Stefan Boddy, Matthew Wetherill
Salford Centre for Research and Innovation, University of Salford, The Crescent, Salford, M5 4WT, U.K.
Yacine Rezgui
School of the Built Environment, University of Salford, The Crescent, Salford, M5 4WT, U.K.
Grahame Cooper
School of Computing, Sicence and Engineering, University of Salford, The Crescent, Salford, M5 4WT, U.K.
Keywords: Collaborative environments, activity awareness, process transparency.
Abstract: The paper argues that facilitating timely and contextually grounded communication could help improve both
coordination and decision making / problem solving in the construction project process. The paper discusses
the authors’ previous work in construction IT, as well as related literature, and the findings that have led to
the development of a framework for awareness of activity in project information spaces. A detailed
description of the conceptual model and software architecture of the proposed resource awareness
framework is given, followed by directions for future research.
Lack of communication and coordination has often
been cited as a cause of problems in the construction
project process (Latham 1994, Egan 1998).
Researchers have deployed information technology
to ameliorate the detrimental effects resulting in a
history of tools aimed at the management of project
information. These tools have focussed on the
versioning and consistency of information across
projects and have culminated in the development of
project extranets and building information
modelling. Some initiatives have taken a knowledge
oriented approach in an effort to improve the
communication of information within projects,
whilst others have looked into organisational issues
in order to model the structures and processes
typically involved in a construction project and how
they may be supported with IT. The authors have
undertaken research work in all of these fields and
this paper reports on ongoing research extending this
work into more pro-active support for interpersonal
communication within construction projects. The
aim of the research is to facilitate communication at
opportune moments and assess whether or not such
facilitation can further improve coordination and
decision quality and creativity in the project process.
The authors have conducted research into the
management of information and its alignment with
the project process and on ways and means of using
that information in a distributed or virtual team
setting (Boddy et al., 2007). This work has spanned
a number of funded projects beginning with the
Commit project, which defined an information
management model (The Commit Information
Management Model or CIMM) for construction
projects. The CIMM featured constructs for
information versioning, ownership, rights
management and decision tracking (Rezgui et al
Following on from Commit, the Advanced
Decision Support (ADS) project extended the
Boddy S., Wetherill M., Rezgui Y. and Cooper G. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 101-106
DOI: 10.5220/0001691401010106
CIMM with elements for interoperation with
common desktop applications via a plug-in adapter
architecture. ADS placed particular emphasis on the
information versioning and dependency tracking
aspects of the CIMM culminating in software for the
recording of versions and the rationale for the
changes made in particular versions of information
elements (Cooper et al 2005).
With the OSMOS project, information was
viewed more as a collection of semantically linked
resources and we also started the move to a service
oriented platform for virtual team support. A model
for instantiating and running a virtual team, The
Generic VE Process Model (Rezgui, 2007a; Rezgui
2007b), was created as the conceptual framework
around which the services were specified and
The e-Cognos project developed the semantic
linkage elements further. Automated creation of
links was integrated into the platform with the aim
of mimicking some of the knowledge socialisation
processes in groups. This yielded a system which
implicitly identified and supported knowledge
communities within the user population. The system
also provided services for maintenance of
information (versioning, change notification etc) and
for push and pull of information around the system
(subscribing to information, flagging to interested
parties etc) (Wetherill et al 2002).
Each project created a software demonstrator,
which was evaluated with its industrial
collaborators. The evaluations yielded feedback with
common themes around information maintenance in
the guise of tracking and transparency of activity in
the project process. For example, the e-Cognos
evaluation revealed that this type of functionality,
including real time information on current project
activity, was rated as moderately to highly important
(e-Cognos 2002), though the e-Cognos software
only met such goals at a very basic level. The field
trials for the ADS software validated the activity and
decision rationale records kept as a valuable aspect
of information management. Evaluators noted
however that more could be done with the
information captured. We concur and believe that by
further exploiting the mechanisms by which the
ADS software captures activity, we can improve the
real-time information management capabilities of
our research outputs. If we can leverage that
information in rendering the ongoing state of project
activity more transparent to those working within it,
we believe we can facilitate interpersonal
communications that take place at appropriate times
and within the context of related aspects of the
project work. Such timely and contextually
grounded communication we believe may help to
improve both coordination and decision
making/problem solving in the project process.
In light of our aim to support timely and
contextualised communication and collaboration, we
started thinking about the social structures and
processes involved. In the authors’ experience, it is
at the boundaries between disciplines within
construction projects that the most crucial
collaborations occur. These boundaries are typically
also organisational and knowledge boundaries
defining the physical and social groupings of
individuals and resources within a project.
Coordination in construction projects is a problem
primarily of resolving differences at the social,
organisational and physical system boundaries. The
resolution and successful integration of physical
system interface issues comes about as a result of
collaboration at the discipline or social interfaces by
explicating and transforming the knowledge in the
discipline groups across the boundaries between
them. The literature on collaboration, particularly
collaborative design, has much to say about the
boundaries between the various socio-technical
groupings involved in the design process. Star
(1989) introduced the concept of boundary objects,
which are physical or conceptual artefacts existing at
the boundaries between communities, but which
span those boundaries to become the shared context
through which the communities can collaborate.
Studies conducted into the formulation, use and
effects of boundary objects, a number of them taking
the construction industry as their knowledge domain,
have been conducted. Gal et al (2004) for example,
in their research into the effects of boundary objects
on the constitution and identity of social groups
within processes identified CAD files, both 2D
drawings and 3D models, as crucial boundary
objects in a construction context.
Other research into collaborative design
environments has highlighted the need for them to
be open and transparent to enable a creative and
productive discourse. The research into
Communities of Practice (COP (Wenger 1998)) has
illustrated the ways in which interactions within a
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
community influence the generation and sharing of
knowledge associated with the practice. Fischer et al
(2005) cite the potential of Communities of Interest
(COI) for increasing creativity in design problem
solving. A COI shares some characteristics of COP,
but is generally comprised of a broader spectrum of
individuals from differing professional and social
backgrounds. The common interest is the pursuit of
a particular goal (such as a project) rather than the
sharing and development of knowledge in a
particular sphere of practice. Thus a COI,
encompassing a broader spectrum of knowledge can
stimulate different solutions to problems than would
have been likely with individuals or single discipline
groups. All of this has resonance for construction
projects where to some extent decision making but
particularly coordination, tend to be distributed
activities that could benefit from timely
communication between those involved.
In addition to boundary objects, our investigations
into previous collaboration research from a social
standpoint have emphasised the importance of
openness and transparency in successful
collaborations (Fischer et al 2005). Erickson and
Kellog have written on what they term ‘social
translucence’, and cite the essential characteristics of
socially translucent systems as:
Visibility – the visibility of socially
significant information
Awareness – of the presence and/or actions
of others
Accountability – for one’s own actions in
the context furnished by visibility and
(Erickson & Kellogg 2000)
They argue that systems exhibiting these
characteristics can help to replicate social cues we
rely upon in interpersonal communication in a
digital context. Visibility and awareness have been
research themes in the field of computer supported
cooperative work (CSCW) for some time and some
of the early outputs employ mechanisms that
Dourish & Bellotti (1992) refer to as Role
Restrictive. Here a person’s role within a system
implies information about their likely activity within
the system. Roles however are rejected as rather
limited as an activity awareness mechanism as they
only furnish information about the “character of the
activity, not the content” (Dourish & Bellotti 1992).
Another mechanism, the Informational mechanism,
is identified wherein the users of a system are
responsible for creating and distributing information
for the consumption of other users. Again this is
rejected as too burdensome on the users of the
system. Because the content and delivery of
awareness information is controlled by the producer
using these mechanisms, what is received may be
neither relevant nor timely in the context of the
receiver. Dourish & Bellotti propose a mechanism
they term Shared Feedback wherein the system itself
monitors and redistributes information about the
activities of users. The proposal allows users of the
system to negotiate their activities as appropriate to
the current context and objective such that a user
may fulfil several different functions throughout the
course of the collaboration.
Concurrent with Dourish and Bellotti’s work,
Benford and Falhen (1993) were researching the
notion of awareness in virtual reality spaces. Their
work resulted in the influential Spatial Model of
Awareness used to establish the level of mutual
awareness and potential for interaction between
objects in a virtual space. The model employed
several factors in its calculations:
Space, Objects and Medium – Space is the
entire volume of the virtual world. Objects
are the artefacts populating that world.
Medium refers to the interfaces through
which interactions between objects in the
space occur.
Aura – Defined as the part of the space
(sub-space) that bounds an object with
respect to a particular medium and
determines the extent of its presence within
that medium. Two aura must collide for any
interaction to be possible
Focus, Nimbus and Awareness – Given a
collision of auras, Focus and Nimbus
determine the level of interaction in a given
o Focus is directed attention from an
object A to an object B – “the
more an object (B) is within your
(A) focus, the more you are aware
of it.” (Benford et al 1994).
o “Nimbus is a sub-space in which
an object makes some aspect of
itself available to others” – “The
more an object is within your
Figure 1: Framework Conceptual Model.
nimbus, the more aware it is of
you.” (Benford et al 1994)
The spatial model has found application in a
number of experimental VR environments over time.
Gutwin & Greenberg (2001) investigated groups
collaborating through shared workspaces as part of
groupware applications. They defined a general
framework of issues to consider in the design of
awareness systems. The framework identifies three
broad areas of concern:
The components of awareness – The
essential information for awareness in a
shared group workspace? Basically the
who, when, where and what of the activity
in the space.
The maintenance of awareness – How to
collect and present that information and
keep it up to date.
The use of awareness in collaboration –
When and where to present that
information, based on observation of where
awareness information is normally used.
This research has value as a guide for thinking
about the requirements of any system to provide
awareness information, a guide which has informed
our thought processes in formulating our proposals.
We believe that monitoring activity on
informational resources that form potential boundary
objects may help to identify opportune moments to
facilitate communication. We can leverage derived
relationships between objects to identify people who
are working on related aspects of the project at the
same time and thereby facilitate them in
communicating and collaborating to achieve better
coordination and decisions in their work.
The conceptual framework for our system to
leverage potential boundary objects in facilitating
communication is described below. Figure 1 shows
the general concept of our system, which is based on
the resources involved in or created and manipulated
in a construction project. These are the resources
some of which would typically constitute the
boundary objects for collaboration in the project in
the traditional sense, certainly during the design
stages. They are also the objects the production of
which is directly related to the level of activity and
progress apparent in the project process at any given
time. Thus reporting on activity on these objects
makes the process more transparent to those
involved in it.
The diagram comprises four layers from the
bottom as follows:
1. Application data layer – this layer
represents the digital data of a project.
Objects in this layer are those that are
often cited as boundary objects in the
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
2. Application software layer – this layer
represents the actual tools used to create
and manipulate the data at layer 1.
3. Resource abstraction layer – this layer
represents a set of abstract representations
of the data at layer 1. The lines between
items in this layer represent relationships
between them, which are automatically
created by the system
4. User layer – this layer represents the
system users.
As a user works with their applications the
system tracks the interactions and records which
resources are involved. This tracking is performed
for all users of the system constantly, thus the
system knows who is working with what at any
given moment. If the system finds that two related
resources are being manipulated by two different
users concurrently, it will inform those users of each
other’s activity on the basis that a relation between
resources may indicate a need to coordinate the
work. The system thus provides a context within
which the users can decide if they need or want to
take action. Our framework then, employs a
mechanism similar to Dourish and Bellotti’s shared
feedback (Dourish and Bellotti 1992), but
subsequently applies a filter based on the
relationships between resource abstractions. The
abstractions themselves could be said to be
candidate boundary objects for collaboration.
Our implementation of this proposal is partly based
on previous research work carried out at the
University of Salford (with partners) under the
auspices of the ADS project. The ADS software
architecture featured a core for the management of
version information, augmented with plug-ins that
allowed the core to interoperate with standard
software applications. It is in the plug-ins that the
level of granularity of information item to be
handled is set. The level could be the entire data file
handled by an underlying application, or it could be
some object defined by the object model of the
application, or any stage in-between. This allows for
flexibility in implementing plug-ins for different
applications and types of data/information. A plug-in
is responsible for triggering notifications to the ADS
core that a user is performing an action that changes
information items in a way that we are interested in
recording. It also sends metadata to the core about
what changed, what information items were
involved, who made the changes and when and
allows the user to provide an explanation of the
rationale for the change. Thus ADS already records
for us most of the information that Gutwin and
Greenberg defined as the ‘components of awareness’
(Gutwin & Greenberg 2001)
We have augmented the ADS software
architecture with new modules dedicated to the
creation of resource abstractions and links between
those abstractions. Each of these modules also works
on a plug-in system whereby it is possible to register
plug-ins that ‘understand’ different types of
resources, or different ways in which to create
abstractions of a resource. For example, our initial
implementation of an abstraction module is based on
simple keyword extraction and indexing. Likewise,
our first link creation module uses search techniques
on the keyword index to create links between
resource abstractions. We are aware that this is a
very naïve implementation of our activity awareness
concept as it may produce links between resources
that have relatively little to do with each other in real
terms. At this stage in the development however, we
have been more concerned with developing the
framework than the details of individual abstraction
mechanisms. As the research is carried forward,
more sophisticated abstraction and linking
mechanisms will be developed, with those handling
geometric data perhaps having the greatest promise
for finding genuinely related parts of the
construction project based on the evolving building
model where one exists.
We have altered the software architecture of the
original ADS system in other ways. Firstly, we have
created a server-based core to the system, which
communicates with an ADS client application on
each user’s local machine. It is this client application
that handles interaction with user application plug-
ins. We have chosen this route to take some of the
processing load off of the server and also to reduce
network traffic to some degree. As such the system
now comprises of a core, a local client at each user’s
machine and a number of application plug-ins, also
at each user’s machine. Of course, in this enhanced
version of the ADS software, application plug-ins
take on a broader range of functions. In particular, a
plug-in must now be designed to show activity
notifications using UI elements judged to be most
appropriate to the application being instrumented to
work with ADS.
This paper has discussed the authors’ previous work
in construction IT and the findings that have led us
to develop a framework for awareness of activity in
project information spaces. We have reviewed a
sample of the previous research work in the areas of
collaboration and workspace awareness that has
informed our thinking on the conceptual
underpinnings of our framework, particularly issues
related to boundary objects and how they may be
leveraged to actively promote timely communication
and collaboration, and then function in their normal
role as the context for that communication and
collaboration. We have gone on to describe the
conceptual model and software architecture of our
framework in more detail such that its operation can
be understood.
As we have already alluded to, this is a report on
ongoing research and as such we envisage future
publications detailing the results of field trials
amongst industrial collaborators. Further, we intend
to research and develop more sophisticated methods
and modules for resource abstraction and relation
building, particularly modules dealing with spatial
information of the type embedded in building
models such that we can ‘locate’ people’s current
activity relative to the geometry of the evolving
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems