adapt the model proposed to a metadata pattern for
KDD systems. CWM was the pattern chosen, due to
the fact of being one of the most suitable approaches
in the DW domain. It has been constructed as a
metadata pattern for this very application domain
and it is already supported by a large number of DW
software vendors (Melchert et al., 2005).
Only the main packages (Foundation, Resource,
Analysis and Management) of CWM were used.
However, there is the possibility of other packages
are supported by this model. This is a proposal for
future work.
A manager of metadata was developed, as being a
software component, to give support to the
registration and access to all information contained
in the metadata here proposed. Such a component is
based on the reference architecture proposed by
Valentin (2006). That architecture is divided into
layers, and it is based on architecture oriented to
service, named SOA (Service Oriented
Architecture). Thus, a layer is defined, in order to
join the business processes, whereas another layer is
used for services regarding application. Besides that,
other layers offer support for the accomplishment of
some services, among them, the services related to
the metadata management.
Some UML diagrams were built in the design
of the manager of metadata. Figure 1 shows the
Diagram of Classes, where classes represent the
model tags in XML.
A case study was realized using the manager of
metadata and a XML was generated to register data
about the data involved in the KDD process. After,
the XML was used to realize operations of simple
queries about the organization business. More details
can be found in (Carvalho, 2007).
The metadata model described in the present paper
is based on CWM pattern; on metadata models
proposed by Tannenbaum (2002) and Castoldi
(1999); on the main stages of the process of
development of a KDD System defined by Feldens
et al. (1998); on the DW architecture defined by
Menolli and Dias (2006), and in addition, on the
reference architecture by Valentin (2006). In the
metadata model the fundamental information are
represented for a KDD system, that is, the
techniques (e.g.: the ones for finding the tables) used
as sources of data for DW, as well the management
techniques (e.g. for getting information on the date
of the last load accomplished in DW).
The XML language was used in order to provide
the interoperability of the metadata model proposed,
beyond the matter concerning performance, because
the metadata persistence are in XML, and due to
that, it reduces the overhead, and justifies its use.
Therefore, the main contribution of the present
paper is the definition of a metadata model in XML,
that it represents the items of fundamental metadata
to a KDD system. The main goal of the work
described in this paper was defining a physical and
portable model of metadata to support all the
activities of the KDD process, to make easy the
registration and the access of data of a DW, that it is
used in KDD systems.
Considering the possibility of further
investigations, some aspects can be suggested, such
as: a more detailed study/investigation, and the use
of a CWM pattern in a thorough way, and in
addition, the development of a KDD system that
includes the component of metadata management
here proposed.
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Castoldi, A. V., 1999. Um modelo de metadados para
suporte a sistemas de descoberta de conhecimento em
banco de dados. Monografia de Graduação – Ciência
da Computação. Departamento de Informática.
Universidade Estadual de Maringá.
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Feldens, M. A., Moraes, R. L., Pavan, A.; Castilho, J. M.
V., 1998. Towards a methodology for the discovery of
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warehousing and visualization. In CLEI’98 (XXIV
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