Susana Martin-Toral
, Gregorio I. Sainz-Palmero
Computer and Information Technologies Division. Fundaci´on CARTIF
Parque Tecnol´ogico de Boecillo, 47151 Valladolid, Spain
Department of Systems Engineering and Control, School of Industrial Engineering
University of Valladolid, 47011 Valladolid, Spain
Yannis Dimitriadis
GSIC - Group of Intelligent and Cooperative Systems, School of Telecommunications Engineering
University of Valladolid, 47011 Valladolid, Spain
Document corpus, content incoherence, natural language processing, text mining, artificial intelligence, docu-
ment engineering.
This paper is focused on the problems and effects generated by the use of a document corpus with mistakes,
content incoherences amongst its connected documents and other errors. The problem introduced in this paper
is very relevant in any area of human activity when this corpus is used as base element in the relationships
between company partners, legal support, etc., and the way in which these incoherences can be detected. These
problems can appear in several ways, and the produced effects are different, but a common situation exists in
those areas of activity where many linked documents must be generated, managed and updated by different
authors. This paper describes some examples of this problem in the case of a technical document corpus used
amongst partners, and the solution framework developed for this case. Several types of incoherence have
been detected and formulated, connected with problems described in other research areas such as information
extraction and retrieval, text mining, document interpretation and others, but all of them have been bounded
and introduced from the point of view of document incoherences and their effects, specially in a company
context. Finally the computational architecture and methodology uses are described and some initial results
of incoherence detection are discussed.
Documentation, on paper or in electronic format, is a
base element for the information society. It is the most
usual way to store, save and exchange information in
a wide range of human activity contexts, so the infor-
mation and knowledge contained in it has to be right
and clear with no possibility of confusion or contra-
diction. But this goal is not trivial due to several facts.
Some public and private sectors handle documenta-
tion that is not-methodologically generated, suffers
changes and grows in volume and versions.
It is difficult to find organizations working with
heterogeneous sets of connected documents that man-
age this movement in a suitable and formal way, with
a unique formulation in their generation, management
and control (see Figure 1), so the problem of incoher-
ences in related documentation appears: mistakes in
the cross references, redundant, contradictory, miss-
ing or wrong information.
The case involvedin this paper comes from the use
in technical documentation by a company of the elec-
trical sector. In this context, an “incoherence” repre-
sents any lack of consistency amongst related docu-
ments or even within the same document.
For example, some types of incoherences appear
when a document does not match the correct struc-
ture, according to the known rules for its genera-
tion. In this situation a structural incoherenceappears.
Other types of incoherence could be numerical. This
concerns the numerical values contained in a docu-
ment that must agree with the values indicated in the
norm, standard or reference document. A contradic-
tion in numerical values between documents with the
Martin-Toral S., I. Sainz-Palmero G. and Dimitriadis Y. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 282-287
DOI: 10.5220/0001699102820287
Figure 1: Documentation generation scheme in a technical
same concept is not possible. These two examples,
and other types of incoherences, makes up an initial
definition of an incoherence taxonomy.
The impact of all these problems for an organi-
zation, both in its internal and external relationships,
could cause economic, legal, technical, even serious
social consequences, so when this happens there is a
great interest in eliminating them. Thus, some sec-
tors with economic activity have been seen to show
a growing interest in solving this kind of problem,
though of course, such interest is not exclusive to such
- Civil Engineering & Electrical sector, in general
any industrial environment in which collaborative
partners work with related technical documents,
normatives and standards (CARTIF, 2006).
- Software industry, in which the documentation
generated from a unified software process is
affected by the problems described previously
(Arango, 2003).
- Healthcare sector, the volume of documentation
managed is enormous and very critical due to the
effects of mistakes in such documentation (Ming-
shan and Ching-to, 2002).
- Legal and Law sector, when laws or legal norms
are contradictory, ”legal antinomia” (Ruiz, 2002).
Otherwise, three different parts could be affected
by these problems:
- Owner, economic and legal aspects: incoherent
documentation does not match the application
norms and policies to the sector, which could re-
sult in third party damages.
- User, by employing a contradictory, ambiguous or
even wrong documentation with similar effects to
those commented previously.
- Consumer, using products and services created
by weak and incoherent documentation that can
cause bad quality or dangerous products or ser-
At this point, the interest concerning the detection
and elimination of these incoherences appears. Doc-
umentation free of incoherences could solve a rele-
vant problem, or at least that focusing on wrong or
confused information, facilitating a coherent manage-
ment of that documentation and obtaining a better
quality of products and services. This is the main mo-
tivation for dealing with the problem.
The organization of the rest of the paper is as
follows: first of all a definition and classification of
the detected incoherences in the case involved, and
techniques that could be applied for its detection, are
presented. In the technological framework section
the computational and conceptual architectures devel-
oped in this work are described. Finally, the most in-
teresting results obtained are discussed and the main
conclusions of this work are put forward.
Once the problem and the motivations have been pre-
sented, the next step is to formally define what is
considered an incoherence in this work, taking into
account the documentation involved (see (CARTIF,
2006)): content incoherence is seen as the weak-
ness of consistency amongst related documents, or
amongst different pieces of the same document, or the
lack or excess of information in a document.
This definition introduces subjectivity in deciding
what can be considered as an incoherence and its ef-
fects, thus its importance. To assess this issue, an ini-
tial incoherence taxonomy has been defined:
- Structural, concerning the logical rules for doc-
ument generation: differences in style or format
employed when the document was generated or
updated. This aspect is connected with research
into document analysis and the logical and lay-
out document structure (O’Gorman and Kasturi,
- References, documents use references to other
documents, norms or standards in order to sup-
port the document content or to avoid describing
any aspect explained in the references. The inco-
herence could happen when the reference is not
adequate, or does not exist, or is not referenced.
- Numerical, this concerns the numerical values
contained in a document that must agree with the
values indicated in the norm, standard or docu-
ment of reference. A contradiction between doc-
uments for the same concept is not possible.
- Measure Units, the units for measuring used in a
document have to work correctly in accordance
with the standard or the International System of
- Attribute, which is similar to the numerical one,
but applied to attributes such as colors (green,
black, red), shapes (square, triangular), states (liq-
uid, solid, gaseous), etc.
- Denomination or conceptual, it is very important
to use the concepts in a suitable way for the con-
text involved. A conceptual incoherence could
happen if an important concept is denominated of
different ways in the same document or even in
different documents.
- Update, the new version could contain more or
less informationor contradictoryinformation with
regard to the previous version.
- Titles or subtitles of a document do not match the
contents of their sections.
- Dirty words, use of badly written words or words
that do not exist.
In the technical context involved, each of these in-
coherences has a different relevance and effect, which
is usually defined by the domain expert. Generally,
depending on the type of incoherence to be detected
automatically, it will be necessary to apply different
techniques for information processing.
After the theoretical introduction to the problem, this
section deals with an approach to the technological
framework for incoherence detection in documents.
For this aim, a computational architecture has been
proposed (see Figure 2) introducing different levels
of information processing.
- Preprocessing converts the original documenta-
tion to an open format that facilitates its process-
ing. For this task, the standard OASIS Open Doc-
ument Format (ODF) has been selected (OASIS,
- In extraction techniques module, text and docu-
ment mining techniques are mainly applied to ex-
tract the adequate information from each docu-
ment in order to detect the several types of in-
coherence. Different representations of the same
document must be used to detect the types of in-
coherence considered.
- Representation of atomic information keeps the
suitable representations of the documents. Sev-
eral types of document representation are needed
according to the relevant type of contents or con-
cepts to be checked.
- Document representations by incoherence. Here
the most adequate representations of a document
are taken from the previous module, according to
the incoherence to be detected. Several represen-
tations could be required for an incoherence.
- Comparison techniques module uses text docu-
ment mining techniques for matching different
document representations to detect similarities
and differences between them. This information
will be used as a source of incoherence problems.
Figure 2: Computational architecture.
Once any potential incoherence has been detected
and classified, it is the domain expert who must take
the final decision about the relevance of the detected
problem. Accordingly, the system could be improved
by an adequate feedback.
In this work different techniques have been used
to cover the functionalities of extraction and com-
parison modules. Most of them, mainly for extrac-
tion techniques, are based on the use of heuristic
solutions, with similar criteria as to (Krulwich and
Burkey, 1997).
3.1 Extraction Techniques
The adequate document representations have been
obtained by different techniques of information ex-
traction (Nahm, 2004), information retrieval (Berry,
2004), and document description (Jain et al., 2000).
The proposal, from this point of view, could be seen
as a pattern recognition problem, where every docu-
ment is a pattern of the problem space and each docu-
ment representation is the result of a feature selection
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
process, according to the knowledge of the document
corpus. In this way, three main document representa-
tions (conceptual models) have been used:
1. Key term representation, using the Vector Space
Model (VSM) (Salton et al., 1975). This type
of representation facilitates the detection of ref-
erence, conceptual or title incoherences.
2. Reference representation. Every document is de-
scribed according to the references to other doc-
uments. This representation mainly permits the
detection of reference incoherences.
3. Representation using relevant information pat-
terns. Here the information extraction is based on
heuristics, according to information patterns de-
tected inside the document corpora that are rel-
evant in the domain. An example of this is the
representation of a document by its technical data
terms. Each one is represented by an ”N-tuple”,
here N = 4:
< Term ; Operator ; Value ; Units >
Where Term is the word, or set of words, repre-
senting a relevant concept, Operator indicates that
a term is bigger (>), smaller (<), than or equal
to (= ) a specific value, Value represents the nu-
merical value, or enumerated data (colour, state,
shape) of the term, and finally, Units is only used
when the value is numerical and with units. Then
the document is summarized by a set of this type
of N-tuple. These N-tuples have been generated
by Episode Rule Mining techniques (ERM) (Man-
nila et al., 1997). An example of a real 4-tuple is:
wire CCX-56-D section ; = ; 54,6 ;
This representation facilitates the detection of nu-
merical, measure and attribute incoherences, ap-
plying suitable matching techniques.
3.2 Comparison Techniques
Matching techniques must be applied to obtain sim-
ilarities, differences, deviations, and trends amongst
document representations. Here, different text min-
ing techniques have been used:
- Classification (Berry, 2004), based on VSM rep-
resentation and Naive Bayes, KNN (K Nearest
Neighbour) or TFIDF (Term Frequency - Inverse
Document Frequency) classifiers, and using the
libbow library (McCallum, 1996).
- Clustering, using VSM and a Hierarchical
Expectation-Maximization (HEM) algorithm
(Jain et al., 2000).
- Summarization using MEAD, a public domain
portable multi-document summarization system
(Otterbacher et al., 2002).
- Trend detection (Berry, 2004), using the edit dis-
tance, cosine similarity, and summarization tech-
niques (Mani and Bloedorn, 1999).
Figure 3: Conceptual architecture.
In the bibliography,some of these mentioned tech-
niques are used to deal with problems not related to
content incoherence detection. For this reason, the
potential techniques discovered in the bibliography
have been adapted to solve the incoherence problem,
as in Figure 3.
The experimental work has used the more suitable
document representations and comparison techniques
to detect potential incoherences. The effects and rel-
evance of each one has been decided by the domain
The document collection used in the experimen-
tal part consists of 873 documents corresponding to
technical manuals (469 TM) and norms (404 N) of
an electrical company. The documentation contains
semistructured and connected documents, with many
numerical Tables and Figures. It has been generated
by multiple authors and branches, so the document
corpus presents incoherence problems.
The experiments developed have covered two
types of analysis, according to the principles of docu-
ment engineering: structural and content analysis.
Structural analysis has been used to detect struc-
tural incoherences in the documentation: lack of
mandatory sections, badly numbered chapters, etc.
The knowledge of the rules about standard generation
of documents permits us to process the document cor-
pus. The results of this experiment have discovered
that almost 30% of the norms present some type of
structural incoherence, so they do not comply with the
defined rules. For example, all the norms must have
a section indicating what other norms are referred to
in the rest of the document. In this study, a 15.84% of
the norms do not match with the rule because of the
lack of some referred norm (see Table 1).
Table 1: Partial results for strutural incoherences.
Mandatory sections Coh.norms Incoh.norms
Introduction 134 (33.17%) 270 (66.83%)
Referred norms 340 (84.16%) 64 (15.84%)
Application field 365 (90.35%) 39 (9.65%)
In content analysis, the main objective is to detect
possible incoherences by processing the documenta-
tion contents, but not its structure. For that end, doc-
ument representations shown in section 3.1, and com-
parison techniques described in section 3.2 have been
The use of the Vector Space Model allows us
to discover relevant terms that should not present
conceptual incoherences. Using this representation,
terms written in different languages can be detected,
and they are also considered as incoherences by the
domain expert.
With classification experiments, the trend of doc-
ument clustering can be studied to detect strange be-
haviours. In the results, we can see how some doc-
uments tend to be classified in a non adequate class
or category. The best results, see Table 2, have been
obtained with the TFIDF classifier.
Table 2: TFIDF classification results for norms.
Trial Ok classified/total % Accuracy
0 92/121 76.03
1 99/121 81.82
2 94/121 77.69
3 95/121 78.51
4 101/121 83.47
5 94/121 77.69
6 90/121 74.38
7 95/121 78.51
8 91/121 75.21
9 89/121 73.55
Average 77.69 stderr 0.94
From the total available norms, a 70% has been
selected to train the classifier, and the rest (121 docu-
ments) to make the test. The average accuracy for 10
trials is 77.69%.
Both document classification and clustering, are
developed according to relevant terms of each docu-
ment, so incoherence traces can be detected by ana-
lyzing the content of these bad classified documents,
in comparison with the rest of the members of the cat-
egory. Similar situations appear when a document is
clustered in an unsuitable cluster. These situations are
potential sources of incoherences. All the norms are
coded according to the material family they represent,
so this codification can be used as a natural initial
classification. When a norm is classified or clustered
in a group not belonging to its material family, ac-
cording to the codification, this is because its content
is more similar to the other category, so it presents
similarities to an other material family. The analy-
sis of this strange behaviour can report traces of inco-
herence problems. For example, the strange situation
appears when the norm N 72.30.03, that belongs to
the transformer family (code 72), is classified into the
wire family (code 56) because of its content (in the
electrical sector).
Representing the documentation using the refer-
ence model facilitates the detection of reference inco-
herences. The representation is in the following form:
TM1 N1 N3
TM2 N1 N4 N5 N9
TM3 N2 N5
where TM are technical manuals and N are norms.
With this information, unsuitable use of documents
can be detected, and also incoherences related to the
use of non-existent and wrong coded norms. It has
been detected that a 5% of the referenced norms
present a wrong codification, and more than a 7%
are non-existent, maybe because they are deprecated
and have been eliminated from the final version of the
document corpus.
Finally, the representation using 4-tuples allows
the detection of numerical, measures and attribute in-
coherences. The experimental part has been applied
to obtain all 4-tuples from the documentation, ap-
plying ERM techniques to extract this information
pattern. Matching the representations between two
related documents, or matching the N-tuples of the
same documents, facilitates the detection of this kind
of incoherences. They seem to be the more numer-
ous incoherences, so there is an increasing interest in
their detection. Thus, at the moment, a detailed study
of this type of representation, and all the related tech-
niques, is being considered.
This paper introduces the problem of document inco-
herences from the point of view of the organizations,
companies or environments using document corpus
with mistakes, wrong documents and confused con-
tents, and the effects of this inadequate documenta-
tion: economic, legal, technical and social.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Taking into account the technical and normative
documentation involved in this work, an attempt to
define and classify incoherence has been introduced,
which could be used in most technical contexts. From
that, each incoherence has been connected with sev-
eral research areas (information extraction and re-
trieval, document analysis, etc.) in order to find
the best way to detect the incoherence by informa-
tion processing. The results obtained by experiments
have allowed us discover several categories of inco-
herences, even some unknown to the domain experts.
The study of new domain and sector documen-
tation could expand and improve the proposed inco-
herence classification, but not all incoherences have
the same relevance or the same importance for the af-
fected sectors. The experimentation in this work has
tried to apply the more suitable techniques to detect
those with the most relevant impact in the affected ar-
To achieve all these objectives, different docu-
ment representations and comparison techniques have
been applied. In this aspect, a new relevant informa-
tion pattern, repeated in technical documentation, has
been used (N-tuples), allowing the detection of one
of the most important and negative incoherence types
found in technical domains: numerical incoherences.
The interpretation and evaluation of the results
have been developed in both unsupervised and super-
vised ways, in this latter case, with the help of the
domain expert. From this evaluation, different levels
of incoherence have been detected:
- Some experimentalresults haveshownstrange be-
haviours, and therefore the presence of potential
incoherences. A deeper study could be needed to
detect specific incoherences. These results are ob-
tained by classification or clustering methods.
- Other results have directly shown potential cases
of incoherences, and the help of the domain expert
is only needed to ensure that the problem exists.
This is the case of incoherences of wrongly coded
and non-existent norms, structural, or content in-
coherences using VSM, and numerical measures
and attribute incoherences using 4-tuples.
Due to the existence of incoherence and its neg-
ative effects, for both to organization and citizens,
future work could deal with the definition of a new
methodology for the generation of new documenta-
tion free of incoherences, to avoid the initial seed of
the problem.
This work has been supported in part by the Spanish
Industry, Tourism, and Commerce Ministry through
the project FIT-350100-2006-272.
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