Concepts and Architecture of a Data Mining Models Scoring
and Management Web System
Diana Gorea
Faculty of Computer Science, University ”Al. I. Cuza”, 16 G-ral Berthelot, 700483 Iasi, Romania
PMML, native XML database, data mining model, knowledge discovery, data integration, XQuery.
In this paper we describe DeVisa, a Web system for scoring and management of data mining models. The
system has been designed to provide unified access to different prediction models using standard technologies
based on XML. The prediction models are serialized in PMML format and managed using a native XML
database system. The system provides functions such as scoring, model comparison, model selection or se-
quencing through a web service interface. DeVisa also defines a specialized PMML query language named
PMQL used for specifying client requests and interaction with PMML repository. The paper analyzes the
system’s architecture and functionality and discusses its use as a tool for researchers.
The Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) pro-
cess is defined to be the non-trivial extraction of
implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful
patterns from data (Frawley and Piatetsky-Shapiro,
1991). KDD is a field that has evolved from the in-
tersection of research fields such as machine learning,
pattern recognition, databases, statistics, AI, knowl-
edge acquisition from expert systems, data visualiza-
tion and high performance computing. The unify-
ing goal is to obtain high-level knowledge from low-
level data. Knowledge can be represented in many
forms, such as logical rules, decision trees, fuzzy
rules, Bayesian belief networks, and artificial neural
networks. The data mining component of KDD relies
on techniques from machine learning, pattern recog-
nition or statistics to build patterns or models that are
further used to extract knowledge. Thus data min-
ing applies algorithms that -under acceptable compu-
tational efficiency limitations- produce the patterns or
In general, building data mining models is
very expensive because it involves analyzing large
amounts of data. In most of the cases the costs are
dominated by the cost of pre-processing the data (col-
lecting, cleaning, transforming, preparing). In the
case in which the data resides in different heteroge-
neous sources an integration phase adds up to the pro-
cess, making it even more expensive. In the modeling
phase the complexity of the algorithms generally de-
pend on both the size of the schema and the number of
data instances. A systematic overview of data mining
algorithms as well as a comprehensive discussion on
the computational complexity can be found in (Hand
et al., 2001) and (Ian H. Witten, 2005).
The natural consequence is that knowledge has a
broader purpose beyond its direct use in the system
that has built it. Thus knowledge should be shared
and transfered between different systems. During the
past several years, the Data Mining Group (DMG,
2007) has been working in this direction specifying
the Predictive Model Mark-up Language or PMML
(PMML, 2007), a standard XML-based language for
interchanging knowledge between applications.
The models expressed in PMML serve predictive
and descriptive purposes. The predictive property
means that models produced from historical data have
the ability to predict future behavior of entities. The
descriptive property is when the model itself is in-
spected to understand the essence of the knowledge
found in data. For example, a decision tree can not
only predict outcomes, but can also provide rules in
a human understandable form. Clustering models are
Gorea D. (2008).
DeVisa - Concepts and Architecture of a Data Mining Models Scoring and Management Web System.
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 276-281
DOI: 10.5220/0001706202760281
not only able to assign a record to a cluster, but also
provide a description of each cluster, either in the
form of a representative point (the centroid), or as a
rule that describes why a record is assigned to a clus-
This paper proposes a system called DeVisa (De-
Visa, 2007) that is intended to provide feasible solu-
tions for dynamic knowledge integration into applica-
tions that do not necessarily have to deal with knowl-
edge discovery processes. Nowadays the true value
of KDD is not relying on its collection of complex
algorithms, but moreover on the practical problems
that the knowledge produced by these algorithms can
solve. Therefore DeVisa focuses on collecting such
knowledge and further providing it as a service in
the context of Semantic Web applications. It man-
ages a repository of PMML models as a native XML
database and exploits their predictive or descriptive
nature through a specialized PMML query language
named PMQL, being part of DeVisa. The current
work extends some ideas depicted in (Gorea, 2007),
in which the means through which the models should
be processed were not very clearly specified.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de-
scribes the architectural and functional perspective on
DeVisa as well as the PMQL language. Section 3
presents the founding technologies and systems on
which the proposed system is based, such as PMML,
XQuery, eXist, Weka and web services. Section 4
presents the related work in the field and the position
of the current work in this context. Section 5 presents
an usage example of the system in the micro-RNA
discovery problem, while Section 6 lists the conclu-
sions and further work.
2.1 Functional Perspective
The core functionality of DeVisa is available via web
services (Studer et al., 2007). The client application
communicates with a DeVisa web service through
messages (request, answer) specified in PMQL (see
2.3). The main functional capabilities are described
Scoring. The client application wants to score
one of the existing models in the repository on a
set of instances. The model can be specified by its
unique name that includes the producer’s namespace,
or can be selected by specifying desired characteris-
tics related to freshness, performance measures (an
overviewof the existing model assessment techniques
and measure is available in (Cios et al., 2007)), pro-
ducer application, complexity etc.
Search. DeVisa provides searching functions in
the catalog as selecting the models with desired prop-
erties (e.g performance measures, fields statistics,
function type, degree of freshness etc.) or full text
search in the model repository.
Model Comparison. Two schema compatible
models can be compared from a qualitative perspec-
tive (e.g accuracy in the case of supervised models)
and from a structural perspective (through XML dif-
Model Composition. Two or more PMML mod-
els can be combined into a single composite PMML
model. The PMML specification describes two types
of composition: model selection (e.g. a decision tree
model can be used to select among other compati-
ble models) or model sequencing (e.g. the output of
a model can be used as input to another model). A
client application can request for a composite model
based on existing models in the DeVisa repository.
Statistics. An application can invoke this service
to obtain statistics on the models (e.g frequencies per
domain, schema, or function type etc.).
2.2 Architectural Perspective
The main architecturalcomponentsof the DeVisa sys-
tem are depicted in Figure 1.
The PMML Model Repository is a collection
of models stored in PMML format that uses the na-
tive XML storage features provided by the underlying
XML database system. A PMML document contains
one or more models that share the same schema. The
models are organized in collections (corresponding to
domains) and identified via XML namespace facil-
ities (connecting to the producer application). The
documents in the repository are indexed for fast re-
trieval (structured indexes, full-text indexes and range
The Catalog contains metadata about the PMML
models stored in a specific XML format. The catalog
XML Schema can be found in (DeVisa, 2007). The
catalog consists of the following type of information:
available collections , model schema, model informa-
tion (algorithm, producer application, upload date),
statistics (e.g univariate statistics: mean, minimum,
maximum, standard deviation, different frequencies),
model performance (e.g precision, accuracy, sensitiv-
ity, misclassification rate, complexity), etc.
The PMQL-LIB module is a collection of func-
tions entirely written in XQuery for the purpose of
PMML querying. The functions in the PMQL-LIB
module are called by the PMQL engine during the
DeVisa - Concepts and Architecture of a Data Mining Models Scoring and Management Web System
query plan execution phase (See 2.3.3).
The PMML Model Service is a web service that
provides different specialized operations correspond-
ing to the capabilities listed in 2.1. It is an abstract
computational entity meant to provide access to the
aforementioned concrete services. Thus the PMML
Model Service receives and returns SOAP messages
that contain queries expressed in PMQL (See 2.3). To
solve the incoming requests the web service detaches
the PMQL fragment to the PMQL Engine.
The PMQL Engine is a component of the DeVisa
system that processes and executes a query expressed
in PMQL (See 2.3). After syntactic and semantic val-
idation, query rewriting, it executes the query plan by
invoking functions in the PMQL-LIB internal mod-
The Admin PMML Service is based on XML-
RPC or SOAP protocols and consists of methods for
storing and retrieving PMML models. DeVisa re-
defines the basic SOAP store / retrieve web service
with customized PMML features. Therefore, when
a model is uploaded in the repository, it is validated
against the PMML Schema or by using the XSLT
based PMML validation script provided by DMG.
Then the model is distributed in the appropriate col-
lection (based on the domain / producer) and the cat-
alog is updated with the new model’s metadata. Also
the service provides features for updating/replacing
an existing model with a newer one via XUpdate
((XUpdate, 2003)) instructions.
store /
Figure 1: The architecture of DeVisa.
2.3 PMQL
PMQL (Predictive Model Query Language) is a query
language with an XML syntax defined by DeVisa for
the purpose of interacting with PMML documents. A
PMQL query is executed against the DeVisa repos-
itory of prediction or description models stored in
PMML format. The PMQL schema and specifica-
tions can be found in (DeVisa, 2007). A client ap-
plication can wrap a PMQL query in a SOAP mes-
sage and invoke a service method. Depending on the
task, a PMQL query specifies the target models it is
based on, such as the schema, the instances to pre-
dict etc. PMQL can express queries that correspond
to core DeVisa functionality (See 2.1).
Bellow a simple PMQL query fragment contain-
ing a classification task is presented. The full example
is listed in the PMQL use cases (DeVisa, 2007).
<score function="classification">
<modelSpec> <schema>
<field id="01" name="MFE"
datatype="xs:float" usage="active">
Minimal free energy
</description> </field>
<field id="02" name="BN"
datatype="xs:int" usage="active">
Number of Bulges
</description> </field> ...
<data> <instance>
<field idref="#01" value="-20"/>
<field idref="#02" value="5"/>...
</instance> ...</data>
A query expressed in PMQL is executed in DeVisa in
several phases described below.
2.3.1 Query Annotation
In this phase DeVisa PMQL engine performs syntac-
tic checking against the PMQL Schema as well as se-
mantic checking.
The semantic checking involves a look-up in
the repository catalog for a model that satisfies the
query constraints (function type, accuracy, complex-
ity, freshness) and whose schema matches the query
schema. The look-up can be strict (exact matching of
the schemas) or lax (compatible schemas). If the lax
look-up is enabled then the schemas need only to be
compatible with respect to the number of fields and
field types. Should this be the case the subsequent
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
phase performs the actual mapping between the fields
of the two schemas.
If several models fulfill the query requirements,
a sequence of model references is returned. If no
model entry is complying with the requested proper-
ties found in the catalog, a null reference is returned
and the execution of the current query stops.
2.3.2 Query Rewriting
This phase involves solving the schema differences
between the query and the sequence of models re-
turned in the first phase, provided that the look-up
procedure was lax and it returned something (one
model or a sequence of matching models). Basi-
cally the goal is to rewrite the query in the terms of
the matching models. This procedure solves the type
and name differences. Types are resolved by apply-
ing the allowed type conversions as specified in the
Name ambiguity solving is subject to intense re-
search in the context of achieving the Semantic Web
desiderates. There are two possible approaches to by-
pass the naming differences. The first approach is the
use of ontologies to mediate between the heteroge-
neous schemas. One of the promising fields of ap-
plication of ontologies in Semantic Web is the in-
tegration of information from differently organized
sources, e.g to interpret data from one source under
the schema of another, or to realize unified querying
and reasoning over both information sources. DeVisa
can refer URI-identified resources in shared ontolo-
gies, therefore aiming to conform to Semantic Web
model (SW, 2007).
Another approach for name solving is the use of
fuzzy matching techniques against the textual descrip-
tion of the fields. This is less precise than the former
and can be used as an alternative technique in case no
ontology is available. The DeVisa support for name
ambiguity solving is currently under development.
The outcome of this phase is a rewritten PMQL
query (or a sequence of queries) which is (are) rein-
terpreted and transformed with respect to the internal
schema of the matching PMML model (or models) in
the DeVisa repository.
2.3.3 Plan Building and Execution
The query plan contains a reference to the mod-
els subject to query processing, a reference to an
XML document containing the instances with the
schema reinterpreted with respect to the aforemen-
tioned model and a reference to a function in the
PMQL-LIB. In case there are several models that sat-
isfy the query requirements (see 2.3.2), the query plan
is made of a sequence of execution units, correspond-
ing to each model. The query plan is dispatched to
the appropriate XQuery function in the PMQL-LIB
and the XQuery engine executes the function on the
models and the instances. The result of this phase is
an XML document containing the query responses.
PMML. The PMML language provides a declara-
tive approach for defining self-describing data mining
models. In consequence it has emerged as an inter-
change format for prediction models. It provides a
clean interface between producers of models, such as
statistical or data mining systems, and consumers of
models, such as scoring systems or applications that
employs embedded analytics. A PMML document
can describe one or more models and includes com-
ponents such as: data dictionary that is common to all
models (contains fields used in the models in the doc-
ument), mining schema (to identify the fields used in
a specific model), transformation dictionary (defines
derived fields from the fields in the mining schema)
and model statistics. The application producer (in our
case the system is tested with Weka) can use the cus-
tom DeVisa libraries based on SOAP or XMLRPC
web services to upload and register PMML models
in the system.
Weka. (Weka, 2007) is machine learning and data
mining software written in Java and distributed under
the GNU Public License, which is used for research,
education, and applications. The main features in-
clude a comprehensive set of data pre-processing
tools, learning algorithms and evaluation methods,
a graphical user interface (including data visualiza-
tion), an environment for experimenting and compar-
ing learning algorithms, and a knowledge flow. Weka
includes all the four basic styles of learning that ap-
pear in data mining applications: classification, re-
gression, clustering and association (Ian H. Witten,
2005). At the time this material was written, Weka did
not provide support for PMML, but it is very likely
that it will be integrated in future versions. Such a
module (although it does not support all the models
in Weka) is part of the DeVisa system. Otherwise
Weka does not interact directly with DeVisa, nor does
it have any other particular role except for the role of
PMML producer (or consumer).
XQuery and eXist. eXist (eXist, 2007) is a native
DeVisa - Concepts and Architecture of a Data Mining Models Scoring and Management Web System
XML database engine featuring efficient, index-based
XQuery processing, automatic indexing (structural,
full-text, range), extensions for full-text search, XUp-
date support, XQuery update extensions and tight in-
tegration with existing XML development tools. eX-
ist provides basic database functions such as stor-
ing and retrieving XML or binary resources and
XQuery/XPath querying via the XMLDB, XMLRPC
or SOAP interfaces.
The core functionality of DeVisa is implemented
in XQuery (Boag et al., 2007). XQuery is a functional
language designed for querying XML documents and
it has become a W3C recommendation as of Jan-
uary 2007. The language has the following distinc-
tive properties: composition, closure, schema confor-
mance, XPath compatibility, completeness, concise-
ness, and static analysis.
Web Services. The DeVisa system provides its
functionality via web services definitions. The Ad-
min PMML Service supports SOAP, XMLRPC and
REST-style protocols. The PMML Model Service
supports only SOAP messaging. The web services are
described using WSDL, are written in Java and de-
ployed using Apache Axis framework ((Axis, 2007)).
Due to the increasing usage of the web space as a
platform (one of the main goals of Web 2.0), there
are many proposals of data mining services avail-
able on the web (Chieh-Yuan Tsai, 2005). (Grigo-
rios Tsoumakas, 2007) describes a web-based system
for classifier sharing and fusion named CSF/DC. It
enables the sharing of classification models, by allow-
ing the up- and download of such models expressed in
PMML on the system’s online classifier repository. It
also enables the online fusion of classification models
located at distributed sites, which should be a priori
registered in the system using a Web form. Unlike
CSF/DC, DeVisa only supports processing of local
models exposing the functionality as web services.
The idea of storing the PMML models in a
database was also depicted in (Chaves et al., 2006),
which presents a PMML-based scoring engine named
Augustus. Augustus is an open source infrastructure
for building and deploying data mining, and statisti-
cal models for large data sets and high volume data
DeVisa is particular in the following aspects:
DeVisa does not store the data the models were
built on, but only the PMML models themselves;
The DeVisa approach leverages the XML native
storage and processing capabilities like indexing
(structural, full text and range), query optimiza-
tion, inter-operation with the XML based family
of languages and technologies;
DeVisa defines a XML based query language -
PMQL - used for interaction with the DM con-
sumers. PMQL is wrapped in a SOAP message,
interpreted within DeVisa and executed against
the PMML repository;
The interoperability with other applications (e.g
consumers) is achieved exclusively through the
use of web services;
DeVisa integrates a native XQuery library for pro-
cessing PMML documents.
In the last years, the information stored in biologi-
cal sequence databases grew up exponentially, and
new methods and tools have been proposed to get
useful information from such data. One of the most
actively researched domains in bioinformatics is the
micro-RNA discovery, i.e. discovering new types of
micro-RNA in genomic sequences. There has been a
great amount of published significant results concern-
ing micro-RNA discovery with Decision Tree Classi-
fiers (Ritchie et al., 2007), Support Vector Machines
as in (Sung-Kyu, 2006) and (Sewer, 2005) etc., Hid-
den Markov Models (Nam, 2005) etc., Association
Rules, etc.
All these results are independent and, as far as
known at this moment, there is no system that inte-
grates all these results in a semantic manner. There
is a large availability of prediction models in the sci-
entific community - like the ones listed above, pub-
lic databases of known micro-RNAs as miRBase, e.g
(Griffiths-Jones et al., 2006), public web ontologies
as Gene Ontology (GO, 2007), or online services
for characterizing genomic sequences (for instance
RNAFold that analyses RNA secondary structure).
DeVisa will be used to integrate all the knowledge
resulting from sparse scientific work concerning the
micro-RNA discovery problem into a web knowledge
base platform that is easily integrable into the future
work in the field.
This paper presented the DeVisa system, a web archi-
tecture for management of data mining models. Be-
sides basic functions such as uploading/downloading
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
models, DeVisa includes a web service for scoring,
composing the models, comparing, searching on the
stored models. DeVisa also includes a library that
builds PMML based on Weka classifier model classes
using the Java Reflection API. It represents work in
progress and at the time of writing of this material it
provides support only for several classification mod-
els (trees, naive bayes, rule set) and association rules.
The system will be extended to support most of the
models supported by the PMML specification.
The freshness of a model is one of the factors
where the accuracy of a model strongly depends
on. In the current implementation the freshness of a
model is a feature that depends only on a model pro-
ducer. DeVisa cannot control that aspect, so models
can get outdated very easily. However the consumer
can specify the freshness and DeVisa can rank the
models from that point of view. One possible solution
is that DeVisa will trigger the upload of the models
using web service interfaces of model producers.
Another item which is part of the DeVisa roadmap
is providing a mash-up interface for the scoring ser-
vices. The system will be able to recommend the ap-
propriate service by selecting the appropriate model
using a technique similar with the one used in the
look-up phase of the PMQL execution (See 2.3.1).
In the DeVisa system the collection of models to-
gether with the related ontologies form a knowledge
base. A good research direction is designing a tech-
nique of ensuring consistency of the knowledge base.
Each upload triggers a check-up against the existing
knowledge base and a conflict might occur. There are
a few ways of dealing with conflicts: reject the whole
knowledge base (FOL approach, but unacceptable un-
der the web setup), determine the maximal consistent
subset of the knowledge base, or use a para-consistent
logic approach. The knowledge base facilitates that
new knowledge is derived from it, so that DeVisa can
include in the future rule management and inference
engines (RuleML, 2007).
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DeVisa - Concepts and Architecture of a Data Mining Models Scoring and Management Web System