The uncertainties is a well known factor affecting
the final result of nearly any software project
especially in the modern quickly changing world.
The article aim is to propose some new methods to
minimise the negative impacts that uncertainties
have on software development process. The
following uncertainties types arising in software
development projects were reviewed in the article:
Unclear / incomplete specification
Unstable customers/management’s
opinion/vision on how the final system should
work / look like etc.
Inability to predict the software project final
output (how the system looks like, works etc.)
due possible requirements transformation
during implementation since requirements are
incorrectly interpreted, details are lost etc.
Unclear effect of the current requirements on
later stages: technology (can the required be
achieved), amount of required work (testing,
development, education) etc.
Although uncertainty risk management is not
something new and there are several methods
targeted to solve those problems (Sumner, 2000;
Karolak, 1997; Kumar 2002), the number of failed
projects because of extra costs or mismatches of
customers’ expectations and released software
produced by uncertainties is quite high. The paper
has proposed the following methods in addition to
existing to coupe with uncertainties in order to
bridge the earlier mentioned gap between reality and
Promote information on uncertainties to flow
freely through the whole system and
customers review meetings in order to give
enough knowledge to key persons to deal with
provided uncertainties information;
Shortened iterations cycle (varying length
cycles) with an internal software
demonstration meeting to verify it and make
others aware of what is done, what are current
problems and what is in development;
Ambassador driven communication;
Discussion groups;
Pilot projects (is not a new method);
Careful project planning to start pilot projects
as soon as possible and uncertain
functionalities (that cannot be finalised
[developed, specified etc] right now)
development as late as necessary.
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