The MultiOptima system is designed to support DM
in solving multicriteria analysis and multicriteria
optimization problems. The first part of the system –
the MKA-2 system, is designed to support the DM
in modelling and solving problems of multicriteria
ranking and multicriteria choice. The second part of
the system – the MKO-2 system, is designed to
model and solve linear and linear integer problems
of multicriteria optimization. The user-friendly
interface of the MKA-2 and MKO-2 systems
facilitates the operation of decision makers with
different qualification level relating to the
multicriteria analysis and multicriteria optimization
methods and software tools. The MKA-2 and MKO-
2 systems can be used both for education and for
real-life problems solving. The MultiOptima system
is a local multicriteria decision support system and
operates in two languages – Bulgarian and English.
A number of Bulgarian universities use the system
for education purposes, as well as for experimental
and research problems solving. A number of
governmental and private organizations and
companies use the system to solve real-life decision
making problems. The future development of the
MultiOptima system will be realized in two
directions. The first one is connected with the
implementing and adding of new methods for
multicriteria analysis and multicriteria optimization.
The second direction refers to developing of a web-
based version, enabling distant decision making.
This paper is partially supported by the National
Science Fund of Bulgarian Ministry of Education
and Science under the contract № I-1401\ 2004, and
by the Institute of Information Technologies - BAS
under the project № 010080 “Optimization methods
and systems” and the project № 010079 “Methods
and Tools for Processing Semantic Information”.
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