each document can give us the information needed
to retrace back all the interventions on the document
to the linked document fragment expressing that
requirement. Therefore we can define a new
specialization of the reference relation, the “user
requirement implementation relation”.
d) Dependency and impact analysis
Due to traceability in our system we can identify
the documents that are in a way related to a
requirement text and that need to be updated with
each evolution, giving an estimate of the impact
(Vasutiu et al., 2006). In our case as Legal
Information System design documents are related to
the law, it allows us to link legal requirements back
to corresponding design artefacts and code.
The document and model management system
presented here and implemented at the Cnaf, while
adapted to the particularities of the legal domain,
responds to the generic demands expressed.
For instance coherence is assured by the
reference and traceability mechanisms. References
can allow us to avoid redundancy, often present
especially in legal documents. Knowledge
equivalence reference allow us to identify
documents, although different but expressing the
same knowledge. The complexity of the knowledge
transformation within the design process is managed
by the docflow and version/revision control features.
To specifically develop this infrastructure took
over one year. The system was tested on a 30,000
design document collection which represents almost
30% of the document collection. All the feed-back
received, after a user validation phase, shows that
even if the new mechanisms implied more
constraints in the work process, they help to reduce
the risk of error. Traceability helped users to
precisely identify the documents that need to be
updated and version/revision control allowed then to
constantly be able to control changes and evolutions.
Therefore the next perspective of our research is
to estimate the whole area of impact of a user,
functional or legal requirement using a dependency
and impact analysis on both documentary area and
on the information system.
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