS À propos. This
system is in development and aims at supporting
writers in the difficult task of finding appropriate
relevant information during writing.
First, we present the efforts we are performing in
order to develop adequate group and personal
profiles that make sure the information presented by
the system is relevant to the writer and to the
specific piece of text is being written. We also
describe the studies we performed in order to
explore the effects of presenting proactive relevant
information when writers are planning and
reviewing text. From our experiments we could
conclude that the user’s interface of the PRS does
not negatively interrupt the task of writing. And
even more important, when relevant information is
presented, the quality of the writing text
significantly improves in comparison with the
situations in which the user actively seeks for
information. Furthermore, the results of our
experiments with proactive presentation of
information suggest that professionals are willing to
accept unsolicited pop-up windows and similar
interrupts if the information that they are alerted to
by those interrupts is relevant for the completion of
their (writing) task.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems