Step 5. Requirements Artifacts Final Version is
After the formal approval of all key team members,
the final version of requirements artifacts is defined.
Then, development team uses this version as basis
for modeling, coding and testing software.
4.3 Model for Natural Language
Requirements Specification
The requirements engineering process model for
DSD includes a model for natural language
requirements specification, aiming to reduce
ambiguities and standardizing the work among
teams. The model for natural language specification
was developed with focus on requirements
elicitation and documentation, to capture needs and
goals of users and clients.
When the development team is responsible for
supplying several projects with various users and
clients, it is natural that the initial requirements
artifacts provided by the business analyst have
different standards and formats. Consequently, the
level of detail of requirements, document format,
glossary, format of use cases and requirements, for
example, can influence the development process and
metrics related. Using a model of natural language
specification, the input documents are standardized,
reducing the impact of the variety of standards and
formats of documents provided by the business
This model can vary among organization,
according to the standards chosen. It can be
influenced by language used, background
knowledge of analysts, development process, etc.
In this study was used a requirements meta-
model and a text structure. The requirements meta-
model comprehends a set of definitions used to
classify and relate the information gathered during
elicitation. The text structure defines the main
phrase structures to be used in each class of
information, with the goal of simplifying the
understanding of the information represented.
This approach was built based on the study of the
main definitions of requirements (Armour and
Miller, 2001), (Goguen, 1996), (Siddiqi and
Shekaran, 2006), (Leite and Leonardi, 1998),
(Thayer and Dorfman, 2000) and phrase structures
in literature (Damian et al, 2002), (Rational
Software, 2003), (Kamsties, 2001). Model was
tested preliminarily using historical data of two
projects of software development.
Aiming to evaluate the team perception on the
process of requirements engineering in DSD and the
quality of the requirements artifacts produced, it was
conducted a case study in two projects of distributed
software development. Initially, it was developed a
case study protocol, where the objective, scope, unit
of analysis, procedures, dimensions and questions
were detailed.
The unit of analysis is composed of software
development projects that used the process of RE to
DSD environments proposed. In this sense, it was
selected an organization that conducts projects of
global software development to apply and monitor
the process proposal in real projects since the
beginning. Organization selected had three software
development units around the globe. The software
process used in the organization is based on MSF
(Microsoft Solutions Framework), and in known
methodologies, like RUP (Rational Unified Process)
and PMI (Project Management Institute). The unit
where the case study was conducted is recognized as
a SW-CMM Level 2 organization. In the
requirements process, project teams commonly used
an “over the wall” approach (Al-Rawas and
Easterbrook, 1996), where the specification was
built by the business analyst next to users and clients
and sent to be developed by a globally distant team.
Two projects were selected to apply the process
proposal, called Project 1 and Project 2 from now
on. These projects followed the process proposal
presented in Chapter 4. When team had the final
requirements artifacts, it was applied a survey.
A semi-structured survey was used as a data
collection instrument, mainly with questions in
Lickert scale of five levels. The data collection
instrument was validated by two senior researchers
and a project manager from the organization, being
refined based on their suggestions.
A pretest was conducted in the preliminary
version of the instrument with two technical leaders
of the organization selected, aiming to identify
problems, ambiguities and improve the question
statements. Final version of instrument was sent to
respondents through e-mail.
In Project 1 survey had seven respondents,
including the project manager, the application
analyst, the technical leader, developer and testers.
Project 2 had six respondents including the
project manager, the application analyst, the system
architect and developers. There was no answer fro
test team which was located in other physical site.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems