A Study Case for Validating Requirements for Digital TV
Elizabeth Furtado, Albert Schilling, Fabrício Fava and Liadina Camargo
Universidade de Fortaleza – UNIFOR, CEP 60811-905 – Fortaleza – CE – Brazil
Keywords: Theatrical Techniques, Stories and Design.
Abstract: This paper discusses the use of theatrical techniques in two experiments to attain the following objectives of
interaction design: to communicate the cross-cultural users’ needs and expectations for iDTV (interactive
Digital TeleVision) services and to explore new ideas in a participatory way. These two objectives are
particularly important when systems are involved that are unknown to people, and professionals need to
gather the requirements of such systems. In the first experiment, we showed the implication of stories told
through theater in order to communicate the purposes of iDTV services to the audience. In the second
experiment, we used role-playing in participatory interaction design sessions to explore new ideas with
users. The results are described by discussing the strengths and weaknesses of this approach.
Electronic devices and interactive systems have
evolved in a very fast way. This trend has brought
difficulties for professionals responsible for the
development of these technologies to understand
what people really need. The basic question is:
professionals address users´ actual needs or they are
just creating imaginary needs for people? Several
techniques entail understanding these needs of a
particular user group (a targeted user group).
However this practice may not bring relevant
outcomes if target users have little familiarity with
the innovative technology. This situation leads to a
need to engage targeted users in simulated situations
to explore their ideas, attitude and emotions.
Professionals should also focus on human needs and
usage patterns to identify how current technologies
are used and appropriated. These both attitudes can
lead them to identify or predict needs that will
emerge together with available technologies and
emerging trends.
By focusing on our attention to understand and
communication what people need in terms of
interactive Digital TV services (iDTV), we find
ways to share information between targeted users
and designers and among professionals.
This paper proposes the use of theater to
understand the context of users and to explore their
ideas when they are taking different roles in situ in
participatory design sessions. Users will be
motivated to assist designers in the project of
interaction of a product, being not only a source of
information (saying what their expectations are, for
instance), but also providing ideas to build solutions
that are more appropriate to their needs. In addition,
theater is also used to help designers both to
communicate interaction design solutions and to
evaluate the proposed design with stakeholders
(members of the team, those responsible for the
deployment of the iDTV services, and target users of
these services).
The article is divided into six sections, described
as follows: the second section presents an HCI study
that discusses interaction design techniques; the
third section illustrates several research questions
that will be investigated during this work; sections 4
and 5 show the experiments conducted in order to
explore the formulated questions; the sixth section
presents the results of the experiments; lastly, the
seventh section presents the final considerations of
this work before the conclusion.
Furtado E., Schilling A., Fava F. and Camargo L. (2008).
Validating Requirements for Digital TV.
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 268-275
DOI: 10.5220/0001708602680275
Exploring new ideas when having to design new
solutions is a challenge. This is the case of
sophisticated technological systems in which the
domains (such as digital TV, smart home, and
tangible interfaces) represent a new paradigm of
interactivity. One of the reasons is that users often
have difficulties in formulating their needs because
they lack knowledge about the potential usages of
the innovative technology. Designers must apply
techniques that enable users to imagine living with
the technology. The prototyping technique (such as
Wizard of Oz (Dahlback et al., 1993) (Molin, 2004))
partially supports this imaginary process, because it
is possible to represent some characteristics of
design and simulate some functionalities before
having the final product.
However, the prototyping technique is often
applied to validate design alternative solutions
having an exclusive focus on user interfaces
(sequence and position of information) (Tohidi et al.,
Professionals have also been applying
prototyping techniques by matching scenarios
(Carroll, 2000) and storyboards that illustrate, in a
low-fidelity way, the possibilities of interaction
narrated in the scenarios (Dow et al. 2006). In the
scenarios, these possibilities have been described in
function of the persona notion (Cooper, 2003),
which allows the description of the daily patterns of
user behaviors concerning a service and/or product.
Scenarios have become a widely-accepted practice
to describe the users’ experience living with the
technology (McCarthy and Wright, 2004). However
there are some situations in which these practices do
not capture all the nuances of the interaction. This is
the case when the users’ emotional reactions depend
on the social environment and cultural context in
which the interaction takes place.
Taking this approach of Experience Prototyping
(Buchenau & Suri, 2000) into account is aimed at
making it easier for designers to better evaluate the
integration of the technology in the real context of
use in a dynamic and holistic way, using (for
instance) role-playing in experience prototyping
design sessions.
The theater is a way representing the real world
and, through this representation, the individual
reacts, and experiments her/his own emotions,
among other feelings. Howard and his colleagues
(2002) have used theater to explore the interrelations
between technology and situations of use. In
(Newell et al., 2006), the technique of theater was
used to transmit important messages about
characteristics of older people. Afterwards, a video
was recorded and shown in a focus group session to
encourage audience (future-user) participation. We
wish to use both the enactments and a recorded
video as complementary artifacts to scenarios and
storyboards. We believe that when scenarios of an
interaction design are acted out by users in their own
physical and social-cultural environment, they
become very involved by pretending they are
actually using the technology. Their reactions help
professionals to reflect on the implications for
We will present two experiments described in
sections 4 and 5, considering two aspects: i)
Communication of the possibilities of interaction
with iDTV for members of the team involved in the
case study described in this paper, and ii)
Participation of some target users of this technology
in design sessions both to explore new ideas and to
validate interaction design solutions. We will
explore each aforementioned aspect, presenting
experiments in which the following sentences will
be discussed:
1) The theater technique leads to an effective
communication process of the interaction design
solutions. Effective communication is understood to
be a process in which the supply or exchange of
information, ideas and feelings occurs, through
written or spoken words, or through signs, resulting
in a reciprocal comprehension and shared meaning.
2) Practitioners of theater techniques can easily
observe the players’ emotional reactions. The
players become motivated and provide the
practitioners with relevant ideas (suggestions,
actions, opinions). In the context of this research,
such ideas and users´ reactions help professionals to
better understand the dynamic of the interaction
context and to reflect on the implications for design.
The activities that will be described next are part
of a process of definition of the users’ needs for
products that will be generated by a research project,
called SAMBA (System for Advanced interactive
digital television and Mobile services in BrAzil)
(Blind Review). Those involved in this multi-
cultural project are: Brazilian and Italian users, as
well as stakeholders from 9 European and Brazilian
organizations, including 2 universities.
Project SAMBA pursues the creation of a
framework for enabling local communities—
including low income populations—to participate in
SOLUTIONS - A Study Case for Validating Requirements for Digital TV
the process of creating and accessing digital content.
The main SAMBA product is Web software to
produce content (called Content Creation Factory or
CCF) and make it available through services that
will be accessed by iDTV and/or mobile devices.
Therefore, the stakeholders had to discover which
services would be more interesting to the
communities. Two user field studies (one in Brazil
and one in Italy) were launched (Blind Review). In
Brazil, the user field study took place in the town of
Barreirinhas. In Italy, the user study took place in
the province of Alto-Adige-South Tyrol. These
places were chosen for having received financial
support in previous European projects to install an
electrical structure on several streets and that will be
needed here (Opera, 2007).
In Italy, Digital TV is a reality, but it is not the
same in Brazil. The deployment of the Brazilian
Digital TV System (SBTVD) requires the
preparation of broadcasters of the national digital
TV for transmission. Deadlines were established to
start works on transmission of TV content in this
technology in the country. The expected date to
access this technology in small municipalities in the
northeast, as in the case of the study, is for 2010. In
the Samba project, it is expected that the
transmission starts in 2008. Concerning the benefits
with the results of this project, we can say that the
SAMBA environment developed to access content
through the digital TV can be compatible with the
SBTVD. It is based on some characteristics, such as
the adoption of JAVA-TV of the HAVi standard,
and GEM (Globally Executable MHP)
specifications, which are common to both the
Japanese (Standard adopted by the Brazil) and
European standard (Furtado et al, 2008).
Next we will present two experiments, both
occurring in Brazil: the first one concerns the
communication among all the stakeholders at the
laboratory site, and the second one concerns the
participation of the Brazilian users and takes place in
their real context of use.
4.1 Method and Participants
In order to present the results of the Brazilian and
Italian users´ studies to the stakeholders, we
accomplished a meeting, which took place in the city
of Fortaleza, Brazil, from July 2
to 4
, 2007. 27
(twenty-seven) stakeholders were present, of which
8 worked on the organization of this event and 4
were responsible for the definition of the interaction
design of this project.
On the first day, we initiated the presentation of a
comparative analysis of the results of the studies on
the topic researched (Blind Review). Next, we
intended to communicate important messages about
the interaction scenarios of users targeted with the
iDTV services.
For this project, 4 iDTV services were identified:
1) discussion, which allows the interaction among
viewers through the TV; 2) visualization of
information on TV; 3) surveys, to promote the
participation of the community, and 4) entertainment
– manipulating digital pictures, to guarantee
involvement with the digital content. The relation
among scenarios and services is the following: each
scenario highlighted at least one service, and one
service can be pointed out in several scenarios
The expected contents and applications that are
targeted with these iDTV services will support
health and education problems. So, community-
oriented applications, as the gallery-photo
application, are intended to be used both by
Brazilian and Italian students to build and share
digital contents.
Many stakeholders were not familiar with the
reality of the studied users and they had different
background about DTV. Some (n=7) had not yet
worked with scenarios and storyboards before.
It was necessary then to use a resource that
would promote the homogenization of the language
for the understanding of the purposes of the verified
interaction scenarios. We invited the participants to
join us at the theater.
The theater presentation was 30 minutes long.
When the performance was over, there was a
moment of great emotion brought on by the surprise
of the artistic production. On this occasion, the
actors involved in the presentation were
acknowledged. Next, all the participants returned to
the meeting room and a discussion was begun. To
hark back to the interpreted situations, professionals
used slides in which there were storyboards and
scenarios associated with each play. At the end of
this discussion session, a questionnaire comprised of
5 open-ended questions was applied. The questions
were related to the importance of the strategy
applied to the understanding of aspects of the
interaction scenarios, and the services to be offered.
Only 15 participants answered the questionnaire,
since the other 12 were directly involved in the
interaction design and communication strategy.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
4.2 Production of the Theater Script
To produce the theater script, the following steps
were realized:
1. Definition of the following elements for the
production of the theater performance: The script—
which relates the story (the scenarios) to be
interpreted—is added to interpretation resources,
such as demonstration, simulation, error treatment
support, help, integration and socialization. The
stories to be interpreted had a narrative of
approximately 15 lines;
2. Choice of actors and wardrobe. In order to
take full advantage of theatrical techniques, we
explored the use of theater professionals (6 actors, 1
playwright, and 1 director). Each story had an
average of 3 actors, who were students from the
University where this research took place and were
part of a theater group. Each actor represents a
persona that is used as examples of the specific
public that will use the proposed system in the
scenarios. There was a rehearsal of the performance
with the participation of the HCI professionals
(authors of this paper), the actors, the writer, and the
director. Important issues were discussed in order to
bring an emotional content to the narratives; and
3. Organization of the ambience, lighting, and
sound. In addition, all of the audio-visual resources
used to videotape the plays were installed.
4.3 Stories Communication in the
The audience was comprised mostly of non-
Portuguese speakers. Therefore, we choose to have a
presentation in which there was no dialogue among
the actors/characters. Thus, the characters expressed
the entire aforementioned dynamic through
soundless actions and, to aid the comprehension of
the story, a narration in English described what was
happening in each scene. Six different plays were
presented. All of the comments were made at the
end of the presentations.
Figure 1 illustrates a few passages of a story told
in the theater presentation associated to certain lines
of the script. A teacher (the “Antonio” persona)
learns that a student (the “Junior” persona) is sick
and will have to miss two weeks of classes (Figure
1.1). After some time reflecting on a way to prevent
his student from missing the content given in class,
Antonio decides to prepare slides of his class (Figure
1.2). After the class is over, Antonio tries to send the
slides of each class over the internet, at first he has a
little difficulty, but as he tries a more few times, he
is able to achieve the task without the help of
another person in the scene (Figure 1.3). After being
successful, the video becomes available for the
entire class. Junior, who is at home sick, turns on his
iDTV and finds the slides without any difficulty
because he is well-acquainted with the technology
(Figure 1.4).
Figure 1: Scenes presented in the theater performance.
As we mentioned before, a second experiment
was performed to communicate the defined
requirements to Brazilian users, which is the subject
of the next section.
5.1 Method and Participants
The activities of this experiment were performed
during our second trip to the town of Barreirinhas,
Brazil from October 24
to 27
, 2007. These
activities aimed to: i) inform residents about the
iDTV services that were chosen to be implemented
based on their needs. As previously mentioned, these
needs were gathered by professionals of this
research from a user field study that took place 8
months prior, on the first trip (Blind Review); and ii)
explore new ideas and evaluate the design proposed
for these iDTV services.
This experiment included 32 (thirty-two)
participants (residents and workers), who were
obtained from a list prepared with the names of the
participants of the experiments of the 1
However some participants were added to or
removed from this original list. Just 9 users
participated in all studies on both trips; the others
(11) participated only in this experiment. The
implication of this problematic was that the
professionals of this research had to repeat a
presentation that showed the interaction possibilities
of existing iDTV applications and an explication
SOLUTIONS - A Study Case for Validating Requirements for Digital TV
about SAMBA project goals. Participants could also
use these applications to understand better the
We held 5 workshops. Each workshop included 5
to 9 users organized by themes (such as
entertainment, communication, business, retirement,
and content production).
The workshops lasted an average of 5 hours and
were accomplished by 4 professionals, being 2
professionals in Usability (one of whom is the
author of this paper), and 2 professionals from the
area of the Cognitive Psychology. Each workshop
was organized in three moments: i) Moment of
reception, which consisted of a presentation of the
main goals of the workshop and having as a
resulting artifact the informed consent by the users;
ii) Moment of presentation of the recorded video
illustrating the theater performance of the first
experiment; and iii) Moment of enactments, when
scenarios were acted out by users in their own
physical and social environment and cultural
context. Participants received a script similar to the
one they watched in the recorded video. In the script,
they were encouraged to act out scenes using
computers, cell phones, remote controls and TV sets
in order to visualize content, and/or to access iDTV
services or to produce content. The given script was
not the same for the following reasons: i) in the
plays, we had just three actors, here we had a higher
number of participants; ii) the participants were
motivated to explore different characteristics and
needs of every other participant; iii) the content had
to be related to the participants’ own interests; iv)
we wanted them to act out the scene in their own
context of use (not in a theater building, as shown
before); finally, v) we wanted them to be free and
not to influence their way of thinking.
The next two sections refer respectively to users’
engagement in the second and third moments,
mentioned above.
5.2 Illustrating the Theater with
Each workshop only worked with the parts of the
recorded video that illustrated the scenarios in which
the characters involved represented the categories of
the participants in that workshop.
Figure 2 illustrates a group of participants
watching the recorded video making comments and
opinions on the scenes. To improve the participants’
understanding of what the characters did while using
a particular device, we inserted the low-fidelity
prototypes into the scenes of the theatre. The
prototypes did not present any graphic layout of
either iDTV applications or CCF for web. They were
aimed at illustrating the functionalities visually
described in the scenarios.
The prototypes were in Portuguese because they
were applied in the process of validation of Brazilian
users’ needs. When these prototypes will be used to
validate the Italian users’ needs, English and Italian
versions must be generated.
Figure 2: Users watching the video.
The professional who moderated the session
rewound the video as often as necessary. It was not
her goal to validate the user interfaces shown. This
is the reason she did not encourage them to use the
prototypes. The professional took notes of all the
participants’ opinions and reactions.
5.3 Enactments in Experience
After the video presentation, the professionals
initiated this third moment, telling participants that
they will assume different roles in order to show us
several real-life situations using iDTV. Specifically,
it was a dual-task experiment: first they had to
elaborate a script and afterwards they acted it out.
We asked them to focus on successful
experiences, illustrating the benefits of this
technology in their lives and for the entire
community. Barreirinhas is a town that is destitute of
households and other places with direct and
continual contact with computers. Residents usually
access the Internet through coffee shops, offices or
schools. The town’s socio-economic conditions
generally do not favor the existence of a good
communication structure (such as broadband internet
access), but residents make the most sophisticated
acquisitions of cell phones and TVs.
Participants were told that their cooperation was
very important because the more the situations were
representative of their needs and lives, the more
efficient the play would be to us. Consequently, we
could come back the next year with a system that
would be most appropriate for them. We also said
that they could improvise the way in which they
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
interact with the devices and/or with the other
Each experiment took from one to three hours, with
the participation of a moderator. The participants
had several rehearsals until they were satisfied. The
moderator made a few interventions, only when it
was necessary. Technological errors were
immediately clarified, as for instance, there is no
need to turn on the Set-top-box when a content
producer uses the web system to create content that
will be broadcast to TV afterwards. Participants
performed their tasks using several resources, such
as: papers, appliances, electronic devices, and
Figure 3 depicts a scene performed by a group of
teachers (participants) in a school room. They are
playing two activities: first they evaluate the results
of a poll (an iDTV service), which was obtained
through an iDTV application. All of the school
communities participated of this poll to choose the
theme about the culture of the town to be studied.
Then they define the strategies to describe the theme
by pretending they are using the CCF.
Figure 3: Content producers playing strategies to describe
content using SAMBA products.
In this section, we will describe the results by
addressing the purposes of the application of
theatrical techniques to communicate interaction
design solutions related to the first experiment
(section 4.3) and to promote participatory design
related to the second experiment (section 5.3).
6.1 An Analysis of the Theater
Technique as a Resource to
Communicate the Purposes of
Interaction Scenarios Objectively
Comments provided by the stakeholders (which
were collected by applying a questionnaire after the
theater presentation) were analyzed. After similar
and convergent answers were separated into groups,
the three categories were identified: Understanding
the services to be offered; Communication Type,
and Involvement with the Content. To identify the
comments, the letter “S” (for Stakeholder) was
adopted, enumerating it according to the quantity of
people that participated in the study.
The category Understanding the services to be
offered refers to a way of knowing and
understanding, in a unique way, of the purposes,
benefits, and solutions that Project SAMBA is
capable of providing. The highlighted comments of
S1 and S3 provided this affirmation: “It was an
important point to clarify the Samba objectives” and
“The scenes represent the diverse situations that the
users will experience with SAMBA’s products.”
Other participants felt as if the hypothetical
situations presented in the theater performance were
real, thereby establishing diverse connections with
the concrete situations. The phrases: “It shows real
life” and “The scenarios were quite realistic” said by
S1 and S13, respectively, confirm the foregoing
In the category Communication Type, several
aspects were considered, such as objectivity and
clarity of communication, in order to avoid
blockage, noise and filtering-elements that
characterize a type of communication that does not
occur in a proper way or that is not successful in its
objective of communicating. It is understood that the
rhythm in which the scenarios were presented
contributed to the pragmatism, objectivity, and
quickness of the message. We were able to observe
the valorization of these requisites by S14 and S10:
“It is more direct, easy, engaging with the content
than a written explanation.”
Referring to the category Involvement with the
Content, this is observed in the audience’s feeling of
credibility in the level of development of this study,
their opinion about the characteristics of Project
SAMBA, and their feeling of valorization for being
part of an original study. Therefore, we point out the
following comments: “I felt comfortable seeing
images in action a plus words (and not just words),
because it made the transmission of ideas and
concepts clear, obtained during the process of
defining users’ needs (the results of users’ field
studies)” said by S7 and “It was a nice work, and
I’m proud of participating of this team.” said by S
SOLUTIONS - A Study Case for Validating Requirements for Digital TV
6.2 An Analysis of the Theater
Technique to Explore New Ideas
with Users
During the enactments, participants represented their
ideas and behavior in an improvised and
spontaneous way. We analyzed their representation
and will discuss here their contribution to this
project according to the following important points:
Definition of New Requirements. Participants (5)
(aged from 13 to 25) that worked with the
Communication theme took roles to rapidly organize
a meeting with several teenagers of the town. They
played using several devices, but the cell phone was
the most important device for the fastest
communication. Taking into account their
familiarity with this technology, they interacted with
several friends by sending messages that were seen
on their friends’ TVs. This play allowed us to gather
new technological insights (such as having
interaction with TV through SMS). Requirements
and information expressed by users were written
down for analysis and definition of priority;
Users´ Acceptance to use this Technology. In
(Furtado et al, 2008), we have described an
investigation about the appropriation of Digital TV
by the users identifying issues related to the non
acceptance, influenced by the way the technology
will be owned, by the topology of the city and by the
life style of the population. Human and contextual
factors help them to overcome these issues as soon
as the fact that this project is funded by the
European Commission;
Behavior of the Players. Usually almost all of the
participants acted, while a few took the role of
audience. This happened particularly in the group of
elderly people. From 9 participants, just 6 played
roles (such as lawyers and judges nearing
retirement) to represent the problematic of getting
information about their retirement rights. We did not
force those who wanted just to be viewers.
Sometimes they contributed to the scenario being
presented by giving their opinions during the
Improvisation. As we expected, no group tried to
play a scenario following the drawings of the service
prototypes. Instead they pretended to be using a
SAMBA product. They wanted to be free to interpret
a situation they have often and they did not feel
comfortable with the details of this new way of
Sense of Responsibility. When Content producers
played strategies to describe contents, they were
very concerned with involving the community in the
content production. They realized that content
producers cannot continue to operate in the same old
ways. The business model for Digital TV should be
similar to the web model, in which users can create
their own video and post it. The success of this play
made us select this group to go on working with
people of the town in order to elaborate a network of
content producers, which entails a culture of
convergence and;
TV in Social Spaces. Social contexts have a strong
impact on the attitudes of TV viewers. In many
scenes, watching TV appeared as a group activity.
Viewers eat together and make comments while
watching TV. This attitude shows the social value of
this communication resource. We propose these
results to be better explored afterwards in order to
redesign interactive resources and promote
interaction by groups.
Presenting videos to users brought a number of
benefits to the project: i) it was possible to show the
results of the user field study in an entertaining way,
and with no travel costs to bring all of the theater
professionals; and ii) it worked as a persuasion
technique in function of the quality of the scenes
shown in the video. These aspects encouraged
participants to have this “sophisticated” TV (as they
called it) in their homes.
Users were very attentive to the contexts
experienced in the scenes (town, schools, hotels,
etc.), and wanted to know which households, shops,
organizations of Barreirinhas will get digital TV. We
gave them explanations about the
telecommunication infrastructure that was necessary
to have in order to provide viewers with interactivity
on TV and return channels. The beneficiaries have to
live or work in the area having this structure.
In summary, the situated and participatory
practices described herein led the participants of the
second experiment to relate their real situations with
imaginary solutions of iDTV services. The analysis of
these practices allowed professionals to further the
understanding of how the services will be used by
identifying: i) what services´ characteristics (as price,
credibility, social activities, etc) elicit positive
emotional responses (as pleasure, happiness,
acceptance) from users, ii) in which environments the
services will be used (in public or private spaces),
and; iii) with whom and by whom (as the potential
content producers) they will be used. In addition,
professionals could reflect on the implications for
design. They defined new requirements that, upon
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
acceptance, can lead to adding new services in the
product explored in design sessions.
As an open question, we can highlight that since
realism is important to explore new ideas and
validate a design proposal, it is important to improve
our ability to gather empirical data in the most
realistic settings possible. The field study presented
as part of our second experiment begins to address
this need by demonstrating the effectiveness of the
role-playing experience in situ. However, it remains
an open question how to improve our ability to
simulate real events occurring (such as interruptions
in the broadcast of a TV program) that have some
influence on the users’ behavior and on their
difficulty in using the technology.
In this text, we argue that understanding the users’
needs with technology is a difficult task to
accomplish for professionals responsible for the
development of innovative technologies.
We showed that feedback from users comes from
different ways, and professionals should provide
them with opportunities to express their emotional
reactions as if the technology were part of their
lives. Experience prototyping strategies matched to
theatrical techniques were used and provided the
professionals of this case study with useful
information about users and their context of use.
We also showed how to properly communicate this
understanding to the other members of the team as well
as to the users themselves. Several situations were
played, videotaped, and after analysis, interaction
scenarios were (re-) defined, illustrated and played in
participatory design sessions in an iterative way.
This work was funded by the IST EC-project
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SOLUTIONS - A Study Case for Validating Requirements for Digital TV