Ariel Gómez, Jorge Ropero, Carlos León and Alejandro Carrasco
Department of Electronic Technology,University of Seville, Seville, Spain
Keywords: Term Weighting, Information Extraction, Information Retrieval, Vector Space Model, Intelligent Agent.
Abstract: Term Weighting (TW) is one of the most important tasks for Information Retrieval (IR). To solve the TW
problem, many authors have considered Vector Space Model, and specifically, they have used the TF-IDF
method. As this method does not take into account some of the features of terms, we propose a novel
alternative fuzzy logic based method for TW in IR. TW is an essential task for the Web Intelligent Agent we
are developing. Intelligent Agent mode of operation is also explained in the paper. An application of the
Intelligent Agent will be in operation soon for the University of Seville web portal.
The spectacular advance of Information Technology
and especially of the internet has caused an
enormous increase of the available information for
the users. Nowadays, it is not only a question of
finding the information but of selecting the essential
For a long time researchers have faced the
problem of managing this high amount of
information. IR research deals mainly with
documents. Achieving both high recall and precision
in IR is one of its most important aims. IR has been
widely used for text classification (Aronson et al.,
1994; Liu et al., 2001) introducing approaches such
as Vector Space Model (VSM), K nearest neighbour
method (KNN), Bayesian classification model and
Support Vector Machine (SVM) (Lu et al., 2002).
VSM is the most frequently used model. In VSM, an
object – i.e., a document - is conceptually
represented by a vector of keywords extracted from
the object, with associated weights representing their
importance in the document. Typically, the so-called
TF-IDF method is used for determining the weight
of a term (Lee et al., 1997). Term Frequency (TF) is
the frequency of occurrence of a term in a document
and Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) varies
inversely with the number of documents to which
the term is assigned. A usual formula to describe the
weight of a term j in document i is w
= tf
x idf
This formula has been modified and improved by
many authors to achieve better results in IR (Lee et
al., 1997; Liu et al., 2001; Zhao & Karypis, 2002;
Xu et al., 2003), but it was never taken into account
that some other aspects of keywords may be
important for determining term weights apart from
TF and IDF.
In this paper, we introduce a novel fuzzy logic
based Term Weighting (TW) scheme. This scheme
bears in mind some other features that we consider
important for calculating the weight of a term, taking
advantage of fuzzy logic flexibility.
In previous investigations, we have proposed the use
of a fuzzy logic based intelligent agent for
Information Extraction (IE) (Ropero et al., 2007).
This proposal came from the need of approaching to
the contents of an extensive set of accumulated
knowledge and it is based on the fact that a set of
objects may be qualified on closely related families.
The generality of the proposed method is a
consequence of the substitution of the objects for
their representations in Natural Language (NL).
Therefore, the same techniques may be applied to
sets of any nature and, particularly, to sets of
accumulated knowledge of any kind.
As described below, one of the most
controverted tasks that are held to build the
Gómez A., Ropero J., León C. and Carrasco A. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 496-499
DOI: 10.5220/0001700604960499
intelligent agent is TW. This paper describes how to
improve the intuitive TW method that was proposed
in our previous investigations by means of an
automated process.
2.1 NL Object Representation
As mentioned above, it is necessary to associate a
NL representation to every object in a set of
accumulated knowledge. The process consists of two
The first step is to build a question in NL, i.e. the
object. Its answer is the desired to be represented.
This is what we call a standard-question. Knowledge
Engineer’s expertise with regard to object field
jargon is important provided that the higher
knowledge the higher reliability of the standard-
questions proposed for the representation of the
object. This is because they are more similar to
possible user consultations. Nevertheless, it is
possible to re-define object representations or to add
new definitions analyzing user consultations and
studying their syntax and their vocabulary.
Consequently, the system can refine its knowledge
by means of the Knowledge Engineer.
The second step is keyword selection. These
keywords are selected from the words in a standard-
question whose meaning is strongly related to the
represented object.
2.2 Hierarchic Structure
The standard-question collection generated from the
whole set of knowledge must be organized in
hierarchical groups. This offers the advantage of
easier handling. The proposed method classifies
objects in a completely vertical way forcing every
object to be accessible in only one way across the
classification tree, that is to say, classifying it under
a unique criterion or group of criteria. Group
assignment decision is adopted by a Knowledge
Engineer on the basis of common subject matter.
This way objects are classified under an only root
tree structure where several levels are established.
Figure 1: Mode of operation of the system.
The mode of operation of the system is shown in
Figure 1. Table 1 shows an example of how
keyword extraction takes place.
Table 1: Keyword Extraction Example.
Term Content Example
Information to
We introduce a novel
fuzzy logic based term
weighting scheme
NL sentence Which is the topic of the
conference paper?
Selected words
from Standard-
Topic, conference, paper.
3.1 Term Weighting Parameters
The classification of the objects in the set of
knowledge has to be performed according to the
structure and the criteria proposed above. A set of
keywords representing one or several objects is
available. In addition, the degree of belonging of
every keyword to the sets where it appears does not
have to be the same. Thus, there are several sets for
every level. Keywords can belong to more than one
set or subset in the same level. It is then necessary to
define a term weight to specify a keyword degree of
belonging for every set in every level. These weights
indicate the degree of belonging of every keyword to
the corresponding subset.
The relation between keywords and objects –
term weight – is determined on the basis of 4
parameters that are described below:
The first parameter is the number of objects in a
considered set containing a keyword. This parameter
is related to IR concept of Term Frequency (TF).
The more objects in a set a keyword belongs to, the
higher value for the corresponding term weight.
The second parameter is the number of objects in
different sets to the considered containing a
keyword. This parameter is related to IR concept of
Inverse Document Frequency (IDF). The more
objects in different sets a keyword belongs to, the
lower value for the corresponding term weight.
The third parameter is the degree of
identification of the object if only the considered
keyword is used. This parameter has a strong
influence on the final value of a term weight. The
more a keyword identifies an object, the higher
value for the corresponding term weight.
Nevertheless, this parameter creates two
disadvantages in terms of practical aspects when it
comes to carrying out a term weight automated and
systematic assignment. On the one hand, the degree
of identification is not deductible from any
characteristic of a keyword, so it must be specified
by the Knowledge Engineer. The assigned values
could be neither univocal nor systematic. On the
second hand, the same keyword may have a different
relationship with every object. The solution to both
problems is to create a table with all the keywords
and their corresponding weights for every object.
This table will be created in the phase of keyword
extraction from standard-questions. Imprecision
practically does not affect the working method due
to the fact that both term weighting and information
extraction are based on fuzzy logic, what minimizes
possible variations of the assigned weights. In the
example set in section 2.2, this parameter would rise
to a higher value for the word ‘topic’, but it would
not be so high for the word ‘conference’.
The fourth parameter is related to what we have
called join terms. In the example set in section 2.2,
‘conference paper’ would constitute two join terms.
Join terms have lower weights provided that the
appearance of these join terms is what really
determines the object with major certainty whereas
the appearance of only one the words may refer to
another object.
The consideration of these parameters
determines the weight of a keyword for every subset
in every level. We have to consider that some
systems size may change, so that it will be necessary
to modify the weights. For this reason, it is a good
idea to consider term weighting as an automated
task. As the rules for determining term weights are
not mathematically precise, this process is a good
candidate for a solution by means of fuzzy logic.
3.2 Term Weighting
In order to automate term weighting on the basis of
the above described parameters, a set of rules have
been defined. These rules are expressed on the
If…Then way. Once the values of the above
mentioned parameters have been determined, they
are taken as the input to a fuzzy logic engine which
considers the relative weight of each one and returns
a value which corresponds to proposed term weight.
Logically, the more inputs the engine has, the
more rules there are. Inputs can take three values:
Low, Medium and High. Outputs can take the values
of Low, Medium-Low, Medium-High and High.
Some examples of the defined inference rules are:
- If all inputs are Low, Then output is Low.
- If input2 is Low, input1 is Medium or High and the
others are High, Then output is Medium-Low.
- If input2 is High and one of parameters 3 and 4 is
High, Then output is Medium-High.
- If inputs 2, 3 and 4 are High, Then output is High.
Figure 2: Term weighting process.
The possible combinations generate 81 rules.
The fuzzy engine uses triangular fuzzy sets, a
singleton fuzzifier and centroid defuzzifier. The
whole process is shown in Figure 2.
Besides, due to the fact that IE system uses two
fuzzy engines which do not work in the same way as
it depends on the number of keywords, (Ropero,
2007) the proposed weight suffers a later
modification depending on the number of keywords
that represent the object.
Figure 3: Term Weight Generator interface.
For the comparative study of the automatically
obtained weight values and the ones that were
proposed intuitively by the Knowledge Engineer, a
specific application has been developed. Weights are
generated according to the described parameters and
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
rules managing to fit fuzzy logic rules and verifying
that equivalent results are obtained. In Figure 3, the
interface for the term weight generator is shown.
As we did in (Ropero et al., 2007) tests are based on
the use of standard-questions as user consultations.
The first goal of these tests is to check that the
system makes a correct identification of standard-
questions with an index of certainty higher than 0.7.
The use of fuzzy logic makes it possible to identify
not only the corresponding standard-question but
others as well. This is related to recall, though it
does not match that exact definition (Ruiz &
Srinivasan, 1998). The second goal is to check if the
required standard-question is among the three
answers with higher degree of certainty. These three
answers should be presented to the user, with the
correct one among these three options. This is
related to precision. The obtained results are shown
in Table 2.
Table 2: Obtained Results.
Type of system First
the first
Out of
the first
Intuitive Term
77 %
20.5 %
1 %
1.5 %
Automatic Term
79 %
17 %
2 %
2 %
Comparative tests between the results obtained
with the fuzzy logic engine and the ones proposed
by the Knowledge Engineer System are very
satisfactory as it is observed that rules fit correctly to
produce a few functionally equal coefficients to the
wished ones.
Besides, there are two important advantages for
the new method: on the one hand, term weighting is
automatic; on the second hand, the level of required
expertise is much lower, as there is no need for an
operator to know very much about the way fuzzy
logic engine works, but only to know how many
times a keyword appears in every set and the answer
to some simple questions – Does a keyword
undoubtedly define an object by itself? Is a keyword
tied to another one? - .
As said above, comparative tests between the results
obtained with the fuzzy logic engine and the ones
obtained by Knowledge Engineer System’s expertise
are very similar. Taking into account that there are
two fundamental advantages with our new method -
automation and less level of expertise required – we
must conclude that the method is suitable for Term
Weighting in Information Retrieval. This method
will be used for the design of a Web Intelligent
Agent which will soon start to work for the
University of Seville web page.
The work described in this paper has been supported
by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science
(MEC: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia) through
project reference number DPI2006-15467-C02-02.
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