Sérgio Assis Rodrigues
, Jano Moreira de Souza
COPPE/UFRJ – Graduate School of Computer Science, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
DCC/IM – Institute of Mathematics, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Melise de Paula
Department of Exact Sciences, Federal University of Alfenas, Brazil
Keywords: Negotiation, Risk Management, Project Management, Decision Tree, e-negotiation support.
Abstract: In organizations, decision-making processes usually require great effort in solving conflicts. These
disagreements are generally time-consuming and jeopardize negotiations. Thus, negotiation planning is the
key factor to balance negotiator’s expectations and reach an agreement. In this scenario, risk management
tools play an important role in identifying possibly controversial points of view. This paper aims at
presenting software which supports negotiation through risk assessment. The proposed software, named
RisNeg presents mechanisms which are able to identify, analyze, respond to, monitor, and control
negotiation risks. RisNeg also provides mechanisms to indicate the chances of achieving agreement.
Therefore, the use of such software may minimize the conflicts in the decision-making process.
The globalization process has brought profound
transformations for the organizations. This new
environment has been characterized by uncertainty,
competition, gradually shorter project life cycles, as
well as superior requirements for quality, cost
reduction, and resources.
This scenario significantly influences the
organization processes and social relations. It is also
possible to observe large transformations in some
corporative strategies. These strategies have been
analyzed through the lenses of negotiation,
attempting to legitimize the agreements and to
manage conflicts thoroughly, which has varied the
platforms considered for the preparation of the
Negotiation can be defined as a decision-making
process involving two or more parts that cannot take
decisions independently (Kersten, 2002). As all
decision-making processes, negotiation is directly
related to risk assessment and can be more
productive if risks are considered not only as threats,
but also as opportunities.
Thus, the correct management of risks makes it
possible to lead a negotiation in a structured and pro-
active way, introducing strategies that may prevent,
control, and mitigate the risks that can lead to
negotiation failure. However, many organizations
are still developing their strategies and projects
without using risk management in their negotiations.
In this context, this article aims at presenting a
proposal of a negotiation management strategy
through the use of risk management methodologies.
Although the perception of risk in some negotiations
is more significant, risk is an element found in all
negotiations, no matter their nature (Bartlett, 2004).
Schneider (2007) states that the difference
between risk and uncertainty is how much
knowledge on a particular fact one has. In a
negotiation, it is difficult to know precisely the
entire context, mainly in relation to the background
of the other party (or parties) involved.
In Duzert, Paula and Souza (2006), the authors
present some indicators to evaluate the negotiation.
For them, risk is an element that can be considered
through the evaluation of the parties involved and
Assis Rodrigues S., Moreira de Souza J. and de Paula M. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 488-491
DOI: 10.5220/0001697804880491
must be analyzed taking into consideration the
different perceptions and reactions to them.
According to Bernstein (1997), any decision
related with risk involves two elements that are non-
separable but distinct in their nature: the objective
facts and the subjective vision of what will be lost or
gained with the decision. As in a negotiation, the
objective facts and the subjective vision of risks can
be perceived in different forms by the parties
However, it is necessary to approach a strategy
to facilitate this subjective vision of the risk or to
approach, at maximum potential, the perception of
the risk in the real scenario. In this context, the use
of a systemizing process of risk management in the
negotiations can be considered.
As claimed by Ward & Chapman (1994), risk
management can be understood as the use of human,
material, financial and technological resources in a
preventive way to try to reduce potential threats and
to intensify the probability of opportunities.
In this article, PMBOK (2004) was used as a
reference because it contains a significant set of
phases and tools to support risk management in
project’s environment: Risk Identification, Risk
Analysis, Response Plan and Monitoring & Control.
Risk identification involves the activities that try
to identify, organize, and classify the risks. Risk
identification must be an iterative process because
new risks can be identified at any time. Once
identified, risks need to be evaluated, with the
prioritizing of key risk elements for future attention
and action (PMBOK, 2004). This involves the
activities of qualitative and quantitative analysis for
each risk identified.
Quantitative analysis uses mathematical models
to simulate and prioritize risks according to their
probability of impact, while qualitative analysis
evaluates, through numerical data and probability,
the eventual consequences each risk poses.
According to Grinstein (2003), risk
quantification can give the negotiator a general view
of the situation in relation to negotiation risks, which
are prioritized according to their impacts and
probability of occurrence. In addition, costs and
duration values may be established and, in this stage,
the list of risks is again brought up to date to have all
main negotiation threats and opportunities well
Strategy development is the stage where the
mapping of the strategies and actions to increase the
opportunities and reduce threats take place, through
appropriate answers for both. The reactions to
threats could be: hindering, transferring or reducing
the threats while responding to the opportunities
could be: exploring, sharing or developing the
chances to make their occurrence possible (Hillson,
The Monitoring and Control step attempts to
guarantee that the risk management plan is followed
and sets the risks under control. It must be a
continuous and iterative process.
Derived from these steps, a software prototype
was developed to manage risks in negotiations.
In this paper, the goal of computational proposal is
to present a tool to make the management of
negotiation risks easier. Based on the survey of
potential risks, the proposed software will suggest
some metrics parameters to evaluate major threats
and opportunities as well as the reactions priority for
each risk.
3.1 Identifying Threats and
Identification is the first step in risk management. In
RisNeg, two types of risk can be stored: threats and
opportunities. Threats are incidents which impair
the negotiation, while Opportunities are events
which dig up unexpected gains. The analysis of
these risks, if there is any, takes their possible causes
and effects into consideration.
As a quantification measurement, the negotiator
needs to indicate the probability and the impact for
all stored risk elements. Based on this data, the
system calculates the Expected Value (EV),
calculated through the multiplication of probability
by impact (EV = probability x impact).
Probability and impact measurement are specific
points which can generate disagreements because it
is difficult to guess a value without enough
experience. However, through accumulating
negotiations, the history on stored data may
gradually minimize the risk for normalized values.
Hence, even if EV seems to display less precision at
first sight, the values indicated are essential for
future metric comparisons.
As Constantino (2006) says, tools such as the
Monte Carlo Analysis can also assist in this
measurement, especially if there are inconsistencies
found in the first estimates.
Figure 1: Identifying Threats and Opportunities.
As shown in Figure 1, the fields for Probability
and Impact can be set either manually or by clicking
in the gauge graphs near each field. In this case,
even an inexperienced negotiator may have the
graphical perception of impact and possible
probability sizes.
Once these values are defined, the EV for each
registered risk is calculated. After identification, the
main risks make up the initial EV visualization.
3.2 Initial Expected Value
After the initial risk identification, RisNeg
consolidates the identified events, separating them
into threats and opportunities. As shown in Figure
2, the software presents a diagram containing the
threats and probabilities that may influence the real
agreement possibility. These values represent a sum
regardless of the risk reactions.
Figure 2: Expected-Value Analysis.
After the threats and opportunities Expected
Values (EV Threats and EV Opportunities) are
calculated, the system can show the Initial Real
Chance and the Best and Worst Case Values.
This summary allows the negotiator to visualize
the quantified impacts. Then, the negotiator will be
able to prepare the negotiation strategy. At first, the
RisNeg allows recalculations through the “Variation
Analysis” field which guarantees high flexibility for
the measured data.
Figure 2 illustrates a summarized analysis
considering the threats and opportunities Expected
Values. Based on the graph, the negotiator can
study the real chances of agreement, the threat and
opportunity effects, and the worst and best
negotiation cases.
It is important to observe that the software still
allows many risk measurement identification rounds.
In each round, the Expected Value is assessed and,
the more rounds there are, the more accurate the
negotiation Expected Value is. In this case, the
software user must indicate the relevance (between 0
and 100) for each round and the software will
calculate the agreement probability according to
previous negotiation rounds.
3.3 Responses
After risk identification and expected value analysis,
for each proposal reaction, the negotiator can
measure the reaction qualitative cost (concession)
and the new probabilities and impacts.
For the threats, there are two types of response:
i) prevention, where the negotiator tries to mitigate
or eliminate the risk and ii) contingency, which
represents the response to be implemented if the risk
event occurs.
Opportunities deserve two types of action: i)
search, in which the negotiator will attempt to
maximize the likelihood of opportunity and ii)
during the opportunity, which corresponds to the
actions taken if the opportunity occurs.
Once action and reaction to risks have been
planned and executed, threat risks tend to decrease
and opportunity risks tend to increase. This enables
the updating of the EV Real Chance. This analysis is
important because the negotiator can verify if the
action / reaction contingencies are close to or over
the risk expected value.
3.4 Post-Reaction Expected Value
Figure 3 shows an overview of the calculated
expected values, considering the new impacts after
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the risk actions and reaction. Moreover, the RisNeg
presents the EV variations in relation to negotiation
strategies such as assuming positive and negative
risks; responding only to threats; assuming the threat
from risks and executing actions to search for
opportunities; and disregarding actions and
Thus, the RisNeg calculates the likelihood for
agreement. Figure 3 shows an example of the best
agreement chance that happened when the negotiator
neglected actions to increase opportunities while
reacting strongly to threats, reducing their impact.
This signals that the negotiator is using his
concessions only to mitigate the threats and he does
not want to jeopardize grants based on opportunities.
Figure 3: Information after reactions and actions.
Based on this analysis, it is possible to reserve
contingency concessions for the negotiation. It is
important to note that the success of these initiatives
is directly proportional to the capacity of the
negotiator in quantifying and evaluating his
expectations and goals. Furthermore, the negotiator
should be able to observe and quantify the most
important items according to the counterpart’s point
of view.
Negotiations, in general, are subject to various types
of risks. As previously discussed, a risk can be
negative or positive and should be identified during
the negotiation preparation due to the necessity of
having an actual view of the negotiation context.
This work aims at addressing the negotiation
through the prism of project management in an
attempt to develop a strategy to facilitate negotiation
risk identification and quantification, inferring
suggested probabilities and impacts.
Although it seems to be difficult for many
people to quantify the attributes of negotiation,
quantification is a key factor to identify what
priority in the negotiation is. The proposed system
would easily accept the allocation of values from
simulation tools such as Monte Carlo. A further
alternative would be to use monetary values, which
can be very intuitive since most negotiations have
financial aspects.
Thus, at the end of the risk identification and
response process, the negotiator will be closer to the
strategic objectives to be achieved, which
significantly increases the chances of success.
As an example of the evolution of the tool, the
goal is to examine other approaches to supplement
the RisNeg software, such as the inference of
Knowledge Management and Data Warehousing to
observe the negotiation and risk background.
Furthermore, the expectation is that the tool can
automatically suggest adjustments in the probability
and impact parameters as well as present the list of
successful reactions.
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