In order to evaluate the performance of the fuzzy
adaptation mechanism under consideration we
carried out the number of simulation in Matlab 6.0
and Simulink 3.0. We compare the control
performance of the system that use the PID
controller and fuzzy adaptation mechanism with that
of the PID controller only. In the PID controller, we
use the parameters
, and
calculated in
Fan, Ren and Lin 2003.
We used the network topology shown in
Figure 7.
source 2
source 1
source 3
60 Mb/s
60 Mb/s
60 Mb/s
100 Mb/s
Figure 7: Network topology used for the simulation.
The results of simulations for conventional PID
and fuzzy PID (PID with fuzzy adaptation)
algorithms are shown in Figures 8 and 9.
The goodput presented in Fig. 8 is the ratio of
the total number of nonduplicate packets received at
all destinations per unit time to link capacity. System
with fuzzy adaptation of PID achieves a higher
goodput than conventional PID.
Figure 8: Goodput versus simulation time for both fuzzy
PID and conventional PID.
As can be seen from Fig. 9 the queue length is
regulated around the target value 100 packets for
both fuzzy PID and PID algorithms. For
conventional PID we have observed the higher
magnitude of overshoots.
Figure 9: Queue length versus simulation time for both
fuzzy PID and conventional PID.
The performance specification of system with fuzzy
adaptation mechanism is better than the performance
of system with conventional PID controller.
This paper presents the problem of fuzzy adaptation
in the congestion control system with PID controller
in TCP network.
The fuzzy mechanism has been tested in
simulations. Simulation results show that the system
with the proposed fuzzy inference system has better
performance and queue length behavior than system
with the conventional PID. The future work can
include the design of mechanism, which can tune the
parameters of membership functions on line, using
measurements from the network, to obtain even
better behaviour.
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