Dayse de Mello Benzi, Rafael Timóteo de Sousa Júnior
Network Engineering Department,Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, Brasil
Christophe Bidan, Ludovic Mé
Network and Information Systems Security Group, Ecole Supérieure d’Électricité, Rennes, France
Keywords: Information Technology (IT) Management, Information Systems, Trust.
Abstract: This work presents a model for applying the concept of trust in the management of information technology.
It presents relevant aspects on the application of trust within IT Management and focuses on the necessity of
aligning a trust model with the organizational strategies and main activities. The impacts of trust in IT
management are described and related to recent studies on the reduction of risks in business-oriented IT
management. In this context, the model presented in this paper is based on the understanding trust indicators
are highly desirable to IT management, as long as they are measured and controlled, and used as a means for
IT management to acquire greater effectiveness in its alignment to general organizational and business
The environment in which organizations are inserted
is noticed as more and more globalized and
competitive. For acting optimally in their business
areas, these organisations need trustworthy
information and updated knowledge, finding in the
Information Technology (IT) a vehicle to add value
to products and services.
A business performance factor that is not
controlled cannot be managed. In consequence, a
premise for IT management is the need for
controlling specific factors in order to manage IT
efficiently. Management experience positive impacts
from a series of factors. The present article focuses
in one of them, the concept of trust, trying to better
know it, by treating trust related models and
mechanisms with the focal point in their use for the
evaluation of trust levels in the several areas of IT
Although trust has been studied for decades in
various domains, one can nowadays consider that a
major interest exists in the analysis of its meaning
and its application by empirical and theoretical
methods. The technological development associated
to globalization created the need for interaction
among people and organizations geographically
apart, which added interest to formal and actual
relationships governed at least partially by trust.
Many authors consider trust as an essential
component of relationships in multiple fields of
activities, for the optimization of the real interaction
between the entity or the person rendering some
service and the beneficiaries or users of this service.
Mayer et al consider trust to be important in many
areas (Mayer et al, 1995), such as: communications,
leadership, objective-targeted administration,
negotiation, game theory, performance recognition,
work relations and implementation of self-managed
working groups. Due to this ample employment, in
situations in which it is necessary to establish the
understanding and definition of trust, the possibility
of appearance of conflicting interpretations is
observed, giving way to the absence of clear
principles related to trust. Kee et al, 1999, coherent
with this finding, affirms that “trust is becoming
more and more important, but no one knows yet
what really it means”.
de Mello Benzi D., Timóteo de Sousa Júnior R., Bidan C. and L. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 513-518
DOI: 10.5220/0001703305130518
Sociologist Diego Gambetta establishes that the
behavior of being as faithful as possible is a basic
principle in a model of human trust, being certain
that trust is something extremely subjective and
difficult (practically impossible) to get a standard
definition (Gambeta, 1988). In a relation between
two agents there is no guarantee of reciprocity in the
degree of trust between both, since each one may
trust the other in a distinct dosage. The decision to
start or not some interaction with another agent
depends on the level of trust established between the
parts, on the context and on the risk involved.
As a result of that difficulty, trust is many times
defined in a more specialized manner and is directed
toward the area of interest of the researcher.
Fukuyama (Fukuyama, 1996), for example, relates
trust and contemporary society, trust and social
systems (Luftman, 1999). Proceeding on
specialization, Pillatt highlights that a definition of
trust is used and assumed, within the environment of
e-business, turned, in a very specific manner, toward
topics such as authentication and ability to the
payment of requested products and/or services.
However, this type of definition is quite restricted to
the measurement of the trust regarding the
relationship with the purchaser and does not support
the measurement of trust of the other transactional
entities involved in the negotiation (Pillat, 2002).
Manchala tries to see trust in a more generic way,
measuring it based on the transaction as a whole
and not in some specific parameters of an entity
(Manchala, 1999, 2000). In this in case, information
referring to all the entities participating in the
transaction and in the product/service negotiated are
abstracted, serving as a basis for a more generic
measurement of trust.
When searching a wider concept, based in
objectives, approaching aspects related to honesty,
competence and trustfulness, it exceeds the borders
of the term itself and involves parameters that may
easily become related to terms such as
authorization, authentication, validation and others.
It is truth that these terms could be used
interchangeably as affirmed by Grandison and
Sloman, when considering authorization to be the
result of the refinement of a reliable relationship,
that is, the delegation of access rights for a
transactional entity to play specific actions in a
specific target, and authentication as being the
verification of the identity of an entity, which can be
played by means of a password, trustworthy services
of authentication or through certificates (Grandison
and Sloman, 2000).
Jones adds that trust is defined by the European
Commission Joint Research Centre as being “the
property of a business relationship so that credit can
be given to the business partners and to the
transactions played with them” (Jones, 1999).
Thus, it is possible to verify that the definitions
at times tend to interpersonal relationships, at other
times to business and service rendering, being
capable of quantifying levels of trust, opening a
wide range of research areas, approaching a number
of nuances of the Human as well as the Exact
2.1 Trust Types
The wide range of trust takes us to dividing,
according to the area of application and in
accordance with the distinct definitions, the
relationships facilitated and taken to relevant levels
of interaction based on interpersonal trust, inter-
institutional trust and person/institution trust.
(Grassi, 2004), configuring an interesting approach
to the objectives of this work, specifies that,
according to (Lyons and Mehta, 1997), trust is a
matter of degree, going from complete trust to its
complete absence, where the opportunist behavior
will be the rule. These authors analyze the role of
trust in facilitating efficient exchange relations,
considering the approach of two distinct
mechanisms that give support to trust, the socially-
oriented trust and the self-interested trust.
The socially-oriented trust considers aspects of
the past backward-looking, when analyzing the
social mechanisms carried out by the community of
individuals who, intentionally or inadvertently,
support trust and its consequences. (Dogson, 1993)
calls this vision of trust goodwill trust, where the
recognition that behavior is located inside a social
arena leads to the notion of trust for an orientation
based on norms; the social relations are experienced
in certain normative ways, or mutually understood.
The self-interested trust is instrumentally
understood, applying the theory of games to shape
the interaction between agents whose interests
partially conflict and partially converge. Trust comes
up as consequence of a careful calculation or the
intentional creation of incentives in direct reply to
the presence of behavioral risk. The relative costs
and benefits of being trustful or trustworthy are
measurable, and they are evaluated within the limits
of the exchange relation. Therefore, the self-
interested trust, in contrast with the previous one, is
fundamentally based on future “forward-looking”,
with agents being trustful or trustworthy only up to
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the point where they expect such behavior to render
some direct return.
According to Haes and Van Grembergen (Haes and
Van Grembergen, 2005), in academic and
professional literature, the articles mentioning
governance in their titles, started to appear in 1999,
with an article Sambamurthy (Sambamurthy and
Smud, 1999) named Arrangements for the
Information Technology Management: A Theory of
Multiple Contingencies, and, in 2000, with the
article The Balanced Scorecard and IT Governance
de Van Grembergen, (Van Grembergen, 2000).
Thus, they concluded that the concept of
management emerged in recent years, what does not
mean many of the underlying elements of strategic
discussion on the alignment did not attract the
attention long ago.
Also, these authors emphasize that, even with the
advance of knowledge, it is usual to find
organizations where IT is inserted as a single
activity, implementing its processes and controlling
itself, moving in parallel, without converging to the
organizational management. Such procedure hardly
contributes to the generation of value in the
organization and, on the other hand, almost always
leads to a lack of tuning and adjustment between the
end-activity and the technological platform that has
as purpose to provide a solid base for the
qualification of strategic performance.
In this context, limited, hardly controlled actions
spread, in which tactics overcomes strategy, in
environments where processes and responsibilities
are not presented with the desirable definition. With
the excuse of fluidity of the competitive world and
the urgency of the business, unsatisfied customers,
products of poor quality, impacts in the
organizational image, and the inevitable income
losses are harvested.
The same studies, on the other hand, state that
organizations with an IT management adjusted to the
business, focused on the adequate treatment of
information, have their actions facilitated into taking
the opportunities and take less chances in face of
potential threats.
With this point of view, Weill and Ross
emphasize that IT Management “is implemented by
means of a set of mechanisms that if well conceived,
well understood and transparent promote desirable
behaviors in terms of IT. On the other hand, if the
mechanisms are poorly implemented, arrangements
for the management will not bring the expected
results”. (Weill and Ross, 2004).
3.1 Model for Trust within IT
The study of trust confirms that it is directly related
to the levels of development of the societies and that
a society is more of evolved according to the trust on
the relationships of the individuals between
themselves and between them and the organizations.
Robinson and Jackson affirm that trust is related to
faith in people, that it is probably linked to the fact
that someone will keep his/her word, that is, there is
a risk involved, since this word may not be kept
(Robinson and Jackson, 2001).
Bacharach and Gambetta affirm that signals exist
which are used by individuals to interpret the
trustworthiness of the others and, moreover, the
repetition or the absence of these signals will, in its
incidence, provide mathematical answers, i. e.,
provide measurement. This way, it is verified that
the trust involves risk and can be measured
(Bacharach and Gambetta, 2000). Couch adds that
there are at least two different scales reliable: “trust
in the partner” (in a specific person) and
“generalized trust” (in the people in general, the
nature human being) (Couch et al, 1996).
These two aspects, measurement and risk, in report
to the IT management, for management involves
measurement and risk is inherent to IT services.
Thus in the application of trust to IT management,
the level of the trust, one may see, many important
points are considered, for the higher the level of
relationship is, the higher the level of relationship
and the lower the risk of the IT services,
guaranteeing adjusted relationships, efficient
communication and easiness in the implementation
of necessary adjustments to the conduction of IT in
the organizations.
The formalization of the application of the trust in
the IT management stimulates the conception and
implementation of computational model, that could
after be conceived elaboration of the evaluation of
the IT management.
For this, parameters will have to be established
under which the trust could be evaluated and
quantified, being then adjusted the use of topics
already consecrated and gifts in mechanisms of
support to management and auditing, existing in the
market and sought according to main decisions and a
prospection carried through in more than two
hundred companies, as in the case of the research of
Weill and Ross (Weill and Ross, 2004).
For the development of such model, as shown in
figure 1, aspects relevant to IT management were
used and confirmed on a further check (diagnose),
which, together with pertaining trust factors, support
the definition of trust management: "It is the activity
that designs, evaluates, monitors implants and the
appropriate mechanisms to establish decisions
structures, processes, alignment of business with IT
and media for obtaining the desired behavior, or that
can be evaluated as reliable in order to allow the
focus of technology in business objectives.”
Figure 1: Trust Model Components.
Thus, in the implementation of the model for
trust management, the following steps have been
established, corresponding to reliable actions:
1. Selecting the parameters or aspects of trust, for
the evaluation of trust.
2. Checking the result of the metrics applied IT
management, aiming the checking of values
obtained and allocated to each aspect of trust.
3. Assessing risk by estimating the risk involved
in a particular case based on the information
collected and the verification of process through the
metrics allocated.
4. Keeping a knowledge base, listing the
processes that are in the zone of risk, establishing
where they are vulnerable and reporting, in the case
of high risk.
3.1.1 Categories and Metrics
As the above aspects are established for the trust
evaluation, and to quantify it in the processes of IT
management metrics will be used to be able to
measure the concept of trust. These metrics focus on
each item related to the trust factors, enabling the
evaluation by their importance and relevance.
The design of trust in the IT management, notes
the importance of the model adoption that will
allocate these parameters, which is establish a
framework, which allows the analysis and evaluation
of the IT processes, listing the points to a vulnerable
and inadequate management appropriate and
Amongst the mechanisms related to the
management, for what it is considered, they present
high relevance to those related to the form as the
decisions of IT the adopted methodology are taken
to guarantee the alignment IT with the formulated
politics, as well as the normative aspects and of
communication in the enterprise scope are
In that if it relates to the decision taking, verifies
that the organizations in formal way or not, they
establish a structure to place power to decide
responsibilities. In this task the evolvements of
business-oriented leaders of IT and as well as the job
of types that combine structures of decision taking
appears as relevant factors for an efficient
management. Amongst the structures the ones exist
that proved they generate performance better and
others that, for diverse reasons, do not contribute for
the efficiency of the activity, fitting to prospectors
them for generation of a pertinent and adjusted
evaluation to the quantification of the property of its
use as facilitators of the management.
For the alignment one is necessary accented
adequacy of the administration and the adjustment of
IT, of form the one that if constitutes in facilities of
the achievement of the enterprise objectives. The
alignment is materialized by the adoption of
processes that bring in its conception the necessity
of compromisers all the involved ones in business
and IT. These processes could be evaluated
according to its property and, in accordance with the
result, to be classified according to its
Considering a necessary communication for
diffusion of the decisions efficiency according to
desired, it is verified that despite the simplicity of
the understanding of that what it is not
communicated, or it is communicated of deficient
form, it will not be able to contribute for executions
adjusted and focused in the desire of the managers,
the adoption of diffusion mechanisms nor always is
efficient. To develop adequate strategies of
communication becomes a true differential in the
cases of success in the enterprise area. These
situations, of adequate medias or not, will take the
situations of evaluation for referring diagnostic
establishment to the trustworthiness of its job and
the consequent readjustment, in the case of little
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
trust, aspect that accented cause impact in the
The metric cited ones will be based on band of
values instead of an absolute value, providing a
bigger flexibility for the implantation of the same
ones in some differentiated scenes (small, average
and great companies). Being thus, values classified
could be used in: (1) low, (2) medium, (3) high, and
(4) very high.
3.1.2 Verification of the Result
During model validation, organizations with widely
known distinct stages of IT management have been
used, so as to provide the design of diagrams with
clarifying shapes and indicators of their real stages.
For such analysis, six aspects of IT management
have been considered, which were represented on
figures 2, 3 and 4: I – Planning; II – Organization;
III – Implementation; IV – Availability; V –
Support; and VI – Control. Each aspect has been
subdivided according to their domains, being
evaluated by their own metrics.
Figure 2: Low Trust Level.
The organizations with low levels of trust, as to
figure 2, present the results of the metrics in their
totality or, most of those below level five.
Figure 3: Average Trust Level.
Figure 3 represents
the results of metrics in their
totality or, most of those between level five and level
seven, which corresponds to organizations with an
average trust level.
The third representation, figure 4, refers to the
organizations with a high level of trust, for the
results of the metrics, in their totality or in its most,
is above level seven.
Figure 4: High Trust Level.
All aspects of trust that, after assessment, were found
in the risk zone – trust level below level five –
have been
reported for corrective measures.
The parameters, the actions, the backgrounds
will be maintained in a database as useful
knowledge for future solutions.
The organizations of all domains, given their needs
regarding information treatment, invest in
information technology. To attain the objective of
using resources to serve the improvement of the
operational performance, it becomes necessary to
promote integrated actions, in all levels, to respond
the necessities of business with the technological
support base.
The alignment of the IT Management with the
strategy of the organization is of prime importance,
for the tactical actions, with limited vision and as
solution of immediate or shortly-ranged problems,
do not add value and, for being in a less strategic
level, do not take us anywhere.
The market already presents quality tools that
aim to providing technological solutions, so that
information is spread and treatment adjusted in the
scope of the organization. The correct agreement of
the premises of management and the application of
the techniques of alignment and harmonization
available will bring as consequence an adjusted and
ready organization to take advantage of the
opportunities, as well as defend itself of the constant
threats that proliferate in the modern environment.
I. II. III. IV. V. VI.
Moreover, a tenacious management supported in
pertinent control instruments and a modern
organizational culture that the sectorial
authoritarianism hinders is necessary, as well as a
perfect agreement of the objective traced on the
company strategy. The promptness and minor
necessities lead to accost demanding management
and to unnecessary efforts. The control and
accompaniment, implemented in indicators and
metrics, bring the guarantee of a safe route and the
opportunity of preventive and premature corrections,
providing agility, fluidity and trustworthiness.
The trust to be focused in the study of
Information Technology Management, moves away
from the concepts related to interpersonal
relationships, and towards those business-oriented
and to the rendering of services, that is, searches
rationality leaving aside emotional aspects.
Rationality brings implicit the possibility of
measurement, of quantification, the possibility of
being expressed in numbers.
Thus, in this context, one can infer that the safe
route is tied to trust, which shall provide highly
desirable results for management, as far as it is
controlled and measured. Then, it stops the IT
organizations, the creation of an evaluation model
for the reliable level in IT management, will make
greater effectiveness possible in its alignment with
the organizational strategy, and the deepening of
research and establishment of new questions in the
areas of governance related knowledge, trust and
intelligent systems, will be relevant for the scientific
community, for stimulating the search of new
borders of knowledge.
Dayse de Mello Benzi is supported by CAPES
Brazil and would like to thank Supélec – France for
its support during her external stage, in the context
of her doctoral program.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems