Charlène Floch, Nathalie Chaignaud and Alexandre Pauchet
LITIS - EA 4108 - Place Emile Blondel - BP 08 - 76131 Mont-Saint-Aignan Cedex, France
Keywords: Cognitive Modeling, Negotiation, Interaction, Multi-Agent Systems.
Abstract: This article presents a study on human negotiations in order to improve the BDI
GGY model of agent with
negotiation skills. This study is based on logs of real negotiation rounds, obtained through a psychological
experiment. We propose an utterance model including performatives applied to mental states and a dialog
model using timed automata, both based on the BDI concepts.
Negotiation is required in various situations: by
phone in a trading room, in an interview with one’s
manager to discuss a raise. In the context of e-
business, negotiation can be required between
humans and/or artificial agents. Be it in a
commercial, social or political setting, it is above all
a human process. In the animal kingdom, the
balance of power removes all possible negotiations.
In order to enable negotiation between artificial
agents and humans, it is necessary to first study the
processes set up between humans. Therefore, we aim
here at modeling human negotiation between a seller
and a buyer. The originality of this work stems from
the fact that it is based on a psychological
experiment where subjects are involved in a
negotiation task. We are interested in the
formalization of the messages sent and their
dynamics, without taking into account the decision
making of the subjects in itself.
To extend the model of agent called BDI
(Pauchet et al., 2007) by adding negotiation skills,
we derive negotiation protocols for software agents
from the observation of human negotiation during
the experiment. Section 2 describes related work on
negotiation and Section 3 presents the BDI
system. The psychological experiment is explained
in Section 4 and the analysis of the logs is given in
Section 5. Section 6 proposes a model of interaction
for negotiation. In Section 7, conclusion and
perspectives close this paper.
Negotiation is addressed here in the point view of
multi-agent systems (MAS).
2.1 Notion of Negotiation
(Rahwan et al., 2007) propose the following
definition of negotiation: “a form of interaction in
which a group of agents, with conflicting interests
and a desire to cooperate, try to reach a mutually
acceptable agreement on the division of scarce
resources”. However, negotiation does not concern
only resource sharing. We can also negotiate
interpretations, responsibilities, …
(Chang and Woo, 1994) emphasize the
competition aspect of negotiation. Negotiation
begins with the observation of a disagreement
caused by dissimilarities of preferences. This
definition is restrictive because negotiation can fail
to reach a compromise.
Considering that these definitions are not
satisfactory enough, we propose the following
formulation: “the negotiation is the process to find
an agreement between several players having
different preferences that may change with time”.
2.2 Models of Negotiation
The literature on models of negotiation between
software agents or humans is extensive.
Some researchers are interested in modeling
preferences and in the mechanisms of negotiation
Floch C., Chaignaud N. and Pauchet A. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 221-226
DOI: 10.5220/0001698202210226
(Bellosta et al., 2004). Others develop applications
in e-business (Chavez and Maes, 1996) and solve
resource allocation problems with utility functions.
Negotiation by argumentation is treated in (Kraus et
al., 1998) and (Schroeder, 1999). (Bartolini et al.,
2002) and (Matthieu and Verrons, 2004) develop
generic systems by implementing different types of
2.3 Negotiation Protocols
The first example of protocol is Contract Net (Smith,
1980), which makes a manager and contractors
interact through contract exchanges. Contractors are
responsible for the task execution and for the result
transmission, whereas the manager is responsible for
the task managing and for the result treatment.
The Sian protocol (Sian, 1991) allows a MAS to
interpret objects of the environment. The perception
is distributed and the agents negotiate in order to
choose a common interpretation of the environment.
The agents interact via a blackboard. The discussion
always finishes with an agreement consisting in
accepting or withdrawing a hypothesis on the
The SANP protocol (Chang and Woo, 1992)
models a negotiation between two agents. The
speaker tries to make his proposition accepted by the
interlocutor. The protocol comprises several stages:
the beginning, the bid formulation and the receipt of
the answer (acceptance or refusal), the attack, the
tactic, the problem solving and the result. According
to the reasoning of the agent, a set of strategies and
automata corresponds to each phase. To evaluate
their model, Chang and Woo asked subjects to use
their system to solve conflicts. Their method is very
different from ours because they get human involved
once the model is built. In our approach, we obtain
behaviors of negotiation by experiment and the
model is built according to what we observed.
The BDIGGY system (Pauchet et al., 2007) was built
to understand and simulate how human elaborate
plans in situations where knowledge is incomplete
and how they interact to obtain missing information.
It implements a human planning model and a human
interaction model through the BDI concept. We
detail here only the interaction model.
3.1 The Dialog Model
To consider sequentiality and temporality of the sent
messages, exchanges are represented through timed
automata. Managing time is useful when subjects
tend to delay their answer to a question. This can
lead to sending re-queries and the exchange can be
considered closed by the protagonists without an
explicit ending message.
Eight (4x2) automata have been built: one for
each interlocutor and one for each type of exchange
(information query, information proposal,
spontaneous sending, error processing).
3.2 The Utterance Model
To refer to the speech act theory, the observed
speech acts (performatives) are either descriptives,
directives or commissives. A performative is applied
to a mental state (a belief or a desire) and is linked to
the content of the message:
A descriptive is applied to a belief. It describes
how the sender perceives the world.
A directive is applied to a desire of the sender.
The sender wants to receive information and he
sends this desire to the subject who has the
A commissive is applied to a desire of the
receiver. The sender supposes that the receiver
has a certain desire.
The semantics of each performative is given by a
generic reduction rule describing formally the pre-
conditions of the sending and the reception of a
message and the actions to be done. It is linked with
the timed automata and the mental states of the
modeled agent.
3.3 The BDIGGY Architecture
BDIGGY is based on the BDI concept and includes:
a perception module, which analyzes the
environment and generates beliefs,
a human planning module, which builds abstract
plans in an opportunistic way,
a plan interpreter, which works as the BDI
and a communication module, which
implements the human interaction models (the
utterance model, the dialog model, the
semantics of the performatives).
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
This section describes the experiment we have set up
to observe human behaviors and record logs during
interactions of negotiation.
4.1 The Problem
The problem we chose is the game « Négoces »
(, in which the players are
compelled to negotiate to reach their goals.
At the beginning of the game, each player
receives fifteen gold coins (that all players can see)
and eight “merchandise” cards (that the other players
cannot see) comprising two series of four identical
cards (corresponding to exclusive control on two
merchandises). To win, a player has to obtain eight
different cards, keeping at least ten gold coins. Time
is not limited. There are several auctions during one
The first round enables to select the initial seller.
The card “Diamond” is sold by auction but there is
no negotiation. All the subsequent auctions are done
by negotiation. The player who has nine cards is the
seller. He chooses one of his cards and proposes it
for auction. The buyers negotiate with the seller the
acquisition of the card, in any order. They can
propose one card, gold coins, or one card plus gold
coins. One offer can increase, decrease or be
removed until the auction of the card. The buyers
cannot exchange cards each other. The seller will
eventually have to accept an offer, even if he is not
The discussion is limited to the current auction
until the transaction is done (exchange of cards and
coins). One game comprises several auctions (at
least five) until one player has won.
4.2 The Experiment
In order to observe the behaviors of the players, we
developed a system allowing to play this game over
the network. The subjects are isolated in different
rooms and they interact through the user-interface. It
contains a communication panel, allowing the
players to chat, and an action panel, to perform
actions related to one auction. The possible actions
are different according to the player (seller or
buyer): the seller can sell a card and accept an offer,
whereas the buyers can propose an offer or leave.
All actions and all interactions during the game have
been recorded in a text file called log.
We chose to imply four players. This number is
sufficiently high to expect complex negotiation
behaviors like a coalition and sufficiently low to
carry out the experiment. Fourteen groups of four
players (secretary, PhD students, researchers and
teachers) participated to our experiment. We had to
remove one of these groups because the subjects had
difficulties to understand the rules of the game.
Thus, we obtained thirteen usable logs.
A fragment of log is presented below:
[15:28:10] 127, ACCEPT_SELL (Jack, COINS -, CARD
honey, Averell, COINS -, CARD coffee)
[15:28:33] 128, William SAY I have to be careful!
[15:28:41] 129, Jack SAY Who does want a card
cigar or a card spice?
[15:28:58] 130, Averell SAY I propose 2 coins
[15:29:16] 132, Jack SAY Averell, I am ok
[15:29:27] 133, Jack AUCTION cigar
[15:29:29] 134, William SAY I propose 3 coins for
[15:29:34] 135, William PROPOSES (Jack, COINS -,
CARD cigar, William, COINS 3, CARD -)
[15:29:35] 136, Averell TAKE_OUT
[15:29:36] 137, Jack SAY Ok William
[15:29:37] 138, ACCEPT_SELL (Jack, COINS -, CARD
cigar, William, COINS 3, CARD -)
This log corresponds to only one auction.
Players are named Averell, William, Joe and Jack to
preserve anonymity. The lines with the word “SAY”
correspond to interactions in the chat panel and
others correspond to actions.
This section presents our analysis of the thirteen
Although the situation implies four players,
negotiations are always established between the
seller and one buyer. The buyers rarely talk to each
other. But when they do, they use humor or they
comment on what the others do and we decided not
to model these interactions.
One auction can be broken down into exchanges
according to the discursive goal of a player. These
exchanges are classified into the following types:
Auction (from the seller),
Information query,
Discussion (to achieve an agreement),
Spontaneous sending of information,
All these types of exchanges are not used during
each auction but there is at least one auction and one
discussion. The discussion can begin in different
ways: the buyer proposes an offer to the seller or the
seller asks for an offer from the buyer.
In the second case, the seller actually wants to
negotiate with the buyer. This is more than a
reminder: the seller initiates the negotiation.
The negotiation process does not always begin
with the auction of one card. That is why the auction
is differentiated from the discussion between the
protagonists. In six groups, more than 50% of the
sells begin with an action different from
The auction begins with a discussion about the card
to be sold. The players send information queries,
offers and reminders.
The discussion between the seller and a buyer
ends either when the buyer leaves, or when the seller
accepts or refuses the offer.
During the information queries, many questions
remain unanswered. It seems that the players are
intensely focused on the game and that the speed of
offers and interactions is too high. In some cases, the
players do not want to answer (for example, to
conceal their owned cards).
As for the reminders, they can arise from the
seller or a buyer.
We also observed menaces, coalitions, promises
and conditional offers. But these interactions were
not numerous enough to be taken into account in our
Table 1: List of observed performatives.
Auction The seller sells one card
Joe SAY I sell tea
One buyer leaves
Jack SAY I leave
inform A player sends information spontaneously
Jack SAY I am interested in spices
query / reply With a query, a player asks information to an
other player who answers with a reply
Joe SAY who can offer to me a card honey
against a card cigar?
Jack SAY I do.
A buyer makes an offer
William SAY I offer 5 coins and tee
The seller accepts an offer with acceptBid.
Then, he informs the others with sold
Jack SAY 4 coins, ok !
refuseBid A player refuses an offer
Jack SAY 1 coin is not enough
The seller asks the buyers to make new offers,
or to modify an offer
Jack SAY push up Joe
A player reminds other players
Averell SAY, Go on Jack!
A player warns other players about an offer
Averell SAY If you sell to Joe, he will win!
All the logs were manually analyzed. The list of
the speech acts observed in the logs is given in
Table 1. Three of them (inform, query and reply) are
already used in the BDI
GGY model.
Table 2 presents the observed types of
exchanges. Each of these exchanges is guided by the
dialogical goal of the speaker, according to the first
performative he sent.
Table 2: List of observed types of exchange.
Types of
directive query reply / -
of the buyer
acceptBid /
of the seller
request acceptBid /
descriptive inform inform
reminder directive relaunch relaunch
warning descriptive warning warning
Each exchange has been annotated in the logs by
its first performative and its type.
None of the models mentioned in Section 2
enable to represent entirely these observed
exchanges. For example, they do not allow
sequences such as refuse/accept or modify/accept:
the seller can accept an offer he has previously
refused or an offer he asked for modification without
success. Decisions made by the players can evolve
during the negotiation process according to the
interactions and time that goes by.
The speech act list should not constrain the
interactions between the protagonists.
Moreover, according to us, a contract is the result
of a negotiation and its modalities are discussed.
However, in the Contract Net protocol, the manager
proposes the contract and the contractors cannot ask
for modification of it. We think that the contractors
should have the possibility to modify the current
contract and they do not have to create a new one.
Among our needs, the following possibilities are
not offered by other models:
give an answer between agreement and refusal,
propose modifications for all protagonists ,
express the reason of a refusal,
decide not to enter the negotiation
It is more the question of negotiating the content
of a contract than the question of signing an existing
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
This section describes our interaction model: the
dialog model and the utterance model.
6.1 The Dialog Model
As mentioned in Section 5, the players can decide
not to answer a question, or refuse to negotiate or
leave the negotiation. We have to model these
behaviors to make software agents as human-like as
possible. BDI
GGY already models a lack of response
through a timed automaton. This model has to be
extended in order to take into account the
negotiation processes observed in the logs.
The negotiations are established between a buyer
and the seller. Thus, the automata can be opened
between two players. Our model includes ten
automata (5x2): one for the speaker and one for the
interlocutor of each type of exchange.
The set of timed automata used is: Q
, Q
, I
, D
, D
, W
, W
, R
, R
, A
, A
, where
{Q, I, D, W, R, A} is the type of exchange (Q:
information query, I: spontaneous sending, D:
discussion, W: warning, R: reminder, A: auction)
and {ini, int} describes the protagonists of the
exchange (ini for the speaker and int for the
6.1.1 Automata Coming from BDIGGY
Two automata present in the BDIGGY model are
reused for the negotiation: the information query
automaton and the spontaneous sending automaton.
Only the former is described here (Figure 1): it is
only partly reused.
Figure 1: Information query automaton (speaker).
The transitions observed in the protocols of our
application are colored in red.
6.1.2 Discussion Automata
As already said, the negotiation discussion begins
either when the buyer makes an offer or when the
seller asks for an offer from the buyer. Thus, the
discussion exchanges were broken down into two
types (Buyer or Seller) and in fact into four
automata: D
Buyer, D
Seller, D
Seller and
Buyer. Figure 2 shows the D
Buyer automaton
used when the buyer initiates the discussion (bid).
The seller opens the symmetric automaton D
The similar automaton D
Seller corresponds to
the fact that the seller asks for an offer from the
buyer. It differs only from the first performative sent
(request). As for the buyer, he opens the D
6.2 Utterance Model
In our application, negotiations are applied to the
auction of one card. It consists on specifying the
seller, the buyer, the card and the number of coins
pTrans is a predicate that represents an
pTrans(a1, c1, tc1, a2, c2, tc2)
a1 is the seller, c1 the number of coins
given by a1, tc1 is the card that a1 sells, a2 is the
c2 is the number of coins given by a2, tc2 is
the card given by a2.
A message exchanged by the agents is
represented by the predicate
P O)
where A
is the sender, A
is the receiver, P is the
performative used,
O is the object on which the
performative is applied.
As for BDI
GGY, each utterance is represented by
a performative applied to a mental state. For
example, all the directives are applied to a desire of
the speaker, their general form is:
P pD(As,E))
where pD is a desire of the agent A
that is applied
to the predicate
E (pTrans).
Semantics of each performative are given by two
general reduction rules (one for the sending and one
for the receiving), with the pre-conditions of the
sending (respectively receiving), the states of the
automata from which the performative can be sent
(respectively received), the new current state in the
opened automaton and the updates to be done in the
memory of the agent.
Figure 2: Discussion automaton of the buyer.
The interaction model for the negotiation proposed
in this article is based on the analysis of
experimental logs. It aims at simulating as faithfully
as possible the human processes of negotiation.
New performatives have been proposed, linked
with timed automata to model the utterance level
and the dialog level of interactions. This model is
adaptable and enables the players to change their
mind according to the situation and time. It also
enables to modify the offers at any time.
However, the reasoning model is not built yet.
We are currently analyzing the experimental
protocols from a reasoning point of view.
GGY model is also generic enough to be
re-usable for this new application (negotiation
between a seller and several buyers).
When the reasoning model will be included in
GGY, the validation of the system will be done
by comparing the set of artificial logs and the set of
human logs (for example, with the use of a Turing-
like test and with the use of hypothesis testing).
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems