Pablo Garcia Bringas, Yoseba K. Penya
University of Deusto, Faculty of Engineering - ESIDE, 48007 Bilbao, Bizkaia, Spain
Stefano Paraboschi, Paolo Salvaneschi
University of Bergamo, Faculty of Engineering, 24044 Dalmine, Bergamo, Italy
Keywords: Intrusion Detection, Intrusion Prevention, Misuse Detection, Anomaly Detection, Data Mining, Machine
Learning, Bayesian Networks.
Abstract: Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) aim at preventing network attacks and unauthorised remote
use of computers. More accurately, depending on the kind of attack it targets, an NIDS can be oriented to
detect misuses (by defining all possible attacks) or anomalies (by modelling legitimate behaviour and
detecting those that do not fit on that model). Still, since their problem knowledge is restricted to possible
attacks, misuse detection fails to notice anomalies and vice versa. Against this, we present here ESIDE-
Depian, the first unified misuse and anomaly prevention system based on Bayesian Networks to analyse
completely network packets, and the strategy to create a consistent knowledge model that integrates misuse
and anomaly-based knowledge. Finally, we evaluate ESIDE-Depian against well-known and new attacks
showing how it outperforms a well-established industrial NIDS.
The Internet System Consortium estimates that,
nowadays, more than 489 million computers are
connected to the biggest network in the world
(Internet System Consortium, 2007). Being part of
such a vast community brings amazing possibilities
but also worrying dangers. Against this record-
breaking growth (the same survey in July 2000
yielded only 93 million computers) traditional
passive measures for isolation and access control
have been proved inadequate to dam the current
flood of digital attacks and intrusion attempts.
In this way, the area of Computer Security and,
more accurately, Network Intrusion Detection
Systems (NIDS) have been lately subject of
increasing interest and research as suited answer
against the mentioned threat. Specifically, a NIDS is
a software in charge of distinguishing among
legitimate and malicious network users. Moreover,
due to the rising complexity and volume of the
attacks, NIDS are performed in an automated
manner, so the NIDS software monitors system
usage to identify behaviour breaking the security
Based on their scope, NIDS can be divided into
misuse or anomaly detectors. Initially, NIDS where
conceived as misuse detectors. This is, they had a
well-defined set of malicious behaviours and they
just supervised the system to find those. Misuse
Detection Systems are commonly characterized by a
high accuracy in their decisions, as well as by an
excellent throughput, since they are very good at
detecting well-known attacks. Nevertheless, they
also present an important flaw because they are not
able to response against unknown attacks and,
further, they require that an operator specifies the
expert knowledge. In order to overcome this
shortcoming, another strategy, known as anomaly
detection, has been developed during the last decade.
Anomaly Detection Systems model legitimate
system usage in order to obtain afterwards a
certainty measure of potential deviations from that
normal profile. Each deviation that is found
significant enough will be worth of being considered
anomalous and notified to a human operator. This
alarm can be analysed manually or processed
Garcia Bringas P., K. Penya Y., Paraboschi S. and Salvaneschi P. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 62-69
DOI: 10.5220/0001702300620069
automatically either to filter intruder actions (in line
with Intrusion Prevention paradigm), reconfigure the
environment or collect audit information. Anomaly
Detection Systems, however, cannot compete with
Misuse Detection ones when it comes to detect well-
known attacks; therefore, each approach fails when
it comes to the other’s area of expertise.
Now, several paradigms have been used to
develop diverse NIDS approaches (a detailed
analysis of related work in this area can be found for
instance in (Kabiri and Ghorbani, 2005)): Expert
Systems (Alipio et al., 2003), Finite Automatons
(Vigna et al., 2000), Rule Induction Systems
(Kantzavelou and Katsikas, 1997), Neural Networks
(Mukkamala et al., 2005), Intent Specification
Languages (Doyle et al., 2001), Genetic Algorithms
(Kim et al., 2005), Fuzzy Logic (Chavan et al.,
2004) Support Vector Machines (Mukkamala et al.,
2005), Intelligent Agent Systems (Helmer et al.,
2003) or Data-Mining-based approaches (Lazarevic
et al., 2003). Still, none of them tries to combine
anomaly and misuse detection and, fail when applied
to either well-known or zero-day attacks. There is
one exception in (Valdes and Skinner, 2000), but the
analysis of network packets is too superficial (only
headers) to yield any good results in real life.
Moreover, few proposed models such as (Singhal
and Jajodia, 2006; Brugger, 2004) add historical data
neither for analysis nor for sequential adaptation of
the knowledge representations models used for
detection, so this information about the essence and
the potential trends of the target system is not
commonly considered, so as to, e.g., obtain a
baseline profile of normal behaviour.
Against this background, this paper advances the
state of the art in two main ways. First, we present
ESIDE-Depian (Intelligent Security Environment for
Detection and Prevention of Network Intrusions),
the first inherently unified Misuse and Anomaly
Detector that analyses the whole network packet.
Second, we detail a new methodology and
knowledge representation model that allow the
adaptive reasoning engine of ESIDE-Depian infer
conclusions considering both Misuse and Anomaly
Detection characteristic knowledge in an unified and
homogeneous way.
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows. Section 2 describes the general architecture
of ESIDE-Depian, including the creation process of
the knowledge model for each kind of Bayesian
Experts used for Misuse Detection and the
integration of all verdicts in one Naive Bayesian
Network to assure a coherent outcome. Section 3
presents the experiments carried out to evaluate
ESIDE-Depian with real network traffic. Finally,
Section 4 concludes and outlines the future work.
The internal design of ESIDE-Depian is principally
determined by its dual nature. Being both a misuse
and anomaly detection system requires answering to
sometimes clashing needs and demands. This is, it
must be able to simultaneously offer efficient
response against both well-known and zero-day
attacks. In order to ease the way to this goal, ESIDE-
Depian has been conceived and deployed in a
modular way that allows decomposing of the
problem into several smaller units. Thereby, Snort (a
rule-based state of the art Misuse Detection System
(Roesch, 1999)), has been integrated to improve the
training procedure to increase the accuracy of
ESIDE-Depian. Following a strategy proven
successful in this area (Alipio et al., 2003), the
reasoning engine we present here is composed of a
number of Bayesian experts working over a common
knowledge model.
The Bayesian experts must cover all possible
areas where a menace may rise. In this way, there
are 5 Bayesian experts in ESIDE-Depian, as follows:
3 of them deal with packet headers of TCP, UDP,
ICMP and IP network protocols, the so-called TCP-
IP, UDP-IP and ICMP-IP expert modules. A further
one, the Connection Tracking Expert, analyses
potential temporal dependencies between TCP
network events and, finally, the Protocol Payload
Expert in charge of the packet payload analysis. In
order to obtain the knowledge model, each expert
carries out separately a Snort-driven supervised
learning process on its expertise area. Therefore, the
final knowledge model is the sum of the individual
ones obtained by each expert. Fig. 1 shows the
general ESIDE-Depian architecture.
The rest of this section is devoted to detail the
creation and up-dating of the knowledge model for
each kind of Bayesian expert (including the exact
role of Snort in this process) and the way ESIDE-
Depian converges all experts’ verdicts.
2.1 ESIDE-Depian Knowledge Model
Generation Process
The obtaining of the knowledge model in an
automated manner can be achieved in an
unsupervised or supervised way.
Figure 1: ESIDE-Depian General Architecture.
Typically, unsupervised learning approaches
don’t have into consideration expert knowledge
about well-known attacks. They achieve their own
decisions based on several mathematical
representations of distance between observations
from the target system, revealing themselves as ideal
for performing Anomaly Detection. On the other
hand, supervised learning models do use expert
knowledge in their making of decisions, in the line
of Misuse Detection paradigm, but usually present
high-cost administrative requirements. Thus, both
approaches present important advantages and several
shortcomings. Being both ESIDE-Depian, it is
necessary to set a balanced solution that enables to
manage in an uniform way both kinds of knowledge.
Therefore, ESIDE-Depian uses not only Snort
information gathering capabilities, but also Snort’s
decision-based labelling of network traffic. Thereby,
the learning processes inside ESIDE-Depian can be
considered as automatically-supervised Bayesian
learning, divided into the following phases. Please
note that this sequence only applies for the standard
generation process followed by the Packet Header
Parameter Analysis experts, (i.e. the TCP-IP, UDP-
IP and ICMP-IP expert modules):
Traffic Sample Obtaining. First we need to
establish the information source in order to
gather the sample. This set usually includes
normal traffic (typically gathered from the
network by sniffing, arp poisoning or so), as
well as malicious traffic generated by the
well-known arsenal of hacking tools such as
(Metasploit, 2006), etc. Subsequently, the
Snort Intrusion Detection System embedded in
ESIDE-Depian adds labelling information
regarding the legitimacy or malice of the
network packets. Specifically, Snort’s main
decision about a packet is added to the set of
detection parameters, receiving the name of
attack variable. In this way, it is possible to
obtain a complete sample of evidences,
including, in the formal aspect of the sample,
both protocol fields and also Snort labelling
information. Therefore, it combines
knowledge about normal behaviour and also
knowledge about well-known attacks, or, in
other words, information necessary for Misuse
Detection and for Anomaly Detection.
Structural Learning. The next step is devoted to
define the operational model ESIDE-Depian
should work within. With this goal in mind,
we have to provide logical support for
knowledge extracted from network traffic
information. Packet parameters need to be
related into a Bayesian structure of nodes and
edges, in order to ease the later conclusion
inference over this mentioned structure. In
particular, the PC-Algorithm (Spirtes et al.,
2001) is used here to achieve the structure of
causal and/or correlative relationships among
given variables from data. In other words, the
PC-Algorithm uses the traffic sample data to
define the Bayesian model, representing the
whole set of dependence and independence
relationships among detection parameters.
Due to its high requirements in terms of
computational and temporal resources, this
phase is usually performed in an off-line
Parametric Learning. The knowledge model
fixed so far is a qualitative one. Therefore, the
following step is to apply parametric learning
in order to obtain the quantitative model
representing the strength of the collection of
previously learned relationships, before the
exploitation phase began. Specifically,
ESIDE-Depian implements maximum
likelihood estimate (Murphy, 2001) to achieve
this goal. This method completes the Bayesian
model obtained in the previous step by
defining the quantitative description of the set
of edges between parameters. This is,
structural learning finds the structure of
probability distribution functions among
detection parameters, and parametric learning
fills this structure with proper conditional
probability values.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Bayesian Inference. Next, every packet capture
from the target communication infrastructure
needs one value for the posterior probability
of a badness variable, (i.e. the Snort label),
given the set of observable packet detection
parameters. So, we need an inference engine
based on Bayesian evidence propagation.
More accurately, we use the Lauritzen and
Spiegelhalter method for conclusion inference
over junction trees, provided it is slightly
more efficient than any other in terms of
response time (Castillo et al., 1997). Thereby,
already working in real time, incoming
packets are analysed by this method (with the
basis of observable detection parameters
obtained from each network packet) to define
the later probability of the attack variable. The
continuous probability value produced here
represents the certainty that an evidence is
good or bad. Generally, a threshold based
alarm mechanism can be added in order to get
a balance between false positive and negative
rates, depending on the context.
Adaptation. Normally, the system operation
does not keep a static on-going way, but
usually presents more or less important
deviations as a result of service installation or
reconfiguration, deployment of new
equipment, and so on. In order to keep the
knowledge representation model updated with
potential variations in the normal behaviour of
the target system, ESIDE-Depian uses the
general sequential/incremental maximum
likelihood estimates (Murphy, 2001) (in a
continuous or periodical way) in order to
achieve continuous adaptation of the model to
potential changes in the normal behaviour of
2.2 Connection Tracking and Payload
Analysis Bayesian Experts
Knowledge Model Generation
The Connection Tracking expert attends to potential
temporal influence among network events within
TCP-based protocols (Estevez-Tapiador et al.,
2003), and, therefore, it requires an structure that
allows to include the concept of time (predecessor,
successor) in its model. Similarly, the Payload
Analysis expert, devoted to packet payload analysis,
needs to model state transitions among symbols and
tokens in the payload (following the strategy
proposed in (Kruegel and Vigna, 2003)). Usually,
Markov models are used in such contexts due to
their capability to represent problems based on
stochastic state transitions. Nevertheless, the
Bayesian concept is even more suited since it not
only includes representation of time (in an inherent
manner), but also provides generalization of the
classical Markov models adding features for
complex characterization of states. Specifically, the
Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN) concept is
commonly recognized as a superset of Hidden
Markov Models (Ghahramani, 1998), and, among
other capabilities, it can represent dependence and
independence relationships between parameters
within one common state (i.e. in the traditional static
Bayesian style), and also within different
chronological states.
Thus, ESIDE-Depian implements a fixed two-
node DBN structure to emulate the Markov-Chain
Model (with at least the same representational power
and also the possibility to be extended in the future
with further features) because full-exploded use of
Bayesian concepts can remove several restrictions of
Markov-based designs. For instance, it is not
necessary to establish the first-instance structural
learning process used by the packet header analysis
experts since the structure is clear in beforehand.
Moreover, according to (Estevez-Tapiador et al.,
2003; Kruegel and Vigna, 2003), the introduction of
an artificial parameter may ease this kind of
analysis. Respectively, the Connection Tracking
expert defines an artificial detection parameter,
named TCP-h-flags (which is based on an
arithmetical combination of TCP flags) and the
Payload Analysis expert uses the symbol and token
(in fact, there are two Payload Analysis experts: one
for token analysis and another for symbol analysis).
Finally, traffic behaviour (and so TCP flags
temporal transition patterns) as well as payload
protocol lexical and syntactical patterns may differ
substantially depending on the sort of service
provided from each specific equipment (i.e. from
each different IP address and from each specific
TCP destination port). To this end, ESIDE-Depian
uses a multi-instance schema, with several Dynamic
Bayesian Networks, one for each combination of
TCP destination address and port. Afterwards, in the
exploitation phase, Bayesian inference can be
performed from real-time incoming network
packets. In this case, the a-priori fixed structure
suggests the application of the expectation and
maximization algorithm (Murphy, 2001), in order to
calculate not the posterior probability of attack, but
the probability which a single packet fits the learned
model with.
2.3 Naive Bayesian Network of the
Expert Modules
Having different Bayesian modules is a two-fold
strategy. On the one hand, the more specific
expertise of each module allows them to deliver
more accurate verdicts but, on the other hand, there
must be a way to solve possible conflicting
decisions. In other words, a unique measure must
emerge from the diverse judgements.
To this end, ESIDE-Depian presents a two-tiered
schema where the first layer is composed of the
results from the expert modules and the second layer
includes only one class parameter: the most
conservative response among those provided by
Snort and the expert modules community (i.e. in
order to prioritize the absence of false negatives in
front of false positives). Thus, both layers form, in
fact, a Naive Bayesian Network (as shown in Fig. 1
and Fig. 2).
Such a Naive classifier (Castillo et al., 1997) has
been proposed sometimes in Network Intrusion
Detection, mostly for Anomaly Detection. This
approach provides a good balance between
representative power and performance, and also
affords interesting flexibility capabilities which
allow, for instance, ESIDE-Depian’s dynamical
enabling and disabling of expert modules, in order to
support heavy load conditions derived e.g. from
denial of service attacks.
Now, Naive Bayesian Network parameters
should have a discrete nature which, depending on
the expert, could not be the case. To remove this
problem, ESIDE-Depian allows the using of the
aforementioned set of administratively-configured
threshold conditioning functions.
Finally, the structure of the Naive Bayesian
Network model is fixed in beforehand, assuming the
existence of conditional independence hypothesis
among every possible cause and the standing of
dependency edges between these causes and the
effect or class. Therefore, here is also not necessary
to take into consideration any structural learning
process for it; only sequential parametric learning
must be performed, while the expert modules
produce their packet classifying verdicts during their
respective parametric learning stages.
Once this step is accomplished, the inference of
unified conclusions and the sequential adaptation of
knowledge can be provided in the same way
mentioned before. Fig. 2 details the individual
knowledge models and how do they fit to conform
the general one.
In order to measure the performance of ESIDE-
Depian, we have designed two different kinds of
experiments. In the first group, the network suffers
well-known attacks (i.e. Misuse Detection) and in
the second group, zero-day attacks (i.e. Anomaly
Detection), putting each aspect of the double nature
of ESIDE-Depian to the test. In both cases, the
system was fed with a simulation of network traffic
comprising more than 700.000 network packets that
were sniffed during one-hour capture from a
University network. The first experiment
(corresponding to Misuse Detection) aimed to
compare Snort and the Packet Header Parameters
Analysis experts. To this end, Snort’s rule-set-based
knowledge was used as the main reference for the
labelling process, instantiated through Sneeze Snort-
stimulator (Snort, 2006). The sample analysed was a
mixture of normal and poisoned traffic. Table 1
details the results of this experiment.
Table 1: Bayesian expert modules for TCP, UDP and
ICMP header analysis results.
Indicator TCP UDP ICMP
Analyzed network packets 699.568 5.130 1.432
Snort’s hits 38 0 450
ESIDE-Depian’s hits 38 0 450
Anomalous network packets 600 2 45
False negatives 0 0 0
Potential false positives rates 0,08% 0,03% 3,14%
As it can be seen, the three experts achieved a
100% rate of hitting success. Anyway, such results
aren’t surprising, since ESIDE-Depian integrates
Snort’s knowledge and if Snort is able to detect an
attack, ESIDE-Depian should do so. Nevertheless,
not only the number of hits is important; the number
of anomalous packets detected reflects the level of
integration between the anomaly and the misuse
detection part of ESIDE-Depian. In fact, the latter
can be highlighted as the most important
achievement of ESIDE-Depian: detecting unusual
packets preserving the misuse detection advantages
at the same time. Concerning potential false rates, it
is possible to observe that very good rates are
reached for TCP and UDP protocols (according to
the values defined in (Crothers, 2002) to be not
human-operator-exhausting), but not so good for
ICMP. Table 1 shows, however, a significant bias in
the number of attacks introduced in the ICMP traffic
sample (above 30%), and labelled as so by Snort;
thus, it is not strange the slightly excessive rate of
anomalous packets detected here by ESIDE-Depian.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: ESIDE-Depian Final Knowledge Representation Model.
In the second experiment (also corresponding to
misuse detection), the goal was to test the other
expert modules (Connection Tracking and Payload
Analysis). With this objective in mind, a set of
attacks against a representation of popular services
were fired through several hacking tools such as
(Metasploit, 2006). The outcome of this test is
summarized in Table 2.
As we see, ESIDE-Depian prevailed in all cases
with a 0% rate of false negatives and a 100% of
hitting rate success. Still, not only Snort’s
knowledge and normal traffic behaviour absorption
was tested; the third experiment intended to assess
ESIDE-Depian’s performance with zero-day attacks.
With this idea in mind, a sample of artificial
anomalies (Lee et al., 2001) was prepared with
Snort’s rule set as basis and crafted (by means of the
tool Packit) with slight variations aiming to avoid
Snort’s detection (i.e. Zero-day attacks unnoticeable
for misuse detection systems). Some of these attacks
are detailed next. Table 3 shows the results of this
Table 2: Bayesian expert modules for connection tracking
and payload analysis results.
Analyzed network packets 226.428 2.676 2.676
Attacks in the sample 29 139 19
ESIDE-Depian’s hits 29 139 19
Anomalous network packets 0 0 3
False negatives 0 0 0
Potential false positives rates 0,00% 0,00% 0,11%
Table 3: Example of Zero-Day attacks detected by ESIDE-
Depian and not by Snort.
Protocol Artificial Network Anomaly Snort
packit -nnn -s -F SFP
-d -D 1023
packit –nnn -s -F A
-d -q 1958810375
packit –nnn -s
-d –F SAF
packit -t udp -s -o 0x10
-n 1 -T ttl -S 13352
-D 21763 -d
packit -t udp -s -o 0x10
-n 0 -T ttl -S 13353
-D 21763 -d
packit -t udp -s -o 0x50
-n 0 -T ttl -S 13352
-D 21763 -d
packit -i eth0 -t icmp -n 666
-K 0 -s -d
packit -i eth0 -t icmp -K 18
-C 0 -d
packit -i eth0 -t icmp -K 17
-C 0 -d
Note that overcoming of Snort’s expert
knowledge only has sense in those expert modules
using this knowledge. This is, in protocol header
specialized modules, because the semantics of
Snort’s labelling doesn’t fit the morphology of
payload and dynamic nature parameters.
As the use of Internet grows beyond all boundaries,
the number of menaces rises to become subject of
concern and increasing research. Against this,
Network Intrusion Detection Systems monitor local
networks to separate legitimate from dangerous
behaviours. According to their capabilities and
goals, NIDS are divided into Misuse Detection
Systems (which aim to detect well-known attacks)
and Anomaly Detection Systems (which aim to
detect zero-day attacks). So far, no system to our
knowledge combines advantages of both without
any of their disadvantages. Moreover, the use of
historical data for analysis or sequential adaptation is
usually ignored, missing in this way the possibility
of anticipating the behaviour of the target system.
Our system addresses both needs. We present
here ESIDE-Depian, a Bayesian-networks-based
Misuse and Anomaly Detection system. Our
approach integrates Snort as Misuse detector trainer
so the Bayesian Network of five experts is able to
react against both Misuse and Anomalies. The
Bayesian Experts are devoted to the analysis of
different network protocol aspects and obtain the
common knowledge model by means of separated
Snort-driven automated learning process. A naive
Bayesian network integrates the results of the
experts, all the partial verdicts achieved by them.
Since ESIDE-Depian has passed the experiments
brilliantly, it is possible to conclude that ESIDE-
Depian using of Bayesian Networking concepts
allows to confirm an excellent basis for paradigm
unifying Network Intrusion Detection, providing not
only stable Misuse Detection but also effective
Anomaly Detection capabilities, with one only
flexible knowledge representation model and a well-
proofed inference and adaptation bunch of methods.
On the other hand, the Bayesian approach also
enables to implement powerful features over it, such
as Dynamic-Bayesian-Network-based intrinsic full
representation of time, in order to accomplish
totally-characterised connection tracking and low-
level chronological event correlation, or explanation
tracking of the inferred cause-effect reasoning
processes. Furthermore, contrary to other approaches
such as Neural Networks, Bayesian networks allow
administrative managing of inner information
structures, so specific relationships among packet
detection parameters and final conclusion can be
explained, in a white-box manner. Moreover, it is
not only possible to recover reasoning information,
but also to act on both Bayesian network structures
and conditional probability parameters, in order to
adjust the whole behaviour of the Network Intrusion
Detection System to special needs or configurations.
Further, dynamic regulation of knowledge
representation model can be accomplished by using
the sensibility analysis proposed in (Castillo et al.,
1997), so as to avoid denial of service attacks,
automatically enabling or disabling expert modules
by means of one combined heuristic measure which
considers specific throughputs and representative
power. In addition, it is also possible to perform
model optimization, to obtain the minimal set of
representative parameters, and also the minimal set
of edges among them, with the subsequent increase
of the general performance.
Approximate evidence propagation methods can
also be applied in order to improve inference and
adaptation time of response. Current expert models
only consider exact inference, but it is possible to
find methods which provide fast responses, with
only a small and affordable loss of accuracy.
Finally, Bayesian knowledge representation
models present one further interesting capability in
current Network Intrusion Detection state of art, the
possibility to provide an ad-hoc method for NIDS
evaluation. The Bayesian concept provides
simulation of learned knowledge corresponding
samples, so it is an ideal environment for artificial
anomaly generation.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Future work will focus on further research on
exploiting the aforementioned omni-directional
inference capability of Bayesian networks to the
prediction of the next event, as well as on comparing
ESIDE-Depian to other cutting-edge Intrusion
Detection Systems.
The authors would like to thank the Regional
Government of Biscay and the Basque Goverment
for their financial support.
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