that our conceptual verification scheme and applica-
tion proposal integrate within the same framework the
activities regarding analysis, design and verification
of a critical communicating system.
In this paper, we describe a compositional verifica-
tion scheme that integrates MEDISTAM–RT, which
can be proved as a sound verification approach since
it is based on the formal aspects of MC. The integra-
tion is attained by using two formalisms that are un-
der the same formal semantics of Kripke structures:
CCTL for temporal properties and CSP+T for system
process formal specification. Thanks to the compo-
sitionality that both specification languages present
and their interpretation under the same semantics, MC
tools can be incorporated that facilitate the proposed
application scheme as well as the design verification
of large and complex systems.
Finally, the compositional verification scheme
proposal is applied to a real project related to mobile
phone communication. In the short term we will ap-
ply our approach again to the case study to obtain real
data about its performance, setting the temporal con-
straints according to the system requirements.
The future and ongoing work is aimed at the appli-
cation of our integrated view of verification in other
case studies of application in industrial RTS mod-
elling; thus, our goal is to conduct in–depth research
about the verification of these specifications, and
achieve its support with state–of–the–art MC tools.
This research was partially supported by Na-
tional Fund of Science, Technology and Innovation,
Venezuela, under contract S1-2005000165.
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