Figure 3: View of Modules of the Software Architecture of KDD system.
Following the architecture construction standard
presented by Bass et al. (2003), it was defined a
reference model, and a reference architecture was
developed, in order to propose a software
architecture for KDD systems.
The software architecture proposed was based
on the reference model, and on use cases identified
for a KDD system, thus being validated through a
prototype, being its development facilitated by
reference architecture.
The documentation using views, defined by
Merson (2006), facilitate the learning and allow
presenting both, the architecture general
organization, as well as the internal functions.
As it could be seen, the definition of the
software architecture components was based on
concepts defined in reference architecture, having
as main focus the application domain. Questions
related to the communication between
components, security and other matters remain in
the definition of reference architecture, thus
making possible a better definition of both, the
application domain and the system functions in the
software architecture.
Finally, the reference model defined
represents the main functions found in the
construction of a DW, in OLAP tools and data
mining, integrated in a unique system. Thus, the
reuse and integration of components make possible
the cheaper construction of KDD systems.
The proposal architecture searched to
congregate the main characteristics of some related
works to the area of knowledge discovery in
database. A comparison between the architecture
proposed and related works was realized using the
following characteristics: 1) descriptive language;
2) interactive activities; 3) software architecture
reusable; 4) sources, targets and processes
metadata, 5) DW activities, and 6) DM activities.
The architecture proposed unsatisfied only the
characteristic 1, while the others architectures
unsatisfied two or more characteristics.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems