Alexandre Bernardo and Thibault Langlois
Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciˆencias, Departamento de Inform´atica, Portugal
MIDI Track Classification, Music Information Retrieval, Neural Networks, k-Nearest Neighbors.
This paper presents a system for classifying MIDI tracks according to six predefined classes: Solo, Melody,
Melody+Solo, Drums, Bass and Harmony. No metadata present in the MIDI file is used. The MIDI data (pitch
of notes, onset time and note durations) are preprocessed in order to extract a set of features. These data sets
are then used with several classifiers (Neural Networks, k-NN).
Music Information Retrieval is, nowadays, a highly
active branch of research and development in the
computer science field, and focuses on several top-
ics such as beat tracking, music genre classification,
melody extraction, score-following, to name a few.
There are a lot of known applications that use
this technology for some extent: the new generation
media players, which organizes music in an intelli-
gent way, based in the music itself, and generates,
for example, dynamic playlists; Internet radio sta-
tions, which builds a playlist based on the user’s taste;
score following; finding similarities between songs in
a large database.
The work, presented in this paper, focuses on
music stored using MIDI format. Electronic instru-
ments use this format to communicate and synchro-
nize themselves. The format consists in a number
of tracks where each track represents the sequence of
notes (pitch level and duration) played by one instru-
ment. MIDI files also contain some metadata, such
as the instrumentation or key. One of the advantages
of the MIDI format is its compactness. Many musical
resources using this format are freely available on the
Previous work in Music Information Retrieval
using MIDI format includes music genre detection
where several approaches have been proposed. Some
researchers use similarity measures based on Kol-
mogorov complexity estimates in conjunction with a
classical Machine Learning technique like k-Nearest
Neighbors (Ruppin and Yeshurun, 2006), Support
Vector Machines (Li and Sleep, 2004b) or clustering
(Cilbrasi et al., 2004). Cataltepe (Cataltepe et al.,
2007) compares the performance of obtained with
the Normalized Compression Distance approach on
MIDI and audio files with the ad-hoc features ex-
traction and Machine Learning approach proposed by
McKay (McKay and Fujinaga, 2004).
Other researchers proposed to extract a set of fea-
tures from MIDI files and perform a genre classifi-
cation using Neural Networks (McKay and Fujinaga,
2004) (Huang et al., 2004) or Support Vector Ma-
chines in conjunction with dimensionality reduction
techniques (Li and Sleep, 2004a). Basili (Basili et al.,
2004) made a comparison of various Machine Learn-
ing techniques on a musical genre classification task.
Another approach is to perform automatic melody
detection. Rizo et al. (D. et al., 2006a) (D. et al.,
2006b) has proposed a set of features to characterize
each MIDI track and used a Random Forest classifier
to identify tracks which contain melody. In (Madsen
and Widmer, 2007), an information-theoretic com-
plexity measure and an estimate of the local entropy
are used to recognize melody tracks.
In this paper we address the problem of MIDI
track classification. Based on the pitch levels and du-
rations which describe each track, we extract a set of
features that are used to train a classifier. It is im-
portant to note that, in contrast to many other previ-
ously published studies, our approach does not use
any metadata present in the MIDI file (such as in-
strumentation). Tracks are classified into six classes:
Solo, Melody, Melody+Solo, Drums, Bass and Har-
mony. Two Machine Learning approaches are com-
pared. The rest of the paper is organized in the follow-
ing way: section 2 describes the data and the different
sets of descriptors and the classifiers that were used.
Section 3 reports the experiments and the results ob-
tained. Finally, section 4 concludes and discusses fu-
ture directions of research.
Bernardo A. and Langlois T. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 539-543
DOI: 10.5220/0001708705390543
In order to characterize the musical content from
each track, a vector of numeric descriptors, normally
known as shallow structure description, is extracted.
Then theyare used as inputs for the classifiers Neu-
ral Network and k-Nearest Neighbors — which were
implemented in the Matlab environment. Also, the
MidiToolbox Matlab toolbox was used for handling
the MIDI files.
2.1 MIDI Track Description
Each MIDI track is characterized by a vector of nu-
meric descriptors, such as pitch, note and silences in-
formation, which summarizes the track musical con-
tent and provides a statistical overview of the track.
Based on other similar works in this area, twenty five
descriptors, plus twelve more that represent the pitch
intervals histogram, have been defined, and are pre-
sented in Table 1. There are five descriptors for track
information, used to represent the track as a whole,
and thirty two other descriptors for specific charac-
teristics, which are subdivided into seven categories.
Normalized values are computed for all descriptors,
except the Intervals Histogram, so there’s a propor-
tional relation between all tracks from the same MIDI
The first category, Track Information, has five de-
scriptors: duration, the track duration in beats; num-
ber of notes; number of significant silences, which
are silences greater than a tick (1/16 beat) - smaller
silences are not considered silences, as they ac-
knowledgments are almost imperceptible and non-
significant; occupation rate, which is the proportion
of the track occupied by notes; polyphony rate, a pro-
portion of the track occupied by two or more simul-
taneous notes. Pitch descriptors refer to the actual
MIDI note value, ranging from 0 (C-2) to 127 (G8).
Pitch interval is the difference between two consec-
utive notes, and gives important feedback about the
track melody/harmony progression, namely, in re-
spect to the number of different two-note intervals.
n-grams descriptor also reflects the number of differ-
ent pitch intervals, but on a three or four (depending
on the track meter) consecutive notes basis. Note du-
rations descriptors are self explanatory, as Silences
durations, and are computed in beats. Syncopation
is a rhythmic descriptor which reflects the number of
notes whose onset is after the beat, normally in be-
tween beats. Syncopation is very frequent in jazz, and
is also an important aspect to consider. Pitch intervals
histograms show the frequency of the intervals semi-
tones, giving valuable information about the musical
scale and the kind of melody, or harmony, of the track.
2.2 Classifiers
Two different classifiers have been used to train and
test the system, a Neural Network (NN), which is the
main classifier, and k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) for
comparison purposes and for validating some deci-
sion choices on which descriptors should be used for
best results.
2.2.1 Neural Network
Several Neural Networks (Multi-layer Perceptrons)
were created for these experiments with a number of
hidden units ranging from 40 to 100, in the search
for the best balance between hidden units/computing
time/results. Multi-Layer Perceptrons were trained
using the scaled conjugate gradient algorithm.
2.2.2 K Nearest-Neighbors
k-Nearest Neighbors approach provides very fast re-
sults, given limited data files, and gives us the capac-
ity to steer the experiments in the right direction.
Table 1: Descriptors.
Category Descriptors
Track Information 1 Duration
(TI) 2 # Notes
3 # Significant silences
4 Occupation rate
5 Polyphony rate
Pitch 6 Highest
(P) 7 Lowest
8 Mean
9 Standard Deviation
Pitch Intervals 10 # Different intervals
(PI) 11 Largest
12 Smallest
13 Mean
14 Mode
15 Standard Deviation
Note Durations 16 Longest
(ND) 17 Shortest
18 Mean
19 Standard Deviation
Silences Durations 20 Longest
(SD) 21 Shortest
22 Mean
23 Standard Deviation
Syncopation (S) 24 # Syncopated notes
Repetitions (R) 25 # Different n-grams
Intervals Histogram 26 (0)Perfect Unison
(semitones) 27 (1)Minor Second
(IH) 28 (2)Major Second
29 (3)Minor Third
30 (4)Major Third
31 (5)Perfect Fourth
32 (6)Augmented Fourth,
Diminished Fifth
33 (7)Perfect Fifth
34 (8)Minor Sixth
35 (9)Major Sixth
36 (10)Minor Seventh
37 (11)Major Seventh
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
2.3 MIDI File Format
The MIDI format has several ways to organize each
track, and unfortunately, there is no real standard, be-
cause there are numerous ways, MIDI sequencers, to
create a MIDI song, and each MIDI sequencer may
create the MIDI file in a different way. This can lead
to several problems when interpreting the MIDI (i.e.
all the instruments on the same MIDI track but on dif-
ferent MIDI channels). Rosegarden, an open-source
MIDI sequencer, was used to normalize all the MIDI
files used in the experiments, so that all share the same
2.4 Track Selection
A melody track can be interpreted as the leading
voice, an instrument solo or simply a monophonic in-
strument playing its part throughout the song. The
melody which we are interested in, is the leading
voice. In a Jazz song there isn’t always an obvious
melody, but instead, several solos, or a melody and a
solo on the same track. Harmony is, normally, pro-
vided by instruments such as piano, organ, guitar, or
a suite of strings, and are polyphonic, which con-
trasts with melody or solo tracks, which are mostly
monophonic. Harmony tracks may also contain solos,
but these are mostly played in accompaniment with
chords - a pianist soloing with the right hand, accom-
panies himself with the left hand - so it’s harmony
nevertheless. Also, bass and drums are categorized,
mostly because they are evidently different from the
other instruments, and are, individually and together,
very important components in genre definition. We
present six classes of tracks: Melody; Melody+Solo;
Solo; Harmony; Bass; Drums. Tracks which don’t fit
in these classes are discarded.
2.5 Music Corpora
Two MIDI Music Corpora were assembled for the
experiments, as depicted in Table 2, from only one
genre, Jazz, as it incorporates the most common prob-
lems in identifying the different components of a
song: jazz hasn’t obvious singing voice melodies, has
various solos on several tracks and most songs have
enough instruments to populate our six classes with
different data. This gives us enough different issues
to solve in the descriptor extraction and classification
methods. As the name implies, the neural networks
were trained using the “training” set, and tests using
the “test” set.
This music corpora is available for download at
Table 2: Music Corpora.
Corpus Jazz (training) Jazz (test)
# Files 40 43
# Tracks 239 252
Melody 37 41
Melody + Solo 23 18
Solo 23 22
Harmony 62 71
Bass 39 43
Drums 39 43
Early experiments showed that using all descriptors
gives poor results, leading us to experiment with one
descriptor category at a time, such as Pitch or Notes,
or a combination of two categories. This approach
led us to another problem. Which category combina-
tion was better? And which single descriptor combi-
nation? Testing every possible combination couldn’t
even be an hypothesis, for a very large number of
combinations can be made out of all the thirty seven
single descriptors.
A very simple algorithm solved the problem. The
set of descriptors is built by testing each descriptor
individually and joining iteratively more descriptors
to the set while the performance increases. Section
3.3 shows some results obtained with different sets of
The Matlab environment was used to implement
the system and to perform the experiments. An addi-
tional toolbox was used, the MidiToolbox for helping
with the handling of MIDI files in the Matlab environ-
ment. Matlab was chosen because it already sports a
vast array of functions, classifiers, graphics, plots, etc,
which help in analyzing the MIDI files.
3.1 Track Selection: All Descriptors
In the first set of experiments, all thirty seven de-
scriptors were used, which proved to be a naive ap-
proach. Several NN were used, with hidden units
ranging from 40 to 80, and they all presented basi-
cally the same results, varying only in 3%, so the best
network was used, with 80 hidden units. kNN best k
value was 7. The confusion matrices obtained with
both methods are shown in tables 3 and 4.
Table 3: Confusion Matrix. NN: all descriptors. Classifica-
tion Rate: 67,8%.
Melody 9 2 6 17 7 0
Melody+Solo 0 3 6 8 1 0
Solo 0 3 15 4 0 0
Harmony 0 0 5 61 3 2
Bass 0 0 0 1 42 0
Drums 0 0 0 1 1 41
Table 4: Confusion Matrix. k-NN: all descriptors. Classifi-
cation Rate: 71,8%.
Melody 23 5 3 8 2 0
Melody+Solo 2 6 5 5 0 0
Solo 2 5 15 0 0 0
Harmony 5 3 1 57 3 2
Bass 1 1 0 2 39 0
Drums 0 0 1 1 0 41
k-NN gave slightly better results than NN, but not
a significant benefit. Using all descriptors, is a naive
approach, because some descriptors may successfully
distinguish between two different classes, but another
descriptor may distinguish the same classes in an op-
posite way, and confuse the final classification.
Notice the high score in Harmony, Bass and
Drums, this is mostly because these tracks are quite
different from each other, and specially from the other
three classes. Harmony is polyphonic, as are mostly
Drum tracks, in contrast to melody or solo tracks
which are monophonic. Bass is also monophonic
but usually has a lower pitch than melodies or solos,
which makes it easy, for the classifier, to distinguish.
It seems that the real problem is classifying Melody
and Solo, as these are quite similar, and may be con-
fused with Melody+Solo class.
3.2 Track Selection: Single Descriptor
A different approach was used in the following ex-
periments. Instead of using the full set of descriptors,
six sets of descriptors were used, corresponding to the
descriptor categories, and also some combinations of
the best scoring sets. Both networks used, with hid-
den units set to 80 for NN, and k values ranging from
1 to 29 for kNN, using the best value achieved. The
results are shown in table 5.
With NN, surprisingly, the TI set alone provided
better results than the whole set of descriptors. Also,
the TI+P set provided the best results so far! All the
other sets yielded worse results and are clearly con-
fusing the classifier, and should not be used, at least
not in this naive way. The kNN results, using set TI,
Table 5: Single Categories Classification Rates.
Set NN Rate(%) k-NN Rate(%)
TI 71,8 63,8
P 56,7 53,9
PI 50,4 44,4
ND 50,4 42
SD 31,3 30,9
S 38,8 37,6
R 42 40,5
IH 47,2 36,9
TI+P 75,4 71,8
P+PI 63 48,8
were worse than those achieved when using the full
set of descriptors, but using TI and P combined gave
similar results. As in NN, all the other categories gave
worse results. These results proved that the descrip-
tors have to be carefully selected, not only by com-
bining categories, but combining single descriptors,
in order to achieve the best results.
3.3 Track Selection: Best Descriptors
Using the algorithm described previously a possible
best descriptor set was found. The best set is com-
posed of descriptors [1 2 4 5 7 8 9 15 18 24 31 34]
(numbers are correspondent to table 1) for NN using
60 hidden units, and [3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 13 18 19 24 25
31 33] for kNN with k = 5. It’s clearly obvious that
using a whole category is not the best option. Instead,
using only the descriptors that work better together.
For NN, which is the main classifier, a significant 16%
gain was achieved comparing with the full descriptor
As we can see, only the descriptor #3 was not cho-
sen from the TI set, which makes sense, as it was the
set that provided the best results alone. From the P
set, Highest Pitch was not chosen, but Lowest Pitch
was, as it’s used for classifying the bass tracks. From
the PI set, only the Standard Deviation was used and
from the ND set, only Mean was chosen. The SD set
was ignored by the algorithm, which means that the
silences are not significant and could be discarded. S
was also chosen, meaning that the rhythm is also an
important feature in distinguishing between classes.
The descriptors chosen from the IH set, were “Per-
fect Fourth” and “Minor Sixth”. According to music
theory, there intervals are one of the most consonant,
because they have simple pitch relationships resulting
in a high degree of consonance, which is perfect for
distinguishing between, for example, a simple slow
Melody or a fast complicated Solo.
In respect to the confusion matrix, all the misclas-
sified tracks make sense. A melody track is similar to
a bass track, although it has higher pitches. In fact,
that one misclassified bass track has higher pitches
as well. The Melody+Solo class is the worst per-
forming, mainly because a solo can be made of sev-
eral melodies, or even harmony at some point, and
be misclassified. More training data would definitely
improve the performance on this class.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 6: Confusion Matrix. NN: best descriptors. Classifi-
cation Rate: 83,7%.
Melody 31 4 2 4 0 0
Melody+Solo 2 13 1 1 1 0
Solo 0 4 17 1 0 0
Harmony 2 0 0 69 0 0
Bass 0 1 0 0 42 0
Drums 0 0 2 1 1 39
Table 7: Confusion Matrix. KNN: best descriptors. Classi-
fication Rate: 77,3%.
Melody 28 4 3 4 2 0
Melody+Solo 2 10 5 1 0 0
Solo 4 2 14 1 1 0
Harmony 5 1 3 60 1 1
Bass 0 0 0 0 43 0
Drums 0 0 1 1 1 40
An Automatic Classification of Midi Tracks system
has been implemented and presented. It uses MIDI
files from a single genre, Jazz, and classifies the tracks
in six classes, Melody, Melody+Solo, Solo, Harmony,
Bass and Drums. A neural network is used to process
thirty seven descriptors extracted from each MIDI
track, which has been previously tagged in the six
classes. The experiments showed that using all de-
scriptors is a wrong approach, as there are descriptors
which confuse the classifier. Using carefully selected
descriptors proved to be the best way to classify these
MIDI tracks. Future work, under research now, in-
cludes using a larger MIDI database, testing new gen-
res, such as Rock, Pop or Classical, to prove the sys-
tems reliability between all genres, so that it can be
used as a crucial part of a larger musical genre clas-
sification system. Having the tracks identified, as we
have presented here, allows different processing spe-
cialized to each class.
This work was supported by EU and FCT, through
LaSIGE Multiannual Funding Programme.
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