Like the previous major issue category, this category
illustrates the importance of knowledge management
to enterprise systems in organisations. Here, had
sufficient attention been paid by organisations to the
better management of knowledge, particularly in the
training and help desk functions, the above issues
may not have attracted the level of importance
recorded by respondents during Round-Three of the
modified Delphi study.
There are several knowledge sources addressed
in this major issue category. These knowledge
sources include: IP staff, training materials and
trainers, and other users and the help desk staff (both
internal and external). Knowledge flows from these
sources to the system users so they can effectively
operate the ERP for the benefit of the organisation.
When barriers arise between the sources and
recipients of ERP knowledge, issues such as those
described in this section arise.
The issues in this category also make a
distinction between the insufficient knowledge and
insufficient resources to distribute this knowledge.
Even when, for example, there is sufficient
knowledge in the help desk function to address
ongoing problems, there must also be sufficient
numbers of staff to handle the support load. This
distinction has not been made in prior studies.
ERP lifecycle knowledge-related issues account
for the top categories in this major issues study,
outranking other, sometimes more prevalent and
commonly found issues, listed in the lower ranked
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