A Basic Framework Applied to Medical Research
Jonas Schulte, Thorsten Hampel
Heinz Nixdorf Institute, University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany
Konrad Stark, Johann Eder, Erich Schikuta
Department of Knowledge and Business Engineering, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
SOA, Framework, CSCW, Wasabi, Medical Research Environment.
Collaborative systems have to support specific functionalities in order to be useful for special fields of appli-
cation and to fulfil those requirements. In this paper we introduce the Wasabi framework for collaborative
systems, which is characterised by flexibility and adaptability. The framework implements a service oriented
architecture and integrates different persistence layers. The requirement analysis for the Wasabi CSCW system
is presented in the context of a collaborative environment for medical research which has strict requirements
concerning data integrity. This paper shows the results of the requirement analysis and how these are imple-
mented in the Wasabi architecture.
In arbitrary fields of application all types of coop-
eration follow a similar pattern: A group of indi-
viduals share data and knowledge within a certain
context, add supplementary data, and deduce new
knowledge by applying functions. Their results are
stored for future collaboration or for other interest
groups. Contemporary Computer Supported Coop-
erative Work (CSCW) systems either support only a
subset of functionalities useful for the users’ daily
work or have restricted fields of application. Hence,
most systems are inflexible and adapting a system for
a new scope of application is a challenging task. De-
veloping an infrastructure for CSCW systems char-
acterised by flexibility and adaptability is desirable,
since each scope of application has specific require-
ments resulting from their ways and methods of col-
laboration. Specific requirements identified for a field
of application can be defined for functionalities of the
CSCW system which support users in terms of exe-
cuting their daily workflows. Furthermore the CSCW
system should be able to handle arbitrary data types
and data repositories. In particular, handling various
persistence layers enables to bind remote repositories
of different types or with different characteristics (se-
curity, repository management, etc.). The Wasabi in-
frastructure presented in this paper aims to build a
next generation framework for CSCW systems by fo-
cussing on flexible service integration in this con-
text of a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and
object oriented data integration (integration of persis-
tency layers).
The benefits for such a flexible infrastructure can
be obviously seen in connection with a collaborative
system for medical research which is used in this pa-
per as an example field of application for our frame-
work. The collaborative environment for medical re-
search is needed in the context of the biobank ini-
tiative GATiB (Genome Austria Tissue Bank) which
is part of the Austrian Genome Program (GEN-AU,
2007). GATiB aims at the establishment of a tissue
bank (BIOBANK, 2007) which builds on a collection
of diseased and corresponding normal tissues repre-
senting all diseases at the natural frequency of oc-
currence from a non-selected central European pop-
ulation of more than 700.000 patients. Major em-
phasis is placed on annotation of archival tissue with
comprehensive clinical data including follow-up data
(medication, therapy, resection). A more detailed de-
scription of the biobank initiative is given in (Asslaber
et al., 2007).
In the context of collaborative medical research
various conceptual aspects have to be considered:
Which individuals are involved in collaboration activ-
Schulte J., Hampel T., Stark K., Eder J. and Schikuta E. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 232-239
DOI: 10.5220/0001696302320239
ities, which sources are accessed for which purpose,
and what are the prevailing results? Collaboration in
the medical research field is characterised by a high
complexity and high variation of collaborative situa-
tions. Data is distributed over several institutes and
underlays various restrictions in it’s accessibility for
different persons (roles). Access to patient data is for
example highly limited to the context or role of ap-
plication (e.g. patient context data or disease context
data). Data is collected, restructured, analysed, and
shared with other persons in different settings.
Even if collaboration activities in arbitrary fields
of application are very similar concerning the user’s
activities, the medical research scenario has very strict
requirements because of the sensitive data. (Stark
et al., 2008) presents several scenarios and a practi-
cal example for the usage of the cooperative system in
GATiB. For other communities/applications less strict
differentiations exist. However, in its characteristic as
a collaborative knowledge management system, our
Wasabi-CSCW infrastructure applied to GATiB can
be easily used as an e-learning platform or for other
fields. Finally the flexible configuration of access
rights and the architecture’s ability to define contex-
tual views on the presented data allows to use it as a
powerful collaborative learning platform.
The paper is structured as follows. To describe
the background of the requirements for a CSCW sys-
tem, which is usable for medical research, Section 2
presents example collaboration scenarios and sum-
marises the main requirements for such a system.
An overview of the Wasabi-CSCW system applied to
GATiB is described in Section 3. Details according
to the fulfilment of the requirements are described in
Section 4. Our paper ends with an overview of related
work in Section 5, followed by some conclusions.
Collaboration in the GATiB project focuses on both
the medical research as well as routine activities of
medical scientists and supporting staff. Data locally
distributed over institutes and research groups is ac-
cessed in manifold ways and for various purposes.
Further it is collected, restructured, augmented, anal-
ysed, and shared within a certain group of interested
researchers. In the following an example scenario is
Due to a cooperation between a hospital and a
pharmaceutical company a group of suitable human-
tissue donors is to be identified to support a medi-
cation discovery study. Therefore, pathological di-
agnoses, survival data, and tissue images of patients
that have signed a formal consent are required. Af-
ter searching and structuring information, confiden-
tial patient data has to be protected since an external
organisation is involved in the study. Hence, identi-
fying attributes (name, day of birth) are eliminated
and quasi-identifying attributes are k-anonymised
(P. Samarati, 1998; Stark et al., 2006). Life style data
is included by filling out questionnaires. Further, a tis-
sue microarray of the relevant cases is made in order
to test candidate tumour markers. Further, the results
should be made available to other research groups.
2.0.1 Requirements
The scenario demonstrates the diversity of collabora-
tion types that may occur. A cooperative system in a
biomedical research environment requires a high de-
gree of flexibility and extensibility. Distributed data is
accessed in different levels of granularity considering
data privacy issues, it is annotated and analysed. We
use the above-mentioned scenarios to deduce general
requirements a CSCW system has to comply with.
R(1) Flexible Integration and Composition of
Services: A multitude of data processing and
data analysis tools exists in the biomedical con-
text. Some tools act as complementary parts in a
chain of processing steps. For example, to detect
genes correlated with a disease, gene expression
profiles are created by measuring and quantifying
gene activities. The resulting gene expression ra-
tios are normalised and candidate genes are pres-
elected. Finally, significance analysis is applied
to identify relevant genes (Tusher et al., 2001).
Each functionality may be provided by a sepa-
rate tool (GENESPRING, 2005; Sturn A, 2002).
In some cases tools provide equal functionality
and may be chosen as alternatives. Through flex-
ible integration of tools as services with standard-
ised input and output interfaces a dynamic com-
position of tools may be accomplished. From the
system’s perspective services are technology neu-
tral, loosely coupled, and support location trans-
parency (Papazoglou, 2003). Therewith the ex-
ecution of services is not limited to proprietary
operation systems and any service caller does not
know the internal structure of a service. Further,
services may be physically distributed over de-
partments and institutes, e.g. image scanning and
processing are executed in a specific laboratory
where the gene expression slides reside.
R(2) Knowledge Creation and Knowledge Pro-
cessing: Cooperative medical activities fre-
quently comprise the creation of new knowledge.
Basic Framework Applied to Medical Research
Data sources are linked with each other, similari-
ties and differences are detected, and involved fac-
tors are identified. Consider for example a set of
genes which is assumed to be strongly correlated
with the genesis of a specific cancer subtype. If
the hypothesis is verified, this information may
be reused in subsequent research. Thus, means
to formalise knowledge, share it in arbitrary con-
texts, and deduce new knowledge are required.
R(3) User and Role Management: The CSCW
has to be able to cope with the organisational
structure available in the institutes and research
groups of the hospital. Data protection directives
have to fit the system’s access right model. Even
though, the model has to be flexible to allow the
creation of new research teams and information
sharing across organisational borders.
R(4) Transparency of Physical Storage: Al-
though data may be stored in distributed locations,
data retrieval and data storage depend solely on
access rights, irrespective of the physical location.
Hence, the complexity of data structures is hid-
den from the end user’s perspective. Appropriate
search, addition, and transformation mechanisms
have to be offered by the CSCW system.
The Wasabi framework enabling collaborative work
as described in the previous sections is a service-
oriented architecture (Schulte et al., 2007). It bases
on the JBoss Application Server (AS) in order to fulfil
requirements for enterprise solutions and to provide
the scalability and performance needed for a CSCW
system which is used in a distributed manner like in
the GATiB project. In addition, to fulfill the require-
ments previously presented, service orientation is an
important characteristic in the context of flexibility,
adaptability, and maintenance. Note that the service
orientation of Wasabi can be attained due to the un-
derlying JBoss AS also being service oriented.
Service orientation is generally an essential char-
acteristic for a CSCW system since the data stored
might be of arbitrary formats and located in ar-
bitrary repositories. CSCW systems offer a wide
field of collaboration activities, supporting its flexible
way/adaptability of storing and handling of data, no
longer limiting its activities to specific environments
or applications. This Wasabi’s functionality enables
on the one hand to store data in databases or in file
systems reachable via the network. On the other hand
it can link already existing databases and data sources
to provide users access to those data under consid-
eration of their rights. This is particularly beneficial
for the GATiB project since the data collected in dif-
ferent hospitals and institutes is thereby available for
the whole community without transferring the data for
collaboration to a specific repository.
In the following Section 3.1 presents the under-
lying idea of organising information sharing and co-
operative work for the collaborative system. After-
wards Section 3.2 describes the key components of
the server architecture.
3.1 Knowledge Spaces
Knowledge spaces are our representation and struc-
ture of presenting the different context types of col-
laboration situations to the users/actors in the collab-
oration process. The organisation of individuals col-
laborating in groups has to be visualised in a useful
way reflecting the real world. Users need a knowl-
edge space as a virtual environment for their collab-
oration activities in which they can meet and work.
We define a knowledge space as an actual use case
in a collaboration context. For example a knowledge
space might be created for an actual clinical study or
a collaborative patient analysis.
Although knowledge spaces are separate virtual
concepts, data and knowledge exchange between
knowledge spaces is encouraged. An important capa-
bility is to upload data or link to remote data which is
already available. To suffice the different users’ needs
for their collaboration, they should organise and struc-
ture the knowledge space individually. Consequently,
users are responsible for the organisation of their
knowledge space which implies highest flexibility.
However, reorganisation of one specific knowledge
space might be restricted to a limited group of users in
order to avoid unauthorised modifications. Such self-
organisation conforms to the self-organisation forms
of knowledge in the Web 2.0 (tagging). Further con-
cepts of the Web 2.0 like annotating available infor-
mation is important for a useful CSCW system.
3.2 Server Architecture
The server consists of four main components. First,
the core of the Wasabi enterprise server architec-
ture implements the framework for a CSCW system
and aggregates all services of Wasabi (see Figure 1).
Knowledge spaces are realised by rooms which are
containers for users and documents (any uploaded
content). Furthermore rooms can be connected via
exits. To realise the persistence of all objects of the
server core in a simple way, they all inherit from the
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
WasabiObj class. To implement a SOA with this
underlying core classes, the access to objects of the
Wasabi core is realised by the second component of
the Wasabi server - the EJB services (see Figure 2).
For example the UserManager is the responsible ser-
vice for handling, modifying, and extracting informa-
tion of user objects. Their responsibility classify the
EJB services as basis services since they implement
basic functionalities on the objects of the Wasabi core.
Since their tasks focus on the modification and pro-
visioning of data stored in the Wasabi core objects,
these can be further classified as data-centric basic
services. EJB services are also used to realise flexi-
ble user authentication mechanisms as well as to be
adaptable to various content backends/repositories.
Room Container User
* 1
0..1 1
Figure 1: Components of Wasabi Core.
All EJB services handling objects of the Wasabi Core
are realised as service beans, i.e. they implement the
EJB Management Interface. Service beans have the
constraints that only one instance is created on the
server. By using service beans no transaction control
has to be performed since all users or remote/intern
services are interacting with the same instance of the
EJB service. For the internal usage of the EJB ser-
vices local interfaces are implemented which might
offer more or different functionalities than accessible
from remote services or clients.
Third, the remote API provides an interface for
server-client communication (see Figure 3). There-
with a common interface can be used to send requests
to different adapted services, if the services expect the
same input data. This simplifies the enhancement of
Wasabi Beans by adapting new services with little ef-
fort. Note that the remote API might differ from the
local API of the EJB services. The fourth component
is responsible for the message exchange with adapted
services. The server core is enhanced by services real-
ising communication features which are essential in a
cooperative system (see Figure 4). The specific com-
munication services generate the outgoing messages
according to the defined interfaces of the remote web-
services and processes and extracts information from
incoming messages.
EJB - Services
Figure 2: EJB Services Realising Service Orientation.
Remote - API
Service - Consumer
Figure 3: API for User Interaction.
Communication - Services
Index / Search
Instant - Messaging
Figure 4: Core-Enhancement for Communication Support.
Basic Framework Applied to Medical Research
The example application had shown that data used for
collaboration has to be differentiated. Furthermore,
the environment for a collaboration has to be specified
and the users have to be represented in the CSCW
system in a suitable way. This section details how
the requirements of the Section 2.0.1 are fulfilled in
the architecture.
4.1 R(1): Flexible Integration and
Composition of Services
The requested flexibility is achieved by the service
orientation of the Wasabi-CSCW infrastructure. To
access data from internal objects, appropriate remote
and local services exist. Intermediate services are
used to invoke remote webservices and to handle in-
formation from those. Due to the service orientation,
providing the user a composition of services requires
little effort for internal services as well as a mixture
of internal and remote services (or service composi-
Arbitrary services can be linked to the CSCW sys-
tem. Intermediate services can use either the local or
remote API of the server’s EJB services. These are re-
sponsible for generating appropriate messages for re-
mote services and to handle incoming messages. The
handling of incoming messages consists of calling an
adequate service and method of the Wasabi server and
to transform the data in the requested format. Hence,
a flexible integration or composition of services is
4.2 R(2): Knowledge Creation and
Knowledge Processing
A knowledge object is the result of a non-empty se-
quence of functions applied to at least one data ob-
ject. Generally, each knowledge object enhances in-
formation currently available in data objects. We dis-
tinguish various types of knowledge objects: graphi-
cal objects (plots, diagrams, etc.), tabular objects pre-
senting summarised information (e.g. the results ag-
gregation operations), and dependency structures (e.g.
ontologies). Semantic structures may be used to for-
malise knowledge. Relationships between objects or
groups of objects are stored in a processable way in
order to build a knowledge repository. This reposi-
tory integrates conclusions from various knowledge
spaces allowing to explore consolidated knowledge
and deduce new knowledge. Making knowledge per-
sistent and processable allows us to fulfil requirement
R(2). The post-processing of accessible data objects
is a specific but also important criterion for a CSCW
system supporting medical research. Since no limita-
tions concerning the data stored and accessed should
exist, the methods of post-processing should also not
be limited. The CSCW system has to support all re-
quired post-processing steps and must be flexible to
integrate new functionalities with little effort.
The post-processing of data can be performed in
various ways and with different intentions and anal-
ysis targets. The methods of post-processing signif-
icantly depend on the users as well as the underly-
ing data objects. Hence, support a flexible framework
for integrating new post-processing methods and new
knowledge objects, essential for the collaborative sys-
tem. The service oriented architecture supports an
easy linking of services which is more flexible than
integrating specific functionalities into the collabora-
tive system itself. The linking is performed by ded-
icated services. The Wasabi core has data objects
and knowledge objects to fulfil the distinction as re-
For GATiB the CSCW system should provide dif-
ferent views on the same data, for example for the
staff working directly with a patient have full access
to all her details, whereas researchers only see statis-
tics about multiple patients. Showing statistics im-
plies that a post-processing evaluating the accessible
data and generating the statistics – is performed auto-
matically by the collaborative system. (Stark et al.,
2008) presents several scenarios for the usage of the
cooperative system in GATiB. The Wasabi framework
interacts therefore with a specific service which gen-
erates the statistics according to the content requested
by the user. In order to ensure the data privacy, the
data is read out by the Wasabi’s service which trans-
fers it as a SOAP message to the service responsible
for post-processing. The output is then stored by the
Wasabi server as a knowledge object itself before pre-
senting it to the user. The user can then decide to store
the knowledge object which enables her to add anno-
tations. Multiple users can generate different statis-
tics on the same data which results in the generation
of multiple knowledge objects.
4.3 R(3): User and Role Management
An individual is a person participating in collabora-
tive acts. Individuals may be for instance researchers
from the medical or biological domain, medical stu-
dents, or project managers. Individuals are cate-
gorised into internal and external persons in order
to differentiate between access to sensitive patient-
related and research-related data as well as access to
anonymised and summarised data.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The CSCW system ensures that individuals are dis-
tinguished in order to reflect the activities of one in-
dividual in the real world as a one-to-one mapping in
the virtual world. This is important in the context of
collaboration (discussions, annotations, etc.) as well
as for the data access (authentication and authorisa-
tion). The organisational mapping accomplishes the
user and role management specified in R(3).
The Wasabi-CSCW infrastructure creates a user
object for each CSCW system user, who are distin-
guished internally when checking access rights and
service invocation.
Person A
Person C
Person B
Gruppe 1
Ressource 1
Ressource 2
Ressource 3
Ressource 4
Rolle A
Rolle B
Rolle C
Rolle D
Rolle E
Figure 5: Role Assignment.
Individuals having the same access rights and using
the same set of functions may be integrated to groups
and certain roles may be assigned to users/groups.
Roles are used to adjust the access of individuals
and groups to resources of the CSCW system. As
shown in (see Figure 5), a role can be used to bun-
dle access parameters. The Wasabi-CSCW infrastruc-
ture supports a fine-grained definition of roles and
groups for users. Users can be assigned to an arbi-
trary number of groups which can also be related to
other groups. Hence, individuals can be part of sev-
eral groups and a group can consist of subgroups. For
example all users working in the same hospital are in
one group, denoted hospital X. The ”regular“ medical
staff is allowed to read and write all data which is pre-
sented patient-centered. The medical students associ-
ated to the hospital are not allowed to see all sensitive
data. Accordingly, the medical staff is a subgroup
of hospital X. The EJB services GroupManager and
UserManager (see Figure 2) are responsible for the
user management. They ensure that logins are unique
within a domain or within the whole system. Further-
more, rights are defined when generating a user and
additional access rights can be set by assigning users
to groups.
Virtual knowledge spaces (rooms) can have links
to other rooms and links to data stored in any linked
repository. A room supports several perspectives
which enables users in the same room to see the data
in a different way and with a different level of details
shown. The perspectives for a user can be defined
by roles. In particular, the various level of details
is a strong requirement in the context of the GATiB
project since the data available is often sensitive and
data privacy has to be supported by the system. In ad-
dition to the perspectives which might vary from user
to user, the Wasabi framework also provides a detailed
authorisation model. For each user the access rights
can be defined, and before granting the user write/read
access, these are checked by a specific service of
the framework. Since data stored not directly in the
Wasabi server has to be prevented from unauthorised
access, security issues have to be considered not only
in the context of accessing data through the collabora-
tive system’s user interface. Data stored in a databases
is protected from unauthorised access by requesting
user and password during the connection establish-
ment with the database. Data stored in a filesystem
requires also a similar access validation. This require-
ment was considered in the Wasabi framework by us-
ing an LDAP server. The UserManager is responsible
for the user management within the CSCW system
and consequently it interacts with the LDAP server.
This solution has the advantage that access rights are
checked within the collaborative system and in ad-
dition also in the repository. Furthermore, interact-
ing with an LDAP server has the advantage that of-
ten already established repositories work with LDAP
servers and consequently no additional effort is nec-
essary for transferring the right specification into the
Wasabi framework. Note that because of the service
orientation of Wasabi, other authorisation services
providing similar functionalities like LDAP servers
can be integrated.
4.4 R(4): Transparency of Physical
A flexible and adaptable CSCW system for various
fields of application must not have limitations con-
cerning the data stored and accessed. Since arbitrary
data types have to be supported, applications used to
visualise or modify the data should be made available
within the CSCW system. Content made available
in the CSCW system is handled as a document ob-
ject which has no limitations concerning data types,
repository, or size. Access rights are checked inter-
nally before sending requests to the repository. We
propose flexible levels of data granularity to satisfy
requirement R(4).
The data used for analyses in the GATiB project
is primarily stored in databases. The relational con-
cept of data objects has to be transferred into an ob-
ject oriented concept presented in virtual knowledge
spaces. Each tuple of information stored in one row
of a database table has to be mapped into an object.
Most developments using the Java Persistence API
Basic Framework Applied to Medical Research
start with the definition of classes from which then
the databases are automatically generated. Since the
data used in the GATiB project is already stored in
different databases basing on various relational mod-
els, the object relational mapping has to be “manu-
ally” performed in the Wasabi framework by an ap-
propriate service. Therefore each data object inher-
its from a WasabiObj class defined in Wasabi (see
Figure 1). Internally core objects like individuals,
groups, and rooms are persistently stored in the cen-
tral database. Since the related classes are subclasses
of WasabiObj, it is necessary to assign to each object
a unique identifier (UUID). Storing all WasabiObj in
a central database, support to generate a unique iden-
tified for a WasabiObj, i.e. no room or individual can
have the same UUID.
Metadata of document objects is also stored in the
central database by using the persistence capabilities
of entities. In the central database a reference to the
repository is held in the associated file, data or knowl-
edge object is stored. Through the service orientation
of the Wasabi framework, for each database having
a different relational model a specific service can be
integrated. Before accessing data of a repository, the
Wasabi’s DocumentManager selects the correct ser-
vice according to configuration options for the repos-
itory to which the related entry in the central database
refer. Afterwards the DocumentManager engaged this
service to perform the object relational mapping. The
usage of a repository-specific service enables infor-
mation stored in databases to be handled with differ-
ent underlying models in a flexible way. Note that
repositories with the same relational model can use
the same Wasabi service since the connection param-
eters are read out dynamically.
The support of different databases can be realised
through using different services. For cooperative sys-
tems in general a mime-type specific repository se-
lection is realised in the first Wasabi prototype having
several advantages. First of all, specific content types
might ask for specific repository features. For exam-
ple a video can be stored on a video server provid-
ing features a “normal” repository does not provide,
like video-streaming. Furthermore, small objects like
annotations can be stored within a database. How-
ever storing text-documents in a database is not very
efficient since databases transform each object to a
specific data type; accordingly these will be stored
as character- or binary large objects (CLOB/LOB).
The type transformation implies that for writing con-
tent into the database a serialisation is necessary; for
reading content, the objects have to be de-serialised.
This effort is time-intensive for large files and conse-
quently in this case the usage of file systems as repos-
itories should be preferred. The configuration which
mime-type should be stored in which repository (any
file system or database) is specified within an XML
When using file systems two different approaches
for the data organisation can be followed. In one so-
lution, the hierarchy of the knowledge spaces can be
reflected in the data organisation in the filesystem,
e.g. files are named as within the CSCW system and
the folder organisation conforms to the room name
and hierarchy. Reflecting the hierarchy in the filesys-
tem organisation has the advantage that the filesystem
could be accessed via WebDAV or FTP from individ-
uals not registered within the CSCW system who are
interested in the content. Of course, such an external
data access has to be protected from unauthorised in-
dividuals in order to ensure data privacy. If the data
stored within the filesystem should be not available
apart from the CSCW system, the files can be stored
in an arbitrary hierarchy and the UUIDs assigned to
the WasabiObj can be used as filenames. This alter-
native solution has the advantage that an additional
security mechanism is integrated. Even if an unau-
thorised individual can see the data structure, they can
only guess what is in the files, as the file type is not
reflected within the name.
There exist a strong demand for architectures allow-
ing the developers to encapsulate information tools as
services so that clients can access without knowledge
of or control over their internal workings. These re-
quirements are implemented by service-oriented ar-
chitectures (SOAs) since these are suitable for com-
plex environments with changing demands (Foster,
Today’s CSCW systems, for instance Moo-
dle (Rice, 2006) or Open-sTeam(Bopp et al., 2006)
are mainly focused on using a single server, for this
reason all collaborative services are provided by one
system. Examples for CSCW systems that involve
flexible service oriented architectures to interact with
other existing applications are rare.
A number of international projects have focussed
on the development of collaborative systems, not only
to support collaborative work, but also to support the
needs of medical research. As an example, based
on web services the myGrid project (Stevens et al.,
2003) in the UK uses bioinformatics as their major
focus. Furthermore, the Japanese BioGrid (Nakamura
et al., 2004) project provides a Grid infrastructure to
fulfil the needs of computational power in life sci-
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
ence by making available sufficient power to com-
plete their complex analyses. In particular, these Grid
developments differ from our Wasabi infrastructure in
the intention of usage. Wasabi is a framework for
a CSCW system, whereas myGrid and BioGrid are
middlewares for running computational jobs (medi-
cal analyses) and for enabling remote data access in a
Grid infrastructure. Since Wasabi is a SOA and med-
ical analyses of data stored in the CSCW system are
performed by using remote web services, even Grid
services can be invoked from a CSCW system build-
ing on Wasabi. Consequently, services providing the
computational power requested for medical analyses
can be linked. Hence, such extensions can be imple-
mented in Wasabi with little effort because of its ser-
vice orientation.
Since collaboration activities are very similar in var-
ious fields of application, a CSCW system should
be flexible and adaptable for the usage in differ-
ent scopes. This paper determines the requirements
for such a CSCW system exemplarily in the GATiB
project which has many restrictions because of the us-
age of highly sensitive data. To fulfil its requirements
(see Section 2.0.1), the presented Wasabi CSCW in-
frastructure is a service oriented architecture and is
able to handle arbitrary data types and repositories.
The flexible object model of the Wasabi core supports
an adjustment for specific fields of application and is
therewith not limited to the usage in GATiB.
Requirements in the context of GATiB are ful-
filled through the SOA, persistence layers, as well as
the flexible Wasabi core: The user and role manage-
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the support of cooperative functions, knowledge pre-
sentation, and knowledge processing. The service ori-
entation enables the transparency of physical storage
as well as flexible integration and composition of ser-
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most scopes the requirements are less strict. Hence,
the Wasabi CSCW infrastructure applied to GATiB
can be adapted for other fields of collaborative work.
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Basic Framework Applied to Medical Research