concrete scenario of the specified user for each page
transition. For example, there are three labels of
branch conditions in Figure 5. If the type of the user
is a student, then the last label should not be
5.3 Related Work
A number of methods have been proposed for UML-
based prototyping of user interfaces (Díaz et al.,
2001; Elkoutbi et al., 2006; Cruz and Faria, 2007).
These researches adopted several UML diagrams
such as sequence diagrams and collaboration
diagrams. Diaz et al. (Díaz et al., 2001) proposed a
method for the automatic generation of user
interface using class diagrams and MSCs (Message
Sequence Charts), which are extended sequence
diagrams in UML, along with the stereotypes. The
user interface thus generated can be edited by a
target visual programming tool. However, it is not
clear whether new customer requirements can be
correctly reflected in the requirement analysis model
being used in the subsequent development phase.
We propose a method for validating the requirement
analysis model through an iterative validation
process. Elekoutb and Cruz propose more
formalized methods using OCL for the specification
verification. However, it is not clear whether the
resultant user interface can represent concrete
example data for the specified scenario. Object
diagrams related to the class diagrams not only
express the specified scenario but also enrich the
prototype stepwise for both the customers and the
This paper proposed a method for incremental
validation of Web applications; this method
automatically generates a prototype system from the
UML-based requirements analysis model. The
automatic generation tool enables the developer to
define the analysis model that reflects the customer’s
validation results. Moreover, the developer can carry
out incremental and efficient development of the
model by repeating the prototype generation.
Future tasks involve improving our method in
order to enable the developer to model the
association between several services and the
relations between the users and services. We plan to
improve the automatic generation tool so that it can
interpret another activity diagram that specifies the
order of processing all the use cases of the system
for each authority. Moreover, the tool is expected to
be able to generate a prototype for each actor by
interpreting the relations between the actors and use
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