Mariana Vassileva, Vassil Vassilev, Boris Staykov, Krassimira Genova
Department of Decision Support Systems, Institute of Information Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. G. Bonchev Str., bl. 2, Sofia, Bulgaria
Danail Dochev
Department of Artificial Intelligence, Institute of Information Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. G. Bonchev Str., bl. 2, Sofia, Bulgaria
Keywords: Multicriteria Decision Making, Multicriteria Decision Support System, Multicriteria Analysis, Multicriteria
Optimization, Interactive Method, Scalarizing Problem.
Abstract: The paper presents a multicriteria decision support system, called MultiOptima. It consists of two
independent parts - the MKA-2 system and the MKO-2 system. The MultiOptima system is designed to
support the decision maker in modelling and solving different problems of multicriteria analysis and linear
and linear integer problems of multicriteria optimization. The system implements four methods for
multicriteria analysis, as well as an innovative generalized interactive method for multicriteria optimization
with variable scalarization and parameterization, which can apply twelve scalarizing problems and is
applicable for different ways of defining preferences by the decision maker. The class of the solved
problems, the system structure, the implemented methods and the graphical user interface of the MKA-2
and MKO-2 systems are discussed in the paper. The MultiOptima system can be used both for education
and for solving of real-life problems.
Multicriteria decision making problems are weak
formalized problems, the solution of which requires
the participation of the so-called decision maker
(DM). The solutions obtained are to a great extent
subjective and depend on DM’s preferences.
Different problems of planning, control, analysis and
monitoring in economy, transport, industrial
production, education, ecology and other spheres
may be reduced to multicriteria decision making
problems. The multicriteria decision making
problems can be divided into two subclasses. In the
first class (the so-called problems of multicriteria
optimization) a finite number of explicitly set
constraints in the form of functions defines an
infinite number of feasible alternatives. In the
second class (the so-called problems of multicriteria
analysis) a finite number of alternatives is explicitly
given in a tabular form. In multicriteria analysis and
multicriteria optimization problems several criteria
are simultaneously optimized in the feasible set of
alternatives. In the general case, there does not exist
one alternative, which optimizes all the criteria.
There is a set of alternatives characterized by the
following property: each improvement in the value
of one criterion leads to deterioration in the value of
at least one other criterion. This set of alternatives is
called a set of the non-dominated or Pareto optimal
alternatives (solutions). Each alternative in this set
could be a solution of the multicriteria problem. In
order to select one alternative, it is necessary to have
additional information set by the DM.
Many real-life problems in management may be
formulated as problems of multicriteria analysis
(choice, ranking or sorting) of resources, strategies,
projects, offers, policies, credits, products,
innovations, designs, costs, profits, portfolios, etc.
(Paschetta and Tsoukiàs, 2000). Many real-life
problems in planning, control and industrial
production may be formulated as problems of
multicriteria optimization (Rajesh et al., 2001).
Vassileva M., Vassilev V., Staykov B., Genova K. and Dochev D. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 276-281
DOI: 10.5220/0001698602760281
Different methods have been developed to solve
multicriteria analysis problems. A great number of
the methods, developed up to now, can be grouped
in three separate classes. The first class of methods
(Dyer, 2004) includes the multiattribute utility
(value) theory methods (e.g., Value Tradeoff
Method, UTA method, MACBETH method, Direct
Weighting Method, and AHP weighting methods).
These methods are based on the assumption that
there does not exist limited comparability among the
alternatives. The second class of methods are called
outranking methods (e.g., ELECTRE methods
(Figueira et al., 2005), and PROMETHEE methods
(Brans and Mareschal, 2005)) and they are based on
the assumption that there exists limited
comparability among the alternatives. In these
methods one (or several) outranking relation(s) are
first built to aggregate DM's global preferences, after
which this outranking relation is used to assist the
DM in solving the multiple criteria decision analysis
problem. The interactive methods (e.g., RNIM
method (Narula et al., 2003)) belong to the methods
of the third group. They are “optimizationally
motivated” and are oriented to solve multicriteria
analysis problems with a large number of
alternatives and a small number of criteria.
There are two main approaches in solving
multicriteria optimization problems: the scalarizing
approach (Miettinen, 2003) and the approximation
approach (Ehrgott and Wiecek, 2005). Interactive
methods are the major representatives of the
scalarizing approach. Multicriteria optimization
problem is treated in these methods as a decision
making problem and the emphasis is put on the real
participation of the DM in the process of its solution.
The interactive methods are the most developed and
widespread due to their basic advantages – a small
part of the Pareto optimal solutions must be
generated and evaluated by the DM; in the process
of solving the multicriteria problem, the DM is able
to learn with respect to the problem; the DM feels
more confident in his/her preferences concerning the
final solution of the problem being solved.
The interactive methods of the reference point
(direction) and the classification-based interactive
methods (Vassileva, 2005) are the most widely
spread interactive methods when solving
multicriteria optimization problems. Though the
interactive methods of the reference point are still
dominating, the classification-based interactive
methods (e.g., GENWS-IM method (Vassileva,
2005)) enable the better solution of some important
problems in the dialogue with the DM, relating to
his/her preferences defining, and also concerning the
time of waiting for new non-dominated solutions
that are evaluated and selected.
A variety of methods to approximate the set of
Pareto optimal solutions of different types have been
proposed (Ehrgott and Wiecek, 2005). Their main
representatives are the multicriteria genetic
(evolutionary) methods (Deb, 2001). The
multicriteria optimization problem is treated in these
methods rather as a vector optimization problem,
than as a decision making problem.
The developed software systems supporting the
solution of multicriteria analysis and multicriteria
optimization problems may be classified in two
groups: software systems with general purpose and
problem-oriented software systems. The general-
purpose software systems aid the solution of
different multicriteria analysis or multicriteria
optimization problems by different decision makers.
The problem-oriented software systems serve to
support the solution of one or several types of
specific multicriteria analysis or multicriteria
optimization problems and very often are included in
other information-control systems.
The following general-purpose software systems
(Weistroffer et al., 2005) aid the solution of different
multicriteria analysis problems – VIMDA, Expert
MACBETH, VIP, Decision Lab, Web-HIPRE,
MultiChoice and KnowCube. One problem-oriented
multicriteria analysis system is the Agland Decision
System for agricultural property (Parsons, 2002).
Some well-known general-purpose multicriteria
optimization software systems (Weistroffer et al.,
2005) are the following: VIG, DIDAS, DINAS,
ADELAIS system for portfolio selection
(Zopounidis et al., 1998) is an attractive problem-
oriented multicriteria optimization system. In the
class of multicriteria optimization systems must also
be included software systems, which implement
different multicriteria evolutionary methods (e.g.,
MOSES system (Coello and Christiansen, 1999)).
The paper describes some basic elements of the
multicriteria decision support system MultiOptima,
which consist of two separate parts - the MKA-2
system and MKO-2 system. The system is designed
to support the DM in solving different multicriteria
analysis and multicriteria optimization problems.
The class of the solved problems, the system
structure, the operation with the interface modules
for entering the information about DM’s local
preferences and for visualization of the current and
final solutions, as well as the help information, given
in a digital and graphical form, are discussed.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The
second section describes the basic features of the
first part of the MultiOptima system - MKA-2
system. The main characteristics of the second part
of the MultiOptima system – MKO-2 system, are
presented in brief in the third section. Finally, the
conclusions are given in the last section.
The MKA-2 system, which is the first part of the
MultiOptima system, operates under MS Windows
operating system and it is designed to support DM in
solving different multicriteria analysis problems.
The MKA-2 system consists of internal-system
modules, four solving modules and interface
modules. It is realised in MS Windows environment,
including the standard user interface elements. The
internal-system modules contain all global
definitions of variables, functions and procedures of
general purpose. The object possibilities of Visual
Basic are utilized in the MKA-2 system, creating the
following classes with respect to internal-system
structures: a class for messages, which encapsulates
the output of error messages, dynamic context help
information and logging events in the debug
window, localization and identification of errors
occurring during the system operation; a class matrix
with some specific procedures, necessary for the
AHP method; a class for storing the information
specific for the criteria in the ELECTRE III and
PROMETHEE II methods and a class for storing
elements of the RNIM interactive method history.
MKA-2 handles files with “*.mka” extension.
Standard operations for creating, editing, loading
and saving of files are implemented. The MKA-2
files contain input data and data related to the
process and the results from solving multicriteria
analysis problems.
The solving modules realize four methods - AHP
method and RNIM method, and procedures for
transformation of qualitative, ranking and weighting
criteria into quantitative criteria. The AHP method is
one of the most widely spread weighting methods.
Pair-wise criteria comparison is used in this method
to set DM’s preferences. On this basis, a pair-wise
comparison matrix is constructed. The estimates of
the weights can be found by normalizing the
eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue
of this matrix. The ELECTE III is one of the most
often used outranking methods. It is based on an
outranking relation, characterized by the definition
of an outranking degree S (a, b) associated with each
ordered pair (a, b) of alternatives, representing the
more or less great outranking credibility of a over b.
There are two matrix needed to be evaluated - the
concordance matrix (requires indifference and
preference thresholds) and the discordance matrix
(requires additional threshold, called veto threshold,
which allows the outranking relation to be rejected).
In order the degree of credibility of outranking to be
obtained, the two measures from concordance and
discordance matrix have to be combined. The
obtained credibility matrix is essential for generating
two distillation orders that show whether one
alternative outranks the other or such an alternative
is incomparable to the other. In order the final
ranking to be obtained, the two orders are combined.
The PROMETHEE II method is the other most often
used outranking method. The intensity of the
preference of one alternative over another regarding
each criterion is measured in terms of the so-called
preference function. Six types of preference
functions are used, formed on the basis of
indifference and preference thresholds. The method
provides a complete ranking of the alternatives
through a pair-wise dominance comparison of net
positive and net negative outranking flows. The
RNIM method is a representative of the interactive
methods and it is appropriate for solving
multicriteria analysis problems with a large number
of alternatives and a small number of criteria. The
DM can provide desired or acceptable levels,
directions and intervals of changes in the values of
the criteria at any iteration. On the basis of this
information, the method enables the use of discrete
optimization scalarizing problems, with the help of
which the DM has the possibility for a more
systematic and successful screening of the
alternatives set.
The interface modules ensure the interaction
between the MKA-2 system, DM and operating
system. This interaction includes the entry of the
data for the multicriteria analysis problem; entry of
specific information for every method; entry of
information about DM’s preferences; visualization
of the current and final results; graphical
presentation of the solutions; printing out, reading
and storing of files; multi-language support,
dynamic help, etc. The editing module enables
entering, alteration and storing of quantitative,
qualitative, ranking and weighting criteria. The
interface preference modules aid DM in the entry of
criteria pair-wise comparison information, inter- and
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
intra-criteria information and information about the
desired or acceptable levels, directions and intervals
of change in the values of the criteria. The current
and final results and the parameters for the separate
methods, selected by the DM, are presented digitally
and graphically with the help of visual interface
modules. The input/output interface modules enable
the reading and storing in files, the printing of the
current and final results obtained, as well as the
printing of the information, given by DM. The
solution process can be interrupted at any stage and
activated from the place of its interruption at any
time. The MKA-2 system has comparatively rich
printing functions – the entire process of decision
making is documented and could be printed out.
Figure 1 shows the initial information entered for
the real-life problem, concerning the choice of a
building site for new European electric power station
(Mladineo et al., 1987).
Figure 1: Initial information.
Figure 2 presents a window with information
about DM’s preferences in operation with the
Figure 2: DM’s preferences in PROMETHEE II method.
Figure 3 shows the final result, obtained for six
countries when solving the ranking problem with the
Figure 3: The final result by ELECTRE ІІІ
The MKO-2 system, which is the second part of the
MultiOptima software system, operates also under
MS Windows operating system and it is designed to
aid the DM in the solution of linear and linear
integer problems for multicriteria optimization. The
system implements the innovative generalized
interactive method for multicriteria optimization
GENWS-IM (Vassileva, 2005) with variable
scalarization and parameterization, which can apply
twelve scalarizing problems and is applicable for
different ways of defining DM’s preferences.
The MKO-2 software system consists of three
main groups of modules – a control program,
optimization modules and interface modules. The
control program is integrated software environment
for creation, processing and storing of files
associated with MKO-2 system, as well as for
linking and executing of different types of software
modules. The basic functional possibilities of the
control program may be separated in three groups.
The first group includes the possibilities to use the
applications, menus and system functions being
standard for MS Windows (“File”, “Edit”, “View”,
“Window”, “Help”) in the environment of MKO-2
system. The second group of functional possibilities
encloses the control of the interactions between the
modules realizing the creation, modification and
storing of files associated with MKO-2 system,
which contain input data and data connected with
the process of interactive solution of linear and
linear integer multicriteria optimization problems, as
well as the localization and identification of the
errors occurring during the process of operation with
MKO-2 system. The third group of functional
possibilities of the control program includes the
possibilities for visualization of essential
information about the DM and information of the
system operation as a whole.
The optimization modules realize the generalized
interactive algorithm GENWS–IM, two simplex
algorithms solving continuous single-criterion
problems (Vanderbei, 1996), and an algorithm of
“branches and bounds” type solving linear integer
single-criterion problems (Wolsey, 1998).
The interface modules provide the dialogue
between DM and the system during the entry and
correction of the input data of the multicriteria
problems being solved, during the interactive
process of these problems solution, as well as for
dynamic numerical and graphical visualization of
the main parameters of the solving process. With the
help of an editing module the formulations of the
criteria and constraints are input, altered and stored,
and also the type and limits of the variables
alteration. Another interface module serves to supply
two types of graphic presentation of the information
about the values of the criteria at the different steps
of the solving process, as well as the possibilities for
their comparison.
One of the main functions of MKO-2 system is
to enable the extension of DM’s possibilities to set
his/her preferences with the help of criteria weights,
ε – constraints, desired and acceptable levels of
alteration in the criteria values, desired and
acceptable directions of change of the criteria
values, desired and acceptable levels, directions and
intervals of alteration of the criteria values. Twelve
scalarizing problems are generated in the MKO-2
system in order to realize these possibilities.
Depending on DM’s preferences, these scalarizing
problems are automatically generated by the
generalized scalarizing problem GENWS by
changing its structure and parameters.
The MKO-2 system presents to the DM different
windows intended for entry and correction of the
criteria and constraints of the multicriteria problem
being solved, for setting his/her preferences, for
choosing the solving method and for visualizing the
current and the final solutions. Figure 4, Figure 5
and Figure 6 show three of these windows. The
window in Figure 4 is designed to identify the type
of the DM’s preferences. The DM may select among
five types of preferences and let assume that he/she
has selected to set the preferences in the form of
desired and acceptable levels, directions and
intervals of alteration in the criteria values
(operating with DALDI scalarizing problem). The
screen in Figure 5 shows the setting of a new
aspiration level for the value of the third criterion.
Choosing “Graphic” command enables the
visualization of two types of graphical information
about the solving process. For this, a window with
with two types of graphics is opened (Figure 6).
Figure 4: Type of the DM’s Preferences.
With the help of the upper bar-graphic, it can be
made a visual comparison of the solutions found at
two iterations, selected in the fields for step
Figure 5: Setting of an aspiration level.
The lower graphic in Figure 6, can trace visually
the alteration of the values of the separate criteria at
different steps of the interactive process of searching
for a better solution. The initial and final steps of the
iteration interval can be defined, in which the values
of all the criteria are traced.
Figure 6: Two types of graphic.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The MultiOptima system is designed to support DM
in solving multicriteria analysis and multicriteria
optimization problems. The first part of the system –
the MKA-2 system, is designed to support the DM
in modelling and solving problems of multicriteria
ranking and multicriteria choice. The second part of
the system – the MKO-2 system, is designed to
model and solve linear and linear integer problems
of multicriteria optimization. The user-friendly
interface of the MKA-2 and MKO-2 systems
facilitates the operation of decision makers with
different qualification level relating to the
multicriteria analysis and multicriteria optimization
methods and software tools. The MKA-2 and MKO-
2 systems can be used both for education and for
real-life problems solving. The MultiOptima system
is a local multicriteria decision support system and
operates in two languages – Bulgarian and English.
A number of Bulgarian universities use the system
for education purposes, as well as for experimental
and research problems solving. A number of
governmental and private organizations and
companies use the system to solve real-life decision
making problems. The future development of the
MultiOptima system will be realized in two
directions. The first one is connected with the
implementing and adding of new methods for
multicriteria analysis and multicriteria optimization.
The second direction refers to developing of a web-
based version, enabling distant decision making.
This paper is partially supported by the National
Science Fund of Bulgarian Ministry of Education
and Science under the contract I-1401\ 2004, and
by the Institute of Information Technologies - BAS
under the project 010080 “Optimization methods
and systems” and the project 010079 “Methods
and Tools for Processing Semantic Information”.
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