M. C. Puerta Melguizo
, O. Muñoz Ramos
, T. Bogers
, L. Boves
and A. van den Bosch
Department of Language and Speech, Radboud University, P.O. Box 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen, The Netherlands
ILK/Language and Information Science, Tilburg University, P.O. Box 90153 NL 5000, LE Tilburg, The Netherlands
Keywords: Proactive recommender systems, writing stages, information seeking, long-term memory.
Abstract: With the advent of Internet, writing and finding information to plan and structure the text have become
increasingly intertwined. We think that it is necessary to develop systems able to support the task of finding
relevant information, without interfering with the writing process. The Proactive Recommender System À
Propos is being developed in order to support writers in finding relevant information during writing. We
present our research findings and raise the question whether the tendency to interleave (re)search and
writing implies a need for developing more comprehensive models of the cognitive processes involved in
writing scientific and policy papers.
Writing professional documents (e.g. scientific
papers, user manuals, etc) is complex. The most
widely influential model of writing is the one
proposed by Hayes and Flower (1980). Although in
this model the processes considered are the ones
involved in writing with pen and paper, virtually all
software systems that have been design seem to
build on the concepts developed in this model. We
will start by introducing the model of Hayes and
Flower and how the use of computers and the
internet has changed the way we write. We will
finish by presenting research we are performing in
order to develop a Proactive Recommender System:
À Propos. Our research is based on the conviction
that in order to design better tools for writing it is
important to understand the cognitive processes
involved in writing and searching information.
According to Hayes and Flower (1980), writing
happens in three stages: Planning, Translating, and
Reviewing. During Planning ideas are generated and
arranged into a coherent structure. Planning involves
retrieving domain knowledge from the writer’s
Long-Term memory (LTM). During translating
writer’s plans are transformed into sentences. In the
Reviewing stage the writer evaluates the relation
between the text written so far and the linguistic,
semantic and pragmatic aspects that would best
serve the writing goal. Reviewing involves reading
and editing errors or weaknesses in the text. The task
environment includes everything outside the writers'
mind that can influence the writing task including
the text produced so far and the so called rhetorical
problem (the writing assignment, the specification of
topic and the audience). In the writer’s LTM are
stored the writer’s knowledge about the topic, the
knowledge of sources based on literature search, the
writing plans and the knowledge about the audience
who will read the work.
Hayes (1996) extended the model and
emphasized the role of working memory, as well as
socio-cultural and motivational aspects in writing.
Furthermore, the task environment is divided into
social and physical contexts. According to Hayes the
social environment needs to be considered because
writing is a social activity, and consequently, the
way a text is written is affected by several cultural
conventions and the audience it is meant for. In the
physical environment, the composing medium or tool
used to write has been added to the text produced so
far. Actually, variations in the medium seem to lead
to differences in the way people carry out the writing
task. For example, Haas (1996) found that writers
C. Puerta Melguizo M., Muñoz Ramos O., Bogers T., Boves L. and van den Bosch A. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 335-338
DOI: 10.5220/0001682103350338
tend to plan more and review at a more general level
when they write on paper than when using a word
processor. These results suggest that the introduction
of computer tools seems to force users to change the
processes they use. However, still a lot of research
needs to be done in order to explore how the
composing medium affects the writing process.
Current models of writing assume that knowledge
about the topic of the text is mainly stored in the
writer’s neural LTM. The reality of writing
professional texts however shows that writers almost
invariably need to look for additional external
information while writing. And with the advent of
the Internet more frequently than ever, writing is
now interleaved with searching for information. Yet,
seeking for information is difficult and time
consuming. Keyword-based search is still inefficient
and relevant information may be missed. Also
considerable time is spent interacting with low-
precision search engines. Consequently, the time in
which the author is away from creating the
document can have a negative impact on the total
time spent and on the quality of the text.
Furthermore, we question whether continuously
switching between writing and searching is efficient,
and whether it tends to result in the best possible
quality of the texts. Finally, we think it is necessary
to design tools that support writing and help users to
retrieve relevant information.
A Proactive Recommendation System (PRS) relieve
authors from explicit search and switching between
applications by means of searching information
accurately and recommending this information in a
proactive manner. For example, Watson (Budzik and
Hammond, 1999) performs automatic Web searches
based on text being written or read. A problem with
current PRSs is that they are developed as search
tools and do not take into account the specific
characteristics of the writing task.
Our goal is to develop a PRS for writers in a
professional environment: À Propos. The
architecture is based on a client-server architecture.
The client runs on the user's computer and monitors
user’s activity constantly. À Propos proactively
submits queries based on the user and group profiles
in combination with what the user is currently typing
or reading. The server consults the relevant
information sources, and returns the search results to
the client. A more detailed description of the
system’s architecture can be found in (Puerta
Melguizo et al., 2007a) where the role of the
different components of the system such as
observers, filters and gatekeepers is explained. In the
User Interface the results of the search are presented
in a semi-transparent window located in the bottom
right of the screen (see Figure 1). The window
contains URLs related to what the user is typing. As
the user moves the cursor over the references, the
URLs become fully visible and active. On clicking
the required URL, the user accesses the
corresponding paper from the digital library. The
information in the window changes depending upon
the text that is being input and new queries that are
created. To develop À Propos two main issues are
being researched. First, in order to present highly
relevant information, appropriate filtering techniques
need to be developed. Second, procedures to identify
the different writing stages and related information
needs must be created in order to design an
appropriate user’s interface. The researches
performed for both issues are discussed below.
Figure 1: The user’s interface.
4.1 Selecting and Presenting Relevant
The acceptance of any PRS hinges on the relevance
and accuracy of the suggested information. Quality
recommendations should be both on topic and
personalized. To increase the topicality of the
recommendations one can use detailed personalized
taxonomies integrated in an easily expandable, yet
robust IR model to retrieve the initial list of
documents. We are investigating personalization on
user and group level.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
4.1.1 User Personalization
When personalizing results, we consider the user’s
interests and expertise. From these data we build a
profile of terms important for the user which is used
to re-rank the initial recommendations and
suggestions with more matching profile terms get
promoted to the top of the list. Three different
sources of information are considered for inclusion
in the user profile: past selections from the list of
recommendations, user’s past documents, and the
PRS also allows users to enter informational queries
4.1.2 Group Personalization
À Propos aims to perform group personalization by
identifying the expertise in different topics of the
members of a group. The user’s own documents and
profile are seeing as an expertise fingerprint of that
user. We can then use taxonomies (e.g. the ACM
hierarchy) to represent the hierarchy of topics for
which we want to quantify a group members’
expertise. By collecting an adequate number of
documents for each topic we can extract the
representative terms and construct topic fingerprints.
The next step is to match these topic fingerprints
with the user’s expertise profile by calculating the
term overlap. This way we can calculate the
expertise of each group member on the different
topic areas and also find out which group members
are experts in the topic of the user’s active
document. Knowledge of the distribution of
expertise over the group can then be used for
personalization. For instance, the recommendation
of a document by an expert on the topic should be
considered as more reliable and have a significant
influence on the final re-ranking (Bogers and Van
den Bosch, 2006). Group personalization could also
be used to recommend documents that were not even
in the initial recommendation list. Expertise
fingerprints can also be compared to each other and
used to suggest related topics to the user to provide
for a more serendipitous experience. Our experience
suggests that serendipity is especially important in
the earliest phases of planning.
4.2 The Problem of Interrupting the
Stages of Writing
One problem with presenting proactive information
is that it can interrupt the ongoing writing task. The
interruption can also be more disturbing and
distracting in specific stages of the writing process.
Consequently, the effects of interruptions during
different writing stages need to be considered.
Deshpande et al., (2006) found that writers need to
look for extra information especially during
planning and reviewing. Consequently, we decided
to study the effects of presenting proactive
information during these stages (Puerta Melguizo et
al., 2007b)
4.2.1 Presenting Proactive Information
during Planning Tasks
To simulate the stage of Planning, participants were
told that to write essays, they had to start by writing
an outline of the major points and order in which
they would be introduced in the essay. The writing
outline was the planning task. Participants wrote the
planning outlines: 1) without PRS and no option of
looking for extra information, 2) without PRS and
the option of getting information by actively
searching information in the Web, 3) with
presentation of proactive relevant information by our
PRS, and 4) with presentation of non-relevant
information by our PRS
The PRS did not seriously impair time
performance. Furthermore, when relevant
information was presented proactively, the quality of
the writing plan was significantly better and
participants introduced more information than in the
other conditions. The results of this experiment also
show that active search initiated by the user resulted
in a lower quality of the information found and a
worse written text.
4.2.2 Presenting Proactive Information
during Reviewing Tasks
Participants performed two editing tasks: spelling
corrections and filling in factual information in the
text. Participant performed both reviewing tasks
under three conditions: 1) without PRS and the
option of getting information by actively searching
information in the Web, 2) with presentation of
proactive relevant information by our PRS 3) with
presentation of non-relevant information by our
Again, the presentation of proactive information
did not impair time performance. Furthermore, the
time spent in looking for new relevant information
was shorter when the PRS presented relevant
information than when participants searched for the
information actively. The information seeking time
was even longer when non-relevant information was
presented proactively. In this case, after assessing
that the information by the PRS could not help in
completing the editing task, participants started an
active search. This result emphasizes the importance
of developing appropriate search profiles and filters
as described above. Finally, the quality of the editing
tasks was also significantly better when proactive
relevant information was presented showing once
more, that active search initiated by a user is less
4.3 An External Long-Term Memory
Virtually all writing research has been conducted in
settings in which the LTM from which participants
could ‘get information’ was limited to their own
brain. However, the advent of Internet is already
affecting the way people consider and use LTM and
now is becoming more important to know how to
find information than to memorize information in
the first place. However, accessing information in
the Internet is not without problems. Knowing less,
while searching more makes more difficult to assess
the importance of found information and to integrate
it in a coherent framework. A PRS could be able to
support the decisions about the relevance of the
results returned from a query and be used as an
addition to the writer’s neural LTM. Furthermore,
we think it is neccesary to develop a new model of
cognitive writing processes in which the external
LTM that the WWW and other databases conforms,
needs to be included as an important part of the
physical environment.
In this paper we presented the PRS À propos. This
system is in development and aims at supporting
writers in the difficult task of finding appropriate
relevant information during writing.
First, we present the efforts we are performing in
order to develop adequate group and personal
profiles that make sure the information presented by
the system is relevant to the writer and to the
specific piece of text is being written. We also
describe the studies we performed in order to
explore the effects of presenting proactive relevant
information when writers are planning and
reviewing text. From our experiments we could
conclude that the user’s interface of the PRS does
not negatively interrupt the task of writing. And
even more important, when relevant information is
presented, the quality of the writing text
significantly improves in comparison with the
situations in which the user actively seeks for
information. Furthermore, the results of our
experiments with proactive presentation of
information suggest that professionals are willing to
accept unsolicited pop-up windows and similar
interrupts if the information that they are alerted to
by those interrupts is relevant for the completion of
their (writing) task.
Bogers, T. and Van den Bosch, A., 2006. Authoritative
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Budzik, J. and Hammond, K., 1999. Watson: Anticipating
and Contextualizing Information Needs. In
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting American.
Society for Information Science, 727-740.
Deshpande, A., Boves, L. and Puerta Melguizo, M.C.,
2006. À propos: Pro-active personalization for
professional document writing. In SigWriting, 10
International Conference of the EARLI Special
Interest Group on writing. Antwerp, Belgium.
Haas, C., 1996. Writing Technology Studies on the
Materiality of literacy. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
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Hayes, J.R., 1996. A new framework for understanding
cognition and affect in writing. In C.M. Levy and S.E.
Ransdell (Eds.). The science of writing: Theories,
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76-97). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale New
Hayes, J.R. and Flower, L.S., 1980. Identifying the
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Puerta Melguizo, M. C., Bogers, T., Deshpande, A.,
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proactive recommendation system needs - relevance,
non-intrusiveness, and a new long-term memory. In
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Puerta Melguizo, M.C., Boves, L, Deshpande, A., and
Muñoz Ramos, O., 2007b. A Proactive
Recommendation System for Writing: Helping
without Disrupting. In W-P. Brinkman, D-H. Ham and
W. Wong (Eds.). ECCE 2007: European Conference
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems