Design science is research into building artefacts
that address “important unsolved problems in unique
or innovative ways” (Hevner et al., 2004, p. 81). The
artefact at the core of this research is a model-based
approach towards the migration of content between
two CMS based on JSR-170. It is unique and inno-
vative because, to the knowledge of the researcher,
no similar approach has been presented.
In the initial phase of the artefact development,
the two content models implemented by Magnolia
and Alfresco were studied. An important step was to
extract and scrutinize the different node type defini-
tions implemented by the two selected systems. As
there was no documentation of the node type defini-
tions available, some of the findings of the simple
website experiment had to be tentatively explained
and may need further clarification. Therefore, the
researcher wishes to emphasise the need for a docu-
mentation of content models, where CMS develop-
ers may explain and justify their design decisions.
The design of the proposed model was based
primarily on the most essential commonalities and
differences between Magnolia and Alfresco as iden-
tified in the simple website experiment. Hence, the
researcher notes critically that the proposed model is
an approach towards a Generalised Content Model
rather than the Generalised Content Model, and still
is only based on Magnolia and Alfresco.
Content management systems (CMS) have evolved
in diverse ways due to the lack of sufficient stan-
dards. Only recently, with the JSR-170 content re-
pository standard, an ongoing effort to standardise
CMS can be observed. The reported research project
was designed to investigate migration of content
between two of the most popular open-source CMS
supporting JSR-170, namely Magnolia and Alfresco.
An initial experiment where the same simple
website was created using each of the selected sys-
tems found incompatible content structures due to
differences in the content models implemented by
Magnolia and Alfresco. To resolve these differences,
the Generalised Content Model was proposed as an
integration of both content models, and implemented
in Jackrabbit, the JSR-170 reference implementa-
tion. Simple transformation methods were then de-
fined to transform the content structures between
Magnolia, Alfresco, and Jackrabbit. Final experi-
ments provided evidence that the simple website
could effectively be exchanged between the selected
CMS in both directions using Jackrabbit as an in-
The research project showed that many individ-
ual differences between CMS can be traced back to
the lack of a common content model. The relations
between content, type, structure, format, and meta-
data need to be clearly defined to allow for the de-
sign of a common content model. With the chosen
approach, the researcher was able to resolve individ-
ual differences between the content models imple-
mented by Magnolia and Alfresco, and as a result
enabled migration of a simple website between the
two systems in both directions. This research may
therefore be regarded as a starting point to define
methods for automation of migrations between CMS
based on JSR-170 in the absence of a common con-
tent model. However, the researcher believes that
this research is also a blue print for a method to de-
sign and evaluate a content model that may become
standard across CMS implementations.
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