A Criteria Definition for References Models Comparison
Leonardo Pilatti and Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy
Computer Science College, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, Brazil
Keywords: Global Software Development, Offshore Development, Reference Models.
Abstract: Software development has been a challenge. This complexity significantly increases when company team
member are working in an offshore environment. The need for a set of processes increases after every
project, including those to organize the development strategy. Reference models, maturity models and
frameworks can be found in literature trying to solve this problem. However, few comparative analysis have
been done in order to validate the appropriate solution. The objective of this paper is to elaborate and define
a set of criteria to perform a comparative analysis of the main global software development reference
models, focusing the offshore development, having as basis an extensive literature review and a case study
in industry. The case study was conducted in two different sites in Brazil.
Managing information technology projects is
become more complex over the years. Because the
project’s size, requirements even more complex,
time to deliver the product and the growth in the
software development team. Teams are now spread
between countries and located in different time
zones. People are even more getting used to interact
with co-workers from different cultures and beliefs.
One of the major benefits is the flexibility in having
almost non-stop work around the globe – when the
teams are strategically located. For companies it has
being an interesting experience since they increase
their profits margin over time since can have access
to qualified workers from third world country by on-
third their values (Carmel et al, 2002).
Variants of the Agile or Extreme Programming
methodologies are applied during the software
conception, developing and testing. It is common
that these companies also have a proprietary code
library about their softwares. However, the majority
of this library only exists in theory. There aren’t
processes or procedures to support it (Reponen,
It is necessary for the site and organization in
define a structure that supports the development
process. It is not a maturity model, rather than, a
static structure that can be used in order to define
and better compound the methods used to build the
software, use better use the policies and distributes
their business in order to maximize the offshore
development strategy (Khan, 2003).
This paper/poster presents criteria composition
for references models in the global software
development area. A comparative analysis is also
done between them, based in the criterions. A case
study was conducted in two different organizations
in order to increase the criteria’s accuracy and
generalization. The research method is exploratory
and based in extensive literature review.
2.1 Global Software Development
As some authors pointed the global software
development is characterized by having one (or
both) of the elements involved: time and distance
(Coar, 2004). Companies can work locally or
distributed. Working in a distributed environment,
time and/or distance are present as elements that
differentiate both of them. Working in a global
software development approach denotes a
revolutionary way for a company in conducting its
business. Managers and directors are even more
considering global variables when defining and
running global projects. Time zones, cultural
differences, communication, trust, among others,
Pilatti L. and Luis Nicolas Audy J. (2008).
SOFTWARE OFFSHORE DEVELOPMENT - A Criteria Definition for References Models Comparison.
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 212-215
DOI: 10.5220/0001686402120215
need to be well aligned in other to not let the team
members loose their focus. It is known that this
strategy is delineated by positive or negative forces.
2.2 Offshore Development
The Offshore Development is strategy used by
companies in other to take the benefit from others
site countries. The projects and services can be
reallocated in a specialized-different-country-site
where a high level of specialization can take place
(Carmel et al, 2002).
Countries like Russia, Brazil and India has been
playing a major role in such strategy, mainly
because the low taxes and low labour cost in hiring
employees from these locations (Gopalakrishnan,
2003). Some of the key factors include cost
reduction, working with specialized workers world-
wide and the capability in implementing follow-the-
sun methodology (working 24 hours a day, round the
world) (Khan, 2003).
2.3 Reference Models for Offshore
2.3.1 By Kishore et al (2003)
In (Kishore, 2003) the author defines a framework
creating a relationship between the service provider
and the service requester. Know as Four
Outsourcing Relationship Types (FORT), it defines
dimensions and presented factors that need to exist
between the two involved parts (requester and
provider) in order to achieve the completion of the
Figure 1: FORT Framework.
Figure 1 shows its dimensions: the strategic
impact of the outsourced business and the work
amount being outsourced.
This reference model has the objective to
enumerate dynamic and static aspects that will exist
between the service requester and service provider.
It is important for managers and directors in
understand how the relationship with the service
provider organization can grow and where it is
during a specific moment in time. All these analysis
were done always considering the strategic impact
that the service provider has over the service
requester. Furthermore, the model intends to
establish a clear link between both organizations and
how they impact each other during time, as well
their impact in terms strategic aspects.
2.3.2 By Khan et al 2003
In (Khan, 2003) the author identifies offshore
organizations by the type of work provide. He
classifies organizations involved in offshore
development as service providers or requesters.
Similar as (Kishore, 2003), however including risks,
benefits and drawbacks of the relationship they
develop. During time, the involvement and work
methods are being specialized in the service
provider, in order to attend the requester demand.
This model maps the possible relationships along
time that the organization may have. As higher is the
cooperation between them, higher is the aggregated
value and higher is the risk for the requested core-
business. Services were mapped between the types
of involvement that the requester has with the
provider and were related in figure 2.
Figure 2: Reference Offshore Model by (Khan, 2003).
As can be noted there is a direct relationship
between aggregated value and associated risk that
the provider brings to the requester. Has complex the
type of the service, as risky can be for the service
requester. Following this concept, the author
represented the model in a scale in five levels, from
one to five, containing the possible types of Works
SOFTWARE OFFSHORE DEVELOPMENT - A Criteria Definition for References Models Comparison
and their respective impacts for the requester. As
higher the risk, higher the aggregated value, level 5.
2.3.3 By Loh & Venkatraman (2002)
The authors developed a conceptual modelling to
offshore organizations using a set of criterions as
being determinants to the company’s performance.
Using the offshore strategy, in the conducted studies
the authors create a relationship between the benefits
and risks when choosing a subsidiary or company
when offshoring heir services. Figure 3 presents
denotes the model concept.
Figure 3: Offshore Reference Model for organizations
(Loh & Venkatraman, 2002).
2.3.4 By Song et al (2003)
In the work from (Song, 2003) a reference model is
created in order to help the decision maker to which
offshore company the work should be sent. Similar
to works from (Khan, 2003) and (Kishore, 2003), the
relationship between service provider and requester
is a key factor in the offshore strategy. However to
which country the service is sent is here a
fundamental factory too. It is important to note that
social and technical aspects are delimitated by
countries’ culture, and hence, defines if the
implementation was successful or not. Other social
elements, such as economics, political and cultural,
between the provider and the requester were also
considered as fundamental in this model.
As described in (Yin, 2001), this study is
characterized as being mostly exploratory, involving
literature review about the main offshore references
models and findings from a case study. These
findings were important in order to compose the
criterions. The research method was presented in
figure 4 and related the phases as described below.
This research was organized in four (3) phases.
First (Phase 1) was a literature review about the
main offshore development maturity models, the
sites will be referenced by letters as “Unit A” and
“Unit B”.
In the step (Phase 2) was the criteria elaboration
and in third step (Phase 3) a comparative analysis
from the reference models was done.
Figure 4: Research Method.
The process to compose the criterions started by the
reference models analysis found in literature. A
caution was taken in order to consider only elements
that could be observed in all models; otherwise the
comparison would be pointless. For each defined
criteria, the case study finding proven if it could be
finally used as formal criteria in the model analysis.
All the criterions were presented by table 1. It also
presents: The criteria itself; A reference from where
in literature, or in case study findings, or both it was
found; And the explanation for its use. An acronym
“CsA” is used to define the finding from unit A and
“CsB” for unit B.
Defining criterions is not a trivial task and raise
questions in considering such criterions and not
other ones. During the analysis only criterions that
could be found in all models were consider.
In order to perform the comparative analysis, a
combination between the defined criterions and the
models were defined and presented in table 2. These
combinations have in the header the criterions
defined in this section. In the first column all
reference models found in literature were listed.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Offshore Reference Criteria Composition.
The analysis was verified in order to validate if the
model attended the criteria. When it was satisfied –
meaning that it was found in the model – a symbol
() marks the intersection column between the
model and the criteria. If the symbol is not present,
the model does not attend the criteria.
The reference offshore model defined in (Song,
2003) was the one with lower criteria marks (3 from
8 defined criterions). However, the model from
(Khan, 2003) and (Kishore, 2003) attended 5 from 8
criterions. Finally, the reference model from (Loh &
Venkatraman, 2002) attends 6 from 8 criterions and
was the one with higher number of satisfied
criterions. Still accord with this description it can be
used as guideline to implement software engineering
practices and process, meaning that it is
complementary and serve as additional model to
maturity models. As from the case study findings it
was noted that the offshore models should be
complementary to other maturity models already
present in the industry. It was noted that (Loh &
Venkatraman, 2002) refers to this implementation
and guideline as well.
Table 2: Comparative Analysis from Offshore Reference
An important finding is that the most missing
criterions were criteria 5 (Type of Service
Segmentation) and criteria 7 (Technical Aspects).
Even criteria 5 being identified in “CsA”, it lacks in
the majority of the models.
It is important to note that the criterions have a
higher scope since were found in case studies. From
the interviews, the comments were considered when
elaborating the criterions as well. Some of these
elements had direct impact in the software quality,
as enumerated by some managers – the social and
relationship aspects between the requester and the
Results from this work contribute for the
offshore area – as comparisons between such models
were not found in previously researches. The case
study brought practical validation and important
findings from managers and offshore units.
As future researches this study will continue to
expand the applicability and involve other offshore
unit’s as well different models. Quantitative
analysis, including surveys would also increase the
Carmel, E., Agarwal, Ritu, 2002. The Maturation of
Offshore Sourcing of Information Technology Work.
MIS Quarterly Executive, vol. 1, no. 2, 12pp (65-77)
Coar, Ken., 2004. The Sun Never Sets on Distributed
Development. ACM Proceedings, 6pp
Gopalakrishnan, S.; Kochikar, V. P.; Yegneshwar, S
(2003). The Offshore Model for Software
Development: The Infosys Experience. ACM
Proceedings, 2pp
Khan, Naureen, et al., 2003. Developing a Model for
Offshore Outsourcing. In: Ninth Americas Conference
on Information Systems, 8pp
Kishore, Rajiv; Rao, H. R.; Nam, K.; Rajagopalan, S.;
Chaudhury, A (2003). A Relationship Perspective on
IT Outsourcing, Communications of the ACM, vol. 46
no 12, 6pp
Loh, Lawrence; Venkatraman, N (2002). An Empirical
Study of Information Technology Outsourcing:
Benefits, Risks and Performance Implications, IEEE
Software Proceedings, 12pp
Reponen, Tapio, 2002. Outsourcing or Insourcing? ACM,
Song, Jaeki; Jain, Hemant K (2003). Cost Model for
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Yin, Robert., 2001. Case Study: Methods and Planning.
Sao Paulo: Bookman, 205 pp.
SOFTWARE OFFSHORE DEVELOPMENT - A Criteria Definition for References Models Comparison