Catherine Faron-Zucker, Nhan Le Thanh
I3S, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, CNRS, 930 route des Colles, BP 145, 06903 Sophia Antipolis, France
Anastasiya Yurchyshyna*, Alain Zarli
CSTB, Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment, 290 route des Lucioles, BP 209, 06904 Sophia Antipolis, France
* I3S, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, CNRS
Keywords: Conformity checking, ontologies in construction, Semantic Web in Construction, graph validation,
knowledge extraction in construction.
Abstract: This paper presents an ontological method and a corresponding system C3R aimed to semi-automatically
check the conformity of a construction project represented by RDF graph against a set of construction
norms formalized as SPARQL queries. Our conformity-checking model has a two-level structure: the
reasoning relies on matching of these queries and graphs and on expert rules guiding the checking process
itself by optimal scheduling of matching procedures, according to semantic annotations of conformity
queries, which integrate the meta-knowledge on the checking process (formalized with the help of CSTB
experts). The reasoning results with a detailed (non)conformity report in terms of the Construction domain.
The Construction industry is a major user of
increasingly complex technical regulations defining
the execution of construction projects (e.g. public
buildings). To reply the increasing demand of the
implementation of electronic regulation services,
multiple researches are recently conducted: e.g. the
ePOWER and the ISTforCE project, where CSTB
has participated (IST eGovernment projects, 2007),
aimed at the (semi)automation of the conformity
checking process of a construction project against a
set of technical norms. Our research work answers
this initiative and focuses on the development of the
ontology-enabled, construction-oriented conformity-
checking model.
Today, construction projects are usually
represented in the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)
model, an object oriented file format that becomes a
standard for Building Information Modelling. The
IFC model captures information about all aspects of
a building throughout its lifecycle and its use is
compulsory for publicly aided building projects. The
IFC model allows an XML representation of a
construction project (ifcXML) that can be
automatically generated by architecture-oriented
CAD tools (e.g. AutoCAD). The IFC model (and the
ifcXML representation) fails, however, to represent
the whole semantic complexity of construction data
used for conformity checking (Yang, Zhang, 2006).
It is not particularly oriented towards the checking
problem either.
For this reason, we propose our knowledge
acquisition method (Faron-Zucker et al, 2008) to
model all the knowledge of the conformity-checking
process in construction. First, we develop an
ontology based on the classes of the IFC model,
dedicated to and oriented by the problem of
conformity checking. Second, in collaboration with
domain experts, we develop a base of semi-formal
representations of conformity queries and propose a
special query annotation of these queries to integrate
meta-knowledge on the checking process. Guided by
the conformity-checking ontology, we then extract a
construction project representation from its initial
ifcXML data that is oriented conformity checking.
Our conformity-checking model is based on the
matching of the norm representations with
representations of construction projects. Its
efficiency relies on two keystones: the ontological
Faron-Zucker C., Le Thanh N., Yurchyshyna A. and Zarli A. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enter prise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 492-495
DOI: 10.5220/0001700404920495
representation of construction regulation knowledge
and the knowledge extraction process guided by the
acquired ontological knowledge. To control the
construction process itself, the model also integrates
meta-knowledge formalized with the help of CSTB
experts: we propose a special annotation of
construction queries and organize them according to
these annotations to schedule matching procedures.
Such semantic annotations are also used to generate
a conformity report and to explain the user the non-
conformity results of the validation process.
We adopt the ontological approach and the semantic
web technologies (Berners-Lee, 2001) to acquire a
representation of a construction project oriented the
specific task of conformity checking. The success of
the checking process relies on the ability to develop
mechanisms of ontological reasoning: this
representation should be semantically richer than its
initial ifcXML description. Our research is based on
the works of (Bell, Bjorkhaus, 2006) aiming at the
development of a construction ontology
buildingSMART and the projects aiming at the
development of the IFC-to-OWL conversion tool
(Schevers, Drogemuller, 2005).
2.1 Acquisition of a Conformity Query
The first phase of our knowledge acquisition method
aims to explicit formal representations of technical
norms. We use the CD REEF, the electronic
encyclopaedia of construction texts and regulations,
to extract a base of accessibility non-conformity
constraints, which we formalise as SPARQL queries
in terms of the IFC model: e.g. “The minimum width
of a door is 90 cm” is formalized by:
select ?door display xml where
{ ?door rdf:type ifc:IfcDoor
OPTIONAL {?door ifc:overallWidth ?w
FILTER ( xsd:integer(?w) >= 90)}
FILTER (! bound( ?w) )}
This is a manual process (the knowledge
extraction from texts is out of the scope of our
research) conducted in collaboration with CSTB
experts who help to explicit the domain knowledge.
However, these queries contain only conformity
constraints, but have no information useful for the
process of conformity checking: e.g. the information
of the regulation corpus from which the queries are
extracted, etc. To integrate this information into our
checking model, and thus to make it more
“intelligent”, we propose a special RDF annotation
of conformity queries, which contains all the
information related to the checking process not
represented by the query itself. It can be:
- Characteristics of the regulation text from
which a query was extracted: (i) regulation type (e.g.
circular); (ii) thematic (e.g. accessibility); (iii) title,
publication date, references; (iv) level of application
(e.g. national), (v) destination of a building (e.g.
private house); (vi) characteristics of extraction
process: article and paragraph from which a query
was extracted (e.g. 1
paragraph of Door article).
- Formalised expert knowledge: tacit « common
knowledge » on the process of conformity-checking
that is commonly applied by domain experts: (i)
knowledge on (sub)domain of the application of a
query (e.g. Stairs); (ii) knowledge on checking
practice (e.g. if a room is adapted, it is accessible)
- Application context of a query: the aspects of
query application for certain use cases. For example,
the requirements on the maximal height of stairs
handrail vary from 96 cm (for adults) to 76 cm (for
kids). In this case, it is important to know the
destination of a building (e.g. school).
Characteristics and possible values of the first
two groups are automatically extracted from the CD
REEF. The knowledge described by the last two
groups is defined partially and/or has to be explicitly
formalised by domain experts.
2.2 Acquisition of Conformity
Checking Ontology
The second phase is dedicated to the development of
a conformity-checking ontology based on the IFC
model. Guided by the goal of conformity checking,
this ontology includes only the primitive IFC
concepts (extracted from the ifcXML schema)
occurring in the acquired conformity queries. These
concepts are organized as hierarchies and described
in the OWL Lite ontology. If conformity queries
make use of some non-IFC concepts, we integrate
them into the ontology. The intervention of domain
experts is required in this case to define these
concepts with primitive IFC concepts. These
definitions are represented by RDF graphs (e.g.
GroundFloor is a subclass of IfcBuildingStorey
situated on the level of entering into a building).
Figure 1: GroundFloor definition by a rule of RDF graphs.
2.3 Acquisition of the RDF
Representation of a Project
The extraction of the RDF representation of a
construction project is conducted by a XSL
transformation of its initial ifcXML representation.
Such transformation is guided by the acquired
conformity-checking ontology. The acquired RDF is
then enriched with non-IFC concepts extracted from
conformity queries (e.g. a project representation is
enriched by GroundFloor concept defined by its
initial IFC-based data: IfcDoor, IfcStair, etc.).
Our conformity-checking model is based on the
matching of norm representations to construction
project representations. Such modelling corresponds
to the research on validation of knowledge bases
(Dibie-Barthélemy et al, 2004), constructed
according to the model of conceptual graphs (Sowa,
1984), (Baget, 2005). The results of matching and
the non-validation reasons are interpreted in terms of
conformity checking. To optimise expert reasoning,
we organise the base of conformity queries,
according to their semantic annotations, and define
the optimal scheduling of matching procedures.
3.1 Validation by Projection
The elementary reasoning mechanism of our
conformity-checking model is the matching of a
construction project representation with
representations of conformity queries. In practice,
we interest on the non-conformity condition and the
elements of the project causing its non-conformity
against a query: a construction project is conform to
a query, if there is no projection of the SPARQL
representation of this query into the RDF of the
project. If such projection is found for some
elements, these elements are non-conform. If the
RDF of the project does not contain enough
information “asked” by the query, the projection
cannot be established: no answer on the conformity.
3.2 Organisation of the Base of
Conformity Queries
The organisation of the base of annotated conformity
queries allows defining optimal scheduling of
matching procedures. First, we classify them
according to the regulation texts regrouping the
queries: (i) thematic (e.g. acoustics), (ii) regulation
type (e.g. NF norm); (iii) complex title, publication
date, etc.; (iv) level of application (e.g. European),
(v) destination of a building (e.g. public building).
This classification is generated automatically by
parsing the RDF semantic annotations of conformity
queries. Second, we classify conformity queries on
the basis of specialisation/generalisation relations,
which can be found in their graph patterns. For
example, queries concerning a building (e.g. public
building, three-floor house, school) are in the class
defined by a primitive concept IfcBuilding.
3.3 Formalisation of Expert Reasoning
By organizing the queries, we define the optimal
scheduling of matching procedures as a set of
explicit expert rules, which are defined by priorities
holding between whole classes of queries.
For conformity queries classified according to
regulation texts from which they were extracted, the
scheduling of these queries corresponds to the
order/hierarchy of their classes: e.g. queries
extracted from decrees are prior to circular ones.
For queries classified according to
specialisation/generalisation relations between their
graph patterns, queries representing more specialised
knowledge are treated in priority: e.g. an entrance
door query is prior to a door query (entrance door is
a specialisation of door): the non-conformity of a
project to the first one implies its non-conformity to
the second one.
For queries classified according to their semantic
annotations, priority is given to the queries with
most specific annotations: e.g. to check the
accessibility of a school, we should start by queries
applied to public building receiving sitting public
and continue by more general queries applied to
public building receiving public.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.4 Analysis of the Results of
Conformity Checking Process
The results of the validation process (validation/non-
validation, elements causing the non-validation and
its possible reasons) are used to generate a
conformity report, which interprets them in the
terms of conformity checking: “what’s and why’s of
non-conformity”. It lists thus the failed queries: (i)
because of non-matching; (ii) which graph pattern is
more general in comparison to the ones previously
failed; (iii) which annotation is more general in
comparison to the annotation of a failed query.
Moreover, the other possible reason of validation
failure is the case when the representation of the
construction project does not contain enough
information for matching. For such incomplete
representations, it is useful to define the lacking
elements (the pattern sub graphs of the query which
can not be matched) for necessary modifications.
The conformity-checking model we propose is
called C3R that stands for Conformity Checking in
Construction with the help of Reasoning (Fig. 2).
Figure 2: C3R in a nutshell.
The main phases of the C3R approach are as
follows: (1) Acquisition of conformity queries; (2)
Semantic annotation of queries and hierarchical
organisation in query base; (3) Acquisition of
conformity-checking ontology; (4) Acquisition of a
useful annotation of a construction project; (5)
Application of expert rules; (6) Validation by
matching; (7) Generation of the conformity report.
For the checking operation itself, C3R relies on
the semantic search engine CORESE (Corby, Faron-
Zucker, 2007), which answers SPARQL queries
asked against an RDF/OWL Lite knowledge base.
We have presented an ontological approach for the
conformity-checking model in construction. Our
checking model is based on matching of an RDF
representation of a project to a SPARQL conformity
query. We developed a special semantic annotation
of conformity queries that integrates the meta-
knowledge on the checking process. The queries are
organized according to these annotations. This
allows formalising expert rules guiding the checking
process and interpreting the results of checking in
terms of conformity in construction. Ongoing works
focus on the incremental development of the C3R
prototype and its validation by construction experts.
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