Annie C.Y. Lam, S.K. Kwok and W.B. Lee
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Hong Kong
Keywords: Performance measurement, Resource utilization, Knowledge-based system.
Abstract: In current manufacturing industry, there are various challenges including short product life cycle, process
automation and global competition. It is critical for the manufacturing companies to ensure effective
utilization of production assets for overall business success. In order to focus scarce resources on areas that
have the greatest impact on productivity, performance evaluation on the resource allocation is necessary to
assist companies improving the resource utilization and accomplishing their objectives. In this paper, a
knowledge-based performance measurement system (KPMS) is designed to evaluate the resource allocation
decisions and provide recommendations to improve the performance and physical asset utilization. The
framework of the proposed system, which is constructed by rule-based reasoning, case-based reasoning and
a mathematical model, is introduced. By integrating the mathematical model with knowledge rules,
performance indicators that are associated with the achievement of company objectives can be determined
to quantify the performance of the resource allocation. Moreover, case-based reasoning technique is adopted
to evaluate the performance and reuse the experience in past cases to provide recommendations for
In recent years, manufacturing companies are
confronted with challenges of shortening product
life cycles, growing emphasis on process
automation, global competition, and increasingly
mobile work force. These challenges require robust
methods for providing real-time monitoring and
control, understanding asset utilization and capacity,
and retaining valuable operation knowledge within
company, in order to achieve reliable and economic
performance (Wang et al, 2006). Moreover, it is
necessary to ensure effective utilization of
production assets for overall business success. The
importance of asset management is growing.
To achieve the purpose of asset management,
maintenance strategies have been widely adopted to
reduce downtime and increase both quality and
productivity. Many researchers have attempted to
develop various preventive and predictive
maintenance tools to assist companies monitoring
the health degradation of machines and scheduling
maintenance activities so as to avoid machine
downtime. Although maintenance is significant in
maintaining the physical assets in specified
operating condition, it is still incapable to guarantee
that companies can gain greatest utilization and
effectiveness from their physical assets. To tackle
this problem, it is necessary to measure the
performance of resource utilization in order to
reflect the productivity of the companies.
From the review of current studies, performance
criteria were chosen to evaluate the performance
pertaining to a specific goal of the company only.
However, in the turbulent and competitive market,
manufacturing companies often have to employ
different strategies in order to react to changes
responsively. This would affect the relative
importance of manufacturing criteria for
measurement. Therefore, performance measurement
should be a dynamic process, in which the adoption
of performance criteria and their relative importance
are dependent of the strategies and objectives of the
In this paper, a knowledge-based performance
measurement system (KPMS) is introduced. The
purposes of the system are:
(i) Establish appropriate performance indicators in
accordance with the company objectives.
(ii) Evaluate the performance of resource allocation
C. Y. Lam A., K. Kwok S. and B. Lee W. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 187-192
DOI: 10.5220/0001684001870192
and provide recommendations to improve
physical asset utilization.
(iii) Retain the knowledge of resource allocation in
the company to support continuous
To achieve the above purposes, the framework of the
proposed KPMS consisting of seven main
components, which are constructed by rule-based
reasoning, case-based reasoning and a mathematical
model, is developed. The remainder of the paper is
organized as follows. Section 2 presents the reviews
of related literature. The system architecture of the
proposed system is explained in Section 3. In
Section 4, the functions and benefits of the system
are discussed. Finally, a conclusion is given in
Section 5.
2.1 Background Study
In today’s global and competitive manufacturing
industry, companies often need to react quickly and
cost-effectively to contingent changes such as
demand fluctuations and changes in customer
requirements. Their largest challenge is to increase
operational effectiveness, profitability and customer
satisfaction and reduce operating costs. As physical
assets form the basic infrastructure of all businesses,
it is essential to plan and monitor assets throughout
their entire life cycle to ensure effective utilization
of production assets.
Asset management is a strategic and integrated
set of comprehensive processes, which include
financial, management, engineering, operating and
maintenance, to gain greatest lifetime effectiveness,
utilization and return from physical assets (Mitchell
and Carlson, 2001). Its overall goal is to optimize
productivity in long term. Most researchers have
emphasized the importance of maintenance in asset
management. Preventive and predictive maintenance
approaches have been adopted to avoid machine
failure (Lee et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2006).
Although maintenance is critical in failure
prevention to assure the availability and reliability of
machines, asset management should encompass a
broader range of activities. Performance
measurement is necessary to evaluate the asset
utilization and improve the decision making quality
of resource allocation.
2.2 Performance Measurement in
According to Ahmad and Dhafr (2002), a suitable
measurement methodology enables companies to
focus scarce resources on areas that have the greatest
impact on productivity. Accordingly, additional
production capacity can be achieved without
investing new machinery. Performance measurement
can quantify the efficiency and effectiveness of
action that leads to performance. It is used to
evaluate how well the activities within a process, or
the outputs of a process, achieve specified goals
(Chen, 2008). Key performance indicator (KPI) can
be used to compare with internal or external target
and identify any performance gaps.
In measuring manufacturing performance, most
manufacturers use criteria such as quality,
productivity, speed, customer satisfaction, diversity
of product line and flexibility. Ahmad and Dhafr
(2002) assessed manufacturing performance in the
areas of quality, delivery reliability, cost and
delivery lead time as they are important aspects of
manufacturing performance areas and easy to
2.3 Research Issues
The strategy adopted by a manufacturing company
can directly affect the relative importance of
performance criteria. However, most researchers
chose performance measures according to a
particular objective such as profitability (Yurdakul,
2002), financial health (Wen et al., 2008) and plant
utilization (Ahmad and Dhafr, 2002). It seems that
these measures are not dynamic in nature and cannot
adapt to the changing manufacturing environment.
Since companies may revise their objectives over
time, performance measurement should be a
dynamic process that the performance criteria and
their importance can be adjusted accordingly to
reflect the changes in companies’ objectives.
Moreover, Chen (2008) stated that existing
integrated performance measurement systems do not
have an explicit feedback loop that supports
improvement. It implies a need to include feedback
mechanisms in performance measurement for
companies to achieve continuous improvement.
To address these issues, this paper presents a
knowledge-based performance measurement system
which helps to establish appropriate performance
indicators to deal with changes of company’s
objective in a dynamic environment. The proposed
system is used to evaluate the performance of
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
physical asset under different resource allocation
decisions. Moreover, suggestions can be provided to
improve the decision making quality of resource
allocation, so that utilization of physical asset can be
significantly improved.
The proposed system is a knowledge-based system
aiming at assisting manufacturing companies to
evaluate the effectiveness of resource allocation in
accordance with their company objectives. The
proposed system not only assesses the effectiveness
of the physical assets in performing the job orders
and attaining the company objectives, but also
provides recommendations to improve productivity
performance. As illustrated in Figure 1, the
framework of the KPMS is composed of seven main
components: web-based platform, performance
indicator selector, performance indicator analyzer,
overall performance scoring model, performance
evaluation, database and knowledge repository.
3.1 Web-Based Platform
The web-based platform is the user interface of the
system that enables users to access its functions over
the Internet with a standard web browser. It consists
of web pages which are constructed by HyperText
Makeup Language (HTML). Moreover, Active
Server Page (ASP) and JavaScript are embedded to
make the web pages dynamic and interactive and
perform data validation and checking respectively. It
also allows the staff to input their requests of
performance measurement such as company
objective criteria and resource allocation decision.
Examples of the objective criteria for performance
assessment include profitability, productivity,
product quality and customer satisfaction. On the
other hand, details of the resource allocation such as
product type, machine category and manufacture
process have to be entered for the proposed system
to evaluate current performance.
The system displays the performance level of the
assessed resource allocation decision and
recommendations for improvement through the web-
based platform. In addition, the rules stored in the
knowledge repository for selecting appropriate
performance indicators and assigning performance
scores can be checked and updated through this
platform in order to cope with a fast changing
Figure 1: System architecture of KPMS.
3.2 Performance Indicator Selector
The performance indicator selector adopts rule based
reasoning method to select the appropriate
performance indicators for measurement. The
knowledge of selecting suitable performance
indicators is presented in the form of “if <antecedent
clauses> then <consequent clauses>” statements. If
the antecedent clauses are true, then the consequent
clauses are true. Based on the knowledge rules, the
selector chooses the relevant performance criteria
and their involved key performance indicators
according to the company objectives. Many
companies tend to pursue certain objectives such as
profitability, market share, customer focus, product
quality and productivity. As shown in Figure 2, they
are related to different performance criteria
including cost, quality, customer satisfaction and
efficiency, which consist of different key
performance indicators. Examples of rules involved
in the performance indicator selector are presented
Figure 2: Hierarchical structure of performance indicator selection.
Rule 1:
If Company_Objective = Profitability then
Performance_Criteria = “Profit, Cost,
Dependability, Quality”
Rule 2:
If Company_Objective = Productivity then
Performance_Criteria = “Cost, Quality, Time,
Rule 3:
If Performance_Criteria = Cost then
Key_Performance_Indicator = “Unit_Cost,
Inventory_Cost, Running_Cost”
Rule 4:
If Performance_Criteria = Quality then
Key_Performance_Indicator =
“First_Pass_Yield, Defect_Ratio, Scrap_rate
After knowledge reasoning in the rules, performance
indicators that are associated with defined company
objectives are selected and passed to performance
indicator analyzer for analysis.
3.3 Performance Indicator Analyzer
The performance indicator analyzer is responsible
for analyzing operational data retrieved from the
enterprise database and assigning score to the key
performance indicators determined by the
performance indicator selector. The values of the
performance indicators can be retrieved from the
database directly or determined by equations. For
instance, the key performance indicator of defect
ratio can be found in Equation (1).
ratioDefect =
The number of defect units and total production
units are retrieved from the database and calculated
to get the defect ratio. After that, the value of the
performance indicator is analyzed together with
decision rules retrieved from the rule base so as to
assign a performance score to each indicator. An
example of knowledge rules to assign a score to the
performance indicator of defect ratio is given below:
Rule 1:
If Defect_Ratio < 5% then Performance =
“Very satisfied” and Defect_Ratio_KPI = 4
Rule 2:
If Defect_Ratio > 5% and Defect_Ratio <
10% then Performance = “Satisfied” and
Defect_Ratio_KPI = 3
Rule 3:
If Defect_Ratio > 10% and Defect_Ratio <
20% then Performance = “Normal” and
Defect_Ratio_KPI = 2
Rule 4:
If Defect_Ratio > 20% and Defect_Ratio <
40% then Performance = “Unsatisfied” and
Defect_Ratio_KPI = 1
Rule 5:
If Defect_Ratio > 40% then Performance =
“Very unsatisfied” and Defect_Ratio_KPI = 0
3.4 Overall Performance Scoring
The overall performance scoring model is used to
integrate all key performance indicators into an
overall performance score according to appropriate
weighting. The parameters used in the model are
shown below.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Overall performance score of a resource
allocation decision,
Performance score obtained related to
the perspective of objective
Weighting of the objective
i to evaluate
the overall performance,
Number of objectives to be considered
in performance measurement,
Score of key performance indicator
Weighting of key performance
to determine the
performance score related to a particular
Number of key performance indicators
that are required to determine the
performance score related to a particular
The overall performance scoring model:
ni L,2,1=
ni L,2,1
aj L,2,1
The goal of Equation (2) is to determine the overall
performance score of a resource allocation
S , which is calculated by multiplying the
score obtained in each objective perspective,
f ,
with the weighting of that objective on overall
x .
x represents the relative
importance of the objective
in evaluating the
overall performance and it is determined by the
managers when they input the requests of
performance measurement. As shown in Equation
f is found by multiplying the score of key
performance indicator,
, which is determined by
the performance indicator analyzer, with its
weighting to determine the performance score
related to an objective,
w , which is retrieved from
the knowledge base. Moreover, constraints are
included in the model. Constraints (4) and (6)
specify that the weighting of objective and the
weighting of key performance indicator should be a
numeric value between 0 and 1 respectively.
Constraints (5) and (7) require that the summation of
all weighting of objectives and weighting of key
performance indicators should be equal to 1
3.5 Performance Evaluation
The performance evaluation module is used to
evaluate the overall performance score of the
resource allocation decision and present the results
of the performance along with suggestions for
improvements. It adopts case based reasoning
method to retrieve past cases for performance
evaluation. The objectives for performance
measurement and the specifications of resource
allocation are case attributes that are used to browse
and retrieve relevant cases from the case library.
After generating a list of cases based on the degree
of similarity, their overall performance scores can be
compared with the new case to assess whether
current resource allocation decision is correct and
identify any new approach to improve the
performance level. If the performance of the current
case is poorer than that of past cases, the resource
allocation decisions in those past cases can serve as
useful suggestions for the staff to reallocate the
resource effectively. Subsequently, a performance
evaluation report can be generated to show the
results and recommendations of the performance
while the new case is retained in the case library.
3.6 Database
The database is built to manage and store different
enterprise information, such as production
requirements, resource conditions, customer order
specification and asset information. Operational data
required in calculating the KPIs is included in the
database and stored in relational table format. In the
proposed KPMS, Microsoft Access is adopted to
create the database and an ODBC driver is used to
access the data stored in the database.
3.7 Knowledge Repository
The knowledge repository contains a rule base and a
case library for storing knowledge of performance
indicator analysis and resource allocation
respectively. The rule base is used for storing the
knowledge of selecting, weighting and analyzing the
key performance indicators. It is presented in “If-
Then” rule structure to reason and analyze the key
performance indicators. The case library is used to
record all past cases of resource allocation decisions.
In those cases, the basic job requirements, resource
adoption, performance scores and their objectives
for assessment are organized and saved. They can be
retrieved in the performance evaluation module for
assessing the performance.
The proposed KPMS enhances the performance of
manufacturing companies by facilitating them to
acquire the greatest utilization and effectiveness
from their production assets, which is the ultimate
purpose of asset management. Performance
measurement enables managers to understand the
effect of their resource allocation decisions through
an overall performance score. As it is a dynamic
system that can select appropriate performance
indicators according to the company objectives, it is
suitable for current competitive environment in
which companies occasionally need to revise their
strategies and objectives for enhancing the
competitiveness. The importance of performance
criteria would be adjusted by the system to react to
the changes in company objectives.
Moreover, the system encourages companies to
achieve continuous improvement on their resource
utilization. After determining the overall
performance score, the assessed resource allocation
decision, as a new case, is evaluated against some
past similar cases of resource allocation retrieved
from the case library in order to realize current
performance and identify any area for improvement.
Consequently, it can suggest ways for improving the
performance by reusing the experience gained in
past cases while the new case of resource allocation
can be retained in the knowledge repository.
This paper mainly provides a framework of the
proposed KPMS. Implementation of the system is
being conducted in a local polyfoam manufacturer.
Once results are obtained, they will be presented in
further publication.
A good resource allocation planning is important for
manufacturing companies to utilize their physical
assets effectively. Performance measurement on the
resource allocation is necessary to assist companies
improving the resource utilization and
accomplishing their objectives. However, selection
of suitable performance indicators in accordance
with company objectives is a complex task
especially in a dynamic manufacturing environment.
The staff usually judge the resource allocation
decisions by their own knowledge and experience.
However, it cannot guarantee that the physical assets
are utilized in the most effective way. In this paper,
the knowledge-based performance measurement
system establishes an approach for evaluating the
performance of resource allocation decisions. It
helps manufacturing companies to improve their
operations in order to gain maximum utilization and
effectiveness from the physical assets.
The authors wish to thank the Research Committee
of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University for
supporting the project.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems