Jon Atle Gulla
Department of Computer and Information Science
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Keywords: Interoperability, data integration, ontology engineering, enterprise integration.
Abstract: The petroleum industry is a technically challenging business with highly specialized companies and
complex operational structures. Several terminological standards have been introduced over the last few
years, though they address particular disciplines and cannot help people collaborate efficiently across
disciplines and organizational borders. This paper discusses the results from the industrally driven
Integrated Information Platform project, which has developed and formalized an extensive OWL ontology
for the Norwegian petroleum business. The ontology is now used in production reports, and the ontology is
considered vital to semantic interoperability and the concept of integrated operations on the Norwegian
continental shelf.
The petroleum industry on the Norwegian
continental shelf (NCS) is technically challenging
with challenging subsea installations and difficult
climatic conditions. It is a fragmented business, in
the sense that there is little collaboration between
phases and disciplines in large petroleum projects.
There are many specialized companies involved,
though their databases and applications tend not to
be well integrated with each other. Research done
by the Norwegian Oil Industry Association (OLF)
shows that there is a need for more collaboration and
integration across phases, disciplines and companies
to maintain the industry’s profitability (OLF,
2005b). The existing standards do not provide the
necessary support for this, and the result is costly
and risky projects and decisions based on wrong or
outdated data.
This paper presents the vision and some main
results of the Integration Information Platform (IIP)
project. The idea of the IIP project was to extend
and formalize an existing terminology standard for
the petroleum industry, ISO 15926. Using Semantic
Web technologies, we have turned this standard into
a real ontology that provides a consistent
unambiguous terminology for selected areas in the
oil and gas industry. The results of the project so far
are promising, and the ontology developed by IIP is
now being adopted by industry and is used in
production reporting to the government.
The work in IIP is the first step towards the
concept of integrated operations in the petroleum
sector. In this long-term vision semantic standards
and tools enable companies to work seamlessly
together across geographical and organizational
borders, and people from different disciplines or
phases can cooperate without terminological
confusion and misunderstandings.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2
we go through the structures and challenges in the
subsea petroleum industry, explaining the status of
current standards and the vision of future integrated
operations. Section 3 briefly presents the parts of
the Semantic Web initiative relevant to this project.
Whereas the ontological work in the IIP project is
introduced in Section 4, we discuss the issue of
introducing semantic standards in the petroleum
business in Section 5. Conclusions are found in
Section 6.
The Norwegian subsea petroleum industry is
characterized by sophisticated technologies and
highly competent and specialized companies. Many
disciplines and competences need to come together
in oil and gas projects, and their success is highly
affected by the way people and systems collaborate
and coordinate their work. On the Norwegian
Atle Gulla J. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 33-40
DOI: 10.5220/0001694100330040
Continental Shelf (NCS) there are traditional oil
companies like Statoil, Norsk Hydro and
ElfTotalFina, but also specialized service companies
like Schlumberger, Haliburton, Baker Hughes, Aker
Kværner, FMC KongsbergSub, and smaller ICT
service companies.
Both the projects and the subsequent production
systems are information-intensive. When a well is
put into operation, the production has to be
monitored closely to detect any deviation or
problems. The next generation subsea systems will
include numerous sensors that measure the status of
the systems and send real-time production data back
to onshore operation centers. For these centers to be
effective, they need tools that allow them to
understand and harmonize data, relate it to other
relevant information, and help them deal with the
situation at hand. There is a challenge in dealing
with the sheer size of this information, but also in
interpreting information that is deeply rooted in very
technical terminologies.
The Norwegian petroleum industry is now facing
a number of challenges (OLF, 2005a): Firstly, as
most of the resources are in the decline phase, we
now produce 2-3 times more oil than what is added
through the development of new fields. Secondly,
the costs on all the bigger fields are increasing
significantly as we enter the decline phase. Thirdly,
we see a development from traditional big oil fields
of 300-400 million Sm3 (standard cubic meters,
equal to 6.29 barrels) to fields of only 3-5 million
Sm3, which also implies that many small and
specialized companies enter the market. Lastly, the
exploration in the north is environmentally very
sensitive and requires new approaches to deal with
climatic and geographical issues.
All these trends pose a challenge to the
profitability of existing and future petroleum fields
on NCS. While the costs of old large fields are
increasing, the new ones are financially less
attractive due to scalability problems. The multitude
of companies involved, with their own applications
and databases, makes coordination and collaboration
more important than in the past. For the industry as
a whole, this severely hampers the integration of
applications and organizations as well as the
decision making processes in general:
Integration. Even though there is some
cooperation between companies in the
petroleum sector, this cooperation tends to be
set up on an ad-hoc basis for a particular
purpose and supported by specifically designed
mappings between applications and databases.
There is little collaboration across disciplines
and phases, as they usually have separate
databases structured according to different
goals, processes and terminologies. It is of
course possible to map data from one database
to another, but with the complexity of data and
the multitude of companies and applications in
the business this is not a viable approach for the
industry as a whole.
Decision Making. A current problem is the
lack of relevant high-quality information in
decision making processes. Some data is
available too late or not at all because of lack of
integration of databases. In other cases relevant
data is not found due to differences in
terminology or format. And even when
information is available, it is often difficult to
interpret its real content and understand its
limitations and premises. This is for example
the case when companies report production
figures to the government using slightly
different terminologies and structures, making
it very hard to compare figures from one
company to another.
XML is already used extensively in the petroleum
industry as a syntactic format for exchanging data.
Over the last few years, there have been several
initiatives for defining semantic standards to support
information sharing in the business, but they have
typically been limited to particular disciplines,
companies or activities.
2.1 ISO 15926 Integration of Life-Cycle
ISO 15926 is a standard for integrating life-cycle
data across phases (e.g. concept, design,
construction, operation, decommissioning) and
across disciplines (e.g. geology, reservoir, process,
automation). It consists of 7 parts, of which part 1, 2
and 4 are the most relevant to this work. Whereas
part 1 gives a general introduction to the principles
and purpose of the standard, part 2 specifies the
representation language for defining application-
specific terminologies. Part 2 comes in the form of a
data model and includes 201 entities that are related
in a specialization hierarchy of types and sub-types.
It is intended to provide the basic types necessary for
defining any kind of industrial data. Being specified
in EXPRESS (International Standards Association,
2007), it has a formal definition based on set theory
and first order logic.
Part 4 of ISO 15926 is comprised of application
or discipline-specific terminologies, and is usually
referred to as the Reference Data Library (RDL).
These terminologies, described as RDL classes, are
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
instances of the data types from part 2, are related to
each other in a specialization hierarchy of classes
and sub-classes as well as through memberships and
relationships. If part 2 defines the language for
describing standardized terminologies, part 4
describes the semantics of these terminologies. Part
4 today contains approximately 50.000 general
concepts like motor, turbine, pump, pipes and
ISO 15926 is still under development, and only
Part 1 and 2 have so far become ISO standards. In
addition to adding more RDL classes for new
applications and disciplines in Part 4, there is also a
discussion about standards for geometry and
topology (Part 3), procedures for adding and
maintaining reference data (Part 5 and 6), and
methods for integrating distributed systems (Part 7).
Neither ISO 15926 nor other standards have the
scope and formality to enable proper integration of
data across phases and disciplines in the petroleum
2.2 Integrated Operations
The Norwegian Oil Industry Association launched
the Integrated Operations program in 2004. The
fundamental idea is to integrate processes and
people onshore and offshore using new information
and communication technologies. Facilities to
improve onshore’s abilities to support offshore
operationally are considered vital in the first phase
of this program. Personnel onshore and offshore
should have access to the same information in real-
time and their work processes should be redefined to
allow more collaboration and be less constrained by
time and space. OLF has estimated that the
implementation of integrated operations on NCS can
increase oil recovery by 3-4%, accelerate production
by 5-10% and lower operational costs by 20-30%
(OLF, 2005b).
Central in the program is the semantic and
uniform manipulation of heterogeneous data that
can be shared by all relevant parties. Decisions
often depend on real-time production data,
visualization data, and background documents and
policies, and the data range from highly structured
database tables to unstructured textual documents.
This necessitates intelligent facilities for capturing,
tracking, retrieving and reasoning about data.
The first generation of OLF’s integrated
operations includes the definition of common
terminologies that enable the automatic transfer of
data between applications in the same discipline or
inside the same company. Onshore operation centers
for monitoring and controlling subsea oil
installations are also part of this generation. The
second generation requires complete formal
ontologies that cover multiple domains and
disciplines and support reasoning and inference of
data using real-time data and rules. This will allow
operators and vendors to integrate their operation
centers, and subsea installations can to some extent
control themselves using smart sensors and rule-
based control systems that make use of semantic
standards to integrate and interpret data from highly
heterogeneous sources. Figure 1 shows how a
comprehensive oil and gas ontology based on ISO
15926 is intended to support integration across
disciplines and phases.
“The Semantic Web is an extension of the current
web in which information is given well-defined
meaning, better enabling computers and people to
Figure 1: An oil and gas ontology allows cooperation across companies and disciplines (adapted from OLF).
work in cooperation” (Berners-Lee et al., 2001).
The Semantic Web is a collaborative effort led by
W3C with participation from a large number of
researchers and industrial partners. The general idea
is to annotate data and services with machine-
processable semantic descriptions. These
descriptions must be specified according to a certain
grammar and with reference to a standardized
domain vocabulary. The domain vocabulary is
referred to as an ontology and is meant to represent a
common conceptualization of some domain. The
grammar is a semantic markup language, as for
example the OWL web ontology language
recommended by W3C. With these semantic
annotations in place, intelligent applications can
retrieve and combine documents and services at a
semantic level, they can share, understand and
reason about each other’s data, and they can operate
more independently and adapt to a changing
environment by consulting a shared ontology (Sheth
et al., 2002; Zhong et al., 2002).
Interoperability can be defined as a state in
which two application entities can accept and
understand data from the other and perform a given
task in a satisfactory manner without human
intervention. We often distinguish between
syntactic, structural and semantic interoperability
(Aguilar, 2005; Dublin Core, 2004):
Syntactic interoperability denotes the ability of
two or more systems to exchange and share
information by marking up data in a similar
fashion (e.g. using XML).
Structural interoperability means that the
systems share semantic schemas (data models)
that enable them to exchange and structure
information (e.g. using RDF).
Semantic interoperability is the ability of
systems to share and understand information at
the level of formally defined and mutually
accepted domain concepts, enabling machine-
processable interpretation and reasoning.
For the Semantic Web technology to enable
semantic interoperability in the petroleum industry,
it needs to tackle the problem of semantic conflicts,
also called semantic heterogeneity. Since the
databases are developed by different companies and
for different phases and/or disciplines, it is often
difficult to relate information that is found in
different applications. Even if they represent the
same type of information, they may use formats or
structures that prevent the computers from detecting
the correspondence between data. For example, the
tables ORG_NAME and COMPNY in two different
applications may in fact contain the same
information about organizations. Similarly, while a
time period may be modeled with the variables
“StartTime” and “Endtime” in one database, the
same information may be represented with
“StartTime” and Duration” in another (see for
example (Pollock & Hodgson, 2004)). Even for
concepts that are well understood and subjected to
international conventions, the definitions may be
slightly different from one source to another. The
descriptions of ‘mean time between failure’ in
Figure 2, which are extracted from various sources
used in the petroleum industry, are almost identical,
but it turns out that the differences are large enough
to cause problems when data about mean times are
transferred between applications.
Mean time between failure
1 “A period of time which is the mean period of time
interval between failures”
2 “The time duration between two consecutive
failures of a repaired item” (International
Electrotechnical Vocabulary online database)
3 “The expectation of the time between failures”
(International Electrotechnical Vocabulary online
4 “The expectation of the operating time between
failures” (MIL-HDBK-29612-4)
5 “Total time duration of operating time between two
consecutive failures of a repaired item”
(International Electrotechnical Vocabulary online
6 “Predicts the average number of hours that an item,
assembly, or piece part will operate before it fails”
(Jones, J. V. Integrated Logistics Support
Handbook, McGraw Hill Inc, 1987)
7 “For a particular interval, the total functional life of
a population of an item divided by the total number
of failures within the population during the
measurement interval. The definition hoolds for
time, rounds, miles, events, or other measure of life
units”. (MIL-PRF-49506, 1996, Performance
Specification Logistics Management Information)
8 “The average length of time a system or component
works without failure” (MIL-HDBK-29612-4)
Figure 2: Different definitions of ‘mean time between
The Semantic Web’s approach to these problems
is the construction of shared formal ontologies of all
important domain concepts. These may be specified
in OWL, which is a semantic markup language
based on Description Logic. It has an XML syntax,
is built on top of RDF(S)’s property statements and
class hierarchies, and adds constraints for class
membership, equivalence, consistency and
classification (Antoniou et al., 2005; W3C, 2006).
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: The standardization approach in IIP.
The Integrated Information Platform (IIP) project
was a collaboration project between companies
active on NCS and academic institutions, supported
by the Norwegian Research Council (Sandsmark &
Mehta, 2004). Its long-term target was to increase
petroleum production from subsea systems by
making high quality real-time information for
decision support accessible to onshore operation
centers. The IIP project started in June 2004 and
terminated at the end of June 2007 with a total
budget of 26 million NOK (about 3.25 million
Euro). The participants included Det Norske
Veritas, Statoil, Norsk Hydro, Cap Gemini,
Poseidon, OLF, FMC Technologies, National
Oilwell Varco, OilCamp, POSC, IBM and NTNU.
The project addressed the need for a common
understanding of terms and structures in the subsea
petroleum industry. The objective was to ease the
integration of data and processes across phases and
disciplines by providing a comprehensive
unambiguous and well accepted terminology
standard that lends itself to machine-processable
interpretation and reasoning. This should reduce
risks and costs in petroleum projects and indirectly
lead to faster, better and cheaper decisions
The project has identified a representative set of
real-time data from reservoirs, wells and subsea
production facilities. The OWL web ontology
language was chosen as the markup language for
describing these terms semantically in an ontology.
The entire standard is thus rooted in the formal
properties of OWL, which has a model-theoretic
interpretation and to some extent support formal
reasoning. A major part of the project was to
convert and formalize the terms already defined in
ISO 15926 Part 2 (Data Model) and Part 4
(Reference Data Library). Since the ISO standard
addresses rather generic concepts, though, the
ontology also includes more specialized
terminologies for the oil and gas segment. Detailed
terminologies for standard products and services
were included from other dictionaries and initiatives
(DISKOS,WITSML, ISO 13628/14224, SAS), and
the project also opened for the inclusion of terms
from particular processes and products at the bottom
level. In sum, the ontology built in IIP has a
structure as shown in Figure 3.
The ontology engineering approach in IIP was a
combination of converting formal ISO 15926
definitions to manual modeling and verification of
ontological structures. Due to the formality of ISO
15926’s EXPRESS notation most of the ISO
concepts could be automatically converted into legal
OWL constructs. The manual modeling part was led
by Det Norske Veritas and was handled by multi-
disciplinary teams with years of experiences from
standardization work and modeling projects.
This conversion of ISO 15926-2/4 from
EXPRESS gave us an OWL hierarchy that has
formed the backbone of the new oil and gas
ontology. Additional terms were gradually and
manually added to this hierarchy to reflect the larger
scope of the new standard. In these initial stages it
was considered important to concentrate on
hierarchical relationships between concepts.
Relationships and constraints of classes and
relationships, which are needed for more
Figure 4: Christmas tree OWL hierarchy.
sophisticated reasoning with rules, are assumed to be
added over time as the ontlogy matures.
Take for example the concept Christmas tree,
which is an assembly of parts that is connected to
the top of a wellhead to control the flow out of the
well. Its OWL definition (without relationships and
constraints) is:
<owl:Class rdf:about="#CHRISTMAS_TREE">
An artefact that is an assembly of pipes and
piping parts, with valves and associated
control equipment that is connected to the top
of a wellhead and is intended for control of
fluid from a well.
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#ARTEFACT"/>
These statements give us an informal definition
of Christmas trees and reveal that they are
subclasses of artefact. Looking at the excerpt of the
class hierarchy in Figure 4, we see that there are at
least three types of Christmas tree (subsea, vertical,
and horizontal). It is a specialization of Artefact,
which in turn is an Inanimate physical object that is
made or given a shape by man. The Pipe class is
also a specialization of Artefact, but it is also a
specialization of two other classes. This is quite
natural, as the pipe both has a physical (artefact) and
a functional dimension (pipeline or network
connection). More details about the construction of
the ontology can be found in (Christiansen et al.,
The IIP project has now converted the ISO
15926 Part 2 (210 elements) and Part 4 (about
50.000) elements into OWL class hierarchies. In
addition, we have incorporated additional terms
from the following disciplines:
Geometry and topology: ca. 400 terms
Drilling and logging: ca. 2.700 terms
Production: ca. 2.000 terms
Safety and automation: ca. 150 terms
Subsea equipment: ca. 1.000 terms
Reservoir characterization
Reliability and maintenance
The Tyrihans oil field, operated by Statoil, was
used as a case in the IIP project. This means that the
initial terms included in the ontology were based on
the Tyrihans specifications, though they had been
generalized and verified against other specifications
as well, like ISO 13628 “Petroleum and natural gas
industries – Design and operation of subsea
production systems”. The ontology is the basis for
developing new semantically interoperable
applications, and IIP has already started
experimenting with integrated visualization and
information retrieval environments.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In recent years a number of powerful new ontologies
have been constructed and applied in domains like
medicine and biology, where Semantic Web
technologies and web mining have been exploited in
new intelligent applications (Aguilar, 2005; Gene
Ontology Consortium, 2000; Pisanelli, 2004).
However, these disciplines are heavily influenced by
government support and are not as commercially
fragmented as the petroleum industry. Creating an
industry-wide standard in a fragmented industry is a
huge undertaking that should not be underestimated.
In this particular case, we have been able to build on
an existing standard, ISO 15926. This has ensured
sufficient support from companies and public
institutions. There is still an open question, though,
what the coverage of such an ontology should be.
There are other smaller standards out there, and
many companies use their own internal
terminologies for particular areas. The scope of this
standard has been discussed throughout the project
as the ontology grew and new companies signalled
their interest. For any standard of this complexity, it
is important also to decide where the ontology stops
and to what extent hierarchical or complementing
ontologies are to be encouraged. Techniques for
handling ontology hierarchies and ontology
alignment and enrichment must be considered in a
broader perspective.
As far as the construction of the ontology is
concerned, there was a need for both domain experts
and ontology engineers. Since both the syntax and
the semantics of OWL are non-trivial, it cannot be
assumed that domain experts do the modeling
themselves. To handle the complexity, the IIP
project decided to model only the hierarchical
relations in the first round, delaying relationships
and constraints until the hierarchies were stable. For
later update and quality assessment, it may be useful
to use text mining techniques for automatic term
extraction (Gulla et al., 2004; Maedche, 2002).
The quality of ontologies is a delicate topic. It is
important to choose an appropriate level of
granularity. In this project we have been fortunate
to have an existing standard to start with. What was
considered satisfactory in ISO 15926 may however
not be optimal for the ontology-driven applications
that will make use of the future ontology.
Ultimately, we need to consider how the ontology
will be used in these applications and the nature of
the source data to be annotated with ontological
Since the Semantic Web is still a rather
immature technology, there are still open issues that
need to be addressed in the future. One problem in
the IIP project is that we needed the full expressive
power of OWL (OWL Full) to represent the
structures of ISO 15926-2/4. Reasoning with OWL
specifications is then incomplete. The lack of
industrial SW applications is another issue worth
taking into consideration. There may be
performance and maintenance complexities that are
still unclear with such an untested technology.
However, there is now a large community promoting
SW technologies and developing innovative
applications, and the first commercial products have
also emerged. Additionally, the tool development in
IIP indicates that the technology can form the
semantic foundation for a new generation of
intelligent, interoperable information services.
The success of the new ontology, and
standardization work in general, depends on the
users’ willingness to commit to the standard and
devote the necessary resources. If people do not
find it worthwhile to take the effort to follow the
new terminology, it will be difficult to build up the
necessary support. This means that it is important to
provide environments and tools that simplify the use
and maintenance of the ontology. Intelligent
ontology-driven applications must demonstrate the
benefits of the new technology and convince the
users that the additional sophistication pays off. A
positive sign is that daily production reports and
daily drilling reports are now standardized across
companies with the help of our ontology, and the
major oil companies on NCS as well as IBM are
now working on a similar semantic standarization of
monthly production reports. The industry has
received the standard with enthusiasm and are
already planning new projects for further expansion
of the standard and the development of appropriate
semantic applications.
The Integrated Information Platform project is one
of the first attempts at applying state-of-the-art
Semantic Web technologies in an industrial context.
Existing standards have been converted and
extended into a comprehensive OWL ontology for
reservoir and subsea production systems. The
intention is that this ontology will later be approved
as an ISO standard and form a basis for developing
interoperable applications in the industry.
With the new ontology at hand, the industry will
have taken the first step towards integrated
operations on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.
Data can be related across phases and disciplines,
helping people collaborate and reducing costs and
risks. However, there are costs associated with
building and maintaining such an ambitious
ontology. It remains to be seen if the industry is
able to take advantage of the additional expressive
power and formality of the new ontology. The work
in IIP indicates that both information retrieval
systems and sensor monitoring systems can benefit
from having access to an underlying ontology for
analyzing data and interpreting user needs.
As the class hierarchies in the ontology are
completed, the emphasis of the IIP project will be
put on adding more relationships and constraints to
the ontology. This also includes specifying rules
that will be used to analyze anomalies in the real-
time data from subsea sensors. At that point we can
start exploiting the logical properties of OWL and
start experimenting with the next generation rule-
based notification systems. We can also use agents
to simplify the coordination of work and improve
cooperation along the entire value chain. We will
then see if a strong semantic foundation makes it
easier for us to handle and interpret the vast amount
of data that are so typical to the petroleum industry.
This research is funded by the Integrated
Information Platform for reservoir and subsea
production systems project under the Petromax
research program.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems