Maryam Aziz, Chris Riley and Graham Johnson
Advanced Technology and Research,Financial Solutions Group Ltd., NCR, U.K.
Keywords: Fingerprint technology, user perceptions, usability evaluation, ATM, self-service.
Abstract: Understanding emerging cultures and adapting new services accordingly is one of the biggest challenges
faced by modern businesses today. Several user-centred approaches are employed during the life-cycle of
service adoption. These approaches mainly involve design and evaluation of a service based on specific
requirements of the target market. This paper describes an on-going multi-method case study which
involves the evaluation of a self-service ATM system with a fingerprint sensor used for identification
purposes as based in the financial sector of Pakistan. The paper is positioned to assess the validity of
traditional usability evaluation methods in the context of emerging markets. These methods include one-on-
one observations, in-depth interviews and sensor performance data analysis. The methods ensure both
objective and subjective assessment of sensor use throughout. However, several difficulties faced with
sensor evaluation such as participant recruitment, lack of participants’ response and the impact on the local
culture’s user attitude towards sensor use are discussed. The paper also presents the preliminary findings
and draws implications for both researchers and practitioners based on our experience.
Emerging markets present a wealth of investment
opportunities to global industries. Despite the
efforts, global industries face several challenges to
fully exploit these opportunities. For example, it is
quite challenging to understand how traditional
western business models and strategies can be
applied successfully in emerging markets such as
China, Pakistan and India. It becomes particularly
difficult when a business strategy involves
introduction of a new product or a service in the user
domain. The success of a product or a service is
generally determined in terms of the products
usability assessed by target users. A great deal of
research on various methods and approaches to
evaluate product usability in western countries has
been carried out. These methods and approaches
have largely been applied in emerging markets with
the mindset of obtaining useful insights into product
use. However, this research questions the
appropriateness and reliability of these methods
when desired outcomes are not achieved. For
instance, Geldof (2007) reports on methodological
challenges faced during a usability study of
Information and Communication Technologies
(ICTs) by low-literate youths in Ethiopia. Such
examples of usability studies emphasise the need of
– first, understanding the requirements of the context
in which the study is being conducted and second,
adapting the research methodologies to fulfill those
predetermined requirements.
This paper presents an experience-based in-
progress case study which highlights several
challenges with usability evaluation methods
employed. The study was conducted in collaboration
with BankIslami, Karachi in Pakistan which had
recently introduced fingerprint enabled automatic
teller machines (ATMs). The purpose of introducing
fingerprint technology was to enhance security
measures and promote self-service use in the
financial sector of Pakistan. The study was
conducted in the banks branches with real
customers. Here we focus on the first phase of the
in-progress study, which assesses user perceptions of
and practical issues with fingerprint sensor usage.
The paper is structured as follow. Section 2
provides a brief background of various usability
methods and their role in product evaluation in
emerging markets. Section 3 discusses the usability
methods employed in the context of fingerprint
sensor use in the financial sector of Pakistan. The
methodological challenges faced in the study are
also discussed in this section. A brief overview of
the preliminary findings along with insights into the
Aziz M., Riley C. and Johnson G. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 160-165
DOI: 10.5220/0001684601600165
underlying cultural factors which impacted usability
methods is presented in section 4. The paper then
derives lessons learned and implications derived
from the study for both researchers and practitioners
alike in section 5.
The usability of a product is seen as a key factor in
determining the product adoption. Two main streams
of research can be observed that discuss concerns
regarding the usability of products. The first stream
argues that the objective usability of a product is as
significant as the subjective usability Monk et al.
(1993). The second streams emphasises the validity
and appropriateness of methodologies employed to
evaluate the usability of products in emerging
markets Thomas and Macredie (2002).
The first stream of research highlights the
importance of adopting an approach which
incorporates both objective and subjective aspects of
usability evaluation of a product. The majority of
research in Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
tends to opt for either a subjective or an objective
approach to evaluation Barkhuus and Rode (2007),
De-Angeli et al. (2006) for example. These
approaches are often seen as mutually exclusive
Monk et al. (1993) and there seems to be a lack of
research that combines the two Barkhuus and Rode
(2007). The ISO (ISO 9241-11:1998) guidance on
usability for instance, gives three quantifiable
measures of usability which are efficiency,
effectiveness and user satisfaction. These measures
focus on the technological reliability of a product. In
order to evaluate subjective usability of a product,
user perceptions and expectations are taken into
account. Several methods such as interviews,
surveys, “think aloud”, one-on-one observations and
focus groups are but a several examples of
commonly used methods designed to assist with the
understanding of user perceptions of product
Anderson (1994) argues that research methods
are inherently biased to cultures in which they
originate. Hence these methods have been proven to
be effective in western cultures. However, the
appropriateness of such methods and the validity of
data acquired through them needs to be questioned
when they are employed in unfamiliar contexts. For
example, the verbal protocol method has proven to
be effective in assessing the usability of products in
North America. But the validity of this approach
remains unclear in cultures such as India where
voicing a negative opinion may not be the norm
Chavan. (2005).
Another study reports on the usability evaluation
of a website in North America Evers (2002). Several
methods such as verbal protocol, questionnaires and
one-on-one observations were used. It was reported
that Japanese participants were particularly
uncomfortable with the one-on-one observation
method. Similarly, a study to introduce ICTs to
youths in Ethiopia was conducted by Geldof (2007).
Several methodological difficulties with the
recruitment of participants and the impact of the
local culture on the participants answering behaviour
emerged during the study. These studies therefore
highlight the critical importance of understanding
the requirements of specific context before
employing a research method. This issue becomes of
particular importance when the subjective
assessment of product usability is in question. It is
therefore argued that subjective usability measures
are not just validation tools but they also provide an
understanding of requirements of a specific context
and user appropriation for the product Barkhuus and
Rode (2007).
We report our experiences with the methodology
we adopted to evaluate the fingerprint sensor usage
in Pakistan. The strengths and weaknesses of the
methodology along with an understanding of the
Pakistani culture are briefly discussed.
BankIslami is an early adopter of fingerprint
technology and Pakistan is one of the first countries
that have seen fingerprint technology be
implemented in the self-service environment.
Currently, fingerprint technology is being used in 16
branches and will be launched in another 11
branches within the year. The fingerprint enabled
ATMs are installed within lobbies adjacent to the
bank’s branches. An example of such an installation
can be seen in image 1 where the fingerprint sensor
mechanism is shown.
Figure 1: fingerprint sensor.
It is argued that with the emergence of mass
consumer markets, laboratory-based usability
evaluation of services becomes meaningless
(Thomas and Macredie 2002). Therefore, the
investigation was carried out at three branches in
Karachi, including the Bank’s headquarters. A
multi-method approach was adopted to conduct the
usability evaluation of the fingerprint system both in
subjective and objective terms. These methods
included field observation, semi-structured in-depth
interviews and analysis of sensor performance data.
The interviews, 34 in total, were conducted in the
native language “Urdu”. Each interview lasted from
45 minutes to an hour. All interviewees (31 males
and 3 females) were regular users of fingerprint
sensor technology in BankIslami. Their age range
was between 18 and 54. Most of the people were
contacted by phone to come to the bank branch to
participate in the study. The reason for this
arrangement was that most of the individuals were
not actual bank customers. This issue is explained in
detail in section 3.1.
The main purpose of the first two methods (field
observation and interviews) was to acquire a
subjective understanding of fingerprint sensor
usability. The subjective usability was aimed to
provide an understanding of user perceptions of
usefulness, ease of use and concerns of and practical
issues with the sensor. The sensor performance data
acquired from the bank presented the logs of actual
usage of the sensor at 10 bank branches from across
the country. The data was analysed to assess the
objective usability of the sensor in terms of false
acceptance rate, false rejection rate and number of
user attempts to verify their identity at an ATMs.
Since the aim of the paper is to discuss the
methodological difficulties faced during the study,
the focus in this section will be kept on the
execution of the first two methods.
3.1 Participant Recruitment
At the time of conducting the study, fingerprint
technology had been in use for over 11 months in
BankIslami branches across the country. It was
therefore decided to carry out the usability
evaluation of fingerprint sensors in a real world
context. Three main branches of the bank within
Karachi (including corporate headquarters) were
chosen. With the collaboration of bank staff,
arrangements were made to recruit bank customers
as participants within these branches.
A real challenge of participant recruitment
occurred when individuals arriving at branches
turned out not to be customers of the bank in
question. It was discovered that in Pakistani culture,
day-to-day financial transactions tended to be
carried out by a customers’ subordinates or
employees. People performing financial transactions
on behalf of other employers were not the customers
of the bank. These people deposited cheques,
withdrew money and paid utility bills for which they
were provided with necessary personal financial
During the entire duration of the study, only
male subordinates or employees had performed
transactions on behalf of their employers. It was
interesting to discover that a very low percentage of
women who were actual bank customers managed
their own financial accounts. Therefore, going to the
bank’s branches to perform financial transactions
was not seen to be common in the female
community. This placed a real challenge on
recruiting not only male but also female customers
to participate in the study. However, upon requests
to participate in the study, customers made time and
arrived in branches on time.
3.2 User Responses
A semi-structured interview with a focus on
assessing user perceptions of fingerprint sensor ease
of use, efficiency, security and usefulness was
designed. The main purpose of conducting the
interviews in “Urdu” was to help participants
express their perceptions and concerns of fingerprint
technology freely. Despite these efforts, participants
did not seem to fully express their perceptions and
concerns regarding technology use. It is argued that
in certain cultures such as India, individuals do not
feel comfortable with voicing negative opinions
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
about technology use Chavan (2005). However, in
our study, users did not state their opinions positive
or negative fully. The technology was generally
perceived to be easy to use and effective.
Surprisingly, no participants were concerned about
using such technology in the sensitive financial self-
service environment. Overall, participants showed a
positive attitude towards the technology.
However, participants’ lack of responses had a
significant impact on obtaining a clearer
understanding of sensor subjective usability in user
3.3 One-on-One Observation
In order to investigate the practical difficulties with
fingerprint sensor use, participants were observed
using the sensor during the enrolment and
verification processes. The design of this phase of
the study was based on experience from a similar
study involving the use of biometric sensors in the
UK in a controlled lab environment. Participants in
the UK not only commented on the problems with
the use of sensors, but also verbalised their
expectations about the technology design. However,
in the Pakistan study, a lack of user responses
limited the effectiveness of assessing the actual use
of sensors.
For example, during the registration phase,
participants were prompted to indicate any
difficulties with fingerprint sensor use. Several
design aspects of the sensor such as, housing, sensor
contact area, pressure, correct finger placement,
hand position and angle were assessed in this phase.
Participants were observed to face several
difficulties with sensor use. However, upon
inquiring, participants did not report any problems.
When participants failed to use the sensor correctly
they took full responsibility. Also, during the
verification process, similar user behaviour patterns
were observed. While facing difficulties with the
sensor, they believed they were not using it correctly
and tried to work around it.
3.4 Cultural Setting
During the study, it was discovered that unlike the
general trend of registering the index finger in the
west, bank customers had enrolled their thumbs. The
bank was promoting the use of biometrix technology
for registering thumb impressions. Due to the
different angle position of thumb and index fingers,
several difficulties were faced with the sensor use.
For example, users could not place the thumb
properly on the sensor. They were seen to hold the
sensor in the hand in order to place the thumb on the
sensor. They were also found to have problems with
understanding how much pressure was required for
their thumb impression to be read by the sensor.
It was discovered that in Pakistan, fingerprints in
the form of thumb impressions for identity
verification had been in use for decades. It was
reported by bank customers that due to poor literacy
rates in rural regions, thumb impressions had been
used to sign legal documents, perform financial
transactions and in acquiring national identification
documentation. Also, with the modernisation of
technology, many Pakistanis’ had used various
electronic fingerprint sensors during the course of
these transactions. For example, at the age of 18,
every person in Pakistan applied for the national
identity card, for which a thumb impression needed
to be provided. The national identity card was
mandatory when opening an account with any bank..
We believe that the strong positive attitude toward
the use of fingerprint technology found in our study
was an artifact of the extensive use of thumb
impressions in Pakistani society.
Despite all the practical difficulties with the
fingerprint sensor, participants of the study
perceived it to be easy to use. They also expressed a
preference for fingerprint usage over personal
identification numbers (PINs). The main reason
given for this preference being that they had
difficulties remembering all of their PINs. Users
reported that they were encouraged to keep unique
PINs for all their bank accounts and most of them
had more than two bank accounts with different
banks. A few users reported that they also had kept
records of their PINs and carried them along while
going to an ATM. Users reported that on a number
of occasions, they had forgotten their PINs at an
ATM which had caused them inconvenience.
Although participants were aware of the
potential for fraud with the fingerprint system, no
particular concern regarding the use of fingerprint
enabled ATMs was reported. In addition, a demand
for the widespread introduction of the technology in
the financial sector was expressed by users. Users
also showed an interest in the use of fingerprint
technology in other technological devices such as
laptops, mobile phones, define (PDAs), lockers,
credit card payments and for over-the-counter
Also, due to a high level of familiarity with the
technology, individuals had become complacent
with usage. Participants tended to reference their
own behaviour when describing problems with the
fingerprint sensor. Also, despite the practical
difficulties with the sensor, users could not suggest
how the devices could be enhanced.
It was interesting to see that individuals’ shared
their accounts with family members and friends.
Employees were also trusted with confidential
information in order to perform financial
transactions. In both cases, registering a fingerprint
would restrict the sharing of identity details with
trusted family, friends and employees who provided
assistance with performing financial transactions.
Mixed responses emerged from the elderly users
toward using the fingerprint sensor at ATMs. These
responses could be divided into two groups based on
their preferences of banking services. The first group
expressed a strong desire to use fingerprint
technology as they struggled to remember all their
PINs. However, several elderly users could not
register their fingerprint for their poor quality thumb
impressions. Their fingertip skin was wrinkled and
the sensor could not take a clear impression of the
fingertips. In the second group, elderly users showed
reluctance toward using the technology because of
their familiarity with using the traditional methods.
They also believed that the use of a fingerprint
would restrict their children in managing their
Fingerprint technology was launched at BankIslami
in May 2006. The study was carried out 11 months
later to understand user acceptance of the technology
in order to further predict technology adoption. The
findings help us obtain an insight into the
perceptions of real customers and observe the actual
use of the sensor. Despite several methodological
difficulties with data collection, a positive user
attitude toward the use of fingerprint technology
emerged. The study however did highlight the need
of assessing the strength of the approach employed.
The results gained form the interviews gave rich
contextual information but were not sufficient to
identify some of the real usability problems that
were present. Interviews revealed that Pakistani
society is a trusting society where individuals share
their financial information with family, friends and
employees. This finding highlights the need of
improving the facilitation of services in the financial
sector. In this regards, the specific requirements of
individuals who open bank accounts need to be
analysed together with the requirements of
individuals who operate them and/or provide
partial/full assistance with account management.
The observation data helped the researcher’s
understand issues with fingerprint sensors generally.
However, study participants did not verbalise any
issues they had with the sensor usage. We argue that
the limited user response regarding the use of the
sensor was maybe due to their lack of reference to
compare the efficiency and effectiveness of the
sensor. Also, a number of assumptions about a
user’s familiarity and experience with fingerprint
technology were made. We also argue that by
providing users more information about the
workings of fingerprint technology and experience
with various fingerprint sensors will help them think
and verbalise their opinions. Based on these
findings, it is therefore important to investigate the
understanding of fingerprint technology for identity
verification in detail in a culture where the concept
has been ingrained for decades.
The main challenge is to then investigate how
existing methods can be shaped and new methods
introduced to evaluate usability of products in
emerging markets. For example, Chavan (2005)
suggests a usability approach ‘use the collective’ for
the Indian market, which is argued to be a
collectivist society Hofstede (2001). By using this
method, the usability of a product is evaluated in the
midst of its potential users. The effectiveness of this
method can be seen in acquiring individual opinions
of users regarding a product use in a group. The
appropriateness of this method in sensitive or private
contexts such as the financial sector still needs to be
determined. We propose a method similar to ‘use the
collective’ to gauge user opinions of a product use.
The method should involve a semi-structured
discussion session with participants who are trusted
friends and/or family members. The method is
different from the traditional focus group session in
two ways. Firstly, the session will be semi-structured
to ensure all aspects of a product evaluation are
covered. Secondly, the participants of the session
will be selected form a group on the basis of trust or
inter-relations. The group will also represent the
current or potential users of the product.
On the basis of our findings, we conclude with
the opinion that usability evaluation in (HCI)
research as a whole would benefit from practitioners
adopting diverse methods of evaluation and
embracing both sides of the subjective verses
objective debate.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Usability evaluation is an on-going process
which needs to be carried out as user perceptions
and experience evolve with a product. In future
research, we will employ a multitude of methods to
overcome the methodological difficulties, which we
faced in this study.
We thank our collaborator NCR, Karachi, Pakistan
for their support with the initiation of the study. We
are also grateful to DTI (Department of Trade and
Industry, UK) for their support of this research work
through Napier University. A special thank you goes to
BankIslami staff members for their help with data
collection which ensured the successful completion
of the study.
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