Ludivine Cr
LHC - LIG - ENSMSE, 46, avenue F
elix Viallet, 38031 Grenoble, France
Laurent Vercouter, Olivier Boissier
ENSMSE - Centre G2I, 158 cours Fauriel, 42023 Saint-
Etienne, France
Yves Demazeau
CNRS - LIG, 46, avenue F
elix Viallet, 38031 Grenoble, France
Franc¸ois Jacquenet
e Jean Monnet - LHC - CNRS, 18 rue Benoit Lauras, 42000 Saint-
Etienne, France
Multi-agent system, privacy preservation, sentive information protection and management.
The current evolution of Information Technology leads to the increase of automatic data processing over mul-
tiple information systems. In this context, the lack of user’s control on their personal data leads to the crucial
question of their privacy preservation. A typical example concerns the disclosure of confidential identity in-
formation, without the owner’s agreement. This problem is stressed in multi-agent systems (MAS) where
users delegate their control on their personal data to autonomous agents. Interaction being one of the main
mechanism in MAS, sensitive information exchange and processing are a key issue with respect to privacy. In
this article, we propose a model, ”Hippocratic Multi-Agent System” (HiMAS), to tackle this problem. This
model defines a set of principles bearing on an agency to preserve privacy. In order to illustrate our model, we
have chosen the concrete application of decentralized calendars management.
One of the main characteristics of multi-agent sys-
tems (Jennings and Wooldridge, 1999) is the interac-
tion. This feature implies information communica-
tion and many sensitive information can often spread
throughout the system without taking into account
this sensitiveness. Spam is certainly a typical exam-
ple: spammers get a user’s email address without the
user knowing how his mail has been disclosed. In this
paper we focus on privacy in multi-agent systems.
(Deswarte and Melchor, 2006) define five kind of
privacy enhancing technologies: IP and localization
protection, anonymous access, authorization needed
sensitive information and sensitive information pro-
tection. This article present a new model for sensitive
data management and protection in multi-agent sys-
tems. Sensitive information can be in relation with
the user (e.g. his identity) or with an agent (e.g. its
strategy of the negotiation). In our work, we do not
differentiate this two kind of information.
In this article, we propose a model we call ”Hip-
pocratic Multi-Agent System” (HiMAS) to tackle the
privacy preservation problem in relation with sensi-
tive information by using artificial agents.
This section focuses on various data-processing tech-
nologies in order to present the main privacy aspects.
2.1 Platform for Privacy Preferences
The Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) (W3C,
2002; Cranor, 2002) is an initiative of the W3C con-
sortium that aims to develop a standard to make sensi-
tive information management possible on both client
and server sides. A user specifies his preferences to
Crépin L., Vercouter L., Boissier O., Demazeau Y. and Jacquenet F. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 301-307
DOI: 10.5220/0001702803010307
define the constraints that he wishes to impose on his
personal data. The server which has to manage this
data specifies a policy on the collected information.
This standard thus makes it possible to specify
constraints on sensitive data management. Several
critics of the P3P have focused on the impossibility
for users to check if a server respects its engagement.
Other standards are under development at that time in
order to try to solve some of the drawbacks of the P3P.
2.2 Role-Based Access Control
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) (Sandhu et al.,
1996) has been designed in order to allow manage-
ment and dynamic data access control in dynamic
organizations and complex information systems.
A role is defined here as a set of access permis-
sions and a set of users. To ensure a flexible and dy-
namic management of the data access, the RBAC uses
sessions. Each session represents a mapping between
a user and a subset of roles. Such a system allows to
dynamically assign permissions to a user via a role.
This technology is only dedicated to accessing to
the sensitive information after its collection. Even if
the RBAC imposes more constraints on the use of sen-
sitive data than the P3P, we can regret a lack of control
on what happens to the data after it has been accessed.
2.3 Hippocratic Databases
The Hippocratic Databases model (Agrawal et al.,
2002), including some principles of the P3P and
RBAC, defines ten principles for privacy preservation.
The donor must know the purpose specification
for each sensitive data stored in the database in re-
lation with him. He had to give also his consent
for each data collected. The limited collection im-
plies a minimal data collection for the realization of
the purposes. The limited use principle imposes on
the database to use the collected information only for
the specified purpose. Due to the limited disclo-
sure principle, such a database had to communicate
the stored information only for the purpose and only
with the donor’s consent. Information shall be only
stored until the purpose realization (limited reten-
tion). The information accuracy had to be enforce.
Such a database had to guarantee the safety of the
stored information. A donor shall have access to all
information about him with the openness principle.
The last principle, compliance, implies that the donor
can verify that all the above principle is respected.
These principles allow to preserve privacy by fo-
cusing on safety, storage and communication of sen-
sitive data and also on the database operation.
2.4 Privacy and Peer-to-peer
(Damiani et al., 2004) proposed a decentralized pri-
vacy preserving approach for spam filtering with a
structured peer-to-peer (P2P) architecture. E-mail
servers share knowledge by a P2P network in order
to reduce spam. It allows to detect more spam mes-
sages with collaborative and filtering techniques.
(Belenkiy et al., 2007) presented an other vision
of privacy preserving P2P. This work focuses on the
security (with cryptographic technologies) and the
anonymity respect by using trusted entities and e-cash
to make interaction tracing not possible.
2.5 Multi-agent Systems and Privacy
Privacy preservation is becoming an important field
in the area of multi-agent systems. We propose here
some different visions of privacy in this domain.
In distributed constraint problems, privacy is re-
lated to data protection by decreasing the sharing
thus increasing the secret within the agency. Privacy
preservation focuses here on hiding the agent current
state. The main problem is that privacy preservation
makes algorithms less efficient (Freuder et al., 2001).
A first approach focuses on cryptology (Yokoo et al.,
2005) but is too expensive. There are also many al-
gorithms based on a random permutation for privacy
preservation that aren’t so much expensive (Nzouonta
et al., 2004; Greenstadt et al., 2006).
In multi-agent systems, many works propose to
preserve privacy using a guarantor agent in addition
to a high level of security. This agent guarantees com-
municated sensitive information between two agents
with respect to their desires (Bergenti, 2005), by using
filter entity and profile (Ciss
ee and Albayrak, 2007;
Rezgui et al., 2002). The main advantage of these
works is the use of only one trusted entity: the guar-
antor agent.
These different approaches allows us to define three
step for the information management in order to pre-
serve privacy. The first one is about the storage of
sensitive information: security is required. The sec-
ond one is the information communication which
must be safe. Moreover the users must know what
and how he gives his information. The last one im-
plies that a guarantee about the behavior of this entity
is required. This entity must describe the information
manipulations and makes a commitment to respect the
constraints fixed by the donor on the information.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The previous section makes us focus on problems
raised by the privacy preservation. Following this
rapid study we propose a model we call HiMAS, that
is Hippocratic Multi-Agent Systems. It defines the
private sphere concept in order to model privacy. It is
based on nine principles for privacy preservation in-
side multi-agent systems.
In order to illustrate the HiMAS model, we con-
sider a decentralized calendars management applica-
tion (Demazeau et al., 2006): each user is represented
by an agent in charge of the scheduling of events
(tasks or meetings). Timetables can be shared with
other agents. When the sharing is not possible, a ne-
gotiation system is necessary to fix the meetings.
3.1 Private Sphere
From many researches, we define the dimensions of
a private sphere as follows. The private sphere con-
cerns information that an agent considers as sensitive.
The ownership rights of the sensitive information are
only assigned to the agent concerned by this informa-
tion (Thomson, 1975). The private sphere is also per-
sonal (Demeulenaere, 2002; Baase, 2003), personal-
izable (the agent chooses what its private sphere con-
tains) (Westin, 1967) and context-dependent (Palen
and Dourish, 2003).
In order to introduce the private sphere inside
multi-agent systems we need to specify two tasks.
The first one is the private sphere management con-
sidering only one agent. The second task concerns the
private sphere protection that required the agency.
3.2 Nine Principles for Hippocratic
Our model, HiMAS, is inspired by the model pro-
posed by (Agrawal et al., 2002). Indeed it defines all
the fundamental principles for privacy preservation:
storage, communication and information becoming.
To represent the possible positions of an agent, we
define three roles (see figure 1). The consumer char-
acterizes the agent which asks for sensitive informa-
tion and which will use it. The provider characterizes
the agent which discloses a sensitive information. The
subject describes the agent subject of the sensitive in-
According to the HiMAS model an hippocratic
MAS must respect the following nine principles.
Purpose Specification. The provider must know
what are the objectives of the sensitive data transac-
Figure 1: Agents roles in a privacy preserving environment.
tion. In this way it can evaluate the communication
consequences. For example, the consumer asks the
providers plans in order to fix a meeting.
Consent. Each sensitive data transaction requires the
providers consent. For example, when a consumer
asks a provider for its planning at a precise date,
the provider has to give its consent. If the provider
and the subject aren’t the same agent, the subjects
consent is also needed.
Limited Collection. The consumer commits to cut-
ting down to a minimal number of data for realizing
its objectives. For example, when a consumer asks
a provider for its planning in order to fix a new
meeting, the consumer needs only to know its free
slots and occupied slots. It must not try to obtain
more information like meetings subject.
Limited Use. The consumer commits to using
sensitive providers information only to satisfy its ob-
jectives. In the previous example, the consumer must
only use the required planning to fix a new meeting
between the provider and itself. The consumer can’t
transmit this sensitive information to another agent if
it isn’t defined in its objectives.
Limited Disclosure. The consumer commits to
disclosing a sensitive information only to reach its
objectives. Moreover it must disclose it the least time
as possible and to the least agents as possible. To fix
a meeting, for example, the consumer doesn’t need to
disclose the whole providers planning.
Limited Retention. The consumer commits to retain
a sensitive information only during the minimal
amount of time for the realization of its objectives.
For example, while deciding a new meeting, the con-
sumer commits to deleting consumers planning once
the appointment has been set or after the meeting date.
Safety. The system must guarantee sensitive infor-
mation safety during storage and transactions.
Openness. The transmitted sensitive information
must remain accessible to the subject and/or the
provider during the retention time. For example, if
the providers plans change, it must have the choice
to update the planning known by the consumer so that
the appointment check is based on true information.
Compliance. Each provider shall be able to check
the respect of previous principles.
Notice that the accuracy principle proposed for
Hippocratic Databases isn’t kept for HiMAS. Indeed,
we consider that an agent may lie to protect its pri-
vate sphere. For example, the act of denying access
to information at a malicious agent can often reveal
sensitive information. When a provider marks a con-
sumer as malicious, there are two possibilities. The
first one is that the provider doesn’t reply to it. The
second one is that the provider lies about the sensitive
information in order to protect it. Using a lying allows
the provider not to warn the malicious consumer. This
solution also allows to discredit this consumer by the
agency when it will disclose the false information.
Given the foundations of the HiMAS model presented
above, let’s turn now to the description of require-
ments for integrating these principles in the private
sphere management inside multi-agent systems. We
describe first the private sphere representation.
We define a private sphere PS as a quadruplet:
PS = < Elements, Authorizations, Rules, Norms >
where Elements is a set of elements, Authorizations
is a set of authorizations, Rules is a set of rules, and
Norms is a set of norms.
4.1 Private Sphere Elements
A private sphere element, element, is a sextuplet:
element = < id, in f ormation, Owners,
context, Sub jects, Re f erences >
where id is the element identifier, in f ormation is the
sensitive information to protect, Owners is a finite set
of owners known by the agent, context is the informa-
tion context, Sub jects is a finite set of subjects, and
Re f erences is a finite set of references on elements
concerning sensitive information which can be found
using in f ormation.
Given the identifier of the element e128 concern-
ing a sensitive information meeting representing the
meeting in agent alices calendar.
< e128, meeting, {alice, charlie}, pro f essional,
{alice, charlie}, {monday 10AM, {alice, charlie}} >
This meeting takes place at a precise date, monday
10AM. The agents alice and charlie are the partici-
pants and only these agents are aware of this sensitive
information. These agents are also concerned by this
information, so they are also the subjects.
An information can refer to other informa-
tion, e.g. meeting refers to monday 10AM and
{alice, charlie}.
In order for an agent to reason about sensitive in-
formation disclosure, an element is associated with a
set of owners, e.g. {alice, charlie} for e128.
An element is also in relation with a given context,
e.g. the context of e128 is pro f essional. This context
allows the agent to reason about sensitive information
management with the help of rules.
4.2 Authorizations Attached to a
Private Sphere Element
Authorizations of private sphere element allow an
agent to define operations that it authorizes on sen-
sitive information. These authorizations concern the
use, the deletion, the disclosure, the modification and
the alteration of the information. Given the element
e128 previously defined for example, we may define:
use(e128): The sensitive information contained in
e128 can be used by the agent.
delete(e128): This authorization allows an agent
to delete element e128 from its private sphere.
disclose(e128): The agent knowing element e128
can disclose meeting.
change(e128): This authorization allows an agent
to modify e128.
lie(e128): The agent can lie about the e128’s sen-
sitive information in order to protect it.
4.3 Private Sphere Rules
Because the private sphere is defined in a certain con-
text, it dynamically evolves over time and because it
is intrinsically personal, we attach a set of rules to it,
allowing to specify the activation conditions on the
authorizations described above.
We define a private sphere rules as:
authorization condition
condition represents the activation condition of
the authorization. It depends on application context
and refers to agent’s belief.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
For example given the current context
currentcontext and the context of the element
e128 pro f essional, we can specify the rule:
use(e128) (currentcontext pro f essional)
This rule allows an agent to use e128 if the
currentcontext belongs to in the context of e128.
Private sphere rules allow an agent to define the in-
ternal dynamic of the sphere according to its desires.
This dynamic is unique to each agent because of the
private sphere personalization.
These rules are dynamic: they are influenced by
the various produced events. For example if an infor-
mation of its private sphere is known by all the other
agents, an agent can decide to remove it of its sphere.
4.4 Private Sphere Norms
We define norms like private sphere rules. However
norms are known by the agency as opposed to rules
and must be respected by each agent.
norm condition
Private sphere delimitation can be influenced by
the society’s rules, even if everyone chooses his be-
havior with respect to these rules (Demeulenaere,
2002). Some dynamic norms can be imposed to
agency on private sphere element but an agent can vi-
olate this. The consequences deserve some studies in
order to define the various impacts on the agency.
4.5 Global Organization of the Private
An agent personalizes its private sphere by defining
the set of its elements (so the set of sensitive infor-
mation) and the set of rules which is in relation with
authorizations about private sphere element.
At the agent reasoning level, norms may infer new
private sphere rules. Afterward these rules infer new
authorizations for elements concerned by norms.
Let’s pursue our investigations on requirements im-
posed by the HiMAS model on the private sphere pro-
tection in multi-agent systems.
This step needs to focus on sensitive informa-
tion communication between a provider and a con-
sumer. We define this kind of communication as a
data transaction.
In an agency, private sphere protection must be
provided by the following means:
1. before the data transaction: an agent must deter-
mine risks to disclose a sensitive information,
2. during the data transaction: an agreement must be
stated between the provider and the consumer on
their behavior with respect to the sensitive data,
3. after the data transaction: the agency must guar-
antee the consumer behavior.
5.1 Protection before a Data
The first principle which has to be guaranteed before
data transaction is the safety of sensitive information
during its storage. Indeed, a HiMAS must impose a
non intrusion rule into the agents’ private sphere.
An agent must not disclose sensitive information
without evaluating the possible impacts. An agent
must have a representation of the context in addition
to the private sphere representation.
HiMAS agents must also be able to pass judgment
on other agents in order to determine the risk incurred
by disclosing an element of their private sphere. Such
risk-taking can be evaluated using for instance trust
and the social trust network of the agent that received
the data, like in (Damiani et al., 2004).
Figure 2: Global view of the HiMAS model.
5.2 Protection during a Data
The first principle to guarantee during a data transac-
tion concerns communication safety. A data transac-
tion needs a secure medium of communication, stop-
ping from every intrusion in the transaction.
Figure 2 represents a data transaction between a
provider and a consumer. When a consumer asks for
information to a provider, they have already evaluated
risk-taking for the data transaction and have taken
context into account in order to estimate if this trans-
action is possible or not.
In this part we describe all the elements needed to
protect the private sphere during a data transaction.
Policy & Preference. We define a policy and a pref-
erence, policy and pre f erence, as a quadruplet:
policy =< Ob jectives, date, Agents, f ormat >
pre f erence =< Ob jectives, date, Agents, f ormat >
where Ob jectives is a non empty finite set of objec-
, date a retention date, Agents a finite set of
agents which represent the possible disclosure list and
f ormat the information format (in order to clarify all
the information details).
Let’s for example consider two agents bob and
alice. bob requires alices sensitive information
meeting. So bob is the consumer and needs this infor-
mation in order to be present at this meeting and will
not disclose it. In fact, it needs all the details (date,
place, subject, participants...). policy
is therefore:
< {bepresent}, date
0, {date
, Participants, place} >
pre f erence
agrees with bob’policy because
this policy does not contradict its private sphere rules
and the society norms:
< {bepresent, discloseTeam}, date
Coworkers, {date
, Participants, place} >
A consumer defines its policy with respect to sen-
sitive information which is required by a provider.
This special information defines the consumers be-
havior with respect to the sensitive information.
On the provider’s side, a preference is defined in
the same way that a policy in order to allow the con-
sumer and the provider to look for an agreement about
their behavior with respect to the required sensitive
information. A preference is defined using authoriza-
tions bearing on private sphere elements, which refer
to the sensitive information required. A preference is
also based on the different representations that agents
build about the agency and on the different reasonings
that it evaluates before the data transaction.
A first advantage can be put forward with this
model: during the data transaction the agreement be-
tween a policy and a preference allows to represent
the provider consent or disagreement.
The objectives are close to the concept of goal, like for
example in BDI model (Bratman, 1987).
Data Transaction. We define a data transaction as:
transaction =
< in f ormation, policy, pre f erence, consent >
where in f ormation is the sensitive information,
policy the consumer policy, pre f erence the provider
preference and consent a boolean representing the
agreement (or not) between the consumer and the
Let’s considerer policy
and pre f erence
defined previously. The data transaction between bob
and alice concerning meeting is also:
< meeting, policy
, pre f erence
,true >
The consent is true because the policy and the
preference match together.
Once the information is received, the consumer in-
serts a new element about this information into its pri-
vate sphere. Moreover it deduces from its policy a set
of authorizations in order to manage this element.
For example, once bob has received meeting, it in-
serts into its private sphere a new element e578 about
it. The agent alice modifies also the element e128
in its private sphere by adding the agent bob to the
participants and to the owners of this sensitive infor-
This formalization of data transaction allows to
check agents behavior on the following principles:
the providers consent is checked by using the agree-
ment between the preference and the policy, the pur-
pose specifications by using the consumers policy
and the collection limitation from the consumer us-
ing the providers knowledge about its policy.
5.3 Protection after a Data Transaction
After a data transaction, several mechanisms must be
introduced in order to preserve privacy. These mech-
anisms concern ve HiMAS principles: the limited
use, disclosure and retention of sensitive informa-
tion by the consumer, the sensitive information trans-
parency by the consumer and the compliance about
the respect of all the HiMAS principles.
These principles allow the detection of malicious
agents behavior in relation with the private sphere. An
agent is malicious if it infringes at least one of these
five principles according to its preference or its policy.
Figure 2 gives a global view of the HiMAS model
with a representation of the different required pro-
tection levels for privacy preservation. Each HiMAS
principle is attached to a step of a data transaction.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In this paper we have proposed a model we called hip-
pocratic multi-agent systems, HiMAS. Such a system
has to respect nine principles to preserve privacy.
HiMAS agents must be able to represent their pri-
vate sphere by storing its characteristics and by man-
aging it by itself. After a data transaction, the agency
must play a role in privacy preservation.
By adapting nine of the principles of (Agrawal
et al., 2002) to multi-agent systems, a HiMAS can
enable to guarantee the sensitive data communication
and give a vision of data becoming, contrary to clas-
sic agent models or in (W3C, 2002). Our model also
takes advantage of the multi-agent systems character-
istics like decentralization, autonomy and openness in
an application context such as the Web.
The HiMAS model opens a lot of research and de-
velopment perspectives. On a theoretical standpoint
the formalization of many features of a HiMAS can
be studied with interest. On a more practical level,
the design of various components of a HiMAS is also
an interesting issue. In fact, we hope this model will
be a useful basic block for the research community.
This work was supported by Web Intelligence project,
financed by the ISLE cluster of Rh
one-Alpes region.
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