models, DeVisa includes a web service for scoring,
composing the models, comparing, searching on the
stored models. DeVisa also includes a library that
builds PMML based on Weka classifier model classes
using the Java Reflection API. It represents work in
progress and at the time of writing of this material it
provides support only for several classification mod-
els (trees, naive bayes, rule set) and association rules.
The system will be extended to support most of the
models supported by the PMML specification.
The freshness of a model is one of the factors
where the accuracy of a model strongly depends
on. In the current implementation the freshness of a
model is a feature that depends only on a model pro-
ducer. DeVisa cannot control that aspect, so models
can get outdated very easily. However the consumer
can specify the freshness and DeVisa can rank the
models from that point of view. One possible solution
is that DeVisa will trigger the upload of the models
using web service interfaces of model producers.
Another item which is part of the DeVisa roadmap
is providing a mash-up interface for the scoring ser-
vices. The system will be able to recommend the ap-
propriate service by selecting the appropriate model
using a technique similar with the one used in the
look-up phase of the PMQL execution (See 2.3.1).
In the DeVisa system the collection of models to-
gether with the related ontologies form a knowledge
base. A good research direction is designing a tech-
nique of ensuring consistency of the knowledge base.
Each upload triggers a check-up against the existing
knowledge base and a conflict might occur. There are
a few ways of dealing with conflicts: reject the whole
knowledge base (FOL approach, but unacceptable un-
der the web setup), determine the maximal consistent
subset of the knowledge base, or use a para-consistent
logic approach. The knowledge base facilitates that
new knowledge is derived from it, so that DeVisa can
include in the future rule management and inference
engines (RuleML, 2007).
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DeVisa - Concepts and Architecture of a Data Mining Models Scoring and Management Web System