Juliano Picussa, Laura S. Garc´ıa, Juliana Bueno, M´arica V. R. Ferreira
Alexandre I. Direne, Luis C. E. de Bona, Fabiano Silva, Marcos A. Castilho and Marcos S. Sunye
Informatics Department, Federal University of Paran´a, Centro Polit´ecnico, Jardim das Am´ericas, Curitiba – PR, Brazil
e-Learning and e-Teaching, Human Factors.
This article describes an interaction and interface environment for a public online chess server, on the web,
as an educational tool. The main purpose of the environment is to improve chess teaching in Brazilian public
schools. The vast majority of such chess online servers considerer and take for granted that users are specialists
rather than learners. The solution describes in this article is inserted in an education environment, aiming at
providing users with direct access to the contextually significant actions by means of strategic and operational
In the present article we describe the develop-
ment of an interaction and interface environment for
XadrezLivre (http://xadrezlivre.c3sl.ufpr.br) – a pub-
lic, online chess server based upon Free Software,
whose main aim is to work as a chess education tool.
The vast majority of such chess online servers is ori-
ented towards the commercial market, and takes for
granted that users are specialists rather than learners,
which in turn makes the access to these servers quite
difficult for learners.
The game itself is not the sole purpose of the
above-mentioned chess server. Indeed, its main pur-
pose is to improve chess teaching in Brazilian pub-
lic schools (comprising elementary school till high
school), particularly aiming at reducing and optimis-
ing the teaching time. The main purpose of our work
is to call attention to the different users profiles that
must be taken into account when designing the server,
the differences between learners and specialists, the
concern towards the needs of these learners so that
they are properly oriented rather than being directly
exposed to the specialists community. We intend,
therefore, to develop a community that comprises dif-
ferent user’s profiles ((Direne et al., 2004); (Feitosa
and Direne, 2006)).
Even though there is an interface solution for this
chess server through the web, it does not fulfil the
current teaching and/or learning requirements that the
Brazilian Education Department established concern-
ing chess as an extracurricular activity. Moreover, the
interaction takes place almost entirely in a console
window by means of command line, which, in this
case, requires great cognitiveeffort from learner-users
(which actually is the target profile of the project) ex-
cluding them from the chess community, contributing
thus to an unnecessary sophistication of the environ-
ment. The interface and interaction environment we
describe here is innovative within the context of the
available chess servers, both fulfilling the demands
and suiting the purposes of the chess server upon
which it is based.
Our main thesis is that it is possible to correct the
flaws of the access tools available today, and therefore
help learner-users to overcome the difficulties im-
posed by the unnecessary sophistication of the chess
community. In order to come up with a solution,
we went through the literature of a number of areas.
In addition to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) e
some of its supporting theories particularly Semi-
otics Engineering (de Souza, 2004) –, we also looked
into the state of the art discussion on Educational In-
formatics (EI) and, consequently, into the relevance
of computer-supported educational games. Further-
more, since the chess server in question is an online
server for web games, our research was extended to
educational games through the web, particularly in
multi-user environments.
Picussa J., S. García L., Bueno J., V. R. Ferreira M., I. Direne A., C. E. de Bona L., Silva F., A. Castilho M. and S. Sunye M. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 262-267
DOI: 10.5220/0001707602620267
2.1 Educational Informatics
Nowadays, a number of software can be considered
educational software. According to (Vicari and Gi-
raffa, 1996), an educational software must meet the
needs of its users and possess pedagogic purposes.
They also add that every software may be considered
educational as long as its use is inserted in a context
and situation of teaching-learning in which a specific
methodology guides the work.
A branch of Educational Informatics that can be
largely explored is the use of software of educational
games. The game definition is polemic. One defini-
tion say that, game is a free activity in which one pro-
ceeds within its own proper boundaries of time and
space according to fixed rules and in an orderly man-
ner. It is not everyday life, it is outside the process
of directly satisfying needs and desires (Huizinga,
For (Vicari and Giraffa, 1996), the main purpose
of an educational game is to make knowledge absorp-
tion and the work with learners significantly easier,
helping to explore their cognitive skills. Spontaneity
must never be sacrificed in the name of knowledge ac-
quisition because the greatest benefit of a game is to
allow learners to express their own decisions (Frbel,
quoted by (Kishimoto, 1992)).
The use of computer-supported games for educa-
tional purposes leads to an increase in student motiva-
tion, and teaches students to persist when faced with
challenges and new tasks (Tarouco et al., 2004).
Experts in the area of computer educational games
assert that there is a tendency towards the use of
strategic educational games since they help students
develop intellectually. This kind of game offers simu-
lations in which users apply knowledge they acquired
in class in order to improve their performance in the
competitive environment. Chess, for instance, has
been used for educational purposes for many years.
2.1.1 Educational Games through the Web and
Multi-user Environments
Educational games through the web are tools that
add to the teaching-learning process and provide stu-
dents with data gathering and processing, asynchro-
nous learning, real-time interaction among geograph-
ically dispersed people, as well as a dynamic scenario
(Tarouco et al., 2004). Such interactive environment
is called multi-user environment. A number of com-
puter educational games have been expanded through
the web, following Internet advances, leading thus to
the development of multi-user educational games; in
other words, users geographically apart or not are able
to interact through computational networks.
In a multi-user environment, users must inter-
act both amongst themselves and with the system
(Grudin, 1994). Educational Informatics and the area
of HCI have both been joining efforts in order to
build adequate environments that embody the above-
mentioned features.
2.2 Chess and Educational Informatics
Teaching strategies are rather close to chess strategies,
in which dialectics and self-criticism play a central
role, and in which the loser profits more than the win-
ner. From a moral point of view, chess establishes
an ethical conduct through the losing and winning ex-
periences, which in turn can be used by the teacher
when analysing matches and commenting on the stu-
dents mistakes (S´a, 1988).
Traditionally, the teaching of chess takes place
through books that contain a series of schemes and
specific methods associated to a set of chess positions.
Generalising such methods may be quite a difficult
task to students since they may not be able to find
possible applications to the content they learnt.
With the help of computer science the teaching
of chess may potentially be enriched since the for-
mer comprises educational features, collective use,
application of heuristic uses and knowledge, among
other things. However, nowadays there are only a
few groups who dedicate themselves to exploring and
applying computational tools and theories in order to
better the process of chess teaching-learning.
2.2.1 Interface and Interactive Environments of
Chess Servers on the Web
Nowadays there are a number of chess servers avail-
able on the web, among which the entire environment
of the vast majority including the interface and in-
teractive environment does not possess an educa-
tional approach, focusing on other issues such as com-
mercial interest (even charging users fees to use the
server), for instance. Such servers may be considered
mere substitutes of the ordinary chess board and hu-
man opponent.
The servers that do possess an educational ap-
proach are available as prototypes and do not have
an interface environment through the web that meets
the educational needs. Despite the attempt to stimu-
late the learners development through the game, such
servers do not dispose of an environment that em-
bodies educational approaches so as to benefit the
most frequent users profile, namely learner. These en-
vironments were gradually developed incrementally
by the chess community, whose sole concern was to
allow for chess playing without thinking of making
things easier on beginners. When accessing the sys-
tem, these beginners face a structure and a technical,
sophisticated language which at first excludes them
from the community, as well as from chess learning.
The XadrezLivre chess server upon which we based
our research has been in operation for over5 years. Its
interaction through command language is based upon
the international standard Free Internet Chess Server
(FICS), which in turn is a protocol used for chess
servers in order to offer, through the Internet, the min-
imum required features in order for games among var-
ious users to take place.
The interface solution described in the present ar-
ticle offers a graphic environment that does not re-
quire the use of commands via console. However,
aiming at giving the graphical interface the full ex-
pressive potential of the FICS language and, simul-
taneously, fulfilling the standards found in this sort of
tool and considered references by the communitycon-
cerned, we elaborated a specific methodology which
we shall describe next.
The methodology we used for defining the user-
interface environment consisted of two elements,
namely (i) studying the formal language of chess
specification and (ii) empirically analysing the chess
server environments available. These steps were car-
ried out in parallel and separately by different mem-
bers of the projects HCI sub-teams, who in turn coop-
eratively described the functionality specification for
the new version of the server. Once this initial stage
was concluded, we arranged meetings with users to
clear their doubts and hear their feedback, aiming at
performing necessary adjustments so as to fully sup-
port the teaching of chess in schools.
3.1 Formal Fics Language
We already have a widespread formal language for
playing chess through the Internet. It is a command
language, and such commands were studied so as to
identify their individual potential, and thus the exist-
ing possibilities, be it for the game itself or for com-
munication among users, which is extremely impor-
tant for the access of new users – chess learners.
In addition to that, aiming at identifying hier-
archies and semantic associations, we classified the
commands and put a conceptual model together. The
outcome of such exhaustive work was, on the one
hand, the context information, required for making
server use by beginners easier and, on the other hand,
the specification of the interface structure capable of
granting direct access to actions in the various use sit-
3.2 Chess Servers on the Web
In parallel with the above-mentioned formal language
study, we also performed an analysis of some of the
most prominent open (free of charge) online chess
servers from the point of view of both interface and
interaction. The environments we analysed were
those that allowed for interaction including the
game itself – by using a browser.
The main purpose of such analysis was to list the
existing functionalities and identify the ones consid-
ered indispensable for a chess environment of this
kind. Even though these environments do not have
the same purpose as our hypothetical server whose
aim is educational –, they revealed functionalities and
basic requirements that must be offered to chess play-
ers in general.
3.3 What Specialists and Server Users
have to Say
The team that worked on the development of the
XadrezLivre chess server is multidisciplinary, and
consists of sub-teams in charge of the Server (man-
aged by specialists and senior users of the chess com-
munity), Database, Coding, Human-Computer Inter-
action and Education. This collective view, inherent
to the project, allowed for the design of the interface
environment with the ongoing participation of differ-
ent users profiles in the process.
The contribution of the senior users of the server
who took part in the meetings, we can say that they
have been using the system since its implementation,
also playing the role of system managers. Because
they are thoroughly acquainted with the community,
they were fully able to point out some of the usual dif-
ficulties beginners and intermediate users face during
the interaction with the system. Besides, they helped
us to choose the functionalities by means of a classi-
fication by relative frequency relevance of the FICS
As for the specialists and educators was rather sig-
nificant, assisting us in the selection of terminology
and identification of features necessary to the game
environment so as to fulfil the objective of our project,
i.e. to support the teaching of chess in schools.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Interface and interactive environment solution for the project’s chess server.
The methodology used allowed us to develop a solu-
tion for the interface and interactive environment for
the projects chess server in accordance with our main
objective of supporting chess teaching in schools.
Figure 1 shows the layout of the main screen and its
It is essential to point out that the entire design
of the environment, including the board and pieces,
was elaborated especially for the project. Figure 1
shows that we placed special emphasis on the access
to context information of the communitys activities,
denoting the innovating nature of this technological
tool that allows for direct access to contextually sig-
nificant information. This was possible thanks to the
selection and remodelling of functionalities combined
with the design of the interface elements, which in
turn are parts of the methodology that shall be de-
scribed next.
4.1 Board: The Game Environment
The board constitutes the very game environment. As
we show in Figure 1, the board takes the central por-
tion of the environment. It includes a clock for each
player, the names of the players, a key of symbols
concerning the colours of the pieces, a window dis-
playing the PGN (Portable Game Notation) moves
and a window that displays the punctuation during a
A typical problem of online chess environments
is when newcomers are instantly invited to play by
ill-intentioned experienced players. This happens
because such experienced users want to accumu-
late more victories, thus bettering their rating. This
bad conduct makes the environment unfavourable for
learners, discouraging them from playing. The inter-
face solution we used to try to combat this problem
is the following: the moment a beginner is invited
to play by an experienced learner (which can be eas-
ily visualized through the players ratings), the former
gets a message in his/her game settings window warn-
ing him/her of the possibly ill intention of the latter,
thus avoiding the complete “massacre”.
Once the match is over, an important feature vis-
-vis the teaching-learning environment – is the possi-
bility to take notes during the match and then save
them. This enables both user-learners to take notes
of what might have been their flaws, and teachers to
write comments while watching a match, so that they
can use them later in class or simply make them avail-
able for students.
4.2 User’s Profiles
The user’s profiles of the vast majority of the online
chess environments are classified in such a way that
does not include learners. Furthermore, in many of
such servers the different users profiles are displayed
through text interface, thus allowing for differentia-
tion by means of special characters, such as an aster-
isk right next to a nickname. Since there usually are
a great number of profiles (some servers have from
10 to 15), it is extremely difficult to differ simply by
adding a special character.
Since our suggested solution privileges the active
learner profile, we had to re-elaborate all users pro-
files, which eventually led us to a list of 5 profiles, as
follows: the Manager, in charge of the well-being of
the system; the Robot, that allows other users to in-
vite him/her to play to help him/her to practice; the
Helper, whose main task is to help newcomers to use
the environment; the Teacher, who is in charge of giv-
ing tips and developinga teaching environment within
the server; and the common User.
The STATUS column displays the solution for dif-
ferent players statuses. As we show in Figure 2, they
may be “busy”, “available”, “absent”, “not available
to play”, “participating in a tournament”, and “watch-
ing match”.
Figure 2: Different icons for different profiles, status and
Most chess servers attribute titles to their users ac-
cording to the tiles they have in real life (Grand Mas-
ter, International Master, among others).
However, such hierarchy is not clear for inexpe-
rienced users. Therefore, in order to soften the dif-
ficulty our interface solution includes different icons
for each profile, and they can be distinguished through
other symbols (such as a crown) when the user has a
specific title, as shown in the column “TITLES” of
Figure 2. Considering that most chess servers have
more than 5 types of titles, instead of unnecessarily
overloading the list of users/contacts we preferred to
have our solution communicate whether users have
titles or not, displaying the type of title only when
detailed information is requested, which can be done
easily by means of the specific icon.
4.3 Top Contact Bar
Aiming at providing users with direct access to the
contextually significant actions by means of strategic
and operational help, we inserted a context bar on the
top portion of the environment.
Thanks to the methodology we adopted, we were
able to choose the most significant functionalities for
the entire environment, which in turn were placed in
the context bar, mostly. Each option of the bar has its
respective menu of available actions for each user.
The first option of the context menu bar is On-
going matches”. The environment interface allows
users to directly access the ongoing matches by click-
ing this button. Its corresponding menu displays the
ongoing matches stored in the system, which natu-
rally can be observed by other users. Right next to it
is the Announced matches” option, through which
the interface displays a list of announced matches.
The interface also allows users to have access to such
matches and to accept the ones they wish to. Quick
access to a certain match is possible in a rather simple
way, as follows: when users want to be challenged,
the interface allows them to announce a match as
well as the settings chosen for such match. The third
button of the context bar is entitled “Tournaments”,
whereby all ongoing tournaments are displayed (also
allowing users to check the ongoing matches), as well
as scheduled tournaments. This way, users can reg-
ister quite easily simply by double clicking the cho-
sen tournament. The last option of the context bar is
“Rooms”, where the users may send and receive mes-
sages to a certain user or to all users present in the
chat room in which they are taking part.
4.4 Interactive Monitor: Help for
The vast majority of chess environments available
does not instruct learner-users when they are faced
with difficulties whilst playing, be these difficulties
due to distraction or due to lack of knowledge of the
rules or of game experience.
As a solution for the abovementioned shortcom-
ings we propose the addition, to the interaction and
interface environment, of an interactive monitor to
help learners. Such help plays the role of a metaphori-
cal teacher who watches his/her students matches and
comments on key moments of the game, i.e. those
moments in which learners are prone to make mis-
takes. We specified certain error situations by means
of a classification of common errors typical of learn-
For example, impossible moves and an instance of
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
it is when players misplace a piece. The online chess
environments do not allow users to misplace pieces
by automatically placing them in their original posi-
tion, giving users a second chance to make their move.
However, despite the fact that the system takes such
action, it does not inform users as to the reason why
their move was not allowed, nor does it help learners
to improve their knowledge of the correct position of
chess pieces.
In the proposed chess environment, the idea is
to monitor the abovementioned situations, providing
user-learners with the necessary help by means of
messages and warnings containing the information re-
quired to fulfil their lack of knowledge. The purpose
of this monitor is not to make users more competitive,
not is it to make them less eager. The objective of the
interactivemonitor is rather to warn users both in dan-
gerous situations and in situations of error by hinting
at the solution without, however, giving out the whole
Departing from the initial hypothesis problem that
learners have difficulty getting motivated to fully en-
joy chess server environments which is so often
mentioned in the computer-based chess community
–, we strived to find a theoretical basis in Human-
Computer Interaction and particularly in Semiotics
Engineering to develop an interface and interactive
environment capable of privileging communication
among and with user-learners, which in turn consti-
tuted the main objective of our server – thus attending
to the needs of this specific profile.
The methodology we developed especially for
building the interface had its grounds in the differ-
ential features of the project, or more specifically in
the existence of a formal language (FICS) with full
expressivity for the chess community, as well as in
the multi-disciplinary nature of our team, which in
turn allowed for the ongoing and active analysis of
different potential users profiles all through the de-
sign process. This way, we carried out the studying,
classification and modelling of the formal language in
parallel, and we also performed the empirical analysis
of the features of chess servers available on the Inter-
net, as well as a study to develop a resourceful game
environment which fulfills the lack of knowledge of
learners during games. Our methodology, which used
alternativelythe top-down and bottom-up approaches,
was gradually shaped during the periodic meetings
with different users, whose main purpose was to de-
termine the importance and relative frequency of the
commands, the most common terms used in the chess
community,as well the learners specific needs, among
other things.
Therefore, the interface and interaction environ-
ment we developed meets the needs of a commu-
nity whose main concern is to privilege learner-users.
Such concern becomes clear in the interface through
the interactive monitor that provides users with help
during games by warning them about typical error sit-
uations; and through the bar of context menus, which
in turn displays the entire potential of the environment
basically by means of the context information, pro-
viding users with direct access to actions semantically
associated to each menu.
Future works in this area should approach the im-
plementation of the environment (which is already be-
ing carried out), as well as the shift between competi-
tion and cooperation with educational purposes.
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