A Metamodel based Language Mapping
Lars Burmester
Institute of Management Information Systems, Philipps-University Marburg
Universitaetsstrasse 24, Marburg, Germany
Matthias Goeken
Management Information Systems, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Sonnemannstrasse 9-11, Frankfurt (Main), Germany
Keywords: Metamodelling, Conceptual Modelling, System Dynamics, Multidimensional Modelling.
Abstract: System Dynamics (SD) is an approach with a long tradition used for modelling and simulation of complex
system. Early, a conceptual modelling language was applied to bridge the ‘linguistic gap’ between the natu-
ral language of the model users and the targeted simulation language. Despite the maturity of the modelling
approach, up to today no linguistic metamodel exists for the used language, resulting in non complying lan-
guage extensions and the lack of reasonable combination with other modelling languages, e.g. for use in
Business Intelligence (BI) systems. This paper aims at the development of a linguistic metamodel of the SD
modelling language. Further, by relating the elaborated SD metamodel with multidimensional data model-
ling, an approach for positioning SD in a modern BI context is shown.
System Dynamics (SD) is a modelling approach
with a long tradition, reaching back to the beginning
of the 1960s (Forrester, 1964). Here, diagram lan-
guages were applied early to bridge the ‘linguistic
gap’ between the natural language of the model
users and the targeted simulation model language
(consisting of a set of differential equations).
Despite the maturity of this modelling approach,
up to today linguistic definition (linguistic meta-
model) exists for the used language. The conse-
quence is mainly twofold. At first, extensions to the
language which do not comply the rules of the defi-
nition could cause consistency problems in its appli-
cation. Secondly, the reasonable combination with
other modelling languages, e.g. for use in decision
support systems, is limited. Though, being widely
used for business planning issues SD lacks proper
integration into modern Business Intelligence (BI)
context. For example, though SD models are explic-
itly time variant, they are seldomly related to data
warehouse or OLAP concepts, although these are
time variant as well (Inmon, 2005).
This paper aims at the development of a linguis-
tic definition of the language used in SD modelling
in terms of a linguistic metamodel. Further, the
elaborated metamodel should be related to multidi-
mensional data modelling, to enhance the applica-
bility of SD in modern BI context. Note, that this
paper focuses solely on the conceptual properties of
the SD modelling language for reasons of brevity.
Hence, implementational and calculational aspects
remain – as far as possible – unconsidered.
The paper proceeds as follows. In section 2, the
SD metamodel is developed by introducing the main
concepts of the language, as well as their combina-
tion rules, followed by the specification of the
metamodel. In the following 3rd section, the SD
metamodel is related to multidimensional data mod-
elling. The paper closes with conclusions and pro-
jected further research opportunities.
Burmester L. and Goeken M. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 295-299
DOI: 10.5220/0001707802950299
SD is an approach for modelling and simulation of
complex and dynamic (socio economical) systems.
Characteristic for SD is the emphasis on closed
cause and effect chains between system elements
which often lead to a counterintuitive behaviour of
the system (Forrester, 1969, p. 107 ff.). Through
simulation of the models, this counterintuitive be-
haviour can be revealed and taken into account for
possible decisions.
This section begins with an introduction to the
language concepts of the level/rate language. As
mentioned above, only the conceptual aspects of the
language should be considered, calculational and
implementational aspects must stand back. All ex-
planations refer to the type level of the language
which leads to a structural description of a model.
The following rationale refers to textual descrip-
tions of the level/rate language found in (Forrester,
1964, pp. 68-83; Forrester, 1972, pp. 140-145; Rob-
erts, 1981, pp. 19-20; Sterman, 2000, pp. 192-204.
2.1 Constructs
2.1.1 Node Types
Levels are containers, representing state values of
system elements. The value of a level changes over
time, being the accumulated difference between
inflows and outflows of content into, respectively
out of the level.
Rates control the flow between the levels of a
system, representing the activity inside a system.
The control of a flow is achieved via decision func-
tions which determine the amount of flow depending
on information about levels in the system.
Auxiliary variables do not belong to the original
concepts of the level/rate language. From a calcula-
tional point of view, auxiliary variables are equation
parts, unhinged from (comprehensive) rate equa-
tions. From a conceptual point of view, they are
informational concepts, having an independent
meaning. They influence the decision functions that
control the rates and are themselves influenced by
levels and / or other auxiliaries and constants (see
below). In sum, they are derivative concepts, intro-
duced for pragmatic reasons, for easing the commu-
nication and improving the clarity of the model.
Sources and sinks represent the boundaries of a
system model. Sources are the stocks from which a
flow coming from outside the model originates.
Respectively, sinks are the stocks taking flows
which leave the model.
Constants are state variables which do not or change
that slowly that they could be assumed constant for
the time scope of the model.
2.1.2 Edge Types
Flows are the edges connecting levels, representing
the inflow and outflow altering the level. Inflows are
pointing at the level, adding content to the level,
outflows are pointing away from the level, subtract-
ing content from the level.
Information links are immaterial and connect the
inputs for the decision function of a rate. Infor-
mation links may point to rates and auxiliary vari-
ables, but not to levels (may only be changed by
flows, see above), constants (do not change, see
above) and sources or sinks (beyond scope, see
above). However, information links may point away
from all element types (information take-off), except
sources or sinks (again: beyond scope).
2.2 Metamodel
The following section presents the metamodel of the
level/rate language. The reading order is from node
type to edge type. Additionally, the naming conven-
tion of the relationship types indicates the direction
of the edges, e.g. ‘Level precedes Flow’ describes a
flow edge, pointing away from a level node. A dia-
gram of the resulting metamodel is shown in Figure
(1) Levels are connected to flows pointing at or
pointing away from the level. This relationship can
be represented as a level succeeding or preceding a
(2) Forrester states that ‘A level may have any
number of inflows and outflows’, (Forrester, 1964,
p. 68, Footnote 2) which results in cardinalities of
(0, 1) on the level side and (0, m) on the flow side.
(3) It is declared that a level can only be changed
by flows. In particular no causal link can point di-
rectly into a stock. However, it is possible that a
causal link can point away from a stock (stock pre-
cedes causal link; see below).
(1) It is stated that rates define the flows between
the levels of a system. Provided that node types
cannot directly connect to other node types, an edge
type has to be the intermediate. Here, the flow type
is the intermediate between a rate and a level. Be-
cause a flow is controlled by exactly one rate, the
cardinalities are (1, 1) on both sides (rate and flow).
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(2) Rates are determined by the levels of a sys-
tem. Additionally, rates underlie influences of other,
not yet specified concepts (see below).
(1) From a calculational point of view, auxilia-
ries are parts of the decision functions of a rate.
They can be embedded (substituted) into the equa-
tions underlying the rates. From a conceptual point
of view, auxiliaries have an independent meaning.
They represent certain aspects of a rates decision
function that, for reasons of clarity, should be pre-
sented separately from the rates.
(2) Auxiliary variables are related to levels,
rates, constants and other auxiliaries. They connect
to these other constructs solely via information links.
Auxiliary variables are depending on levels, con-
stants and other auxiliaries which means that an
information link points from the related concept
towards the auxiliary (auxiliary succeeds informa-
tion link). The concepts influencing an auxiliary
precede an information link ({level | constant |
(other) auxiliary} precede information link precedes
auxiliary). As stated above, auxiliaries are part of
rates decision functions, directly or indirectly influ-
encing the rate of flow. A direct influence would be
modelled as an information link pointing towards the
rate (rate succeeds information link), an indirect
influence would be modelled as an information link
pointing towards another auxiliary (auxiliary pre-
cedes information link succeeds auxiliary).
The cardinalities of the listed relationships are as
- A constant (0, 1) precedes one to many
(1, m) information links.
- A level (0, 1) precedes zero to many (0, m)
information links.
- An auxiliary variable (0, 1) precedes one to
many (1, m) information links.
- An auxiliary variable (0, 1) succeeds zero
to many (0, m) information links.
- A rate (0, 1) succeeds one to many (0, m)
information links.
Constants. Constants influence rates directly or
indirectly via auxiliary variables, connecting to them
through information links (constant precedes
information link precedes {auxiliary | rate}).
Constants themselves do not change which means no
other concept influences (precedes) them. The
cardinalities for this relationship would be (0, 1) on
the constant side and (1, m) on the information link
Sources and Sinks. Sources are stocks generating
flows from outside the models boundaries. Sinks are
stocks taking flows outside the models boundaries.
These facts could be modelled as source preceding a
flow, respectively a sink succeeding a flow. Since
the sources and sinks are not differentiated regarding
their contents, the cardinalities would be (0, 1) on
source and sink side and one to many (1, m) on the
flow side.
Figure 1 shows the abstract syntax of the
level/rate language. The node types and edge types
could be generalised into a more compact represen-
tation of the metamodel (see upper part of Figure 1).
d, t
d, t
0, 1
0, m
0, 1
0, m
1, 1 1, 1
1, 1
1, 1
0, 1
1, m
0, 1
0, m
0, 1
0, m
0, 1 1, m
1, m
1, m
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, m
Figure 1: Abstract syntax of the level/rate language.
In the following, the SD metamodel will be used for
positioning SD models in a modern BI context.
Core elements of state of the art BI solutions are
data warehouse systems, storing relevant data in
support of management decisions, and OLAP sys-
tems which process this data to multidimensional
information (Burmester & Goeken, 2006). Though,
there are some similarities between these systems
and SD models, little work is found relating these
concepts to one another. Golfarelli et al. propose the
use of SD models for conducting what-if analysis
and representing the results in OLAP context. How-
ever, the lack of semi-formal languages for specify-
ing the requirements is pointed out as a research
issue (Golfarelli et al., 2006, S. 54). In the following,
a linguistic approach for relating SD and multidi-
mensional modelling is introduced.
To relate multidimensional and SD modelling,
the core constructs of the former should be briefly
introduced. Multidimensional data models consist of
quantifying and qualifying information concepts.
The quantifying concept, often referred to as meas-
ure, represents values of selected business objects
(e.g. turnover, sales etc.). Measures are qualified
through dimensions, describing them from selected
points of view (e.g. time, region, customer) leading
to concrete information (e.g. sales for December
2007 (time) in Germany (region) at ‘Mega Mart’
(customer)). Dimensions consist of nodes (in the
following called dimensional nodes) which are
regularly organised to hierarchies. The hierarchisa-
tion allows changing the level of detail a business
object is represented, adapting view complexity to
the actual information requirements. The multidi-
mensional approach, accompanied by the described
complexity adaption mechanism through hierarchi-
sation, allows users to visualise a comprehensive
picture of business objects.
For relating the approaches, the quantifying and
qualifying aspects of SD models must be identified.
However, this requires an extension of the scope of
considerations from solely static aspects of model
structure towards the dynamic results yielded by a
simulation of the model. During the simulation of
the model, the values of the variables are calculated,
depending on their interrelationships while the
simulation time advances. The result is a time series
for each variable representing the value of a variable
at a certain point of time. A model could be simu-
lated with different parameterisation, meaning that
the value of constants and initial values of variables
differ between two simulation runs. The result is
another set of time series which could be compared
to time series from previous simulation runs.
The sets of time series could already be regarded
as multidimensional information about the SD
model. The quantifying information within a model
are the variables changing during the simulation.
The values of these variables are obviously qualified
by a time dimension. Furthermore, the variables of a
SD model depend on a set of parameters defined at
the beginning of a simulation. These parameters also
qualify the values of the variables generated during
simulation, with each parameter constituting a di-
mension. The variation of a model parameter be-
tween simulation runs leads to a set of dimensional
nodes which should be hierarchised into a dimen-
sional hierarchy.
In terms of the metamodel the above described
could be formulated as follows. The node types
mentioned in section 2.1.1 can be specialised into
parameters of the model (qualifying information)
and variables (quantifying information). The pa-
rameters of a model are the constants and the initial
values of the variables. The variables of the model
are the levels, rates and auxiliary variables. Other
node type concepts (sinks, sources) remain uncon-
sidered because they cannot assume values.
The constructs of multidimensional models are
dimensional nodes, dimensions and measures. Di-
mensional nodes are part of a dimension which de-
scribes measures. The relationship between quanti-
fying measures and qualifying dimensions could be
reinterpreted as an OLAP Cube.
The resulting models and their correspondences
are depicted in figure 2. As stated above, parameters
of the SD model correspond to dimensional nodes
and variables of the SD model correspond to meas-
ures (diagrammed as dotted lines).
Multidimensional ModelingSystem Dynamics
d, t
part of
maps to
maps to
Figure 2: Mapping the SD metamodel to multidimensional
In this paper we presented a metamodel of the SD
modelling language and showed a way of repre-
senting the simulation results in a multidimensional
manner. The combination of information enriching
multidimensionality and complexity reducing hier-
archisation can be considered state of the art for the
support of managerial work. The complementation
of this approach with a possibility to simulate com-
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
plex, dynamic and often counterintuitive system
behaviour augments management support.
Further research based on our findings could be
directed into three directions. From the viewpoint of
decision science it could be evaluated how far the
augmented information improve the quality of
managerial decisions.
From a practical point of view, the explanation
of a modelling language is not sufficient for practi-
cal applicability of the introduced ideas. Further
research should be pointed at introducing a way of
working with the language definitions and be aimed
towards a methodology (see also Golfarelli et al.,
2006 for a similar statement of research issues).
From a linguistic-theoretical point of view, an
ontological analysis of the modelling language and
the representational benefits of its extension could
be interesting (Wand & Weber, 1993, Rosemann &
Green, 2002)). During this analysis, the ontological
completeness (according to a reference ontology,
e.g. Bunge-Wand-Weber or Chisholm) would be
examined for the original language as well as for the
result of an extension. Further, hints for combination
of the level/rate language with other modelling lan-
guages to reduce the representational deficiencies
could be produced.
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Manolopoulos, J. Filipe, P. Constantopoulos & J.
Cordeiro (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International
Conference on Enterprise Information Systems,
Volume III.
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