times in a month or even more seldom.
Regarding the question how to find the requested
information in the above mentioned sources, most re-
spondents rely on their memory from earlier cases
(67%), use keyword search (60%) or the existing di-
rectory structure (59%). Furthermore, a substantial
part of the respondents ask their colleagues for the
needed information (29%).
Considering the potential for improving informa-
tion management in SME, not only the introduction
of Intranet or DMS in companies without those sys-
tem types is a possibility, but also the improvement of
these systems as such. Among the respondents who
have an Intranet or DMS 50% of the respondents note
that it is not possible to subscribe new or changed
information, 17% stated that they got too many hits
when searching for information, 19% claimed they
got irrelevant hits, and others wish for an improved
structure of the information, either with relation to the
work process (19%), or with regards to the product
structure used in the company (33%).
4.2 Product Complexity
Another part of the survey was addressing the issue
of product complexity. In industry domains devel-
oping or manufacturing physical products, the num-
ber of components in the product, potential versions
and variants of the product and number of suppliers
contribute to product complexity. The product related
part was answered by 61 of 113 SME. The following
part of the results is based on these 61 responses.
The number of products found in the sample was
quite high: 62% of all respondents stated that they
have more than 50 products. 5% and 13% have be-
tween 11 and 25 or between 26 and 50 products, re-
spectively. 15% of all respondents have between 4
and 10 products, 5% even less than 4 products.
Most of the products have a small number of vari-
ants. 47% of the respondents answered that there are
on average less than 6 variants, 23% between 6 and
12. 4% stated that there are between 13 and 25 vari-
ants, 9% between 26 and 50, and 17% more than 50
The average number of components in these prod-
ucts is either quite high or quite low. 35% of the re-
spondents state that a product on average has more
than 50 components. 42% have less than 10 compo-
nents per product (23% less than 4 components; 19%
between 4 and 10). 21% state the average number is
between 11 and 25. At 2% of the respondents it is
between 26 and 50.
In the large majority of the enterprises, a descrip-
tion is available which components are parts of what
product: 88% answered that some kind of product
structure exists, 8% answered there is no such struc-
ture, the remaining did not know. The existence of
such a description or product structure would ease the
development of an ontology in the field of variability
The average number of suppliers contributing to
a product is less than 3 at 16% of the respondents,
between 3 and 5 at 27%, between 6 and 9 at 16%,
between 10 and 15 at 15% and more than 15 at 26%
of the participating SME.
Reuse of components in new products or new vari-
ants of an existing product could be improved consid-
erably, according to the opinion of a majority of the
respondents. 26% state that currently there is no reuse
of components at all, 15% answer that there is nearly
no reuse. 26% answer that reuse happens sometimes,
20% state that reuse happens often, 13% very often.
On the question whether it would be possible to reuse
more, 16% respond ”definitively possible”, 48% ”yes,
probably” and 36% think it is not possible.
4.3 Document Management in Projects
The survey also included a number of questions on
projects performed in the enterprises. Main inten-
tion was to investigate the complexity of projects per-
formed and the documentation involved. The project
related questions were answered by 71 out of in total
113 SME participating in the survey. The following
part of the results is based on these 71 answers.
In order to get information about project complex-
ity, the survey included questions about the number
of project members, run time, number and volume of
project documents, structure and content of project-
related documents. Based on the respondents’ an-
swers, the projects in SME are rather small in terms of
project members. 39% state a project has only up to
3 members, 51% have between 4 and 8 members and
only 10% have more than 8 members. The large ma-
jority of the projects has a run time of more than one
month but less than one year: 39% state that the aver-
age project run time is between 1 and 4 months, 32%
have an average run time between 4 and 12 months.
Enterprises with average project length of less than
one month (20%) and more than one year length (9%)
are in the minority.
The number of documents produced in a project
varies considerably within the sample: 37% of the re-
spondents state that there are on average less than 10
documents, 35% between 11 and 25 documents, 13%
between 26 and 60, and 15% more than 60 documents
in a project.
Most of the documents are quite small in terms of
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems