Table 1: CityA_Patient.
No. L. Name F. Name Age Address Post VST VET
1 Cole Liam 23 City A Student 28-09-2003 Now
2 Gerrard John 25 City A Student 02-10-2001 Now
3 Small Helen 23 City A Student 26-09-2002 Now
4 Smith William 24 City A Student 01-10-2001 Now
5 Smith Mary 28 City A Student 12-10-2001 10-09-2005
Table 2: CityB_Patient.
No. L. Name F. Name Age Address Post VST VET
1 Cole Liam 23 City B Engineer 20-08-2007 Now
2 Gerrard John 25 City B Engineer 18-09-2005 Now
3 Small Helen 23 City B Student 28-09-2003 Now
4 Smith William 24 City B Student 08-10-2005 Now
5 Smith Kirsty 30 City B Engineer 10-10-2005 Now
data quality dimensions and decoupling the data
cleaning process into two sub-processes, base d on
different purposes. This framework retains the most
appealing characteristics of existing data cleaning
approaches, and enjoys being able to improve the
efficiency of data cleaning in data warehouse
The work introduces a number of further
investigations, including: a) to examine further
characteristics of data quality dimensions, in order to
develop a detailed guidance for determining the
choice of a particular strategy for data cleaning in
data warehouses; b) to develop a comprehensive
data cleaning tool for data warehouses based on the
framework proposed in this paper; and c) to test the
framework by applying it onto bigger multi data
sources. The successful outcome of such future work
would certainly enhance the performance of data
cleaning systems in data warehouses.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems