Alena Hallerbach, Thomas Bauer
Group Research and Advanced Engineering, Daimler AG, Ulm, Germany
Manfred Reichert
Institute of Databases and Information Systems, Ulm University, Germany
Process Management, Process Configuration, Process Variants, Context-aware Process Customization.
When designing process-aware information systems, often variants of the same process have to be specified.
Each variant then constitutes an adjustment of a particular process to specific requirements building the process
context. Current Business Process Management (BPM) tools do not adequately support the management of
process variants. Usually, the variants have to be kept in separate process models. This leads to huge modeling
and maintenance efforts. In particular, more fundamental process changes (e.g., changes of legal regulations)
often require the adjustment of all process variants derived from the same process; i.e., the variants have to be
adapted separately to meet the new requirements. This redundancy in modeling and adapting process variants
is both time consuming and error-prone. This paper presents the Provop approach, which provides a more
flexible solution for managing process variants in the process life cycle. In particular, process variants can be
configured out of a basic process following an operational approach; i.e., a specific variant is derived from the
basic process by applying a set of well-defined change operations to it. Provop provides full process life cycle
support and allows for flexible process configuration resulting in a maintainable collection of process variants.
The flow of activities an organization has to perform
to achieve a specific goal is often captured in a process
model. Usually, each model implements one process
type (e.g., for handling a credit request or travel cost
declaration) by describing process activities and their
execution constraints, resources needed (e.g., humans
or IT systems), and information processed. For cre-
ating and managing process models there exist tools
like ARIS Business Architect (IDS Scheer, 2006) and
WBI Modeler (IBM, 2007).
When modeling processes several objectives are
in the focus. As example consider improved pro-
cess transparency. By the model-based documenta-
tion of business processes respective information is
provided in a more transparent and unified manner to
users. As another advantage process models can be
analyzed and simulated resulting in further optimiza-
tions of the business processes (Scheer, 2000). How-
ever, modeling, analyzing, and optimizing processes
is only one side of the coin. The other is to implement
and execute these processes, e.g., based on Workflow
Management Systems (WfMS). For this purpose, ex-
ecutable workflowmodels have to be provided. Based
on such models the WfMS controls the execution of
process activities and allocates them to user worklists
during runtime (Dumas et al., 2005; Leymann and
Roller, 1999; Weske, 2007).
Process support is needed in almost all business
domains. Characteristic process examples from the
automotive industry include product creation, change
management, and release management. All these pro-
cesses have to be modeled with a specific goal in
mind. Depending on the given process context, in
addition, different variations of a basic process are
needed. Having a closer look at the product creation
process, for example, different process variants ex-
ist. Thereby, each variant is connected to a particu-
lar product type (e.g., car, truck, or bus) with different
organisatorical responsibilities and strategic goals, or
varying in some other aspects.
Similar considerations can be made for a product
change process as depicted in Figure 1a: The process
starts with a change request (Activity 1). The person
responsible for coordinating changes in the respective
domain then requests comments from the departments
that might be affected by the change (Activities 2, 3a,
3b, and 3c). After all comments are received an inte-
grated change document is created (Activity 4). This
Hallerbach A., Bauer T. and Reichert M. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 154-161
DOI: 10.5220/0001685001540161
Figure 1: Variants of a Standardized Product Change Process.
document is then passed to the decision board which
either approves the requested change or disapproves it
(Activity 5). In case of approval the development de-
partment gets the permission to implement the change
(Activity 6). Otherwise this step is skipped. The pro-
cess ends by logging and filing the change request
(Activity 7).
Depending on the process context, different vari-
ations of this process are needed. Figure 1b-1d show
examples of three possible process variants: The one
depicted in Figure 1b additionally considers quality
critical issues; i.e., the quality department is involved
in the commenting process. At the model level this
is realized by inserting an additional activity (Activ-
ity 3d) when compared to the original process from
Figure 1a. Figure 1c shows a process variant for
which the change request is fastened. Particularly
for changes with low risks and implementation times,
which are requested during start-up phase, the devel-
opment department starts implementing the change
without waiting for approval. If the decision board re-
fuses approvallater, change implementation will have
to be undone. At the model level this can be simply
realized by moving Activity 6 from its original posi-
tion to a position parallel to the commenting activities
and by conditionally inserting the Undo activity (Ac-
tivity 6b). Finally, the variant shown in Figure 1d will
be required if the change affects quality critical issues,
but can be fastened anyway. This variant constitutes
a combination of the two variants from Figure 1b and
1c. Thus, the process inherits all adjustments from
these two variants; i.e., an additional comment is re-
quested from the quality department and early imple-
mentation of the change (i.e., without waiting for ap-
proval) is possible.
In existing approaches, process variants usually
have to be defined and kept in separate process mod-
els as shown in Figure 1. This results in a huge
amount of redundant model data as the variant models
are identical or similar for most parts. Furthermore,
the variants cannot be strongly related to each other;
i.e., their models are only loosely coupled (e.g., based
on naming conventions). Finally, there is no support
for (semi-)automatically combining existing variants
in order to create a new one. Considering the large
number of variants occurring in practice these draw-
backs increase modeling and maintenance efforts sig-
nificantly. Particularly, the efforts for maintaining and
changing process variants are increasing over time
since more fundamental process changes (e.g., due to
newor changed legal regulations) might have to be ac-
complished for each individual variant. This is both
time-consuming and error-prone. As a consequence,
process variant models degenerate over time as op-
timizations are only applied to single variant mod-
els without considering the relations to other variants.
This, in turn, makes it a hard job for process design-
ers to analyze, compare, and unify business processes.
In particular, IT systems providing integrated support
for different process variants are difficult to realize.
In this paper we present the Provop (PROcess
Variants by OPtions) approach for managing large
collections of process variants in one model. The pa-
per is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses ma-
jor requirements for managing process variants in the
process lifecycle. Section 3 presents basic concepts of
the Provop approach in detail. In Section 4 we discuss
related work. This paper concludes with a summary
and an outlook in Section 5.
We conducted several case studies in the automotive
industry, but also other domains (e.g., healthcare), to
elaborate key requirements for the definition, adapta-
tion, and management of process variants. This strong
linkage to practice was needed in order to realize a
complete and solid approach for process variant man-
agement. The requirements we identified are related
to different aspects including the modeling of pro-
cess variants, their linkage to process context, their
execution in WfMS, and their continuous optimiza-
tion to deal with evolving needs; i.e., we have to deal
with requirements related to the whole process life
cycle (Hallerbach et al., 2008b). The standard pro-
cess life cycle is depicted in Figure 2. It consists of
three phases, namely the design and modeling of the
process, the selection or configuration of a particu-
lar process variant, and the deployment of this variant
in the runtime environment. The process life cycle
can be described as a (feedback) loop of these phases
during which a process is continuously optimized and
adapted. The main requirements to be met are as fol-
lows (cf. Table 1):
Modeling. Efforts for modeling process variants
should be kept minimal. Therefore, reuse of both pro-
cess fragments and process models (of the different
process variants) has to be supported. In particular, it
should be possible to create new variants by inheriting
properties from existing ones, but without creating re-
dundant or inconsistent model data. The hierarchical
structure of such “variants of variants” has to be ade-
quately represented and should be easy to adapt.
Figure 2: Process Life Cycle.
To reduce both maintenance efforts and costs of
change, fundamental process changes affecting mul-
tiple process variants should be conducted only once.
As a consequence all process variants concerned by
the respective change should be adapted automati-
cally. Finally, sophisticated visualization support is
needed to enable selective views on process variants.
This should allow for the comparison of variants as
well. In this context, switching between different vi-
sualizations constitutes another requirement.
Instantiation and Selection. The selection of a pro-
cess variant in a particular context should be done
automatically. Therefore the specific circumstances
(i.e., the process context) in which this selection takes
place has to be considered. In particular, an elab-
orated context-aware variant selection process is re-
quired. Another challenge is to ensure consistency
and correctness of all selectable process model vari-
ants throughout the entire process life cycle.
Execution. To execute a process variant, its model
has to be interpreted by a workflow engine during run-
time. In this context, it is important to keep informa-
tion about the selected process variant and its relation
to the basic process (and other variants) in the runtime
system as well. Another challenge is to deal with dy-
namic changes of the process context. In the context
of such changes the conditions under which a partic-
ular variant was originally selected might become ob-
solete. Ideally, the runtime system should allow to dy-
namically switch process execution from one variant
to another if required. Such dynamic variant switches
are by far not trivial when considering correctness and
consistency issues as well.
Optimization. Generally, a large collection of related
Table 1: Requirements for Process Variant Support.
Lifecycle Phase 1: Modeling
Req 1.1 Intuitive modeling of process variants and
the relations between them
Req 1.2 Minimized modeling & maintenance efforts
Req 1.3 Easy analysis and comparison of variants
Lifecycle Phase 2: Instantiation
Req 2.1 Context-aware configuration or selection of
Req 2.2 Consistency of configured variants
Lifecycle Phase 3: Execution
Req 3.1 Supporting the execution of variants by
Req 3.2 Selecting variants at runtime
Req 3.3 Switching variants during runtime to adjust
to context changes
Lifecycle Phase 4: Optimization
Req 4.1 Capturing best practices in variant design
Req 4.2 Evolving processes without making exist-
ing variants obsolete
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
variants can be derived from a basic process model.
In principle, each variant corresponds to a number of
adaptations applied to this basic process. Since it is
a complex task to decide which process parts shall
be captured by the basic process and which ones are
variant-specific, related process variants should be an-
alyzed from time to time based on advanced process
mining techniques. As a result it might turn out, for
example, that it is more favorable to pull up certain
variant-specific adaptations to the level of the basic
process. Thus, the basic process evolves over time
without making defined process variants obsolete.
There exist other requirements addressed by Provop,
but not mentioned so far. Examples include the con-
sistency of configured process variants, adequate vi-
sualization of process variants for all life cycle phases,
and provision of intuitive user interfaces. Due to lack
of space we omit respective issues in this paper.
This section provides an overview of the Provop ap-
proach for process variant management. As Provop
supports all phases of the process life cycle, we de-
scribe our approach along these phases.
3.1 Modeling
Basic Process. The basic idea behind Provop is to
capture all process variants in a single process model.
To achieve this Provop utilizes a major characteristic
of process variant models, namely their similarity to
the original process model they were derived from. In
Provop we denote this original process as
basic pro-
. This can be both an existing process model or
a newly created one (cf. Figure 1a). Different poli-
cies for modeling the basic process are conceivable:
On the one hand the basic process can be defined for
a specific use case, e.g., the most frequently executed
variant of a process family. On the other hand the ba-
sic process may be defined without a specific use case
in mind (Hallerbach et al., 2008a).
Change Operations. Related variants are logically
kept within the model of the basic process. More
precisely, the different variants are represented by a
set of change operations describing the difference be-
tween the basic process model and the respective vari-
ant model. The following change operations are pro-
vided in this context (cf. Table 2 and Figure 3a):
, and
process fragments
as well
process element attributes
. Each of these
change operation types is represented by a special
symbol (cf. Table 2). Further, each change operation
needs a set of parameters as input for its correct exe-
cution. For example, the
operation of “Option
1” in Figure 3b requires the position at which the re-
spective process fragment shall be added to the basic
process. In this case, entry node
and exit node
of the process fragment to be added are mapped to
the adjustment points
in the
basic process model.
Options. To define more complex adjustments, mul-
tiple change operations can be grouped in a single
object called
. Thus, an option consists of an
unambiguous name and a set of change operations.
Figure 3 illustrates this approach taking our example
from Figure 1. (Note that activity names are abbre-
viated by step numbers here.) The standard product
change request process from Figure 1a is now defined
as basic process. The variants from Figure 1b-1d are
described in terms of change operations grouped to
options. By applying one of the two options to the ba-
sic process the different variants can be derived: The
application of “Option 1” from Figure 3b to the basic
process model from Figure 3a results in Figure 1b, the
application of “Option 2” produces the process model
shown in Figure 1c. Provop additionally supports the
combined use of these two options to create a third
process variant (cf. Req 1.2); i.e. the combination
Table 2: Change Operations in Provop.
1. INSERT operation
Purpose addition of process elements
Parameters process fragment or element to be
entry/ exit of the fragment to be added;
mapping between entry/ exit of the frag-
ment to adjustment points (labeled posi-
tion in basic process model)
2. DELETE operation
Purpose removal of process elements
Parameters adjustment points to mark entry and exit
of a process fragment for deletion
(or IDs of single elements)
3. MOVE operation
Purpose change execution order of activities
Parameters process fragment of the basic process
marked by adjustment points;
target position of the process fragment
4. MODIFY operation
Purpose change attributes of process elements
Parameters element ID;
attribute name;
value to be assigned
of Option 1” and “Option 2” leads to the model de-
picted in Figure 1d.
Visualization of Options. To support variant mod-
eling sophisticated visualization concepts are needed
(cf. Req 1.3). In particular, the positioning of op-
tions relative to the basic process model constitutes a
challenge when displaying both the basic process and
the options at the same time. As the change opera-
tions of a particular option refer to the basic process
model, the points of adjustment can be used as anchor
for positioning the option. Generally, options can be
visualized in several ways. One approach is to show
all information of the option as depicted in Figure 3b.
Another one is to enable user-defined selection of the
information to be visualized.
Option Relations. After modeling relevant options,
different kind of relations between them can be de-
fined in order to constrain their use (cf. Req 1.1). The
relations supported in Provop are as follows:
mutual exclusion
execution order constraints
means that the respective
options always are either jointly applied to the basic
process or none of them is used when configuring a
particular process variant.
Mutual exclusion
, in turn,
allows to reduce the possible combinations of options
that can be applied to the basic process model. Thus,
the configurable process variants can be constrained.
Two options mutually exclude each other, for exam-
ple, if they constitute variations of each other, e.g.,
both options might add the same activity to the basic
process model, but at different positions, thus leading
to different variants. As one option might insert an ac-
tivity whose attributes are changed by a second one,
execution order
of these options becomes crucial.
Therefore, Provop allows specifying orders in which
options can be applied to the basic process. Finally
of options constitutes a combination of
the relation
execution order
. More
precisely, if a child option shall be applied to the ba-
Figure 3: Modeling Process Variants in Provop.
sic process model, the corresponding parent options
will have to be applied as well. To prevent incon-
sistencies due to non-determinism parent options are
always applied before their child options.
Provop allows to represent the described option
relations graphically as depicted in Figure 4: Every
relation type uses a particular symbol or arrow; i.e.,
all relations between options can be represented in a
unified and easy to handle manner.
Figure 4: Graphical Visualization of Option Relations.
Context-aware Process Configuration. As dis-
cussed option relations are useful when defining vari-
ants (i.e., when a user selects a particular option all
dependent options are selected as well, while mutu-
ally excluded options are not considered). In addi-
tion, Provop supports context-aware process configu-
ration; i.e., it allows for the configuration of a process
variant by applying only those options relevant in a
given application or process context (cf. Req 2.1).
In a first step the process context has to be defined
by utilizing
context variables
with a given range of
value. Provop distinguishes between static and dy-
namic context variables.
Static context variables
set once and their value is then fixed throughout pro-
cess execution (e.g., product type). The value of
namic context variables
, in turn, may change during
process execution (e.g., development phase). As this
might invalidate the conditions based on which a pro-
cess variant was configured, Provop enables dynamic
variant changes as well; i.e., we allow to switch the
execution of a process instance from one variant to
another in order to adopt to context changes. An ex-
ample of a process context definition is given in Fig-
ure 5a. The context variables introduced in Figure 1
are listed with their range of values and their mode
(static/ dynamic).
Process Context Constraints. Sometimes there are
constraints describing a relation between particular
context variables. For example, if a requested prod-
uct change is of high costs, its risks will be high as
well. As these relations can get very complex, Provop
allows for the definition of formal rules following an
logic (cf. Figure 5b). The relations
between context variables can be represented graph-
ically. Constraints are represented by arrows con-
necting the context variables and leading to a context
graph (cf. Figure 5c).
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: Context modeling in Provop.
Context Rules. A process context is defined to con-
nect options with process variant configurations. For
this purpose, context rules are defined and assigned
to the options as depicted in Figure 6. Here, “Op-
tion 1” is relevant if the requested change affects qual-
ity issues (i.e.,
quality = high
). In turn, “Option 2” is
relevant for product changes of low risks and imple-
mentation time. Further, it is constrained to product
changes in the start-up phase of product development.
Figure 6: Context rules.
3.2 Selection and Instantiation
In the selection and instantiation phase the basic
process model, the defined options, and the context
model are used to configure the models of the differ-
ent variants. A single variant is created by applying a
number of options and their related operations to the
basic process.
Step 1: Select Options. When configuring a process
variant the relevant options are identified either
explicitly or implicitly. In the former case the user
directly selects the options manually from a given
list. In the latter case the options that are relevant for
configuring a particular variant are selected implicitly
based on the current values of the context variables;
i.e., an option will be selected if all context rules
associated with it evaluate to “true”.
Step 2: Evaluate Relations. After a set of options is
selected their relations are checked. Extensions of the
option set will have to be made if dependent options
are missing. It is also possible that the set of options
selected so far contains mutually excluding options.
In this case the user is notified about the inconsistency
and has to remove one of the conflicting options. In
summary, option relations are considered to ensure
process consistency.
Step 3: Apply Options. After defining and evalu-
ating the relevant set of options, the related change
operations are applied to the model of the basic
process. First, options with static context variables
are applied resulting in a process model of a partic-
ular process variant. Second, options with dynamic
context variables are applied. The latter results in
a process model representing a set of variants. The
decision which variant is chosen then depends on the
dynamic context to be defined.
Step 4: Check for Consistency. The application of
several options in combination with each other con-
stitutes a challenge. In certain cases, change opera-
tions might be redundant or even conflicting; i.e., the
application of all options then might result in a vari-
ant model with deadlocks or data inconsistencies. To
avoid the latter comprehensiveconsistency checks are
provided by Provop (cf. Req 2.2).
3.3 Deployment and Execution
After the selection and instantiation phase the result-
ing variant model needs to be translated into an ex-
ecutable workflow model (cf. Req 3.1), e.g., speci-
fied with WS-BPEL (OASIS, 2007). Common prob-
lems emerging in this context are GUI assignments,
distinction between human and automated tasks, or
choice of the right level of granularity for process
models. In Provop we are focusing on problems aris-
ing with variant management and their resolution. For
several reasons we retain the information about op-
tions and contexts created in the previous phases in
the runtime system as well. One particular reason
for this is the presence of dynamic context variables,
which necessitate the ability to switch between vari-
ants during runtime (cf. Req 3.2 and 3.3). Due to lack
of space we omit further details here.
3.4 Optimization
Provop allows to evolve and optimize the basic pro-
cess without making the defined options obsolete
(cf. Req 4.2). In particular, the modeled options are
checked against the new basic process model. If an
option is affected by changes of the basic process,
e.g., because an adjustment point has been movedto a
new position, this option will be updated accordingly.
In some cases, an option might be omitted, because
its changes have been transferred to the basic process
as “best practice” (cf. Req 4.1).
Though the support of process variants is highly rel-
evant for practice, only few approaches for variant
management exist. In particular, there is no compre-
hensive solution for the adequate modeling of multi-
ple variants within a single process model.
There are approaches which provide support for
the management and retrieval of separately modeled
process variants. As an example take the work done
by (Lu and Sadiq, 2006). It allows storing, manag-
ing and querying large collections of process vari-
ants within a process repository. Graph-based search
techniques are used in order to retrieve those pro-
cess variants which are similar to a user-defined pro-
cess fragment (i.e., the query is represented as a pro-
cess graph). Obviously, this approach requires pro-
found knowledge about the stored process structures,
an assumption which does not always hold in prac-
tice. Variant search based on process metadata (e.g.,
the process context) is not considered.
A straightforward approach frequently applied in
practice is to capture multiple variants within a sin-
gle process model, but without treating the variants
as first class objects as in Provop (IDS Scheer, 2006;
IBM, 2007). Usually, specifying all variants in one
process model results in huge models, which are diffi-
cult to comprehend and costly to maintain. As exam-
ple consider Figure 7 which shows the change request
process from Figure 1a together with its different vari-
ants as depicted in Figure 1b-1d. Thereby, every exe-
cution path in the model represents a particular vari-
ant with the branching conditions indicating which
variant to be selected during runtime; i.e., the rela-
tion between variants and process context is captured
by these branching conditions. Following this naive
approach, the resulting variants are to a large degree
hidden within the process logic. As “normal” branch-
ing conditions cannot be distinguished from the ones
representing contextual conditions (for variant selec-
tion), no views for particular process variants can be
An important area related to variant management
is reference process modeling. Usually, a reference
process has recommending character, covers a fam-
ily of processes, and can be customized in different
ways to meet specific needs (Schütte, 1997). Config-
urable Event-Process-Chains (C-EPCs), for example,
Figure 7: Naive Approach for Variant Modeling.
provide support for both the specification and the cus-
tomization of reference process models (Rosemann
and van der Aalst, 2007; Rosa et al., 2007). When
modeling a reference process, EPC functions (and de-
cision nodes) can be textually annotated to indicate
whether they are mandatory or optional. Respective
information is then considered when configuring the
C-EPCs. As one drawback this approach is restricted
to control flow and does only allow for the configura-
tion of single elements (i.e., it is not possible to mark
a complete branch as mandatory or optional). It is
also not possible to move or add model elements or
to adapt element attributes like we do in Provop. As
compared to reference process models, the basic pro-
cess in Provop can be modeled without any restric-
tion; i.e., it needs not to be defined with a specific use
case in mind nor it constitutes a recommendation for
all processes of a given process type.
Variants are also important in software engineer-
ing and fundamental characteristics of software vari-
ability have been described (Bachmann and Bass,
2001). In particular, software variants exist in soft-
ware architectures and software product lines (Hal-
mans and Pohl, 2003; Becker et al., 2001). In many
cases feature diagrams are used for modeling software
systems with varying features. Another contribution
in this context stems from the PESOA project (Bayer
et al., 2005; Puhlmann et al., 2005), which provides
basic concepts for variant modeling based on UML.
More precisely, different variability techniques like
inheritance, parameterization, and extension points
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
are provided and can be used when describing UML
models of different type. As opposed to PESOA, the
operational approach followed by Provop provides a
more powerful instrument for describing variance in a
uniform and easy manner; i.e., no distinction between
different variability mechanisms is required.
We have described the Provop approach for manag-
ing process variants. Provop considers the whole pro-
cess life cycle by supporting variants in all life cycle
phases. This includes advanced techniques for model-
ing variants in a unified way and within a single pro-
cess model, but without resulting in too complex or
large model representations. Based on well-defined
change operations, on the ability to group change op-
erations in reusable options, and on the possibility to
combine options in a constrained way, necessary ad-
justments of the basic process can be correctly and
easily realized when creating or configuring a pro-
cess variant. Provop allows representing the objects
and data needed in this context in a compact and effi-
cient manner. Further, it offers advanced tool support
for visualizing and comparing process variants. Fi-
nally, Provop allows for the dynamic configuration of
process variants based on the given process context;
i.e., the change operationsneeded to create the respec-
tive process variant are dynamically selected based on
contextual information. Note that this also allows to
dynamically switch between different variants during
runtime. Altogether, developing and maintaining pro-
cess variants in an integrated way becomes much eas-
ier with the techniques introduced in this paper.
In future research we will detail the Provop ap-
proach. Of the challenges we have to tackle one con-
cerns the correct combination of options when creat-
ing a variant. The set of options to be applied to the
basic process to create a specific process variantmight
consist of options with dissent and redundant change
operations (e.g., two options add the same activity to
a process schema, but at different positions at the ba-
sic process). Sophisticated techniques are needed to
prevent errors (e.g., deadlocks) or other consistency
problems (e.g., concerning data consistency) due to
such conflicting changes.
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