more extensive exploration of solutions in the search
space of various topologies and input methods as the
results obtained by the simple ANN model did not
converge to a general solution. Therefore, in order to
select a more suitable ANN architecture, we resorted
to using Evolutionary Algorithms. More specifically,
a Hybrid model was introduced consisting of ANN
and Genetic Algorithms (GA). The latter evolved a
population of networks to select the optimal
architecture and inputs that provided the most
accurate software cost predictions. In addition, a
classic MLR model was utilised as benchmark so as
to perform comparison of the results.
Although the results of this work are at a
preliminary stage it became evident that the ANN
approach combined with a GA yields better
estimates than the MLR model and that the
technique is very promising. The main limitation of
this method, as well as any other size-based
approach, is that size estimates must be known in
advance to provide accurate enough effort
estimations, and, in addition, there is a large
discrepancy between the actual and estimated size,
especially when the estimation is made in the early
project phases. Finally, the lack of a satisfactory
volume of homogeneous data as well as of definition
and measurement rules for size units such as LOC
and FP result in uncertainty to the estimation
process. The software size is also affected by other
factors that are not investigated by the models, such
as programming language and platform, and in this
work we emphasised only on coding effort which
accounts for only a percentage of the total effort in
software development. Another important limitation
with the technologies used is that the ANNs are
considered “black boxes” and the GA requires
extensive space search which is very time-
consuming. Therefore, future research steps will
concentrate on ways to improve performance;
examples of which may be: (i) study of other factors
affecting development effort and their
interdependencies, (ii) further adjustment of the
ANN and GA parameter settings, such as
modification of the fitness function, (iii)
improvement of the efficiency of the algorithms by
testing more homogeneous or clustered data and,
(iv) improvement of the quality of the data and use
more recent datasets to achieve better convergence.
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